Three Novus Ordo Cardinals attend Syncretistic Pagan Worship Ceremony in Panama
On Oct. 29, 2022, the Italian web site La Nuova Bussola Quotidiana, which is the Italian edition of Daily Compass, reported on an interesting incident that took place in Panama in connection with the seventh Continental Symposium on Indian Theology, which had been held from Oct. 3-8.
But first, some background regarding the conference itself. Vatican News explains:
… READ MOREAbout 50 pastoral agents, bishops responsible for indigenous pastoral care, religious, lay people and indigenous theologians and delegates from their communities will reflect on the “Holy Spirit and the native peoples”, theme of the meeting, which aims to continue the path of deepening the doctrinal contents of Indian theology, to advance in its clarification in the light of the Word of God and the Magisterium of the Church.