Francis present at Pachamama adoration…

Golden Calf 2.0: Idolatrous Earth Goddess Worship Ceremony in Vatican Gardens

Ladies and gentlemen, the Vatican has now moved from apostasy to the next step, idolatry.

After declaring that God desires the diversity of religions, that all religions “always look toward heaven and God”, and that religious differences “are necessary”, the apostate Jesuit from Buenos Aires, Jorge Bergoglio (aka “Pope Francis”), has now hosted a syncretistic religious ceremony in the Vatican Gardens that included, beside Christian prayers, the pagan worship of Pachamama, the earth fertility goddess (also known as “Mother Earth” or “Gaia”) adored by the Incas.… READ MORE

News Digest October 1, 2019

Novus Ordo Watch NEWS DIGEST
October 1, 2019

Was Sister Lucy of Fatima replaced with an impostor around 1960?

It’s Extraordinary Missionary Month! Let Amazon Synod participant Sister Solar Panel explain what that means: “It’s not evangelization as it was understood before, that I come to give something, but that I come to encounter someone who has many things, and who already has a relationship with God that is different from mine, but just as valid as mine.”

Just wait till Francis calls them off: Vatican police raid Secretariat of State looking for evidence of financial corruption. While they’re at it, they may want to check the Casa Santa Marta for evidence of a papal impostor…

Francis the Prophet of Doom: “Now is the time to repent, to be converted” — “towards forms of clean energy and a sustainable and circular economy”!… READ MORE

Instilling principles of apostasy in the young…

It Takes a Village: Francis announces “Global Educational Alliance” Kickoff at Vatican

“Pope Francis launches the Global Educational Alliance initiative to shape the future of humanity by forming mature individuals who can overcome division and care for our common home”, Vatican News reports on its web site today.

People’s alarm bells should be going off immediately when the apostate from Buenos Aires threatens to “shape the future of humanity”, because that means he is going to step up his destructive efforts of inculcating his apostate Masonic-Modernist principles into unsuspecting souls.

The Vatican’s report explains further:

The Vatican will host a meeting on 14 May 2020 in the Paul VI Hall to reflect on the theme “Reinventing the Global Educational Alliance”.


Antipopes say the darndest things…

Francis: “I am Not Afraid of Schism”
— and other Bergoglian Nuggets from latest Q&A

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Alright, everyone, you know how the game works. After a Francis trip finishes, the aircraft prepares for departure: Everyone gets in and sits down, the door closes, and the Bergoglian mouth opens. By that time, you’d better have your seatbelts on, because anything is possible. We’ve seen it a few more times than we care to remember.

Today was another such day.

On the return flight from his latest Africa trip (visiting Mozambique, Madagascar, and Mauritius), during which he proclaimed that it was “necessary” for hordes of unbelievers to reject Jesus Christ and His Holy Gospel, the Jesuit apostate the world mistakenly believes to be the Pope of the Catholic Church provided the usual in-flight entertainment by holding a press conference during which he candidly answered questions from the journalists traveling with him.… READ MORE

Criminalizing evangelization…

Francis to Interreligious Audience in Mozambique:
“Our Differences are Necessary”

The apostate from Buenos Aires has struck again.

A day after blowing countless tons of carbon dioxide into the air for his flight to Mozambique, “Pope” Francis spoke at an interreligious meeting with the youth in Maputo on Sep. 5. During his address he told his multi-religious audience: “Our differences are necessary.”

In what was little more than a lowest-common-denominator motivational speech using his usual Naturalist platitudes about hopes, dreams, roots, and horizons — completely devoid of anything supernatural, other than a generic “God loves you” at the end — Francis addressed an audience filled with mostly young people of all (and no) religions, especially “Christians, Muslims, and Hindus” (Rome Reports, Sep.… READ MORE

“Cardinal” Marx’s favorite?

Get ready: Here comes the Agnus Dei Dance!

The Catholic Conference (Katholikentag; literally “Catholics’ Day”) is a national event in Germany that was first held on October 3, 1848, and since then has been repeated every 2-4 years.

What started out as a truly Roman Catholic gathering organized by laymen in the middle of the nineteenth century has become a grotesque celebration of Naturalism, Modernism, Freemasonic ideas, and everything else that is wrong with the Vatican II religion. The Katholikentag is definitely left of center even for Novus Ordo standards, and of course it comes with ridiculous liturgy to boot.… READ MORE

Over 3 hours of video — free!

How we got to this point:
Bp. Sanborn explains the History of Christendom

Most Rev. Donald J. Sanborn

We live in the year of our Lord 2019. Although it has been evident for a long time that this world is headed in the wrong direction, certainly the last six years of “Pope” Francis have convinced a great many who consider themselves faithful Catholics that something is terribly amiss, not just in the world but also in the institution they believe to be the Roman Catholic Church. The world is drowning in unbelief, false philosophies, immorality, and hostilities; and the religion practiced and preached in the Vatican is simply no longer the Catholic religion of Pope Pius XII and his predecessors.… READ MORE

“Living tabernacles” and all…

Building the City of God AND Man?
Francis and the Idolatry of Migrants

If you want to know what cause is really near and dear to “Pope” Francis’ heart, you just need to see what it is that he never shuts up about. As our Blessed Lord said: “…out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh” (Lk 6:45), and this is true for the fake pope Jorge Bergoglio as much as it is for anyone else.

