The spirit of Abu Dhabi is not the Holy Spirit…

Antichrist Rising: Francis calls on “All Faiths” to Pray for End to Coronavirus on May 14

The apostate Vatican establishment is taking advantage of the Coronavirus crisis to further promote its agenda for a globalist one-world religion.

On May 2, 2020, the so-called Higher Committee for Human Fraternity, an interreligious body established to help implement the apostate goals of the blasphemous Abu Dhabi declaration signed by Antipope Francis last year, called on members of all religions to pray for an end to the (real or alleged) Coronavirus pandemic, on May 14.… READ MORE


Celebrate Ramadan-at-Home
with “Cardinal” Vincent Nichols!

Vincent Nichols is the Archlayman of Westminster, England. It was John Paul II who decided he should be a “bishop”, back in 1991. It was Benedict XVI who appointed him to Westminster in 2009. And it was Francis who made him a “cardinal” in 2014. Moreover, Nichols is currently the head of the Novus Ordo Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales, making him the highest-ranking prelate in all of England.

With such sterling credentials, it is clear that Mr. Nichols is a man of Vatican II through and through. And that means practicing not just ecumenism but also interreligious dialogue.… READ MORE

Evangelization in reverse!

Meet the Novus Ordo High Priest of Heavy Metal

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The Vatican II Sect is infamous for promoting, approving of, encouraging, and tolerating all kinds of evils and aberrations.

When in late 2017, a co-founder of the Australian hard rock band AC/DC was called to render an account before his Creator — and then probably quickly found himself on the highway to hell for the rock’n’roll damnation his band loved to sing about — the Novus Ordo Sect was right there to “accompany” the Satan admirers with a “Catholic” (i.e.READ MORE

Behold your Redeemer!

Good Friday: A Loving Plea for the Conversion of the Jews

It is Good Friday. Today more than on any other day of the year, the Crucified Christ speaks to the world, and it is a message of infinite love. As St. Francis of Assisi writes in his meditation for the Twelfth Station of the Cross: “Behold Jesus crucified! Behold His wounds received for love of you! His whole appearance betokens love. His head is bent to kiss you. His arms are extended to embrace you. His heart is open to receive you.”

Lifted up on high, the Creator and Redeemer of the world pleads with sinful humanity to convert to Him (cf.… READ MORE

Sillonism to the rescue!

Vatican promotes Interfaith Prayer in wake of Coronavirus Pandemic

Apostates and infidels for peace, but not for the Prince of Peace…

The apostates running the Vatican II Church are not very creative. No matter what problem is, when it comes to dealing with matters not internal to their church, the proposed solution is always the same: dialogue, solidarity, fraternity, harmony, freedom, equality, human dignity, mutual understanding — you get the drift.

The Coronavirus epidemic is no different.

On April 1, 2020, a global coalition called Religions for Peace engaged in what they called an “Interfaith Moment of Hope and Solidarity”.… READ MORE

The Modernist Robber Synod dismantled…

The Theological Errors of the Second Vatican Council

A Substantial Collection of Resources

The false pope Paul VI during Vatican II (1962-65)

The so-called Second Vatican Council convened from 1962 until 1965. It was called by the false pope John XXIII (Angelo Roncalli) and promulgated and concluded by his no less false successor, Paul VI (Giovanni Battista Montini).

Vatican II, as it is typically called for short, marks the definitive beginning of what we call the Novus Ordo religion and provides its doctrinal foundation. It is the be-all and end-all of the Modernist institution that has been occupying the Catholic structures since John XXIII usurped the Holy See at the 1958 conclave.… READ MORE

Making the Amazon a better place…

Antipope Francis
“Apostolic Exhortation” Querida Amazonia
“Beloved Amazon”
February 2, 2020

NOTE: For reactions to the document, analyses, and commentary, please access our special coverage page at the following link:

The Vatican has released the text of the new exhortation in sundry languages, of which we make the following two available via direct links:

If one had to pick one single word to summarize the lengthy document, perhaps the most fitting word would be “inculturation.”… READ MORE

Laying the foundation for the Antichrist…

One Year Later: The Apostate Abu Dhabi Declaration on Human Fraternity

(WENN US / Alamy Stock Photo)

It was a year ago, on Feb. 4, 2019, that “Pope” Francis dropped the spiritual “mother of all bombs” in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. He signed a common declaration with the Muslim Grand Imam of Al-Azhar, a certain Ahmad Al-Tayyib, entitled A Document on Human Fraternity for World Peace and Living Together. In the midst of this document is found the following statement:

Freedom is a right of every person: each individual enjoys the freedom of belief, thought, expression and action.


