Says God will find other ways to get people “on the right track”…

German Novus Ordo Bishop:
No Need to Evangelize the Whole World!

There’s nothing Catholic left in him: ‘Bp.’ Franz-Josef Overbeck of Essen

The state of post-Vatican II ‘Catholicism’ in Germany has never been worse than today. This is confirmed by a recent sermon delivered by Franz-Josef Overbeck (b. 1964), the ‘Catholic bishop’ of the diocese of Essen.

Some quick background: In 2021, ‘Bp.’ Overbeck, made headlines by claiming that God is present in sodomitical relationships. His auxiliary, ‘Bp.’ Ludger Schepers (b. 1953), was recently appointed commissioner for queer pastoral care by the German bishops’ conference. … READ MORE

Brazen apostasy in Singapore…

Francis Tells Interreligious Youths:
All Religions Lead to God!

Don’t let his jolly, avuncular appearance fool you:
‘Pope Francis’ preaches a false gospel straight from hell

[UPDATE 14-SEP-2024: Vatican has quietly revised, at least in part, its faulty English translation that made Francis’ remarks appear in a less objectionable light.]

The Argentinian apostate Jorge Bergoglio’s latest and longest, and perhaps last, ‘apostolic journey’ has mercifully come to an end, but not without a bang.

From Sep. 2-13, operating under his stage name ‘Francis’, the false pope traveled from Italy to Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, Timor Leste, and Singapore.… READ MORE

Masonic indifferentism for all…

Bergoglio Doubles Down: All Religions Look at the One God in Different Ways!

It is often difficult to keep up with ‘Pope’ Francis (Jorge Bergoglio), but here at Novus Ordo Watch, we do try. Even though he is 87 years old, when it comes to advancing the Great Apostasy, there is simply no slowing down for him.

On May 18, 2024, the false pope made a trip to the city of Verona in northern Italy. One of his stops there was Montorio Prison, where he addressed the inmates.

Vatican News has released the video footage of the event:

When Bergoglio visits prisons, he often points out that God forgives always, although he never mentions the conditions necessary to receive that forgiveness; and it was no different this time around.… READ MORE

Naturalism for kids…

A ‘Garden of Encounter’: Vatican Releases Idiotic Children’s Declaration on Fraternity

Children wearing laurels alternate reading a declaration on human fraternity…

The second annual so-called World Meeting on Human Fraternity ended today in Vatican City.

The two-day event, sponsored by the Fratelli Tutti Foundation, was a follow-up to last year’s single-day event by that name, which was a complete bust as practically no one showed up and pictures of St. Peter’s Square showed lots of empty chairs (ha!):

Whereas last year’s meeting bore the title ‘Not Alone’, this year’s edition was labeled ‘Be Human’.… READ MORE

Anything but the Gospel…

Pie in the Sky: Francis offers Pseudo-Religious Drivel to Mongolian Authorities

The Argentinian apostate Jorge Bergoglio — stage name: ‘Pope Francis’ — spent the first few days of the month of September in Mongolia. The official motto of his 43rd blather tour outside Vatican City, solemnly styled an ‘apostolic journey’, was Hoping Together. Precisely what the object of that hope is supposed to be, was not explained, but we can be certain it’s not the Beatific Vision.

On Sep. 2, 2023, the fake pope met with Mongolian president Ukhnaagiin Khürelsükh and other authorities and diplomats at the state palace:


So alone in St. Peter’s Square…

Vatican’s Human Fraternity Extravaganza ‘Not Alone’ Flops as No One Shows Up

Getting a front-row seat wasn’t terribly difficult…

Imagine it’s the first-ever World Meeting on Human Fraternity and nobody cares.

That is exactly what happened on Saturday, June 10, in Rome. Under the ironic motto #NotAlone, the event’s organizers and contributors found themselves very much alone as they put on a nearly 5-hour long spectacle in St. Peter’s Square that almost nobody cared to attend.

#NotAlone was Quite Alone

According to the Silere Non Possum blog, “Those few people present were tourists, who didn’t stay, and friends of the Franciscan cardinal”, by whom they mean Mauro Gambetti, who is the ‘Archpriest’ of St.… READ MORE

Vague definition compatible with any religion…

The Essence of Christianity according to Bergoglio

On Tuesday, July 19, 2022, the Jesuit apostate running Vatican City (Jorge Bergoglio, aka “Pope Francis”) tried to impress the world by publishing a tweet concerning the “essence” of Christianity.

It is amazing that a man who detests Scholasticism as much as he does even knows what the notion of essence is. Or does he?

Fr. Bernard Wullener’s Dictionary of Scholastic Philosophy defines the concept of essence as follows: “what a thing is; the internal principles whereby a thing is what it is and has its specific perfections; quiddity; internal constitution of a thing” (p.… READ MORE

Eternal Beatitude in Heaven is overrated…

Building Paradise on Earth:
Francis’ Message for World Day of Migrants

Dead serious: Club Bergoglio claims God has entrusted humanity with the building of an earthly paradise

The Vatican has released Jorge Bergoglio’s message for this year’s World Day of Migrants and Refugees, to be observed on Sep. 25, 2022. Bergoglio is the Argentinian apostate who stars as “Pope Francis” in the ongoing Modernist circus in Vatican City that began when Cardinal Angelo Roncalli presented himself as “Pope John XXIII” in 1958.

