Celibacy, shmelibacy!

Roberto de Mattei: Francis Opens Door to Married Priests in upcoming Exhortation on Amazon Synod

Peek-a-boo! Open or closed?!

The Novus Ordo Church historian Prof. Roberto de Mattei has published an article on his web site asserting that several “bishops” have leaked to him a pre-released portion of Francis’ upcoming post-synodal “Apostolic exhortation” that speaks of lifting the requirement of clerical celibacy.

But first, some background.

On Jan. 13, 2020, “Cardinal” Claudio Hummes, the general relator of the notorious Amazon Synod held in the Vatican in October of last year, sent a confidential letter to the world’s Novus Ordo bishops announcing that Francis’ exhortation would be published “by the end of this month or in early February.”… READ MORE

Fun & informative podcast…

Episode 42

Ecocide, Soap Operas, and Pachamama

Listen on demand at any time — free!

Great news, everyone: It is time again for a new episode of Francis Watch!

Novus Ordo Watch is pleased to sponsor this phenomenal quarterly podcast program, in which host Stephen Heiner of True Restoration analyses with his sedevacantist guests, Bishop Donald Sanborn and Fr. Anthony Cekada, the latest chaos perpetrated by Jorge Bergoglio, the man who claims to be the head of the Catholic Church under the title “Pope Francis”. Listen here:

In this episode no. 42, which is 1 hour 34 minutes in length, His Excellency and Father discuss:


Commotion in St. Peter’s Square

Culture of Encounter: Francis angrily slaps Woman pulling his Arm to get his Attention

No “contemplative gaze” here: Bergoglio upset after woman forcibly pulls his arm to get his attention on Dec. 31

[UPDATE 01-JAN-2020: At Angelus, Francis apologizes for how he reacted towards the woman]

For the false pope Francis, the year 2019 ended a bit differently than he had presumably expected.

At the Vatican, the last day of the year typically concludes with a celebration of Vespers and the chanting of the Te Deum in St. Peter’s Basilica, followed by a “papal” visit to the Nativity scene in St.… READ MORE

Channeling their inner goddess…

Getting in Touch with “Mother Earth” at Vatican Christmas Concert

A young indigenous woman demonstrates how to feel the spirit of “Mother Earth” at the Vatican, Dec. 14, 2019

If you thought that the whole Mother Earth/Pachamama/Gaia worship at the Vatican was simply an excess of the turbulent Amazon Synod and therefore a thing of an inglorious past, you are sorely mistaken. Far from it being a one-time aberration, it is now becoming a recurring theme that is popping up again and again in Novus Ordo Land.

Not only was the idol worshipped before and during the Amazon Synod in and around the Vatican, even at the closing “Mass” in St.… READ MORE

Chaos Frank lets it rip…

Bergoglian Poppycock by the Truckload:

Francis’ Christmas Address to the Roman Curia

The Jesuit apostate from Buenos Aires currently occupying Vatican City, Jorge Bergoglio, has once again outdone himself. In a 3500-word “Christmas address” to the Roman Curia, the 83-year-old man who presents himself to the world under the pseudonym “Pope Francis” delivered yet another Modernist manifesto, with the clear aim of getting his sheeple in line to accept the next tidal wave of doctrinal and disciplinary change.

The Vatican has provided a full transcript and English translation of the talk, as well as the video footage:

An interesting backstory to this speech was supposed to remain secret but has been revealed by Sandro Magister.… READ MORE

A necessary retraction

Regarding a Post that Disappeared:
The New Study on Man by the Vatican Biblical Commission

Well, folks, sometimes it’s just too “good” to be true: We had to quickly remove a post a few minutes after publication earlier today after it became known that all the sources we had relied on to write it — from multiple sites and in different languages — were incorrect, that is, they had misunderstood an essential part of the story.

In a nutshell: The so-called Pontifical Biblical Commission, of which the current head is the Jesuit “Cardinal” Luis Ladaria Ferrer in his capacity as head of the Congregation for the Destruction of the Faith, just recently published a study commissioned by Francis entitled Che cosa è l’uomo?READ MORE

Unidentified man takes action…

Amazon Synod Pachamama Idols Thrown into Tiber River in Rome [Updated with Reactions]

[UPDATE 22-OCT-2019 22:59 UTC: Reactions added at end of post]

Breaking news from Rome, everyone: Some courageous soul has decided there’s been enough dialogue and bridge building and it’s now time for some action: The disgusting Pachamama idols that had popped up in the church of Santa Maria in Traspontina and that Francis had blessed in the Vatican Gardens on Oct. 4 in connection with the ongoing Amazon Synod, have been removed by an as-yet unidentified individual and cast into the Tiber river.… READ MORE

Vatican always insisted he died of natural causes…

Ex-Mafia Gangster confesses he helped murder “Pope” John Paul I in 1978, accuses “Abp.” Paul Marcinkus of poisoning him

Just as the Vatican is still reeling from inconvenient journalists and bloggers calling attention to various scandals related to the ongoing Amazon Synod (such as the continuing idolatrous Pachamama worship at and around the Vatican and the fact that the Synod has been funded by the pro-abortion Ford Foundation), another hugely embarrassing bomb has now been dropped on the Mason-infested Vatican.