Pachamama’s got competition…

Time for Diwali: Vatican promotes Idolatry in Message to Hindus

The idols Lakshmi (left) and Ganesh are worshipped by Hindus on Diwali

Enough digital ink has been spilled on the Pachamama worship in and around the Vatican — it’s time we looked at what other idolatries the inglorious pack of Roman apostates likes to promote. Such as Hinduism, for example.

Frequent visitors to this blog will remember the following story we published this past summer:

Now the Vatican has doubled down. In its newly-released message to Hindus for the feast of Diwali (aka Deepavali), which is celebrated from Oct.… READ MORE

It’s worse than expected…

Monkey Business at the Amazon Synod: A First Review

The long-awaited and much-touted Pan-Amazon Synod in the Vatican is in full swing, and the first week has seen fireworks. Whether it be an idolatrous ceremony held in the Vatican Gardens, prelates bewailing “ecological sins”, churches being profaned with paganism and indecency, Francis preparing his sheeple for a deluge of “newness”, a nun at the Vatican press conference saying she “hears confessions” in the Amazon region, or the general relator attacking priestly celibacy in his opening address — you name it, the first synod week had it on sale!… READ MORE

Fun & informative podcast…

Episode 41

Necessary Heresy, “Cardinal” Stacking, and Golfer Confessions

Listen on demand at any time — free!

Great news, everyone: It is time again for the quarterly Francis Watch!

Novus Ordo Watch is pleased to sponsor the phenomenal podcast program Francis Watch, in which host Stephen Heiner of True Restoration analyses with his sedevacantist guests, Bishop Donald Sanborn and Fr. Anthony Cekada, the latest chaos perpetrated by Jorge Bergoglio, the man who claims to be the head of the Catholic Church under the title “Pope Francis”. Listen here:

In this episode no. 41, which is 1 hour 19 minutes in length, His Excellency and Father discuss:


“Peace, peace: and there was no peace” (Jer 6:14)…

Apostasy Unlimited: Francis’ Endorsement of “Peace With No Borders” in Madrid

It’s that time of the year again when representatives of all major religions of the world come together and pray for world peace “in the spirit of Assisi”.

Front and center is the Novus Ordo Sect, of course, because the pioneer of these annual interreligious prayer gatherings was the apostate Polish bishop Karol Wojtyla (aka “Pope Saint” John Paul II). He held the first such meeting on Oct. 27, 1986 in the Italian town of Assisi. The following video clip will bring back some unhappy memories:

Although these Assisi meetings have taken place annually since 1986, the “Pope” has only participated five times so far, namely, in 1986, in 1993, in 2002, in 2011, and in 2016.… READ MORE

Antipopes say the darndest things…

Francis: “I am Not Afraid of Schism”
— and other Bergoglian Nuggets from latest Q&A

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Alright, everyone, you know how the game works. After a Francis trip finishes, the aircraft prepares for departure: Everyone gets in and sits down, the door closes, and the Bergoglian mouth opens. By that time, you’d better have your seatbelts on, because anything is possible. We’ve seen it a few more times than we care to remember.

Today was another such day.

On the return flight from his latest Africa trip (visiting Mozambique, Madagascar, and Mauritius), during which he proclaimed that it was “necessary” for hordes of unbelievers to reject Jesus Christ and His Holy Gospel, the Jesuit apostate the world mistakenly believes to be the Pope of the Catholic Church provided the usual in-flight entertainment by holding a press conference during which he candidly answered questions from the journalists traveling with him.… READ MORE

Criminalizing evangelization…

Francis to Interreligious Audience in Mozambique:
“Our Differences are Necessary”

The apostate from Buenos Aires has struck again.

A day after blowing countless tons of carbon dioxide into the air for his flight to Mozambique, “Pope” Francis spoke at an interreligious meeting with the youth in Maputo on Sep. 5. During his address he told his multi-religious audience: “Our differences are necessary.”

In what was little more than a lowest-common-denominator motivational speech using his usual Naturalist platitudes about hopes, dreams, roots, and horizons — completely devoid of anything supernatural, other than a generic “God loves you” at the end — Francis addressed an audience filled with mostly young people of all (and no) religions, especially “Christians, Muslims, and Hindus” (Rome Reports, Sep.… READ MORE

Rejecting nothing that is true and holy about idolatry…

Apostasy Rising:
Vatican II Sect in Switzerland promotes Hinduism

The quicker picker-upper: The goddess “Durga” is one of Hinduism’s countless idols

The official web site and media portal of the “Catholic Church” in Switzerland has released a video promoting the idolatrous worship of Hinduism.

On July 23, 2019, the Swiss so-called “Catholic Media Center” (Katholisches Medienzentrum) published a 3-minute video clip showing a puja, which is the essential Hindu worship ritual. The abomination can be witnessed here:

The puja (or pooja) took place at the Hindu temple in the Swiss capital of Bern inside the so-called “House of Religions” (Haus der Religionen) and is carried out every Friday night.… READ MORE