Liturgical freak show in Land of Luther…

Send in the Clowns:
Liturgical Theater of the Absurd in Germany

The infamous Nativity of Mary (Maria Geburt) parish in Aschaffenburg, Germany, has done it again.

On Sunday, July 5, its pastor, Mr. Markus Krauth, uploaded three videos showing who-knows-what going on in his wreckovated church, apparently either before or during “Mass”. The spectacle is so absurd, you have to see it to believe it. Don’t speak German? Don’t worry — those who do, won’t understand what’s going on either:

In case the videos won’t play embedded in this post, you can watch them directly on YouTube here: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3.… READ MORE

After 55 years of Vatican II…

Novus Ordo Jesuit: “When I repeat the Words of Consecration, I sometimes wonder what Christ meant”

Children say the darndest things. So do Jesuits.

Take the Rev. Dominique Degoul, for example. He’s a Jesuit presbyter for the Vatican II Sect, works as a university chaplain in Paris, and has been assigned the future director of the Teilhard de Chardin Centre. How’s that for advance warning?

Degoul recently gave an interview to the French Novus Ordo publication La Croix “about what the Mass means in the life of a believer”, specifically in the context of the recent Coronavirus restrictions.… READ MORE

Back to the 1965 Hybrid Missal?

Vatican “Cardinal” Koch: Traditional Latin Mass and Novus Ordo Rite need to be Fused Together

Guess which rite he prefers: Kurt Koch (b. 1950)

The Swiss Modernist “Cardinal” Kurt Koch is the Vatican’s chief of ecumenism. In January of 2017, he complained that there was no consensus on even so much as the goal of ecumenism. In other words, they’re all journeying, as Francis likes to say, they just have no idea towards what. All they know is that they’ve got to keep moving forward.

As an ecumenist and liturgist, Mr.… READ MORE

“I can’t believe it’s not Catholic!”

Blasphemous Architecture:
Holy Family Church in Salerno, Italy


A “Catholic” church building that cries to Heaven for vengeance

In the Catholic Church, religious doctrine is not only expressed in words but also communicated through liturgical rites and sacred architecture. When the Novus Ordo religion was introduced at the Second Vatican Council in the 1960s to gradually replace Catholicism, it was a given that this new theology needed not only a New Mass but also new church buildings to go along with it:

And nobody putteth a piece of raw cloth unto an old garment. For it taketh away the fullness thereof from the garment, and there is made a greater rent.


Theology has consequences…

Semi-Trads Alarmed: Francis surveys Diocesan Bishops on Summorum Pontificum Latin Mass Culture

The well-connected and journalistically-reliable Rorate Caeli blog reports today that the Unholy See, under the direction of the apostate Jesuit Jorge Bergoglio (“Pope Francis”), has sent a survey to all his Roman rite “bishops” in the world to report on the application of Benedict XVI’s 2007 motu proprio letter Summorum Pontificum, which essentially granted all priests of the Vatican II Church the right to celebrate Mass according to the Roman Missal of 1962, commonly (though not entirely correctly) known as the “Traditional Latin Mass.”

Rorate Caeli has posted a copy of the actual survey and its cover letter, dated Mar.… READ MORE

Sinister sounds, creepy candlelight, and wicked whispers!

Noises from Hell: “Sound Effects Mass” in Austria

Look creepy to you? Wait till you hear it!

Attenion Novus Ordo adherents!

Tired of that ho-hum, run-of-the-mill Novus Ordo liturgy?

The diocese of Gurk, Austria, can help: Once a year its Heart of Jesus parish in Klagenfurt-Welzenegg conducts a Geräuschmesse — a “Sound Effects Mass”!

What is that, you ask? Words could never succeed in describing it. You have to experience it. Here are some videos of the last few years, beginning in 2012:

So, don’t delay: Attend an Austrian Geräuschmesse and experience the fury of hell like never before!… READ MORE

A video comparison…

Is the “New Mass” of Paul VI the true Roman Catholic Mass?

Hint: It’s a meal, not a propitiatory sacrifice…

It was on Holy Thursday in 33 A.D. that our Blessed Lord and Savior Jesus Christ offered the first Holy Catholic Mass in the cenacle in Jerusalem, Himself being both Priest and Victim. There He instituted the Holy Eucharist, established the Perpetual Sacrifice of the New Covenant, and ordained the first bishops. This He did on the first day of the Passover (see Luke 22), for He Himself was to be the true Paschal Lamb who would save the people from the bondage of slavery to sin (cf.… READ MORE

Get your Novus Ordo home kit!

Communion To-Go: German Jesuit offers Eucharistic Take-Out during Coronavirus Pandemic

If nothing else, you can always count on these Modernists to be wearing a stole…
image © Deutsche Provinz der Jesuiten

Francis likes sacramental and liturgical creativity, especially in times of Coronavirus. “I would also like to thank all the priests for their creativity”, he said during the Angelus on Mar. 15, 2020.

