“Judge not according to the appearance…” (Jn 7:24)

The Mystical Passion of the Church:
Dreadful Reality vs. Delusive Counterfeit

Before our Blessed Lord ascended into Heaven to sit at the Right Hand of the Father until His return in glory, He warned His disciples:

Take heed that no man seduce you: For many will come in my name saying, I am Christ: and they will seduce many….

And many false prophets shall rise, and shall seduce many. And because iniquity hath abounded, the charity of many shall grow cold. But he that shall persevere to the end, he shall be saved.


Abandon the false pope, not Catholicism!

Bergoglio, The Remnant, and the Gates of Hell

On May 7, 2024, The Remnant published a brief article by Robert Lazu Kmita in which the author candidly struggles with answering a challenge by an Eastern Orthodox acquaintance of his regarding the indefectibility of the Catholic Church under the supposition that Jorge Bergoglio (‘Pope Francis’) is in fact the Roman Pontiff:

Kmita puts the following challenge on the lips of his Eastern Orthodox interlocutor:

“Well? What about the statement of the Savior Jesus ‘That thou art Peter; and upon this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it’?


You can’t make this stuff up…

Comedy Hour with Salza and Siscoe:
The Great Apostasy is Catholic Traditionalism!

On May 1, 2024, Messrs. John Salza and Robert Siscoe, both of them authors of the 2015 anti-sedevacantist tome True or False Pope?, appeared on the ‘Michael Lofton Show’ on the Reason and Theology channel on YouTube. Their topic was Recognize-and-Resist Traditionalism, Sedevacantism, and the Great Apostasy:

Since a complete critical review of the entire broadcast would take quite a bit of time to put together, we have at least produced a podcast refuting their main contention (make sure you’re seated!): … READ MORE

Enough of the semi-trad sophistry!

The Limits of Papal Power: Contrasting Traditional Catholic Teaching with the Recognize-and-Resist Distortion

Detail taken from “Homage by Catholics to Pope Pius IX” by Wilhelmus Petrus van Geldorp (1871)

The semi-traditionalist pundits of our day love to pontificate (pardon the pun) on the limits of the Papacy. The Pope can’t just do whatever he pleases, they (rightly) point out and thereby (wrongly) feel vindicated in their theologically disastrous position of recognizing Jorge Bergoglio as Pope (Francis), while nevertheless resisting his magisterium, his acts of governance, his canonizations, and his liturgical prescriptions where they believe these deviate from what he ought to be teaching and legislating.… READ MORE

Amazing parallels to help us understand the past and present…

Church History Prefigured by the Old Testament in Chronological Order: Book Divine Poetry Now Available

Three months ago we introduced our readers to the work of Dominic Caggeso of the Maccabean Uprising web site, who has engaged in tremendous research demonstrating that the history of the Roman Catholic Church bears striking resemblance to the history of the people of the Old Covenant, and in the very same chronological order.

These parallels between the histories of the Old and New Covenants — much too numerous and striking to dismiss — Caggeso aptly calls God’s ‘poetry’, as it turns out that salvation history does indeed ‘rhyme’.… READ MORE

No one causes mushrooms to grow like Francis!

Francis Says Sedevacantists Are ‘Mushrooms’ That Have Emerged, Feels Sorry for Them

The web site Religión Digital is a Spanish-language socio-religious news portal. Under the editorship of its founder, José Manuel Vidal, it is firmly in the camp of progressivism and explicitly supports the ‘reforms’ of the Argentinian apostate Jorge Bergoglio (‘Pope Francis’).

For its 25th anniversary, which coincided with the 11th anniversary of Bergoglio’s election as head of the Vatican II Sect on Mar. 13, 2024, several representatives of Religión Digital were received by Francis in the Vatican.

In a brief article posted on its web site, Religión Digital shared some of the words of their beloved ‘Pope’ during the course of the conversation.… READ MORE

Eccentric recognize-and-resist theologian…

The Fanciful Theology of Fr. Gregory Hesse (1953-2006):
Some Worthwhile Observations

This article was updated on Feb. 23, 2024, replacing incorrect documentation with the proper (and even stronger) evidence. Please excuse the oversight.

The Austrian ‘Fr.’ Gregorius D. Hesse (1953-2006) was a one-of-a-kind recognize-and-resist traditionalist from Vienna. Somehow he always managed to sound convincing while he dished out unconventional theological ideas that were usually quite unique to him. He and his devoted cheerleaders considered his theology to be exemplary ‘traditional Catholicism’, of course, and his fan base ate it up (recent case in point: Kennedy Hall).… READ MORE

Review of Matt’s opening speech at Catholic Identity Conference…

A Critique of the False Recognize-and-Resist Ecclesiology of Michael Matt and The Remnant (VIDEO)

The so-called Catholic Identity Conference (CIC) is an annual ‘traditional Catholic’ event in the United States, typically held in or near Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

In 2022, it tried to get some serious media coverage with its ‘Declaration of Filial Resistance to the Pope’, which, however, predictably went nowhere:

The last such identity conference took place Sep.… READ MORE

The Pope will be Victim, Not Persecutor…

The Persecution and ‘Death’ of the Church:
The Testimony of Scripture and Tradition


Researched and Explained by
Cardinal Henry Edward Manning (1808-1892)

This is a slightly revised version of an article posted on this web site in 2015.

