Instilling principles of apostasy in the young…

It Takes a Village: Francis announces “Global Educational Alliance” Kickoff at Vatican

“Pope Francis launches the Global Educational Alliance initiative to shape the future of humanity by forming mature individuals who can overcome division and care for our common home”, Vatican News reports on its web site today.

People’s alarm bells should be going off immediately when the apostate from Buenos Aires threatens to “shape the future of humanity”, because that means he is going to step up his destructive efforts of inculcating his apostate Masonic-Modernist principles into unsuspecting souls.

The Vatican’s report explains further:

The Vatican will host a meeting on 14 May 2020 in the Paul VI Hall to reflect on the theme “Reinventing the Global Educational Alliance”.


 October 5 Event in Rome

The True and the False Passion of the Church:

 Comments on a Public Prayer Gathering in Rome against Bergoglianism

In Italy, conservative members of the Vatican II Church are planning a gathering of public prayer for the Church at a location very close to the Vatican. It is scheduled for Oct. 5, the day before the dreaded Amazon Synod begins, and it coincides with a conference announced by Pan-Amazon Synod Watch, “Amazonia: the Stakes”, which will be held on the same day in Rome. October 5 is also the day on which Francis will create the 13 terrifying new “cardinals” that were just announced.… READ MORE

Ensuring a Bergoglio-friendly next conclave…

Francis Doubles Down:
13 New “Cardinals” for October 5

What a day it was in Vatican City today!

Francis showed up seven minutes late to his weekly Angelus address, explaining that “there was an incident: I was locked in the elevator for 25 minutes!” (source). We can only hope that he wasn’t accompanied by “Mgr.” Battista Ricca, who is in charge of the Casa Santa Marta, where Francis lives. By way of explanation, the false pope added: “There was a drop in voltage and the elevator stopped.” Whether that incident is related to the fact that the Vatican is running on “green” energy, we have not been told.… READ MORE

Fun & informative podcast…

Episode 40

Amazon Synod, Tweaking the Our Father, and the Declaration of Truths

Listen on demand at any time — free!

Great news, everyone: It is time again for the quarterly Francis Watch!

Novus Ordo Watch is pleased to sponsor the phenomenal podcast program Francis Watch, in which host Stephen Heiner of True Restoration analyses with his sedevacantist guests, Bishop Donald Sanborn and Fr. Anthony Cekada, the latest chaos perpetrated by Jorge Bergoglio, the man who claims to be the head of the Catholic Church under the title “Pope Francis”. Listen here:

In this episode no.… READ MORE

Ratzinger speaks again…

Benedict XVI: “There is one single Pope, Francis”

[UPDATE 06-JUL-2019: Massimo Franco may have lied – apparently no evidence words attributed to Benedict XVI were actually said by him]

Although he promised to be inaccessible to the world after his departure on Feb. 28, 2013, somehow the “Pope Emeritus”, as he calls himself, cannot refrain from speaking in public, much like his inglorious successor.

Fr. Joseph Ratzinger, the German Modernist who fooled the world by playing “Pope Benedict XVI” from 2005 to 2013, has given an interview to the Italian paper Corriere della Sera, which was published today, June 28. … READ MORE

Introducing: green apostasy!

Nature Worship, Spiritism, Indigenous Liturgy:
Get ready for the Amazon Synod!

He’s ready — are you?!

If the preparatory document just released for the upcoming Amazon Synod is any indication, then the last few synods that caused chaos in the Vatican II Church were small potatoes. Communion for adulterers? Situation ethics? Sin as an imperfect participation in virtue? The youth as a privileged place of God’s revelation? You will wish to return to those topics if what’s on the Amazon Synod agenda will actually be implemented.

Officially called the Special Assembly of the Synod of Bishops for the Pan-Amazon Region, the Vatican has put up a special web site dedicated to the event:

This past Monday, June 17, the Roman Modernists released the full text of the synod’s Instrumentum Laboris, as the working document is formally called, accompanied by a press conference to introduce it.… READ MORE

The “two Popes” circus continues…

Benedict XVI’s Letter on Sex Abuse Crisis:

Highlights & Reaction Roundup

On April 10, 2019, the “Pope Emeritus” Benedict XVI, with the prior permission of “Pope” Francis, published a 6000-word letter on the sexual abuse crisis in the German Klerusblatt (a regional periodical for clergy), which was released at the same time on the internet in various languages. The German original and the English translation of the missive are available here:

The editor of Inside the Vatican, Robert Moynihan, has opined that the letter is “absolutely the most important text Benedict has published since his resignation of the papacy in February 2013.”… READ MORE

Web site revealing evidence launched…

The Real and the False Sister Lucy of Fatima:
The Scientific Evidence is here!

Not the same person: the real Sr. Lucy, left, vs. the impostor

On Aug. 1, 2018, we published a post announcing that scientific evidence had been gathered for the first time that proves that the woman commonly accepted as Sr. Lucy of Fatima in the past few decades is not in fact the real Sr. Lucy (Lúcia de Jesus Rosa dos Santos) to whom Our Lady appeared at Fatima, Portugal, in 1917, and again at Tuy in 1929.

