The Kazakh auxiliary has spoken, the case is closed!

‘Bishop’ Athanasius Schneider issues Statement declaring Disobedience against Traditionis Custodes to be Legitimate

He rules no flock but presumes to issue directives to the Universal Church: Athanasius Schneider

For the Feast of Saints Peter and Paul, ‘Bishop’ Athanasius Schneider (b. 1961), auxiliary of the diocese of Maria Santissima in Astana, Kazakhstan, has released a statement for publication and dissemination in semi-traditionalists quarters that presumes to effectively overrule ‘Pope’ Francis’ anti-Latin-Mass decree Traditionis Custodes, declaring those who reject it to be free from the guilt of disobedience.

Rorate Caeli is one of the blogs carrying it:

To someone who does not merely pay lip service to the Catholic understanding of the Papacy but actually adheres to it, this whole scenario appears grotesque.… READ MORE

Christ’s actual words didn’t fit his talking points…

Imagine No Hell: Francis blatantly twists Sunday Gospel Reading that warns about Eternal Damnation

Although suffering from breathing difficulties since his last surgery, this past Sunday the apostate Jorge Bergoglio from Buenos Aires — whose moniker ‘Pope Francis’ has gained him untold de facto power over souls these last ten years — managed to use whatever oxygen he could to completely strip the supernatural from the day’s Gospel reading.

In his catechetical remarks at the Angelus, he distorted the sacred text in order to neutralize Our Lord’s salutary doctrine about hell, replacing it with a generic ‘give meaning to your life’ message that has the spiritual value of a Hallmark card and is guaranteed to offend nobody.… READ MORE

Special audience for artists includes notorious blasphemer…

Francis receives Andres Serrano, whose ‘Art’ includes Crucifix submerged in Urine

Ladies and gentlemen, this is a difficult post to write and read because the matter is so serious. It is difficult to keep one’s composure as we must report on some extremely disgusting and abominable facts.

On June 23, 2023, ‘Pope’ Francis (Jorge Bergoglio) welcomed 200 artists to the Vatican’s Sistine Chapel for a special audience. Not surprisingly, he blathered a number of inanities at them — he spoke of “eyes that dream” and “the human dimension of humanity”, for example — but that’s not the big story this time.… READ MORE

Behold the ‘Spirit’ at work!

The ‘Listening Church’ Takes Shape:
Synod Working Document Released

Get ready! The ‘Listening Church’ is coming to the Vatican in October…

On June 20, 2023, the Vatican held a press conference to introduce the long-awaited Instrumentum Laboris — the ‘working document’ which the upcoming Synod on Synodality will be using as a basis for its work. Not surprisingly, the new text is already causing controversy. But first, let’s back up for a moment.

The Vatican’s process for the Synod on Synodality, begun in 2021 and scheduled to conclude in 2024, has been a gigantic bureaucratic effort.… READ MORE

Yet SSPX accepts Novus Ordo priests without re-ordination…

SSPX Priest: ‘My Conviction is that Novus Ordo Priests are Not Validly Ordained’

Fr. Michael Johnson, SSPX, on June 18, 2023

Although Our Lady Help of Christians Church in Garden Grove, California, does not officially belong to the Society of St. Pius X (SSPX), priests of the Society currently take care of priestly duties there.

This past Sunday, June 18, 2023, Fr. Michael Johnson, SSPX, offered Mass at Our Lady Help of Christians and gave a sermon in which he briefly mentioned that it is his personal conviction that priestly ordinations in the 1968 Roman rite of Paul VI (“Novus Ordo” ordinations) are invalid.… READ MORE

Clueless ‘expert’ misleads countless souls about the Papacy…

Theologian in Crisis:
Eric Sammons versus the Papal Keys

The recognize-and-resist traditionalists of the Vatican II Church find themselves a difficult position. On the one hand, they utterly refuse to let go of the idea that the Jesuit apostate Jorge Bergoglio (“Francis”) is the Pope of the Catholic Church; on the other hand, they understand that there is absolutely no way anyone can follow the man’s teachings, laws, and liturgical directives without putting one’s soul in grave danger of apostatizing from the Catholic religion and/or of dying in the state of mortal sin.… READ MORE

