TRADCAST 034 (23 NOV 2022)


  • Segment 1 — Ecumenism before and after Vatican II: a substantial change of the Catholic religion; Francis’ apostasy and the Mystical Body of the Antichrist; the Indifferentism of ‘Cardinal’ Louis Raphael Sako.
  • Segment 2 — The miraculous propagation and preservation of the Catholic Church through the centuries vs. the Great Apostasy and “operation of error” after Pope Pius XII; an exposition and refutation of Francis’ heretical ideas about mercy and forgiveness without repentance.
  • Total run time: 1 hr 22 min

You can listen to the show by clicking the big play button in the embedded player above.… READ MORE

Now THAT’S rich!

Francis: The Different Religions are an ‘Enrichment’ for Humanity

This pagan shrine to the Four Seated Buddhas enriches humanity in Bago, Myanmar
(image: Shutterstock/maodoltee)

Ever since Francis’ trip to Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, in February of 2019, the false pope has left absolutely no doubt that he believes that the existence of many different religions is a positive thing, an asset for humanity, indeed willed by God Himself no less than He wills the existence of various races, languages, and the two sexes.

This issue came up again at the recent Congress of Leaders of World and Traditional Religions held in Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan, in which His Phoniness took active part.… READ MORE

Kerfuffle in Kazakhstan…

Not So Final after all: ‘Final Declaration’ of Interreligious Congress gets quietly revised after Conference is over

Today the seventh so-called Congress of Leaders of World and Traditional Religions concluded in Kazakhstan. The most prominent participant, no doubt, was Jorge Bergoglio, the Jesuit apostate from Buenos Aires who has been going by the stage name “Pope Francis” since moving into the Vatican guest house nine years ago.

The conference was held from Sep. 14-15, 2022, in the “Illuminati capital of the world” of Astana, recently renamed into Nur-Sultan. Francis traveled to Kazakhstan chiefly for the purpose of speaking at the inter-religious conference:


The Gospel of Man reloaded…

Francis at Interreligious Congress:
‘Man is the Way for All Religions’

The Seventh Congress of Leaders of World and Traditional Religions has just concluded in Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan. It produced a Final Declaration that was read this morning and adopted by the participants. “Pope” Francis (Jorge Bergoglio) was prominently in attendance, for which reason he traveled to the Kazakh capital, formerly known as Astana, in the first place.

There is a lot of news regarding the events of this congress and Francis’ trip to process, share, and comment on; but for right now, we want to bring you only a brief report of something Bergoglio said earlier today at the final meeting of the Congress.… READ MORE

Video, News, Transcripts, Commentary, Background

The Francis Show in Kazakhstan:
Bergoglio’s ‘Apostolic Journey’ of Sep. 13-15, 2022

On Tuesday, Sep. 13, 2022, the Jesuit apostate Jorge Bergoglio (“Pope Francis”) will visit the nation of Kazakhstan, specifically its capital of Nur-Sultan, which until 2019 was known as Astana. Kazakhstan lies in Central Asia and is a former Soviet republic. It is the ninth largest country in the world.

The main reason for Francis’ trip, which concludes on Thursday, Sep. 15, is attendance at the seventh triennial Congress of Leaders of World and Traditional Religions. The topic for this year’s meeting is: “The Role of Leaders of World and Traditional Faiths in the Socio-Spiritual Development of Humanity after the Pandemic”.… READ MORE

A high price to pay…

Vatican issues COVID Injection Commemorative Coin

It is no secret that Vatican City is currently strapped for cash. Indeed, even a “poor church for the poor”, which the Argentinian Jesuit Jorge Bergoglio (“Pope Francis”) has been promoting, has its price.

Just a few days ago, on Aug. 3, 2022, the Italian-language Vatican watch blog Silere Non Possum reported that in order to alleviate the Vatican’s financial woes a bit, ice-cream is now being sold in the courtyard of the Basilica of Saint Mary Major in Rome. What makes the whole matter worse is that the courtyard is fenced in and can only be accessed through the church.… READ MORE

Assessing where the true spiritual danger lies…

On those ‘Spiritual Dangers’ of Sedevacantism:
A Reply to Eric Sammons


It is evident that, as of late, Sedevacantism has been on the minds of many “semi-traditionalists” (our moniker for those who take a “recognize-the-Pope-as-valid-but-resist-his-bad-teachings-and-laws” approach to the current situation), and it is easy to see why. Sedevacantism is the elephant in the room that is staring everyone in the face, while the “Francis papacy” forces the old recognize-and-resist narrative to collapse like a house of cards under the weight of its own ever more obvious absurdity.

