Why, anything else would be ‘anti-semitic’!

‘Cardinal’ Dolan of New York: Christ’s New Covenant Exists Side-By-Side with Jewish Old Covenant!

The ‘Archbishop’ of New York, Timothy Dolan, thinks the Jews have their own valid covenant with  God

‘Cardinal’ Timothy Dolan (b. 1950) is a funny character. Not only has he been playing Roman Catholic archbishop of New York since 2009, he has also gone on record claiming that there are two covenants in existence between God and mankind: one between God and the Jews, and one between God and Christians.

In an article published two weeks ago in The Free Press, ‘Cardinal’ Dolan stated in all seriousness:

The Church’s stance on antisemitism is unequivocal.


Nothing to see here — just, uh, THIS…

Caution! German Novus Ordo Bishops Concelebrate Eucharist on Bizarre Altar

Image: Deutsche Bischofskonferenz/Marko Orlovic (cropped)

One of the most useless organizations in the world is the Conference of German Novus Ordo Bishops. Officially it bears the name ‘German Episcopal Conference’ (Deutsche Bischofskonferenz). It is essentially a body of well-funded Modernists and über-Modernists whose chief task seems to lie in wrecking what little resemblance to Catholicism may still be left in the souls under their care, “lest believing they should be saved” (Lk 8:12).

The current head of the ‘Catholic bishops’ of Germany is Mr.READ MORE

Bergoglio discharged from hospital…

He’s Alive! First Public Appearance of ‘Pope’ Francis since Hospitalization

Today, Mar. 23, 2025, the Argentinian apostate Jorge Bergoglio (‘Pope Francis’) made his first live public appearance since Feb. 14, defying many people’s expectations.

Around noon local time, the false pope was wheeled onto the balcony of his hospital suite on the 10th floor of the Gemelli clinic in Rome. He greeted the crowd of people gathered and spoke a few words. The entire appearance lasted about 90 seconds.

Here is the video, cued up to the moment when Bergoglio appears (around 8:33 min):


In case the embedded video won’t display, it can be accessed directly on YouTube here.… READ MORE

“…see what things the enemy hath done wickedly in the sanctuary” (Ps 73:3)

Blasphemy in Austria: ‘Catholic’ Parish Displays Jesus Christ Sawn to Pieces

One of the things the Vatican II Church is really good at is blaspheming Our Blessed Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and profaning all that is holy.

We are currently in the penitential season of Lent, and for some Novus Ordo prelates in Austria, that means installing some kind of crazy, lewd, or downright blasphemous ‘artwork’ in church. After all, one wouldn’t want to be considered square, reactionary, or old-fashioned, and so showing oneself wedded to the secular world and the cultural spirit of the age is a top priority in Novus Ordo Land, especially in German-speaking countries.… READ MORE

Bergoglio after one month at Gemelli Hospital…

Vatican-Released Photo of Hospitalized ‘Pope’ Francis Hides Most of His Face

The Vatican released this photo of ‘Pope’ Francis on Mar. 16, 2025
(Photo by Holy See Press Office via Vatican Pool/Getty Images; rights-managed)

On March 16, 2025, the Vatican Press Office finally released a photo of ‘Pope’ Francis at the hospital to reassure the world that he is indeed still alive and more or less able to function within the limits of his medical condition:


Chances are you haven’t heard that name before…

Who Came Up with the Idea that Christ’s Church ‘Subsists in’ the Catholic Church, as Vatican II Teaches?

Many readers of this blog will be familiar with the controversy concerning the teaching of the Second Vatican Council (1962-65) that the Church founded by Jesus Christ “subsists in” (Latin: subsistit in) the Roman Catholic Church, as taught in its 1964 dogmatic constitution on the Church, as follows:

This Church constituted and organized in the world as a society, subsists in the Catholic Church, which is governed by the successor of Peter and by the Bishops in communion with him, although many elements of sanctification and of truth are found outside of its visible structure.


Absurdity on stilts…

Ecumenical Carnival Liturgy with Mock Communion Service in Swiss Catholic Church

Willisau is a tiny town in Switzerland, and we wouldn’t be talking about it were it not for the annual so-called “Fools’ Mass” that takes place at the ‘Catholic’ Church of Saints Peter and Paul there during the carnival season. (To see our report on last year’s shenanigans, click here.)

Although called a Mass, it was actually an ecumenical ‘Liturgy of the Word’ plus a grotesque ‘communion’ service that makes the average Novus Ordo Liturgy look like a Solemn Pontifical High Mass offered by Pope St.… READ MORE

Now being published in English!