Scanning mistake led to truncated translation…

Pope Pius IX’s Encyclical Quartus Supra:
The ‘Missing’ Passages

Recently, a reader of this blog made us aware that the English translation of the encyclical letter Quartus Supra of Pope Pius IX (r. 1846-1878), to which we often link, found at the immensely useful site PapalEncyclicals.Net, is missing a number of paragraphs:

Indeed, the numbered paragraphs jump from 44 to 50, with no explanation. In addition, paragraph 44 contains this very odd sentence: “Our Constitution ensures that safer and more effective measures [***] children, We have decided in the present crisis to write all this to you to arouse your pure mind to the duty We have laid upon you.”… READ MORE

So alone in St. Peter’s Square…

Vatican’s Human Fraternity Extravaganza ‘Not Alone’ Flops as No One Shows Up

Getting a front-row seat wasn’t terribly difficult…

Imagine it’s the first-ever World Meeting on Human Fraternity and nobody cares.

That is exactly what happened on Saturday, June 10, in Rome. Under the ironic motto #NotAlone, the event’s organizers and contributors found themselves very much alone as they put on a nearly 5-hour long spectacle in St. Peter’s Square that almost nobody cared to attend.

#NotAlone was Quite Alone

According to the Silere Non Possum blog, “Those few people present were tourists, who didn’t stay, and friends of the Franciscan cardinal”, by whom they mean Mauro Gambetti, who is the ‘Archpriest’ of St.… READ MORE

Completely shameless or just tone-deaf?

In Your Face: Francis uses Serial Abuser Rupnik’s Art in Video Message to Marian Conference

The name of ‘Fr.’ Marko Ivan Rupnik, S.J. (b. 1954) has become infamous in recent months.

Rupnik is a Slovenian Jesuit presbyter and artist whose religious mosaics have been used in various churches in Europe, including Redemptoris Mater chapel in the Vatican’s Apostolic Palace. In late 2022, accusations of spiritual, psychological, and sexual abuse surfaced against him — and then followed additional revelations:

  • “The head of Pope Francis’ Jesuit religious order admitted Wednesday that a famous Jesuit priest had been convicted of one of the most serious crimes in the Catholic Church some two years before the Vatican decided to shelve another case against him for allegedly abusing other adult women under his spiritual care.”

Law was on the books from 1967 to at least 1983…

Historical Tidbit: ‘Pope’ Paul VI permitted active Catholic Participation in Eastern Orthodox Masses

About a month ago, we published an article demonstrating that the Catholic Church teaches that she is infallible not only in her dogmas but also in her universal laws and sacramental rites — not in the sense that these could never be changed, but rather, that they could never be in themselves impious, heretical, sacrilegious, or otherwise harmful.

In his magnificent encyclical letter on the Mystical Body of Christ, Pope Pius XII taught this explicitly:

Certainly the loving Mother [the Church] is spotless in the Sacraments, by which she gives birth to and nourishes her children; in the faith which she has always preserved inviolate; in her sacred laws imposed on all; in the evangelical counsels which she recommends; in those heavenly gifts and extraordinary graces through which, with inexhaustible fecundity she generates hosts of martyrs, virgins and confessors.


Welcome opportunity to unload more ideological talking points…

‘Pope’ Francis shows up as Studio Guest on Italian Television Show

For the first time ever, a ‘Pope’ has taken part in a television show as an in-studio guest. Hooray.

Mr. Jorge Bergoglio — the talkative Argentinian Modernist who has been falsely presenting himself as the Pope of the Catholic Church since 2013 — participated as one of several guests in the televised religion-themed show A Sua Immagine (“In His Image”) for the Italian public TV channel RAI. The show had been recorded on May 27 and was aired on June 4.

Vatican News reports:

Pope Francis became the guest star of Italy’s television programme on faith and religion called “A Sua immagine” (‘In His image’), a weekly broadcast by RAI, the nation’s public broadcaster.  


In Italian police custody now…

Horror in the Vatican: Nude Man stands on High Altar of St. Peter’s Basilica

(we have redacted the image to make it less offensive)

[UPDATE June 3: Vatican holds rite of reparation after naked man climbs onto St. Peter’s altar]

The month of June 2023 began with a horrific profanation of what is probably the holiest place in all of Vatican City.

On June 1, 2023, a man climbed onto the high altar of St. Peter’s Basilica and undressed himself completely, apparently in protest over the Russia-Ukraine war. The man had letters written on his back, saying: “Save Children in Ukraine”.… READ MORE