Infernal Art and Architecture in the Vatican

The Vatican’s Hell Hall:
The Weird Mysteries of the Paul VI Audience Hall

Darkness Visible: Eerie, shrieking skull-like faces seem to peer out menacingly from the base 0f La Resurrezione, an eight ton sculpture, as “Pope” Francis speaks during an audience on November 21, 2015 at the Paul VI Audience Hall at the Vatican. It is only one of the many bizarre things associated with this auditorium. (image: Getty Images/AFP / rights-managed)

by Francis Del Sarto

G.K. Chesterton once referred to architecture as “the most practical and the most dangerous of the arts.”… READ MORE

Utterly explosive indictment…

Viganò lets it rip: Former Vatican Nuncio publishes scathing Condemnation of Vatican II Religion

Fr. Viganò at Rome’s “National March for Life” on May 19, 2018
(photo: Stefano Montesi/Corbis via Getty Images)

One day after we blasted “Abp.” Carlo Maria Viganò‘s open letter to President Trump for containing “dangerous heresy in attractive wrapping paper”, the former Vatican nuncio to the United States released yet another statement.

Contrary to our expectations, however, it wasn’t simply “more of the same” as his previous contributions. This time, he delivered a stunningly severe condemnation of the entire Novus Ordo religion and correctly pointed to the Second Vatican Council (Vatican II) as its root cause.… READ MORE

Naturalism under the guise of conservative Catholicism…

Dangerous Heresy in attractive Wrapping Paper:
“Abp.” Viganò’s Letter to President Trump

The former Vatican nuncio to the United States, “Archbishop” Carlo Maria Viganò, has been hiding at an undisclosed location since August of 2018, after he publicly accused “Pope” Francis of having known about and covered up sexual abuse perpetrated by “Cardinal” Theodore McCarrick.

On June 6, 2020, Fr. Viganò — he’s a valid priest but not a bishop — released a 3-page open letter to U.S. President Donald Trump, in which he encourages him to stay the course against malicious, infernal forces trying to overturn the current social order and impose what amounts to a globalist secular Marxist tyranny. … READ MORE

Novus Ordo Watch NEWS DIGEST
May 18, 2020

This is what they mean when they talk about that joyful church…

The Frankster at full throttle: “Prayer is a surge, it’s an invocation that goes beyond us, something that is born in the intimacy of our person and reaches out because it feels the nostalgia of an encounter.”

Forget Minecraft, Donkey Kong, or Pac Man: “Pope Simulator” will hit the shelves in 2021! (And Bergoglio has already been playing it since 2013!)

Masons cheering Masons: Italian Freemasonry Magazine Endorses Vatican’s Document on ‘Human Fraternity’.

A presbyter after Francis’ heart: German Novus Ordo priest prays from roof of mosque, omits mention of Jesus Christ.… READ MORE

Pray to whatever god you believe in!

Beyond All Religions: Syncretistic Prayer Service held in English Novus Ordo Parish

The Masonic meta-religion on display at a Novus Ordo church in England, UK

Mount Sinai, Egypt. After suffering a plague of locusts in the desert for weeks, Moses called on his apostate brother Aaron to petition the Golden Calf for an end to the pandemic, while he in turn promised to intercede with the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob for the same intention. Interreligious cooperation, the leader of the Israelite people emphasized, was necessary for the good of humanity, especially during a time of pandemic: “We all have our different religious traditions, and in times like this we have to remember we are all children of God and therefore brothers”, Moses said.… READ MORE

The spirit of Abu Dhabi is not the Holy Spirit…

Antichrist Rising: Francis calls on “All Faiths” to Pray for End to Coronavirus on May 14

The apostate Vatican establishment is taking advantage of the Coronavirus crisis to further promote its agenda for a globalist one-world religion.

On May 2, 2020, the so-called Higher Committee for Human Fraternity, an interreligious body established to help implement the apostate goals of the blasphemous Abu Dhabi declaration signed by Antipope Francis last year, called on members of all religions to pray for an end to the (real or alleged) Coronavirus pandemic, on May 14.… READ MORE

“I can’t believe it’s not Catholic!”

Blasphemous Architecture:
Holy Family Church in Salerno, Italy


A “Catholic” church building that cries to Heaven for vengeance

In the Catholic Church, religious doctrine is not only expressed in words but also communicated through liturgical rites and sacred architecture. When the Novus Ordo religion was introduced at the Second Vatican Council in the 1960s to gradually replace Catholicism, it was a given that this new theology needed not only a New Mass but also new church buildings to go along with it:

And nobody putteth a piece of raw cloth unto an old garment. For it taketh away the fullness thereof from the garment, and there is made a greater rent.


Novus Ordo Watch NEWS DIGEST
April 14, 2020

Is your Novus Ordo parish locked? Not for the local imam!

Happy Socialist Easter from your friendly apostate, Jorge Bergoglio!

On Easter Sunday Italians lash out at Francis for wanting to open borders, not churches!

In full communion with the Vatican II Sect: Introducing… Latin-Mass Socialists!

