Fun & informative podcast…

Episode 43

Querida, Corona, Quarantina

Listen on demand at any time — free!

Great news, everyone: It is time again for a new episode of Francis Watch!

Novus Ordo Watch is pleased to sponsor this phenomenal quarterly podcast program, in which host Stephen Heiner of True Restoration analyses with his sedevacantist guests, Bp. Donald Sanborn and Fr. Anthony Cekada, the latest chaos perpetrated by Jorge Bergoglio, the man who claims to be the head of the Catholic Church under the stage name “Pope Francis”.

The latest episode is no. 43, and unfortunately Fr. Cekada was not able to join as he is recovering from a series of strokes.… READ MORE

Jesuits say the darndest things!

Francis tells U.S. Novus Ordo Bishops he supports public Benefits for Sodomite Couples

Kudos to the semi-trad Whispers of Restoration blog for catching this:

This past Monday, Jan. 27, 2020, a total of 33 Novus Ordo bishops from California, Nevada, and Hawaii visited “Pope” Francis (Jorge Bergoglio) in the Vatican for their obligatory quinquennial ad limina visit, during which they have to report to their boss on the state of their dioceses. During the meeting, which reportedly lasted well over two hours, they also got a chance to ask Bergoglio whatever questions they liked.

The so-called Catholic News Service reported the following about the visit:

The pastoral care of LGBT Catholics was another topic Pope Francis spoke about, Archbishop [Salvatore] Cordileone [of San Francisco] said.


A necessary retraction

Regarding a Post that Disappeared:
The New Study on Man by the Vatican Biblical Commission

Well, folks, sometimes it’s just too “good” to be true: We had to quickly remove a post a few minutes after publication earlier today after it became known that all the sources we had relied on to write it — from multiple sites and in different languages — were incorrect, that is, they had misunderstood an essential part of the story.

In a nutshell: The so-called Pontifical Biblical Commission, of which the current head is the Jesuit “Cardinal” Luis Ladaria Ferrer in his capacity as head of the Congregation for the Destruction of the Faith, just recently published a study commissioned by Francis entitled Che cosa è l’uomo?READ MORE

For World AIDS Day 2019

“Cardinal” Schönborn invites Sodom and Gomorrah back to St. Stephen’s Cathedral, Viganò condemns

Drag queen Wurst performs in St. Stephen’s Cathedral at the invitation of “Card.” Schonborn

It’s that time of the year again: “Cardinal” Christoph Schönborn, the pretend-Archbishop of Vienna, Austria, has once again invited representatives of the sodomite lobby and their abettors to desecrate the Cathedral of St. Stephen (Stephansdom) with “artistic performances” under the pretext of raising money for people who suffer from AIDS or are infected with HIV. He hosted this “charity” event together with his sidekick, the cathedral rector “Fr.”READ MORE

“Be not deceived, God is not mocked” (Gal 6:7)…

Sickening Blasphemous Art in German Seminary Church

The outside is beautiful: St. Michael’s Church in Würzburg, Germany

The Novus Ordo diocese of Würzburg, Germany, has many gorgeous old church buildings in its possession. They are the remnants of the true Catholic religion that was once believed, taught, and practiced there.

One such church is St. Michael’s, which is part of the diocesan seminary. It is not used for regular public Sunday “Masses” anymore. After their invalid ordinations, new Novus Ordo priests go there to make their thanksgiving. The Novus Ordo worship service is perpetrated there every Monday night for the public, according to the diocesan Wiki page.… READ MORE

A clarification that doesn’t make it much better…

Follow-Up to Novus Ordo Homo “Wedding”:
Diocese explains what happened

Two days ago, we published the post “Official ‘Catholic’ Same-Sex ‘Wedding’ in Austria”, using information from the semi-trad news and commentary site GloriaTV and the Graz-Seckau diocesan web site. What to any reasonable and objective observer looked like a “Catholic” pseudo-wedding ceremony for two lesbians, was almost that but not exactly. Considered in its entirety, what took place is, in a sense, even worse.

The conservative Novus Ordo Austrian news site contacted the diocese to ask them to explain what happened, and the response they received from the diocesan spokesman, Thomas Stanzer, was translated by Life Site.… READ MORE

Sodomy made into a Novus Ordo sacrament…

Official “Catholic” Same-Sex “Wedding” in Austria

[UPDATE 14-NOV-19: Follow-Up to Homo “Wedding”: Diocese explains what happened

It was bound to happen before long: Two lesbian women have “married” each other in a “Catholic wedding” at St. Margarethen Church in Wolfsberg, Austria, which belongs to the diocese of Gurk in the state of Carinthia.

Gloria TV has published a news blurb on this with numerous photos documenting the abomination:

The spiritual criminal who officiated the ceremony was “Fr.” Michael Kopp, who is himself not exactly the epitome of masculinity at least visually.… READ MORE

Ensuring a Bergoglio-friendly next conclave…

Francis Doubles Down:
13 New “Cardinals” for October 5

What a day it was in Vatican City today!

