Horrifying, sickening, infuriating…

Report: Rampant Sex Abuse and Cover-Up by SSPX Clergy

UPDATES 23-APR-2020 18:39 UTC:

UPDATE 23-APR-2020 19:44 UTC:

UPDATE 24-APR-2020 03:00 UTC:

Preliminary Remarks

This is not a happy post to write. Contrary to what some will say, we’re not publishing this write-up because it’s a golden opportunity to slam the Society of St. Pius X. While we strongly oppose the Lefebvrist SSPX, we do so on theological grounds and not out of personal animosity.READ MORE

Tradcast Express #109…

Podcast: Critical Review of Querida Amazonia, Part 6

Our popular podcast program TRADCAST is publishing a series of brief (“Express”) episodes covering Francis’ new “apostolic exhortation” Querida Amazonia. Part 6, the final installment, has now been released and can be listened to in the embedded player below:

Parts 1-5 of this series are still available here:

For more information about Querida Amazonia, including the full text, please see the following links:

If you are new to TRADCAST or TRADCAST EXPRESS, you can learn more about this exciting, informative, and free Catholic program here:

Listen to past episodes and subscribe to be notified of new ones when they are released — absolutely free!… READ MORE

Sinister sounds, creepy candlelight, and wicked whispers!

Noises from Hell: “Sound Effects Mass” in Austria

Look creepy to you? Wait till you hear it!

Attenion Novus Ordo adherents!

Tired of that ho-hum, run-of-the-mill Novus Ordo liturgy?

The diocese of Gurk, Austria, can help: Once a year its Heart of Jesus parish in Klagenfurt-Welzenegg conducts a Geräuschmesse — a “Sound Effects Mass”!

What is that, you ask? Words could never succeed in describing it. You have to experience it. Here are some videos of the last few years, beginning in 2012:

So, don’t delay: Attend an Austrian Geräuschmesse and experience the fury of hell like never before!… READ MORE

Retired academic again misleads his readers…

Clueless Kwasniewski cranks out another Load of Howlers on the Papacy

On Jan. 9, 2020, the conservative Novus Ordo web site Life Site published yet another blog post by Dr. Peter Kwasniewski, currently the semi-trads’ favorite academic because he continually reassures them that despite all his heresies and other errors, Jorge Bergoglio (Francis) really is the Pope of the Catholic Church — you just can’t follow the man without gravely endangering your Faith (which in turn would render the Papacy not only useless but extremely dangerous, but they never think that far).

Brilliant though he may be on many other issues, when it comes to the topic of the Papacy, Kwasniewski is simply abysmal.… READ MORE

Fun & informative podcast…

Episode 43

Querida, Corona, Quarantina

Listen on demand at any time — free!

Great news, everyone: It is time again for a new episode of Francis Watch!

Novus Ordo Watch is pleased to sponsor this phenomenal quarterly podcast program, in which host Stephen Heiner of True Restoration analyses with his sedevacantist guests, Bp. Donald Sanborn and Fr. Anthony Cekada, the latest chaos perpetrated by Jorge Bergoglio, the man who claims to be the head of the Catholic Church under the stage name “Pope Francis”.

The latest episode is no. 43, and unfortunately Fr. Cekada was not able to join as he is recovering from a series of strokes.… READ MORE

Novus Ordo Watch NEWS DIGEST
April 14, 2020

Is your Novus Ordo parish locked? Not for the local imam!

Happy Socialist Easter from your friendly apostate, Jorge Bergoglio!

On Easter Sunday Italians lash out at Francis for wanting to open borders, not churches!

In full communion with the Vatican II Sect: Introducing… Latin-Mass Socialists!

At least the Vatican knows what really matters these days: “Earth Hour marked digitally due to Coronavirus.” Of course the author is a Jesuit. But Vatican News has since removed the story. That’s the second piece by the same author that Vatican News removed in roughly two weeks.… READ MORE

Behold your Redeemer!

Good Friday: A Loving Plea for the Conversion of the Jews

It is Good Friday. Today more than on any other day of the year, the Crucified Christ speaks to the world, and it is a message of infinite love. As St. Francis of Assisi writes in his meditation for the Twelfth Station of the Cross: “Behold Jesus crucified! Behold His wounds received for love of you! His whole appearance betokens love. His head is bent to kiss you. His arms are extended to embrace you. His heart is open to receive you.”

Lifted up on high, the Creator and Redeemer of the world pleads with sinful humanity to convert to Him (cf.… READ MORE

A video comparison…

Is the “New Mass” of Paul VI the true Roman Catholic Mass?