Thus it is not surprising that we have recently seen a truckload of anti-sedevacantist material being pumped out on various semi-trad web sites, among which is an article by Eric Sammons that warns readers to beware of the “spiritual dangers” that are supposedly found in Sedevacantism:

Frequent readers of this blog may remember that we have vehemently criticized Sammons in the past, taking him to task for his truly appalling theology:


The synthesis of all heresies in one person…

Francis receives notorious New Age Apostate
‘Fr.’ Richard Rohr in Private Audience

[UPDATE 01-JUL-2022: Statement from Richard Rohr, OFM, after meeting Francis]

On June 20, 2022, the Vatican’s daily press bulletin stated that Jorge Bergoglio (“Pope Francis”) had received in private audience the Rev. Richard Rohr, OFM (b. 1943), founder of the neo-pagan Center for Action and Contemplation in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

Rohr, an American, has long been a big name in the United States, but not in a good way. One might say that he is a New Age version of hellboy James Martin, S.J.READ MORE

Eternal Beatitude in Heaven is overrated…

Building Paradise on Earth:
Francis’ Message for World Day of Migrants

Dead serious: Club Bergoglio claims God has entrusted humanity with the building of an earthly paradise

The Vatican has released Jorge Bergoglio’s message for this year’s World Day of Migrants and Refugees, to be observed on Sep. 25, 2022. Bergoglio is the Argentinian apostate who stars as “Pope Francis” in the ongoing Modernist circus in Vatican City that began when Cardinal Angelo Roncalli presented himself as “Pope John XXIII” in 1958.

Unlike fundamental theology, philanthropy is something Bergoglio gets really excited about. Unfortunately, this false pope has the bad habit of misusing legitimate humanitarian concerns to advance an apostate Naturalist agenda, an agenda that is utterly destructive of Catholic Supernaturalism at its very root.… READ MORE

Distorting the Gospel, lest souls be saved…

Naturalize to Neutralize: How Francis slyly deprives the Gospel of its Supernatural Character

Every Sunday, the Argentinian apostate Jorge Bergoglio (“Pope Francis”) prays the Angelus from a window of the Apostolic Palace. Before its recitation, he typically delivers homiletic remarks on the Gospel of the day, and afterwards, he greets the people in attendance, mentions prayer requests, and comments on current affairs.

So too on Sunday, Mar. 20, 2022 (video here).

In a separate post, we already critically examined his post-Angelus comments that day about the war in Ukraine being “sacrilegious because it goes against the sacredness of human life….”… READ MORE

We had been warned…

“Rome will be without a Shepherd”:
Virgin Mary to holy Abbess Maria Steiner in 1840s

It behooves Catholics to beware of private revelations — certainly of those that have not been approved by the Church, which must be avoided, but even of those that have been approved. Although the latter are judged by the Church to be free from error in Faith or morals and therefore safe to familiarize oneself with, it is important not to get attached to this kind of revelation because it is not necessary for our salvation and is given only to specific people, at a specific point in time, for a specific purpose.… READ MORE

The tragedy of schizophrenic theology…

 Denouncing “Newchurch”:
Another Theological Train Wreck from The Remnant

Dr. Jason Morgan is a university professor in Japan and author of numerous articles that have appeared in various journals and papers over the years.

Since 2018, he has been writing for the recognize-and-resist flagship publication The Remnant. One of his first posts was about Sedevacantism, to which we responded here:

One of his most recent contributions is a scathing denouncement of the Vatican II Sect, to which he, quite appropriately, gives the Orwellian term “Newchurch”:

This write-up is actually quite tragic itself, especially considering that the author believes himself to be a faithful traditional Roman Catholic and his position to be expressive of orthodox Catholicism.… READ MORE

O Eclipse da Igreja: O Motivo pelo Sedevacantismo

PORTUGUESE Translation of
Eclipse of the Church: The Case for Sedevacantism

Also available in: ENGLISHPOLISH

O Eclipse da Igreja: O Motivo pelo Sedevacantismo

por Mario Derksen

apresentado em 8 de Outubro de 2021
na Conferência de Fátima em Spokane, Washington

(em inglês: vídeo aqui | áudio aqui | comprar CD de áudio aqui)

O texto foi levemente alterado pelo autor e otimizado para publicação impressa. As notas finais seguem o texto principal. De acordo com a permissão do autor, todas as citações bíblicas são da tradução da Bíblia Sagrada de Pe Matos Soares, 6ª edição, 1956.READ MORE

Eclipse of the Church: The Case for Sedevacantism


Available Translations: POLISH | PORTUGUESE

Eclipse of the Church: The Case for Sedevacantism

by Mario Derksen

presented on October 8, 2021, at the Fatima Conference
at Mount Saint Michael’s in Spokane, Washington

(video here | audio here | purchase audio CD)

This script has been slightly revised by the author and optimized for print publication. All scriptural quotations are from the Douay-Rheims translation, unless otherwise noted.

When our Blessed Lord and Savior Jesus Christ founded the Roman Catholic Church, He did so not merely as an institution that would teach His doctrine throughout the world and confer His grace through the sacraments.… READ MORE

Humanity has a new savior!

Apostate adrift: Francis says Fraternity is “Anchor of Salvation for Humanity”

To mark the second anniversary of the incredibly important International Day of Human Fraternity proclaimed by the United Nations, the Argentinian apostate Jorge Bergoglio (“Pope Francis”) released a video message on Feb. 4, 2022.

Before we critique the contents of this latest Bergoglian drivel, let’s first look at the larger context in which it appeared: the interreligious “human fraternity” project started by Francis and Grand Imam Ahmed Al-Tayeb.

The Egyptian Al-Tayeb is the grand imam of Al-Azhar University in Cairo and, in addition to Bergoglio, the other signatory to the apostate Document on Human Fraternity for World Peace and Living Together, which the two formally ratified at Abu Dhabi, U.A.E.,… READ MORE