We thus turn to Exhibit A in this regard: Francis’ perpetual solicitude for, and quasi-idolatry of, migrants.

On May 27, the Vatican released Francis’ Message for the 105th World Day of Migrants and Refugees 2019, which will be observed on September 29.… READ MORE

Move over, Taylor Marshall…

The Anti-Catholic Religion of the Second Vatican Council:

A Book Review of
Vatican II Exposed as Counterfeit Catholicism

On Mar. 6 of this year, we posted an announcement about a brand-new book exposing the history and heresies of the Novus Ordo religion, its false popes, and its other pivotal players. The work is an 809-page tome called Vatican II Exposed as Counterfeit Catholicism and was written by Fathers Francisco and Dominic Radecki, CMRI:

People interested in buying a copy may do so directly from the authors, at this link (Novus Ordo Watch does not make a commission on the sales).… READ MORE

The Francis Show in Bulgaria…

“We Are The World” and other Blasphemies at Francis’ Interreligious Peace Meeting in Sofia

[UPDATE 07-MAY-2019: Prelates of the Orthodox religion refused to attend the meeting.]

On Apr. 10, 2015, we told you that Jorge Bergoglio’s religion is basically a theological version of the famous song We Are The World, although the word “theological” was perhaps too generous.

The Jesuit pretend-pope is currently in the middle of a blather tour “Apostolic journey” to Bulgaria and North Macedonia. Today, May 6, he participated in an interreligious prayer meeting for peace in the Bulgarian capital of Sofia, together with Orthodox, Armenians, Protestants, Jews, and Muslims (see photos here).… READ MORE

A Bergoglian Good Friday…

The Passion of Man:
Francis’ Anthropocentric Stations of the Cross

On Good Friday, Catholics commemorate the Passion and Death of Jesus Christ, the only Way by which salvation can be obtained (see Jn 3:16-18; Jn 14:6; Acts 4:12).

One of the most salutary and beautiful acts of devotion in which to engage on Good Friday is the richly-indulgenced Stations of the Cross (also called the Way of the Cross, Via Crucis, or Via Dolorosa), which consists of prayers and meditations on each of the fourteen stations of Christ’s holy Passion, beginning with the unjust sentence of death rendered by Pontius Pilate and concluding with the placing of the Body of Jesus in the sepulcher.… READ MORE

The Novus Ordo Missae at 50…

Five Sorrowful Decades:
Fifty Years of Paul VI’s “New Mass”

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by Francis del Sarto

“Truly, if one of the devils in C. S. Lewis’s The Screwtape Letters had been entrusted with the ruin of the liturgy, he could not have done it better.” –Dietrich von Hildebrand

“Every sectarian who wishes to introduce a new doctrine finds himself, unfailingly, face to face with the Liturgy, which is Tradition at its strongest and best, and he cannot rest until he has silenced this voice, until he has torn up these pages which recall the faith of past centuries.”READ MORE

No, it’s not an April Fool’s joke…

Francis in Morocco:
“Being a Christian is not about Adhering to a Doctrine”

It was bound to happen. On the last day of his two-day apostolic journey blather tour in Morocco, Jorge Bergoglio (“Pope” Francis) once again spoke his heretical mind. Whenever this man’s lips part, there is no predicting what will come out of his mouth, and this time he had a few theological indiscretions prepared for his audience.

At the Cathedral of St. Peter in Rabat, Francis addressed his own Novus Ordo clergy, as well as members of the so-called Ecumenical Council of Churches.… READ MORE

Explosive new book just published…

Counterfeit Catholicism:
The Inside Story of the Second Vatican Council

[UPDATE 02-AUG-2022: An “ebook” version is now available to purchase here.]

[UPDATE 27-MAY-2019: We have now posted a sizable review of this book.]

We are happy to announce the release of a massive new study of the Second Vatican Council (1962-65) that includes its history, its making-of, its main players, its errors, and its disastrous consequences: Two sedevacantist priests — Fr. Francisco Radecki and Fr. Dominic Radecki — have just published an 809-page work telling the inside story of the apostate robber synod that has brought about an unprecedented loss of Faith.… READ MORE

A theological ship of fools…

Ark of Apostasy:
Why Francis’ Interreligious Fraternity Document does Not Admit of an Orthodox Interpretation

The apostate Jesuit Jorge Bergoglio — more commonly known by his stage name “Pope Francis” — caused a ruckus last week when he co-signed a document on “human fraternity” with Sunni Muslim Imam Ahamad Al-Tayyib declaring that God wills there to be a plurality and diversity of religions. We covered this in our post “Apostasy in Abu Dhabi: Francis says God wills Diversity of Religions”.

Just before the signing of the joint declaration, Francis gave a lengthy speech in which he called all participants of the interreligious conference he was attending to “enter together as one family into an ark which can sail the stormy seas of the world: the ark of fraternity.”… READ MORE