Hint: It’s a meal, not a propitiatory sacrifice…

It was on Holy Thursday in 33 A.D. that our Blessed Lord and Savior Jesus Christ offered the first Holy Catholic Mass in the cenacle in Jerusalem, Himself being both Priest and Victim. There He instituted the Holy Eucharist, established the Perpetual Sacrifice of the New Covenant, and ordained the first bishops. This He did on the first day of the Passover (see Luke 22), for He Himself was to be the true Paschal Lamb who would save the people from the bondage of slavery to sin (cf.… READ MORE

Get your Novus Ordo home kit!

Communion To-Go: German Jesuit offers Eucharistic Take-Out during Coronavirus Pandemic

If nothing else, you can always count on these Modernists to be wearing a stole…
image © Deutsche Provinz der Jesuiten

Francis likes sacramental and liturgical creativity, especially in times of Coronavirus. “I would also like to thank all the priests for their creativity”, he said during the Angelus on Mar. 15, 2020.

For this reason, we may surmise he won’t be terribly upset about this latest idea by a German (!) Jesuit (!!), a man by the name of Holger Adler. On Friday, Apr.… READ MORE

The plain text didn’t fit his ideology…

Christ and the Poor: Francis brazenly distorts Gospel Reading for Monday in Holy Week

His pace of apostasy is exhausting: The Antipope on April 6, 2020

Life for “Pope” Francis is not easy: Every time he preaches, he has to find a way to read his ideological talking points into the Scripture readings of the day. This becomes especially challenging when the Gospel text directly contradicts the Bergoglian agenda.

Such a day was today, April 6, 2020. It is Monday in Holy Week, and the Gospel passage for the day was the beautiful story of St.… READ MORE

Tradcast Express #108…

Podcast: Critical Review of Querida Amazonia, Part 5

Our popular podcast program TRADCAST is publishing a series of brief (“Express”) episodes covering Francis’ new “apostolic exhortation” Querida Amazonia. Part 5 has now been released and can be listened to in the embedded player below:

Parts 1-4 of this series are still available here:

For more information about Querida Amazonia, including the full text, please see the following links:

If you are new to TRADCAST or TRADCAST EXPRESS, you can learn more about this exciting, informative, and free Catholic program here:

Listen to past episodes and subscribe to be notified of new ones when they are released — absolutely free!… READ MORE

Sillonism to the rescue!

Vatican promotes Interfaith Prayer in wake of Coronavirus Pandemic

Apostates and infidels for peace, but not for the Prince of Peace…

The apostates running the Vatican II Church are not very creative. No matter what problem is, when it comes to dealing with matters not internal to their church, the proposed solution is always the same: dialogue, solidarity, fraternity, harmony, freedom, equality, human dignity, mutual understanding — you get the drift.

The Coronavirus epidemic is no different.

On April 1, 2020, a global coalition called Religions for Peace engaged in what they called an “Interfaith Moment of Hope and Solidarity”.… READ MORE

“Hermeneutic of continuity” check…

Before and After Vatican II:
What is the Essential Purpose of Holy Matrimony?

The chief mission of this web site is to demonstrate how the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church, whose last known Pope was Pius XII (d. 1958), differ in essence from those of the Novus Ordo religion, whose doctrinal mother lode is the Second Vatican Council (1962-65). This infernal assembly was called and opened by Antipope John XXIII (1958-63) and promulgated and concluded by Antipope Paul VI (1963-78), both of whom, naturally, have officially been declared “saints” by the Novus Ordo Church since.… READ MORE

Bergoglio makes it possible…

Rome’s Miraculous Crucifix “at Risk of Bursting” after Francis exposes it to Rain in St. Peter’s Square

The 16th-century wooden crucifix was not shielded from the rain in St. Peter’s Square

[UPDATE 01-APR-20: “Damage to ‘miraculous crucifix’ not as serious as reported, rector says”]

God is making things very obvious if only we are willing to see.

This past Friday, Mar. 27, 2020, the false pope in Rome, Jorge Bergoglio, held an extraordinary prayer event in the Vatican to petition God for an end to the Coronavirus pandemic. To that end, the blaspheming apostate had had the 16th-century Miraculous Plague Crucifix brought from the Roman parish church of San Marcello al Corso to St.… READ MORE

The “Great Renewal” at work…

Lent in the Vatican II Church:
Introducing… Horror Stations of the Cross!

For people who can’t figure out why God would permit there to be a Coronavirus pandemic, we’ve got some new explanatory data coming to us from the burial chapel of St. Kilian’s Cathedral in Würzburg, Germany.

As all churches in the country are closed, the diocese of Würzburg released a video today with a “Stations of the Cross” liturgy to allow people to assist at this penitential exercise virtually. It was nothing short of a blasphemous parody of the Passion of Christ. The individual ultimately responsible for it is Mr.… READ MORE