Yesterday, Oct. 19, the New York Post published a story on Anthony Raimondi, a 69-year-old former Colombo gangster who has confessed in a recently-published book that he helped to kill “Pope” John Paul I.… READ MORE

For those who couldn’t figure that out…

Vatican Spokesman:
Naked Amazonian Woman Figure is NOT Virgin Mary

(Photo by Giulio Origlia/Getty Images)
Official caption: “ROME, ITALY – OCTOBER 04: Pope Francis and Cardinal Cardinal Cláudio Hummes, Archbishop Emeritus of São Paulo, President of the Pan-Amazonian Ecclesial Network (REPAM), stand in front of a statue representing Pachamama (Mother Earth) as they celebrate the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi at the Vatican Gardens on October 04, 2019 in Rome, Italy….”

Bad news for Francis’ useful idiots: All their outlandish attempts to make the vile wood carving that was worshipped on Oct. 4 in the Vatican Gardens into an Amazonian representation of the Blessed Virgin Mary have been ruined.… READ MORE

It’s worse than expected…

Monkey Business at the Amazon Synod: A First Review

The long-awaited and much-touted Pan-Amazon Synod in the Vatican is in full swing, and the first week has seen fireworks. Whether it be an idolatrous ceremony held in the Vatican Gardens, prelates bewailing “ecological sins”, churches being profaned with paganism and indecency, Francis preparing his sheeple for a deluge of “newness”, a nun at the Vatican press conference saying she “hears confessions” in the Amazon region, or the general relator attacking priestly celibacy in his opening address — you name it, the first synod week had it on sale!… READ MORE

Three weeks of rainforest theology…

Welcome to the Jungle:
Chronicling the AMAZON SYNOD

Your One-Stop Resource for All Things Pan-Amazon Synod
(October 6-27, 2019)

Official Vatican Sites

Official Documents and Videos


Francis present at Pachamama adoration…

Golden Calf 2.0: Idolatrous Earth Goddess Worship Ceremony in Vatican Gardens

Ladies and gentlemen, the Vatican has now moved from apostasy to the next step, idolatry.

After declaring that God desires the diversity of religions, that all religions “always look toward heaven and God”, and that religious differences “are necessary”, the apostate Jesuit from Buenos Aires, Jorge Bergoglio (aka “Pope Francis”), has now hosted a syncretistic religious ceremony in the Vatican Gardens that included, beside Christian prayers, the pagan worship of Pachamama, the earth fertility goddess (also known as “Mother Earth” or “Gaia”) adored by the Incas.… READ MORE

Instilling principles of apostasy in the young…

It Takes a Village: Francis announces “Global Educational Alliance” Kickoff at Vatican

“Pope Francis launches the Global Educational Alliance initiative to shape the future of humanity by forming mature individuals who can overcome division and care for our common home”, Vatican News reports on its web site today.

People’s alarm bells should be going off immediately when the apostate from Buenos Aires threatens to “shape the future of humanity”, because that means he is going to step up his destructive efforts of inculcating his apostate Masonic-Modernist principles into unsuspecting souls.

The Vatican’s report explains further:

The Vatican will host a meeting on 14 May 2020 in the Paul VI Hall to reflect on the theme “Reinventing the Global Educational Alliance”.


 October 5 Event in Rome

The True and the False Passion of the Church:

 Comments on a Public Prayer Gathering in Rome against Bergoglianism

In Italy, conservative members of the Vatican II Church are planning a gathering of public prayer for the Church at a location very close to the Vatican. It is scheduled for Oct. 5, the day before the dreaded Amazon Synod begins, and it coincides with a conference announced by Pan-Amazon Synod Watch, “Amazonia: the Stakes”, which will be held on the same day in Rome. October 5 is also the day on which Francis will create the 13 terrifying new “cardinals” that were just announced.… READ MORE

Ensuring a Bergoglio-friendly next conclave…

Francis Doubles Down:
13 New “Cardinals” for October 5

What a day it was in Vatican City today!

Francis showed up seven minutes late to his weekly Angelus address, explaining that “there was an incident: I was locked in the elevator for 25 minutes!” (source). We can only hope that he wasn’t accompanied by “Mgr.” Battista Ricca, who is in charge of the Casa Santa Marta, where Francis lives. By way of explanation, the false pope added: “There was a drop in voltage and the elevator stopped.” Whether that incident is related to the fact that the Vatican is running on “green” energy, we have not been told.… READ MORE