Prepare ye the way of the Antichrist…

Francis’ Encyclical Fratelli Tutti: The Highlights

NOTE: For the full text and reactions to the document, as well as analyses and commentary, please access our special coverage page at the following link:

If one had to summarize Francis’ lengthy encyclical Fratelli Tutti in one single sentence, perhaps it would be: Humanity, save thyself! In 287 paragraphs, God is at best an afterthought, and man’s supernatural destiny is all but ignored. That for which we were actually created (the Beatific Vision) and the way to attain it (by means of sanctifying grace through Faith, hope, and charity, in union with the Ark of Salvation, the Roman Catholic Church), are not even hinted at.… READ MORE

Vatican agitprop…

The ‘Pontifical Academy for Black Lives Matter’

The useless so-called Pontifical Academy for Life, no stranger to controversy, sent out a tweet today showing a photoshopped image of Michelangelo’s famous Pietà sculpture — Our Lady on Mount Calvary holding the Body of her Divine Son after It was taken down from the Cross — with the skin color of the Body of Our Lord changed to black:

The caption provided by the Vatican academy is: “An image that is worth a speech.” The actual tweet can be accessed here.

Let’s be clear: Of course our Blessed Lord Jesus Christ redeemed the entire human race, people of any and all colors.… READ MORE

Setting the record straight…

The Morality of Voting:
Is it Permissible to Vote for the Lesser of two Evils?

This is not a political post. It’s a post about the Catholic position as regards voting in democratic elections, which falls within the purview of the Church’s moral theology. The reason for publishing this post is to instruct Catholics who are not sufficiently familiar with the topic so as to clarify what is often misunderstood, remove doubt and uncertainty, and ease consciences.

First, let’s look at a brief general overview.

In their magnificent 2-vol. summary of Catholic morality, the Dominican Fathers John McHugh and Charles Callan included a succinct treatment of voting, which we quote below.… READ MORE

Overhyped and underresearched…

Assessing Taylor Marshall’s Infiltration:
Bold Exposé or Controlled Opposition?

Resisting Francis to his face? On May 15, 2019, Dr. Taylor Marshall met “Pope” Francis in Rome at a general audience, at which time he gave him the first (signed) copy of Infiltration, days before its official release. Later, when discussing the meeting in a video, Marshall said, “People on social media have attacked me on both sides as being too nice to the Pope, or too mean to the Pope…” This is precisely the confusion one expects from the recognize-and-resist position he espouses — opposition to the “Holy Father”, but a cordial and ultimately insipid opposition.READ MORE

Reinhard meets his hero…

Marx meets Marx: “Archbishop” of Munich poses with Statue of Founder of Communism

The German city of Trier recently put up a statue of Karl Marx (1818-1883), the founder of Communism.

Trier is the birthplace of this notorious revolutionary, whose erroneous philosophy and dangerous, anti-Catholic ideology is historically responsible for the deaths of roughly 100 million people in the world. (To get any idea of how many dead bodies that is, look at the one million dots on this page and mentally multiply it by 100 — if you can.) Alexander Solzhenitsyn’s The Gulag Archipelago tells the horrific inside story of Soviet Communism, which would have been impossible without Karl Marx first delivering the ideological blueprint.… READ MORE

Of course, he’s against it… isn’t he?

Bergoglio and the Pro$perity Gospel:
An Assessment

Rich man, poor man — Self-proclaimed billionaire televangelist Kenneth Copeland leads “Pope” Francis the Humble in prayer at the Vatican on June 24, 2014. The ecumenical encounter took place during a three-hour meeting with a delegation of Protestants, including a luncheon at Santa Marta Inn. (image: use)

by Francis Del Sarto

Prosperity theology (sometimes referred to as the prosperity gospel, the health-and-wealth gospel, the gospel of success, or seed faith) is a religious belief among some Protestant Christians that financial blessing and physical well-being are always the will of God for them, and that faith, positive speech, and donations to religious causes will increase one’s material wealth.


The plain text didn’t fit his ideology…

Christ and the Poor: Francis brazenly distorts Gospel Reading for Monday in Holy Week

His pace of apostasy is exhausting: The Antipope on April 6, 2020

Life for “Pope” Francis is not easy: Every time he preaches, he has to find a way to read his ideological talking points into the Scripture readings of the day. This becomes especially challenging when the Gospel text directly contradicts the Bergoglian agenda.

Such a day was today, April 6, 2020. It is Monday in Holy Week, and the Gospel passage for the day was the beautiful story of St.… READ MORE

How Francis has trashed the Mother of God…

Bergoglio blasphemes the Immaculate:
A Review of Sundry Examples

Yesterday, Dec. 8, Vatican News published a story entitled: “Pope entrusts sinners to Mary in prayer for Immaculate Conception”.

