Before sending them to historic local church to pray for peace…

Francis Allows 100 Buddhist Monks to Pray Over Him at Vatican

On May 27, 2024, the Argentinian apostate Jorge Bergoglio (‘Pope Francis’) received a delegation of Buddhist monks from the Temple of the Reclining Buddha (officially named the Wat Phra Chetuphon Wimon Mangkhalaram Rajwaramahawihan) in Bangkok, Thailand.

As is customary, Francis gave them a short address. After expressing his delight regarding the “Seventh Buddhist-Christian Colloquium held in Thailand last November … on the theme ‘Karuna and Agape in Dialogue for the Healing of a Wounded Humanity and the Earth'”, he reiterated the importance of working together “to promote a friendship that sustains peace and fraternity and builds a more inclusive world” since “no one is saved alone” — an ambiguous slogan that he has been repeating a lot since his 2020 encyclical Fratelli Tutti (see n.… READ MORE

Masonic indifferentism for all…

Bergoglio Doubles Down: All Religions Look at the One God in Different Ways!

It is often difficult to keep up with ‘Pope’ Francis (Jorge Bergoglio), but here at Novus Ordo Watch, we do try. Even though he is 87 years old, when it comes to advancing the Great Apostasy, there is simply no slowing down for him.

On May 18, 2024, the false pope made a trip to the city of Verona in northern Italy. One of his stops there was Montorio Prison, where he addressed the inmates.

Vatican News has released the video footage of the event:

When Bergoglio visits prisons, he often points out that God forgives always, although he never mentions the conditions necessary to receive that forgiveness; and it was no different this time around.… READ MORE

Says we should “honor one another’s religions”…

Novus Ordo Bishop celebrates Interfaith Hanukkah with Jews and Protestants

Michael James Sis (b. 1960) is the Novus Ordo bishop of the so-called Roman Catholic diocese of San Angelo, Texas. He was appointed to his putative office by the Argentinian apostate Jorge Bergoglio (‘Pope Francis’) in 2013.

This past Wednesday, Dec. 13, ‘Bishop’ Sis spoke at an interreligious Hanukkah celebration that he himself had helped put together. The event was included in the pseudo-bishop’s online calendar as “Interreligious Hanukkah service” to be held at Heritage Hall of the local First Methodist Church.… READ MORE

The ecumenical climate religion advances…

‘Herald the Dance of Balance and Harmony’: Francis Signs Crazy Interreligious Climate Action Statement

Years ago, German journalist Alexander Kissler publicly referred to ‘Pope’ Francis (Jorge Bergoglio) as a “U.N. Secretary General with a pectoral cross” (source). He wasn’t wrong, of course, but we suspect even the U.N. Secretary General would choose a better-looking cross than the one Francis wears.

One may extend Kissler’s metaphor and say that at this point, the Vatican II Church is basically the United Nations at prayer. Indeed, the Jesuit squatter at the Vatican guest house has just confirmed it once more as he signed a new interfaith statement on climate change for the 28th United Nations Climate Change Conference, known as ‘COP28’, which is currently underway in Expo City in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, until Dec.… READ MORE

Can’t let Christ get in the way of fraternity!

‘In the Name of the Father and of the Holy Spirit’: Bishop omits God the Son from Blessing at Interfaith Prayer Service

On Oct. 27, 2023, at 6:00 pm local time, an interreligious ‘prayer for peace’ event was held in the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception in San Luis, Argentina. The event was hosted by the local ordinary, ‘Bishop’ Gabriel Bernardo Barba (b. 1964), who also took part and in fact gave a final blessing of sorts. But more on that in a moment.

On Instagram, the diocese published a photo of the event the very same day (see title image above) and explained who the participants were (please pardon the sometimes obscurely-worded religious affiliations of the individual attendees; the wording is based on an automatic computer translation):


Within the context of the World Day for Peace, promoted by Pope Francis from Rome, today prayers were said all over the world for this petition.


Reality check for an emerging narrative…

Rumor Control: Was Ratzinger against the Interreligious Prayer Meetings in Assisi?

(image: Abaca Press / Alamy Stock Photo)

‘Archbishop’ Georg Gänswein is back in the news.

His tell-all book Nothing but the Truth: My Life Beside Benedict XVI, the release of which reportedly made ‘Pope’ Francis furious, hit the shelves in Italy at the beginning of this year. At the time, it was not yet clear when or by whom it would be published in English. Benedict XVI, Joseph Ratzinger, had just died two weeks prior.

But now, on Oct. 23, 2023, St.READ MORE

You don’t say!

Francis Blasts Those Who ‘Talk About Their Vision of Humanity but Never About Jesus’

Jorge Bergoglio’s sense of humor was on display this past Wednesday, Oct. 18, 2023.

As part of his weekly audience ‘catechesis’, which is ironically on “passion for evangelization” and “apostolic zeal” currently, the man whose professional stage name is ‘Pope Francis’ kept a straight face when he warned:

…we risk talking about ourselves, the group to which we belong, a morality or, even worse, a set of rules, but not about Jesus, his love, his mercy. I see this in some new movements that are emerging: they talk about their vision of humanity, they talk about their spirituality and they feel theirs is a new path… But why do you not talk about Jesus?