Yesterday, Mar. 25, the web site Sister Lucy Truth was launched.… READ MORE

Scicluna fumbles, Gisotti to the rescue…

Courageous Reporter asks Vatican Press Panel about Francis’ Cover-Up of Zanchetta Case

Inés San Martín questions “Abp.” Charles Scicluna on Feb. 24, 2019

Some light fireworks could be seen today at the final press conference wrapping up the sex abuse summit in the Vatican that had begun on Feb. 21.

As is customary, the press panel took questions from journalists in the audience after its presentations, and the last one came from Inés San Martín, who is the Rome Bureau Chief for the mainstream Novus Ordo news site Crux. Herself from Buenos Aires, Argentina, San Martin is for that reason somewhat connected to the current pretend-pope, but this did not keep her from asking the following explosive question, clearly embarrassing to Francis and to the other Vatican authorities.… READ MORE

“Abp.” Scicluna at press conference…

Comedy Hour at Vatican Abuse Summit: Homosexuality isn’t “Something that really Predisposes to Sin”

The Vatican is currently in the midst of a turbulent four-day summit on sexual abuse. The conference gathers the highest-ranking prelates from every nation to try to find some kind of a solution to its ongoing scandals involving the sexual abuse of minors. Although there has also been abuse of so-called “vulnerable adults”, especially seminarians, the Vatican has seen fit not to address that at the current time, contrary to its original announcement.

Yesterday, Feb. 21, “Pope” Francis opened the conference with a list of 21 points for “reflection”.… READ MORE

Francis laicizes ‘Uncle Ted’…

Mister McCarrick:
Former Novus Ordo Cardinal returned to Lay State

Embed from Getty Images

This hasn’t happened to the former “Cardinal” Theodore McCarrick since the 1950’s: His official address is now Mister again. Ordained a priest on May 31, 1958, the disgraced sex abuser Theodore McCarrick will remain “a priest for ever according to the order of Melchisedech” (Ps 109:4); however, the Novus Ordo authorities are no longer allowing him to exercise this priesthood that was indelibly imprinted on his soul on the day of his ordination. For all intents and purposes, therefore, he is a layman again.… READ MORE

Vatican rocked ahead of abuse summit…

 Report: Francis Knowingly Promoted Lewd “Bishop” from Argentina to Vatican Position

[UPDATE 22-JAN-19: Vatican spokesman Alessandro Gisotti issues Second Statement on Zanchetta case]

With approximately one month to go before the much-touted sex abuse summit to be held in Rome, yesterday a story broke that can only be described as dragging the Vatican from the frying pan into the fire.

Earlier this month, it was revealed that “Bp.” Gustavo Óscar Zanchetta of Orán, Argentina, is accused of the sexual abuse of seminarians. The embattled Novus Ordo bishop had abruptly resigned from his diocese in 2017, then mysteriously vanished for a few months, only to be appointed by “Pope” Francis to a comfortable Vatican position created specifically for him.… READ MORE

“For there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed…” (Lk 12:2)

Explosive New Book: In the Closet of the Vatican to be released on First Day of Abuse Summit

The year 2018 was a tough one for Club Francis, but it may have only been a warm-up compared to what might be coming down the pike this year.

The French sociologist, journalist, and author Frederic Martel is about to release an explosive book that is poised to rock the Vatican much more than “Abp.” Carlo Vigano’s letters last year ever did. The work is entitled In the Closet of the Vatican: Power, Homosexuality, Hypocrisy and is scheduled to be published on Feb.… READ MORE

Omits Trinitarian formula altogether…

Francis opts for Old Testament Blessing at New Year’s Angelus

At the end of the Angelus prayer on Tuesday, Jan. 1, 2019, the “Holy Father” Francis (Jorge Bergoglio) decided to nix the usual Catholic blessing invoking the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, and replaced it with a blessing from the Old Testament found in Numbers 6:22-26:

And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying: Say to Aaron and his sons: Thus shall you bless the children of Israel, and you shall say to them: The Lord bless thee, and keep thee. The Lord shew his face to thee, and have mercy on thee. 


Fun & informative podcast…

Episode 38

“Saint” Paul VI, Never-Revoked Covenant?, and “Me Too”

Listen on demand at any time — free!

It is time again for another episode: Novus Ordo Watch is pleased to sponsor for our readers and listeners — and anyone else who may be interested — the phenomenal podcast program Francis Watch, in which host Stephen Heiner of True Restoration analyses with his sedevacantist guests, Bishop Donald J. Sanborn and Fr. Anthony Cekada, the latest chaos perpetrated by Jorge Bergoglio, otherwise known as “Pope Francis”. Theological shenanigans by “Pope Emeritus” Benedict XVI and “Bp.”… READ MORE