Endorsed by Pope Pius X:
The Anti-Christian Conspiracy (1910)
by Mgr. Henri Delassus

Monsignor Henri Delassus (1836-1921) was an esteemed French Catholic priest, author, and editor. Pope St. Pius X conferred on him the title of ‘Monsignor’, making him a Domestic Prelate in 1904 and a Protonotary Apostolic in 1911. More information here:

In 1910, Msgr. Delassus published a monumental 3-volume work entitled La Conjuration Antichrétienne, which translates as The Anti-Christian Conspiracy.… READ MORE

What does traditional Catholic moral theology say?

Clear Answers on a Touchy Subject: Is It Ever Morally Permissible to Wish for Someone’s Death?

The ongoing hospitalization of the Argentinian apostate Jorge Bergoglio (‘Pope Francis’), has brought a delicate moral question to the forefront that a lot of people may be wondering about but don’t quite know how to resolve and are perhaps reluctant to ask:

Is it ever morally permissible (that is, not sinful) to desire (wish, hope for, pray for) that a particular individual will die? Or is it always and necessarily sinful to do so?

The purpose of the present post is simply to help form consciences correctly regarding this matter by providing reliable, authentic Catholic information.… READ MORE

The final days of Jorge Bergoglio…

‘Less Than 72 Hours’ vs. ‘Slight Improvement’: Conflicting Reports on Francis’ Condition, Prognosis Still Uncertain

Will be facing his particular judgment soon: Jorge Bergoglio (aka ‘Pope Francis’)

UPDATE 28-FEB-25 22:30 UTC:

The Vatican’s Feb. 24 morning update on Jorge Bergoglio’s health read: “The night went well; the Pope slept and is resting.”

The Feb. 24 evening update, which came a bit earlier than usual, consisted of the following information:

The Holy Father’s clinical conditions in their critical state show a slight improvement.


After acute respiratory crisis and blood transfusions…

Bergoglio in Decline, Prognosis Uncertain

The Argentinian apostate Jorge Bergoglio has been playing ‘Pope Francis’ since 2013

UPDATE 28-FEB-25 22:30 UTC:




UPDATE 23-FEB-25 20:43 GMT


The head of the Vatican II Church, Jorge Bergoglio (‘Pope Francis’), has been in Rome’s Gemelli Hospital since Feb.… READ MORE

Sex ed in daycare centers part of diocese’s “inclusive educational concept”…

Assault on Innocence: Archdiocese of Cologne Promotes Sexualization of Infants, Toddlers, and Preschoolers!


The Modernist-occupied Archdiocese of Cologne, Germany, under the leadership of ‘Cardinal’ Rainer Maria Woelki (b. 1956), apparently subjects the children in its ‘Catholic’ daycare facilities to early sexualization. We are talking about children aged 0-6.

In recent weeks, at least two daycare centers that are run by the archdiocese — that of St. Martin and that of Ss. Cosmas and Damian — have been in the news thanks to watchful independent reporters.… READ MORE

Father Reid Hennick leaves SSPX

Society of St. Pius X Priest Becomes Sedevacantist

Ordained for the SSPX in 2016: Fr. Reid Hennick

Father Reid Hennick was ordained a priest for the Society of St. Pius X (SSPX) on June 3, 2016, by Bishop Alfonso de Galarreta.

On Feb. 12, 2025, Fr. Hennick published a one-page letter in which he announced he was leaving the Society because he could not in good conscience continue his ministry in it, having adopted the sedevacantist position.

“…I have come to the conclusion that the Holy See has been vacant since the Second Vatican Council — a conclusion with profound implications for the apostolate”, Fr.… READ MORE

Nude, lewd, and crude…

Sick ‘Art’ Exhibit Defiles Catholic Church Buildings in Germany

(We have intentionally blurred certain parts of the sculptures for the sake of modesty)

Huge wooden sculptures of naked men and women in a ‘Catholic’ church? The Vatican II Sect in Germany makes it possible. The following scandal took place during Advent of last year but we have only now become aware of it, thanks to a recent post on GloriaTV.

Cityadvent is the name given to an annual art installation in a ‘Catholic’ church in the city of Münster, Germany. Every year during Advent, a special art display, open to the public, is installed in the Überwasserkirche of the diocese of Münster.… READ MORE

Bergoglio sends letter to U.S. bishops…

Disordered Charity:
‘Pope’ Francis, Deportations, and the Ordo Amoris

A few years back, the American author and journalist George Neumayr (1972-2023) published a book about Jorge Bergoglio (‘Pope Francis’) entitled The Political Pope (2017).

That the adjective fits, Francis demonstrated today by sending a missive to the ‘Catholic bishops’ of the United States regarding the current enforcement of federal immigration laws by the Trump administration. The Vatican released the text today:

The letter contains a total of ten numbered paragraphs, in which the ‘Pope’ criticizes the enforcement of U.S.… READ MORE