As we all suffer through these most distressing times in which confusion and chaos reign among all who seek to be genuine Catholics, members of the only true religion established by God, it is helpful and important to reflect on the fact that the situation we find ourselves in today — no (known) valid Pope since 1958, and no apparent Catholic bishop left with ordinary jurisdiction, while a counterfeit institution masquerades as the Catholic Church, spreading heresy, immorality, and impiety — was foretold in Holy Scripture and Sacred Tradition.… READ MORE

Novus Ordo Watch for your ears…

The Vatican II Church and the Signs of the Times

TRADCAST 037 now available

TRADCAST — The Traditional Catholic Podcast


Great news, everyone! We have published another full-length episode of our popular TRADCAST podcast program. As always, it is loaded with real traditional Catholicism, insightful commentary, hard-hitting refutations of various errors, and razor-sharp analysis. Our content is typically challenging but is always delivered in an accessible way — and with an occasional relieving touch of humor, so necessary in our chaotic and bizarre times.… READ MORE

TRADCAST 037 (14 JAN 2024)


  • Segment 1 — John XXIII, Francis, and the signs of the times. Italian Novus Ordo priest declared excommunicated after calling Francis ‘usurper antipope’ in sermon. Brazilian Novus Ordo bishop says all religions are expressions of God and seek to do good. The Naturalist plot against the Papacy. ‘Cardinal’ Bo wants to save humanity for heaven on earth.
  • Segment 2 — GAME: What did Francis really say? Fill in the blanks! The ‘human elements’ ecclesiology of Michael J. Matt. How the Catholic Answers Focus podcast speaks about the Son of God.
  • Total run time: 1 hr 29 min

You can listen to the show by clicking the big play button in the embedded player above.… READ MORE

Old errors in new garb…

Unofficial Attitudes or Official Teachings?
How Eric Sammons Again Distorts the Papacy

The web site of Crisis Magazine informs the visitor that the online publication is “Orthodox. Faithful. Free.”

Free though it may indeed be, who vouches for its purported orthodoxy and faithfulness? Why, the people who operate Crisis Magazine, of course. In other words, it is a self-endorsement, nothing more than an advertisement. (Hans Küng didn’t think of himself as a heretic either, by the way.) If they are indeed as orthodox and faithful as they claim to be, why do they not get an endorsement — a digital imprimatur of sorts — from the local Novus Ordo bishop of the diocese in which they operate, or at least a nihil obstat from the diocesan censor?… READ MORE

Historical tidbit found on VHS…

Video: Sedevacantism Debate
with SSPV Clergy and Indult Traditionalists

top left to right: Rev. Brian Harrison, Bp. Clarence Kelly
bottom left to right: Fr. William W. Jenkins, Count Neri Capponi

A reader of this web site recently found a real treasure buried on an old VHS tape: a debate on Sedevacantism between Society of St. Pius V (SSPV) clergy and ‘mainstream’ traditionalists.

The length of the recording is 2 hours 43 minutes. The exchange must have taken place around 1995. The participants were Bp. Clarence Kelly and Fr. William Jenkins for the SSPV, versus Fr.’READ MORE

Captivating presentation…

Fascinating Parallels:
Church History Prefigured by the Old Testament

For year’s end, we’re happy to share an exciting and fascinating presentation that was recently featured on the Catholic Family Podcast with host Kevin Davis.

The guest on this particular episode, released on Nov. 14, 2023, was Dominic from the Maccabean Uprising web site. In this presentation, he demonstrates in summary fashion that the history of the Catholic Church bears striking resemblance to the history of the Old Covenant.

As noted on the web site:

The Omnipotence of God is infinite! In a small demonstration of His power, it seems that He has caused the entire history of the Catholic Church to be prefigured by the entire history of Israel in the Old Testament.


Heralding the end of Bergoglio’s reign?

Real or Fake? Lightning Reportedly Maims Statue of St. Peter in Buenos Aires

The internet is abuzz right now with a report by Resignationist Andrea Cionci, author of The Ratzinger Code (debunked by a Francis adherent here), saying that a statue of St. Peter on the façade of the Sanctuary of Our Lady of the Rosary of St. Nicholas in the province of Buenos Aires, Argentina, was zapped by lightning on Dec. 17 which made its halo and right hand fall off, along with the key it was holding (by which is symbolized the key to the kingdom of heaven; cf.… READ MORE