Francis showed up seven minutes late to his weekly Angelus address, explaining that “there was an incident: I was locked in the elevator for 25 minutes!” (source). We can only hope that he wasn’t accompanied by “Mgr.” Battista Ricca, who is in charge of the Casa Santa Marta, where Francis lives. By way of explanation, the false pope added: “There was a drop in voltage and the elevator stopped.” Whether that incident is related to the fact that the Vatican is running on “green” energy, we have not been told.… READ MORE

Just an unfortunate coincidence, no doubt…

“Boy Lover” Symbolism?

Francis’ World Youth Day Vestments seem to feature Pedophile Logo

[UPDATED 02-AUG-2019 — see below]

First convened by the “Theology of the Body” mastermind “Pope Saint” John Paul II in 1985, the Novus Ordo phenomenon of World Youth Day has long been dubbed the “Catholic Woodstock” on account of the rampant occasions of carnal sin it offers due to the free mixing of large groups of young men and women, most of whom are dressed in shockingly immodest ways.

It may just be, however, that there is an even more sinister side to World Youth Day.… READ MORE

Official acceptance of sodomy in the Vatican II Sect…

First-Ever Novus Ordo Baptismal Certificate issued naming “Mother 1” and “Mother 2” as Child’s Parents

The archdiocese of Medellín, Colombia, is the latest in which has taken place the solemn baptism of a child whose legally recognized “parents” are two lesbian women who are “married” to each other. The scandal occurred this past weekend, and the regional media are all over it, celebrating this as a victory for the perverted LGBT movement.

As the story is just breaking, only reports in Spanish have been released so far:

The child’s name is Matías, a little boy of 17 months.… READ MORE

Modernist Apostate vs. Vicar of Christ

Francis vs. Pope Pius XI:
The Catholic Position on Sex Education

by Francis del Sarto

“More souls go to Hell because of sins of the flesh than for any other reason.”
–Our Lady to the children at Fatima on July 13, 1917

“The Least Serious Sins are the Sins of the Flesh.”
–“Pope” Francis to an agnostic French sociologist, 2017 (source)

Ever wonder how pretend-pope Francis wakes up in the morning? It could be that he has his clock radio blast the tango to get him going on the desired chaotic trajectory, after which he rises and consults his day planner to see what part of the Magisterium he’s scheduled to contradict that day.… READ MORE

Under headship of ‘Cardinal’ Danneels…

Official Belgian “Catholic” Paper Promoted “Ecumenical Working Group on Pedophilia” in 1984

On June 27, 2019, the French Novus Ordo magazine La Nef reported on a shocking discovery: In the mid-1980s, an issue of the Belgian “Catholic” weekly paper Kerk & Leven (Church & Life) published an advertisement openly and boldly promoting nothing less than the crime of pedophilia, that is, sexual relations between adults and children.

The La Nef report is entitled “When a Belgian Catholic newspaper promoted pedophilia” and can be accessed in the original French here:

According to the report, the Aug.… READ MORE

Fun & informative podcast…

Episode 40

Amazon Synod, Tweaking the Our Father, and the Declaration of Truths

Listen on demand at any time — free!

Great news, everyone: It is time again for the quarterly Francis Watch!

Novus Ordo Watch is pleased to sponsor the phenomenal podcast program Francis Watch, in which host Stephen Heiner of True Restoration analyses with his sedevacantist guests, Bishop Donald Sanborn and Fr. Anthony Cekada, the latest chaos perpetrated by Jorge Bergoglio, the man who claims to be the head of the Catholic Church under the title “Pope Francis”. Listen here:

In this episode no.… READ MORE

Stephen K. Amos gets private audience with Bergoglio…

Francis tells Homosexual Atheist: “It does not matter … how you live your life, you do not lose your dignity”!

The 51-year-old British TV personality Stephen K. Amos is an atheist. He is also a stand-up comedian and a public sodomite. According to his Wikipedia entry, he once hosted a televised documentary on male genitalia.

In September of last year, Amos participated in a 15-day trekking challenge to Rome together with seven other celebrities, as part of the program Pilgrimage: The Road To Rome on BBC Two. The episode was just broadcast yesterday, Good Friday, Apr.… READ MORE

The “two Popes” circus continues…

Benedict XVI’s Letter on Sex Abuse Crisis:

Highlights & Reaction Roundup

On April 10, 2019, the “Pope Emeritus” Benedict XVI, with the prior permission of “Pope” Francis, published a 6000-word letter on the sexual abuse crisis in the German Klerusblatt (a regional periodical for clergy), which was released at the same time on the internet in various languages. The German original and the English translation of the missive are available here:

The editor of Inside the Vatican, Robert Moynihan, has opined that the letter is “absolutely the most important text Benedict has published since his resignation of the papacy in February 2013.”… READ MORE