Crying sincerely to Heaven for vengeance…

Vienna’s “Cardinal” Schönborn:
Sincere Sodomite Couples deserve a Blessing

The Satanic “Archbishop” of Vienna, Austria, has commented on the recently-published Vatican document rejecting the blessings of sodomite couples. We are talking about the 76-year-old “Cardinal” Christoph Schönborn, O.P., a man whose track record exposes him to be one of the most vile prelates the Vatican II Sect has to offer.

In recent days, more than 230 Novus Ordo bishops and theologians/academics from Germany, Austria, Switzerland, and the Netherlands had already condemned the decision by the so-called Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.… READ MORE

“I can’t believe it’s not mortal!”

Adultery as a Venial Sin?
Amoris Laetitia and Mitigating Circumstances

Response to Dr. Pedro Gabriel

On April 8, 2016, the Argentinian apostate Jorge Bergoglio (“Pope” Francis) released the so-called “apostolic exhortation” Amoris Laetitia. Proposing a theological version of situation ethics, the pseudo-papal document has thrown the conservative adherents of the Vatican II Sect into a complete tizzy, eliciting a cacophony of reactions as it permits the so-called “divorced-and-remarried” to receive the Novus Ordo sacraments after a process of “discernment”, on a case-by-case basis.

One of the most loyal supporters of Francis and his false magisterium is the web site Where Peter is. … READ MORE

Debunking a blasphemous tweet…

Like Jesus or like Judas?

A quick Refutation of Austen Ivereigh’s outrageous Tweet defending Francis

It does not happen too often that we publish an entire blog post criticizing a single tweet, but this is one of those times.

Austen Ivereigh is a British writer who has been one of Francis’ admirers and cheerleaders from the very beginning. In 2014, he published a comprehensive biography of the man otherwise known as Jorge Bergoglio entitled, The Great Reformer: Francis and the Making of a Radical Pope.

In late 2016, Ivereigh attempted to vindicate Francis’ apostatic execration Amoris Laetitia by looking at “concrete cases.”… READ MORE

Speak for your own apostate sect, buddy!

Francis blasphemes, says Catholic Church has been “Caught in Flagrant Adultery”

Today Jorge Bergoglio — the Jesuit apostate currently pretending to be the Pope of the Catholic Church — met with the clergy of Rome at the Archbasilica of St. John Lateran. As always, he had plenty to say.

The full text of his remarks has not yet been made available in English, but the Italian original is available here. [UPDATE 11-MAR-2019: Complete English translation now released.] A report on the meeting in English can be found at Vatican Insider, but the entire talk is not of interest.… READ MORE

Perfect reading material ahead of sex abuse summit…

Moral Advice from “Pope” Francis:
“The Least Serious Sins are the Sins of the Flesh”

On Sep. 6, 2017, the French sociologist Dominique Wolton, himself an agnostic, released an interview book with “Pope” Francis entitled Pape François: Politique et Société (“Pope Francis: Politics and Society”). It is in this book that Francis revealed for the first time that he used to get treated by a Jewish psychoanalyst in Argentina. We reported on the matter here.

The book has since been translated into English and is now available as A Future of Faith: The Path of Change in Politics and Society.… READ MORE

Listen to him at your own risk…

Chaos Frank explains the Sixth Commandment

It is customary for the false popes of the Novus Ordo Sect to offer a catechism lesson during their weekly General Audience. This is the place where “St.” John Paul II, for example, made known his notorious sexology known as the “Theology of the Body” over a span of several years in the early 1980s. Naturally, Jorge Bergoglio (“Pope Francis”) has retained this custom, as he loves nothing better than spewing his Modernist ideas in front of a large audience.

The series of catechetical instructions Francis is currently offering is on the Ten Commandments.… READ MORE

Trust the Fatima Center at your own risk…

Want Catholic Advice? Don’t Ask Father Albert

Until the sudden death of “Fr.” Nicholas Gruner in 2015, the Fatima Center had a TV program called Your Questions Answered by Father Gruner. After his passing, a new, similar broadcast was begun, entitled Ask Father. It is hosted by Fr. Albert Kallio, O.P., who is a member of the Fatima Center‘s Advisory Council of Priests. His biographical blurb provided by the Center reads as follows:

Fr. Albert Kallio, O.P., is a professor at Our Lady of Guadalupe Monastery in Silver City, New Mexico.


A new revelation from the god of surprises…

Francis: Without Woman, Man is Not the Image and Likeness of God

June 15, 2018 was a particularly interesting day in Novus Ordo Land. In the Modernist worship service, the Gospel reading for the day was Matthew 5:27-32, which reads as follows:

You have heard that it was said to them of old: Thou shalt not commit adultery. But I say to you, that whosoever shall look on a woman to lust after her, hath already committed adultery with her in his heart. And if thy right eye scandalize thee, pluck it out and cast it from thee.