Anything but the Gospel…

Pie in the Sky: Francis offers Pseudo-Religious Drivel to Mongolian Authorities

The Argentinian apostate Jorge Bergoglio — stage name: ‘Pope Francis’ — spent the first few days of the month of September in Mongolia. The official motto of his 43rd blather tour outside Vatican City, solemnly styled an ‘apostolic journey’, was Hoping Together. Precisely what the object of that hope is supposed to be, was not explained, but we can be certain it’s not the Beatific Vision.

On Sep. 2, 2023, the fake pope met with Mongolian president Ukhnaagiin Khürelsükh and other authorities and diplomats at the state palace:


It’s too bad he wasn’t kneeling to receive; he might have been denied! 

Brazilian ‘Archbishop’ justifies giving ‘Communion’ to Muslim Sheik

In the Vatican II religion, Mr. Geremias Steinmetz (b. 1965) is the ‘Catholic Archbishop’ of Londrina, Brazil. Jorge Bergoglio, aka ‘Pope Francis’, personally appointed him to that position in 2017.

With the recent death of 89-year-old ‘Cardinal’ Geraldo Majella Agnelo (Aug. 26, 2023), formerly the ‘Archbishop’ of São Salvador da Bahia, Steinmetz found himself participating in a funeral ‘Mass’ presided over by ‘Cardinal’ Sérgio da Rocha on Monday, Aug. 28. (A few years back da Rocha presided over a special ‘Mass’ with a drag queen, but that’s another story.)… READ MORE

Videos, News, Transcripts, Commentary, Background

The Francis Show at World Youth Day in Lisbon:
His ‘Apostolic Journey’ of Aug. 2-6, 2023

It’s time for the ‘Catholic Woodstock’ (aka World Youth Day) again, and of course ‘Pope’ Francis has to be part of the action. The last World Youth Day was in Panama City, Panama, in early 2019.

This page contains all the main links you will need to stay informed about the false pope’s visit to Portugal for this occasion. The local time in Lisbon is UTC+01:00.

General Information

Official Videos


New interview with the false pope!

Francis denounces Burning of the Muslim Koran in Sweden

The papal impostor put on his pensive face for the interview with Al-Ittihad

The Vatican may be on its annual summer break all through July, but the Jesuit apostate Jorge Bergoglio (‘Pope Francis’) has a way of making sure he remains in the news nonetheless.

Not surprisingly, therefore, the month had barely started when yet another interview with Francis was published, this time by Al-Ittihad, a newspaper from the United Arab Emirates (UAE), on July 3:

This is the first time Bergoglio has given an interview to a publication from the UAE.… READ MORE

So alone in St. Peter’s Square…

Vatican’s Human Fraternity Extravaganza ‘Not Alone’ Flops as No One Shows Up

Getting a front-row seat wasn’t terribly difficult…

Imagine it’s the first-ever World Meeting on Human Fraternity and nobody cares.

That is exactly what happened on Saturday, June 10, in Rome. Under the ironic motto #NotAlone, the event’s organizers and contributors found themselves very much alone as they put on a nearly 5-hour long spectacle in St. Peter’s Square that almost nobody cared to attend.

#NotAlone was Quite Alone

According to the Silere Non Possum blog, “Those few people present were tourists, who didn’t stay, and friends of the Franciscan cardinal”, by whom they mean Mauro Gambetti, who is the ‘Archpriest’ of St.… READ MORE

See, we told you so…

Francis makes it clear: By Proselytism he means CONVERTING people and that’s wrong!

For the last 10 years or so, Novus Ordo apologists have been bending over backwards trying to defend Jorge Bergoglio’s constant condemnation of “proselytism”. He doesn’t mean convincing people of the true Faith, much less converting them, we were told. Rather, he means pressuring people to convert, using deceptive means to convert them, bullying them into conversion, threatening them with damnation if they don’t convert.

We told you from the very beginning that that is definitely not what Francis means, and this is evident from the context in which he speaks, from the other things he has said, from his general refusal to seek the conversion of anyone, from his lowest common denominator ecumenism, and from the fact that virtually no one in the Novus Ordo Church pressures or bullies anyone into conversion anyway, so where is the need for these relentless tirades against a phantom problem?… READ MORE

Bp. Sanborn dismantles Bergoglio’s false theology…

Episode 48

Rigidity as Perversion, Never Revoked, and Lutheran Justification

Listen on demand at any time — free!

Great news, everyone: FRANCIS WATCH is back!

In the first Francis Watch episode in nearly two years (the last one was on Traditionis Custodes, HERE), Bishop Donald Sanborn comments on various shocking comments made by Jorge Bergoglio (‘Pope Francis’) during that time.

For over an hour, host Stephen Heiner of True Restoration presents various official and unofficial statements made by the Argentinian Modernist who falsely claims to be the Pope of the Catholic Church.… READ MORE

False pope teaches false doctrine…

The Impossible Encyclical: Pacem in Terris turns 60

The false pope John XXIII as he unleashes false doctrine on unsuspecting Catholics (Apr. 10, 1963)

These days the Vatican is commemorating the 60th anniversary of the encyclical letter Pacem in Terris (“Peace on Earth”) by Angelo Roncalli (‘Pope John XXIII’). Although officially dated Apr. 11, 1963 — Holy Thursday — it was actually signed and issued a day early.

Pacem in Terris came at the tail end of Roncalli’s usurped pontificate — less than two months later, he was dead. It was the height of the Cold War, the Cuban Missile Crisis having occurred roughly six months before.… READ MORE