Clearly, it was time for Jorge Bergoglio (aka “Pope Francis”) to put on his Marian face again, for every so often this blaspheming apostate has to feign pious devotion to the Mother of God and other saints in order to help him keep the charade of being the Pope of the Catholic Church alive.

Are these words too harsh? By no means. The Feast of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary is a good opportunity to review some instances where Francis has publicly attacked, denied, or otherwise dishonored the Immaculate Mother of God.… READ MORE

Three weeks of rainforest theology…

Welcome to the Jungle:
Chronicling the AMAZON SYNOD

Your One-Stop Resource for All Things Pan-Amazon Synod
(October 6-27, 2019)

Official Vatican Sites

Official Documents and Videos


Instilling principles of apostasy in the young…

It Takes a Village: Francis announces “Global Educational Alliance” Kickoff at Vatican

“Pope Francis launches the Global Educational Alliance initiative to shape the future of humanity by forming mature individuals who can overcome division and care for our common home”, Vatican News reports on its web site today.

People’s alarm bells should be going off immediately when the apostate from Buenos Aires threatens to “shape the future of humanity”, because that means he is going to step up his destructive efforts of inculcating his apostate Masonic-Modernist principles into unsuspecting souls.

The Vatican’s report explains further:

The Vatican will host a meeting on 14 May 2020 in the Paul VI Hall to reflect on the theme “Reinventing the Global Educational Alliance”.


Modernist Apostate vs. Vicar of Christ

Francis vs. Pope Pius XI:
The Catholic Position on Sex Education

by Francis del Sarto

“More souls go to Hell because of sins of the flesh than for any other reason.”
–Our Lady to the children at Fatima on July 13, 1917

“The Least Serious Sins are the Sins of the Flesh.”
–“Pope” Francis to an agnostic French sociologist, 2017 (source)

Ever wonder how pretend-pope Francis wakes up in the morning? It could be that he has his clock radio blast the tango to get him going on the desired chaotic trajectory, after which he rises and consults his day planner to see what part of the Magisterium he’s scheduled to contradict that day.… READ MORE

Over 3 hours of video — free!

How we got to this point:
Bp. Sanborn explains the History of Christendom

Most Rev. Donald J. Sanborn

We live in the year of our Lord 2019. Although it has been evident for a long time that this world is headed in the wrong direction, certainly the last six years of “Pope” Francis have convinced a great many who consider themselves faithful Catholics that something is terribly amiss, not just in the world but also in the institution they believe to be the Roman Catholic Church. The world is drowning in unbelief, false philosophies, immorality, and hostilities; and the religion practiced and preached in the Vatican is simply no longer the Catholic religion of Pope Pius XII and his predecessors.… READ MORE

Introducing: green apostasy!

Nature Worship, Spiritism, Indigenous Liturgy:
Get ready for the Amazon Synod!

He’s ready — are you?!

If the preparatory document just released for the upcoming Amazon Synod is any indication, then the last few synods that caused chaos in the Vatican II Church were small potatoes. Communion for adulterers? Situation ethics? Sin as an imperfect participation in virtue? The youth as a privileged place of God’s revelation? You will wish to return to those topics if what’s on the Amazon Synod agenda will actually be implemented.

Officially called the Special Assembly of the Synod of Bishops for the Pan-Amazon Region, the Vatican has put up a special web site dedicated to the event:

This past Monday, June 17, the Roman Modernists released the full text of the synod’s Instrumentum Laboris, as the working document is formally called, accompanied by a press conference to introduce it.… READ MORE

Move over, Taylor Marshall…

The Anti-Catholic Religion of the Second Vatican Council:

A Book Review of
Vatican II Exposed as Counterfeit Catholicism

On Mar. 6 of this year, we posted an announcement about a brand-new book exposing the history and heresies of the Novus Ordo religion, its false popes, and its other pivotal players. The work is an 809-page tome called Vatican II Exposed as Counterfeit Catholicism and was written by Fathers Francisco and Dominic Radecki, CMRI:

People interested in buying a copy may do so directly from the authors, at this link (Novus Ordo Watch does not make a commission on the sales).… READ MORE

Explosive new book just published…

Counterfeit Catholicism:
The Inside Story of the Second Vatican Council

[UPDATE 02-AUG-2022: An “ebook” version is now available to purchase here.]

[UPDATE 27-MAY-2019: We have now posted a sizable review of this book.]

We are happy to announce the release of a massive new study of the Second Vatican Council (1962-65) that includes its history, its making-of, its main players, its errors, and its disastrous consequences: Two sedevacantist priests — Fr. Francisco Radecki and Fr. Dominic Radecki — have just published an 809-page work telling the inside story of the apostate robber synod that has brought about an unprecedented loss of Faith.… READ MORE