“Judge not according to the appearance…” (Jn 7:24)

Why Eastern Orthodoxy is Not the True Religion:
A Brief Overview

Beautiful externals belie the essence of this false religion:
The “Orthodox” are not orthodox — good intentions notwithstanding

The main objective of Novus Ordo Watch is to allow, first and foremost, those people who unhappily find themselves in the Novus Ordo Sect (Vatican II Church) to come to understand that the religion they are adhering to is not, contrary to what is generally supposed, the Roman Catholic Church founded by Jesus Christ in 33 AD but in fact a Modernist-Masonic counterfeit that God has permitted to eclipse the true Catholic Church for a time before Christ returns: “Therefore God shall send them the operation of error, to believe lying: that all may be judged who have not believed the truth, but have consented to iniquity” (2 Thess 2:10-11).… READ MORE

I can’t believe it’s not adultery…

Is it Adultery? In Portugal, YOU Decide!


Roughly two weeks ago, the Vatican’s no. 2 in command, Secretary of State “Cardinal” Pietro Parolin, stated that with Francis’ infernal exhortation Amoris Laetitia, there had been introduced a “paradigm shift”. Although he cleverly chose not to elaborate on this concept, we are beginning to see precisely that: a shift from objective moral norms to situation ethics, according to which each individual decides what is right and wrong for his particular “concrete” case.

No matter the verbal contortions and the lipservice being paid to objective morality, it is clear that a subjective, individualized pseudo-morality is precisely what is intended with Bergoglio’s paradigm shift.… READ MORE

Interview with Archlayman of Vienna

“Cardinal” Schönborn: Amoris Laetitia adds what is missing from one-sided Veritatis Splendor

The January 11, 2018 edition of the German weekly Christ & Welt (“The Christian & the World”) features an interview with the notorious Archapostate of Vienna, “Cardinal” Christoph Schönborn, conducted by Julius Müller-Meiningen. Christ & Welt is published as a supplement to the weekly national paper Die Zeit.

“Who’s wearing the hat in Rome?”, the publication asks on its title page. The blurb underneath describes the occasion for the interview: “Conservatives are criticizing Pope Francis severely for his encyclical [sic] ‘Amoris laetitia’.… READ MORE

Clarification appears in ‘Acta Apostolicae Sedis’…

Novus Ordos in Shock as Francis declares Permissibility of Communion for Public Adulterers “Authentic Magisterium”

Analysis & Commentary

After more than 19 months of reports, analyses, arguments, interviews, rumors, conjectures, accusations, excuses, warnings, “corrections”, promises, allusions, and plenty of spin, the “doubts” about the correct interpretation of Francis’ “Apostolic” Exhortation Amoris Laetitia have now been officially put to rest: In a tacit move behind the scenes, Francis ordered that his Sep. 2016 endorsement of the interpretation offered by the Argentine “bishops” of the Buenos Aires region for their flock become a part of his (putative) “authentic Magisterium” and be included in the Acta Apostolicae Sedis, which is the official Vatican organ publishing papal texts and decisions. … READ MORE

“Put not your trust in princes” (Ps 145:2)…

“Cardinal” Müller Defends Amoris Laetitia:
A Critical Analysis

Today we can present you with another installment in the never-ending soap opera The Joy of Love, otherwise known as Amoris Laetitia.

“Cardinal” Gerhard Ludwig Muller, fired this past July from his job as top doctrine destroyer because he wasn’t heretical enough for Francis, has written an introduction to a work entitled Risposte Amichevoli ai Critici di Amoris Laetitia (“Friendly Answers to the Critics of Amoris Laetitia”), which is to hit the stores in Italy on November 10. The author of the book is Rocco Buttiglione, who once published a substantial guide to the philosophy and theology of “Pope” John Paul II.… READ MORE

A gift that keeps on giving…

Correction Reactions:
Chronicling the Chaos following the Correctio Filialis

The Background

Remember the “Synod on the Family” in 2014? That’s when all the talk about “communion for the divorced-and-remarried” started. At the time, there was no end to hearing about the “October Synod”. When the first synod document was released, the so-called Relatio Post Disceptationem (“Report after Discussions”), all hell broke loose, although the usual Novus Ordo apologists were still trying to save the baby. Mr. John Zuhlsdorf (“Fr. Z”), for example, told his readers to beware of media distortions, warning of a “Synod of the Media”.… READ MORE

During Q&A with Colombian Jesuits…

Correctio Filialis: Francis weighs in (a little bit)!

The Vatican II Church has descended into a frenzy over the recently-released “Filial Correction” sent to Francis by 62 mostly obscure clerics and lay individuals. While we are still preparing a post with an assortment of various initial reactions to the Correctio Filialis, we interrupt our efforts here to share some breaking news with you: While on his “Apostolic Journey” to Colombia earlier this month (Sep. 6-10, 2017), Francis sat down with a number of the nation’s Jesuits for a spontaneous question-and-answer session in which he talked about many things, including existentialist ecclesiology claptrap and… criticism of his infernal exhortation “Amoris Laetitia”!READ MORE