For this reason, we may surmise he won’t be terribly upset about this latest idea by a German (!) Jesuit (!!), a man by the name of Holger Adler. On Friday, Apr.… READ MORE

Making the Amazon a better place…

Antipope Francis
“Apostolic Exhortation” Querida Amazonia
“Beloved Amazon”
February 2, 2020

NOTE: For reactions to the document, analyses, and commentary, please access our special coverage page at the following link:

The Vatican has released the text of the new exhortation in sundry languages, of which we make the following two available via direct links:

If one had to pick one single word to summarize the lengthy document, perhaps the most fitting word would be “inculturation.”… READ MORE

Why offend people when you can offend God?!

Italian Novus Ordo Bishop silences Creed for Epiphany because it might offend Non-Catholics in Attendance

When Francis appointed Mr. Derio Olivero (b. 1961) “bishop” of the diocese of Pinerolo in 2017, he knew what he was doing. Olivero is clearly cut from the same faithless cloth as his boss.

This he demonstrated on Monday, Jan. 6, during a solemn Novus Ordo worship service for the Feast of the Epiphany held at the cathedral of Pinerolo. At the end of his sermon, after which the rubrics prescribe the praying of the Creed, Olivero instructed his hapless congregation to remain silent rather than profess aloud what they believe in. … READ MORE

More like the devil’s den…

Introducing “God’s Castle”

The eyesore you are looking at above is not a garbage incinerator, a silo complex, or an unfinished nuclear power plant. It is St. Vincent’s “Catholic” Church in Untermarchtal, Germany, part of the notorious Novus Ordo diocese of Rottenburg-Stuttgart, where Mr. Gebhard Fürst presides over the systematic destruction of Catholicism. It serves as the mother church for the St. Vincent de Paul Sisters in the region, who are utterly in love with the building.

Although the building is hideous on the outside, the interior isn’t any better. The following video is in German but it gives a pictorial tour of what’s inside the building.… READ MORE

TRADCAST 025 is here

Novus Ordo Watch for your ears…

TRADCAST 025 Now Available

TRADCAST — The Traditional Catholic Podcast


In case you missed our initial announcement on August 21: We have published another full-length episode of our popular TRADCAST podcast program. As always, it is loaded with real traditional Catholicism, hard-hitting refutations of various errors, and razor-sharp analysis. Our content is typically challenging but is always delivered with a relieving touch of humor.

TRADCAST 025 consists of two separate segments. First we evaluate Dan Marcum’s effort to paint Francis as an “anti-liberal”, and in the process we examine the the Modernist strategy of using ambiguity and contradiction in order to spread heresy more effectively and with impunity.… READ MORE

TRADCAST 025 (21 AUG 2019)


  • Segment 1: Francis the Anti-Liberal? – ambiguity and contradiction as part of the Modernist strategy; bursting the diocesan traditional Latin Mass bubble; the revolution of Vatican II vs. the traditional Catholic teaching on the Church; is it a “dogmatic fact” that Francis is Pope? – response to Robert Siscoe
  • Segment 2: Brief announcement regarding Taylor Marshall’s book Infiltration: The Plot to Destroy the Church from Within; how you can support this podcast; Peter Chojnowski’s “Sister Lucy Truth” project: was Sr. Lucy of Fatima replaced with an imposter around 1960?; the trouble with diabolical disorientation; a preview of the Vatican’s upcoming Amazon Synod; the contradictory theology of One Peter Five; Sedevacantism – a dead end?

“Cardinal” Marx’s favorite?

Get ready: Here comes the Agnus Dei Dance!

The Catholic Conference (Katholikentag; literally “Catholics’ Day”) is a national event in Germany that was first held on October 3, 1848, and since then has been repeated every 2-4 years.

What started out as a truly Roman Catholic gathering organized by laymen in the middle of the nineteenth century has become a grotesque celebration of Naturalism, Modernism, Freemasonic ideas, and everything else that is wrong with the Vatican II religion. The Katholikentag is definitely left of center even for Novus Ordo standards, and of course it comes with ridiculous liturgy to boot.… READ MORE

Why didn’t they just look it up?

That Novus Ordo Paradigm: Contribution to a Dispute between Steve Skojec and Louie Verrecchio

[UPDATE 06-AUG-2019 00:33 UTC: Louie Verrecchio has posted a follow-up reacting to our article]

A recent argument about sacramental validity between semi-trad bloggers Steve Skojec and Louie Verrecchio illustrates quite beautifully what the fundamental problem is in the camp of non-sedevacantist traditionalists.

Let’s examine chronologically what has happened.

On July 26, 2019, Steve Skojec, editor of the theology-free resistance propaganda blog One Peter Five, published a post entitled “The ‘Novus Ordo Paradigm’ — What It Is and Why It Matters”.… READ MORE