Unlike fundamental theology, philanthropy is something Bergoglio gets really excited about. Unfortunately, this false pope has the bad habit of misusing legitimate humanitarian concerns to advance an apostate Naturalist agenda, an agenda that is utterly destructive of Catholic Supernaturalism at its very root.… READ MORE

Distorting the Gospel, lest souls be saved…

Naturalize to Neutralize: How Francis slyly deprives the Gospel of its Supernatural Character

Every Sunday, the Argentinian apostate Jorge Bergoglio (“Pope Francis”) prays the Angelus from a window of the Apostolic Palace. Before its recitation, he typically delivers homiletic remarks on the Gospel of the day, and afterwards, he greets the people in attendance, mentions prayer requests, and comments on current affairs.

So too on Sunday, Mar. 20, 2022 (video here).

In a separate post, we already critically examined his post-Angelus comments that day about the war in Ukraine being “sacrilegious because it goes against the sacredness of human life….”… READ MORE

Humanity has a new savior!

Apostate adrift: Francis says Fraternity is “Anchor of Salvation for Humanity”

To mark the second anniversary of the incredibly important International Day of Human Fraternity proclaimed by the United Nations, the Argentinian apostate Jorge Bergoglio (“Pope Francis”) released a video message on Feb. 4, 2022.

Before we critique the contents of this latest Bergoglian drivel, let’s first look at the larger context in which it appeared: the interreligious “human fraternity” project started by Francis and Grand Imam Ahmed Al-Tayeb.

The Egyptian Al-Tayeb is the grand imam of Al-Azhar University in Cairo and, in addition to Bergoglio, the other signatory to the apostate Document on Human Fraternity for World Peace and Living Together, which the two formally ratified at Abu Dhabi, U.A.E.,… READ MORE

False pope unloads Masonic bilge…

Apostate Bergoglio endorses World’s Religions as “Different Ways of Coming to God”

On Oct. 5, 2021, the Jesuit apostate Jorge Bergoglio (“Pope Francis”) hosted the round-table meeting “Religions and Education: Towards a Global Compact on Education” at the Vatican. It was the latest installment in the false pope’s ongoing attempts to come up with a one-size-fits-all educational model that will adequately prepare the world for the eventual arrival of the Antichrist.

Before we look at the details, however, let’s first recall the two preceding episodes in that ominous Bergoglian saga:

When he speaks to an interreligious audience, Francis will always speak about religion in terms of the lowest common denominator.… READ MORE

Seeks “miracle of an ever wider ‘we’…”

Anticipating Antichrist: In World Migrant Day Message, Francis hints at “Messianic Future” of Naturalist Heaven on Earth

Few things allow the Argentinian apostate Jesuit and professional papal pretender Jorge Bergoglio (“Pope Francis”) to do his part to advance the globalist New World Order agenda more effectively than the topic of migrants and refugees. It allows him to exploit the natural human desire to help those in need by inculcating in people his pseudo-Catholic Masonic concepts of liberty, equality, fraternity, and open borders, thus placing the temporal over the eternal, the natural over the supernatural, man over Christ.… READ MORE

Not exactly a Vatican II document…

Pope Pius IX condemns Anti-Christian Civilization: Exclusive English Translation of Allocution Iamdudum Cernimus (1861)

The Supreme Pontiff Pius IX (reigned 1846-1878)

Virtually everyone who considers himself a traditional Roman Catholic has heard of Pope Pius IX’s famous Syllabus of Errors. It is a list of some of the chief philosophical, theological, and socio-political errors of the 19th century. A total of 80 condemned theses, the list was appended to the encyclical Quanta Cura and released together with it on Dec. 8, 1864.

With regard to how the Syllabus came to be, the Catholic Encyclopedia explains:

The commission [for the creation of the Syllabus] took the wording of the errors to be condemned from the official declarations of Pius IX and appended to each of the eighty theses a reference indicating its content, so as to determine the true meaning and the theological value of the subjects treated.


Jorge in Babylon…

Vicar of Antichrist:
How Francis’ Interreligious Lies betray the Gospel

The one in the middle isn’t a Christian either: The apostate Jorge Bergoglio, S.J.

Saturday, March 6, 2021, saw one of the “highlights” of Francis’ 3-day trip to Iraq. Gathered on the plain of Ur, the city from which God called Abram (see Gen 11:31), the apostate Argentinian Jesuit Jorge Bergoglio (“Pope Francis”) led a group of clerics from different religions and sects in a so-called “interreligious encounter”. The stage was set, quite literally, in front of the ruins of what is believed to be Abraham’s house, with the pagan temple known as the Ziggurat of Ur looming behind it.… READ MORE

It takes a village idiot…

United Nations in the Classroom: Bergoglio’s “Global Compact on Education” Examined

No matter what problems rattle our globe, the man with all the answers is “Pope” Francis (Jorge Bergoglio). That, at least, is what he thinks, and he behaves accordingly.

On Sep. 12, 2019, the Vatican had announced a forthcoming initiative to be spearheaded by Bergoglio “to shape the future of humanity by forming mature individuals who can overcome division and care for our common home”. A conference to sign the so-called “Global Compact on Education” was originally set to occur on May 14, 2020, but due to the Coronavirus lockdowns, the event was postponed and finally took place in curtailed and improvised fashion on Oct.… READ MORE