At least the Vatican knows what really matters these days: “Earth Hour marked digitally due to Coronavirus.” Of course the author is a Jesuit. But Vatican News has since removed the story. That’s the second piece by the same author that Vatican News removed in roughly two weeks.… READ MORE

News Digest February 21, 2020

Novus Ordo Watch NEWS DIGEST
February 21, 2020

Behold the “now of God”, as Francis likes to say

Running out of slogans? After declaring the young to be the present and future of his “Church”, Francis says the same about the elderly.

Finally, there is a new way to cope with your ecological grief: Try Ecowriting!

Utah legislature mulls decriminalizing polygamy in part — time for the Salt Lake City diocese to have “no position” on the matter!

Four German Novus Ordo dioceses join “climate fast” for Lent. Hey, why fast for spiritual reasons when you can fast for the planet?… READ MORE

News Digest January 16, 2020

Novus Ordo Watch NEWS DIGEST
January 16, 2020

The “Abrahamic Family House” will unite a church, a synagogue, and a mosque on the same foundation
— with the full support of “Pope” Francis, of course, but “Abp.” Vigano rips.

The Vatican soap opera continues: More fallout after Ratzinger/Sarah book kerfuffle: “Abp.” Georg Ganswein under fire after “Abp.” Carlo Viganò accuses him of “abusive and systematic control” of Benedict XVI. Marco Tosatti also weighs in. Yet no one will mention the much bigger problem with Ganswein: He is a public heretic.

From the guy who spreads fear about climate change: “Cardinal” Marx says that spreading the fear of hell undermines the Gospel.… READ MORE

Chaos Frank lets it rip…

Bergoglian Poppycock by the Truckload:

Francis’ Christmas Address to the Roman Curia

The Jesuit apostate from Buenos Aires currently occupying Vatican City, Jorge Bergoglio, has once again outdone himself. In a 3500-word “Christmas address” to the Roman Curia, the 83-year-old man who presents himself to the world under the pseudonym “Pope Francis” delivered yet another Modernist manifesto, with the clear aim of getting his sheeple in line to accept the next tidal wave of doctrinal and disciplinary change.

The Vatican has provided a full transcript and English translation of the talk, as well as the video footage:

An interesting backstory to this speech was supposed to remain secret but has been revealed by Sandro Magister.… READ MORE

Vatican II condemned in 1833…

Pope Gregory XVI condemns Innovators who would “Renew” the Church

The ideas of the Vatican II revolution weren’t new in the 1960s. In the post-Reformation period, various errors along the lines of Liberalism and Modernism had already infected sundry innovators who were trying to introduce these novelties into the Church. The errors manifested themselves in revolutionary movements to bring the Church “up to date”, introducing vernacular tongues into the sacred liturgy, changing the Mass to correspond more to the demands of modern man, adapting Church discipline to modernity, etc.

The Holy See, of course, always sternly and competently condemned these errors and defended the Immaculate Bride of Christ from the snares of the innovators.… READ MORE

For World AIDS Day 2019

“Cardinal” Schönborn invites Sodom and Gomorrah back to St. Stephen’s Cathedral, Viganò condemns

Drag queen Wurst performs in St. Stephen’s Cathedral at the invitation of “Card.” Schonborn

It’s that time of the year again: “Cardinal” Christoph Schönborn, the pretend-Archbishop of Vienna, Austria, has once again invited representatives of the sodomite lobby and their abettors to desecrate the Cathedral of St. Stephen (Stephansdom) with “artistic performances” under the pretext of raising money for people who suffer from AIDS or are infected with HIV. He hosted this “charity” event together with his sidekick, the cathedral rector “Fr.”READ MORE

Six minutes of insufferable drivel…

Psychobabble on Steroids:
Reflecting on Death, Francis blabbers Inanities at Young


Although he loves to talk about “preaching the Gospel”, the Argentinian apostate Jorge Bergoglio, currently occupying Vatican City under the pseudonym “Pope Francis”, refuses to do precisely that whenever the opportunity presents itself.

The latest case in point is his video message to participants of the 4th World Meeting of Young People sponsored by Scholas Occurrentes, a beloved pet project of his going back to his days in Buenos Aires.

On Oct. 31, the Vatican released the 6-minute clip, in which Francis supposedly “reflects on the meaning of death”.… READ MORE

Vatican always insisted he died of natural causes…

Ex-Mafia Gangster confesses he helped murder “Pope” John Paul I in 1978, accuses “Abp.” Paul Marcinkus of poisoning him

Just as the Vatican is still reeling from inconvenient journalists and bloggers calling attention to various scandals related to the ongoing Amazon Synod (such as the continuing idolatrous Pachamama worship at and around the Vatican and the fact that the Synod has been funded by the pro-abortion Ford Foundation), another hugely embarrassing bomb has now been dropped on the Mason-infested Vatican.

Yesterday, Oct. 19, the New York Post published a story on Anthony Raimondi, a 69-year-old former Colombo gangster who has confessed in a recently-published book that he helped to kill “Pope” John Paul I.… READ MORE