It’s too bad he wasn’t kneeling to receive; he might have been denied! 

Brazilian ‘Archbishop’ justifies giving ‘Communion’ to Muslim Sheik

In the Vatican II religion, Mr. Geremias Steinmetz (b. 1965) is the ‘Catholic Archbishop’ of Londrina, Brazil. Jorge Bergoglio, aka ‘Pope Francis’, personally appointed him to that position in 2017.

With the recent death of 89-year-old ‘Cardinal’ Geraldo Majella Agnelo (Aug. 26, 2023), formerly the ‘Archbishop’ of São Salvador da Bahia, Steinmetz found himself participating in a funeral ‘Mass’ presided over by ‘Cardinal’ Sérgio da Rocha on Monday, Aug. 28. (A few years back da Rocha presided over a special ‘Mass’ with a drag queen, but that’s another story.)… READ MORE

Simcha Fisher thinks sacrilege hurts only ourselves…

Novus Ordo Blogger on WYD Sacrilege:
‘You can’t hurt Jesus’

When World Youth Day took place earlier this month, we saw the usual grotesqueries, especially the storing of Novus Ordo-consecrated hosts in large plastic containers.

The conservative and trad outrage on social media about it triggered Novus Ordo blogger Simcha Fisher to pen the following piece:

In her write-up, she agrees that World Youth Day should not have had distribution of [Novus Ordo] Communion if it could not be done with the necessary decorum and respect due to the Lord.… READ MORE

The Vatican II religion in concrete…

Just Brutal: Saint Anna Church near Bari, Italy

It’s time again to take a look at some of the stunning architectural contributions with which the Vatican II religion has graced the world.

Today we would like to introduce our readers to the blob of concrete known as the Parish Church of St. Anna (Chiesa parrocchiale di Sant’Anna) in Monopoli, Italy, near Bari. The architect who perpetrated this aesthetic catastrophe is Nazario Losavio.

Here are some additional photos, taken from the Messa in Latino blog (some have been cropped):

Clearly the work of a Catholic trying to emphasize the supernatural, this building immediately raises one’s thoughts heavenward, doesn’t it?… READ MORE

See it to believe it…

Insane Video: ‘Encountering Christ’ at World Youth Day

(YouTube screenshot)

Time and again we hear that one of the reasons for World Youth Day is to give the young an opportunity to ‘encounter Christ’.

This year’s ‘Catholic Woodstock’, as the secular press once nicknamed it, is being held in Lisbon, Portugal. It began on Tuesday, Aug. 1, and will conclude on Sunday, Aug. 6. Of course ‘Pope’ Francis is also scheduled to be there.

The official opening of World Youth Day yesterday took place with a Novus Ordo worship service celebrated by ‘Cardinal’ Manuel José Macário do Nascimento Clemente, who is the local patriarch there.… READ MORE

In Italian police custody now…

Horror in the Vatican: Nude Man stands on High Altar of St. Peter’s Basilica

(we have redacted the image to make it less offensive)

[UPDATE June 3: Vatican holds rite of reparation after naked man climbs onto St. Peter’s altar]

The month of June 2023 began with a horrific profanation of what is probably the holiest place in all of Vatican City.

On June 1, 2023, a man climbed onto the high altar of St. Peter’s Basilica and undressed himself completely, apparently in protest over the Russia-Ukraine war. The man had letters written on his back, saying: “Save Children in Ukraine”.… READ MORE

Come on, it’s tradition!

No Snickering! ‘Bishop’ of Auckland wears Candy Bar Wreath at the Altar

Please suppress any urge to snicker at this. What you see above is a snapshot of 60-year-old ‘Bishop’ Stephen Marmion Lowe of Auckland, New Zealand, in the most solemn act of worship of the Most Holy Trinity that the Vatican II religion has to offer — the ‘New Mass’ of Paul VI. They supposedly believe it to be “the fount and apex of the whole Christian life” (Dogmatic Constitution Lumen Gentium, n. 11).

The fact that ‘Bp.’ Lowe is wearing a wreath of Snickers bars may seem odd, but in Polynesia, of which New Zealand is considered a part, this is a common tradition.… READ MORE

A clarification and retraction…

The Strange Crucifix of Rio de Janeiro:
What did Francis really kiss?

(image source: Instagram)

When ‘Pope’ Francis (Jorge Bergoglio) embarked on his very first trip outside of Italy, the destination was Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The occasion was World Youth Day (July 22-29, 2013).

In case you don’t recall anything about it, here are some aids to jog your memory: It was there, at the “Pope-acabana”, that Francis unleashed his order: ¡Hagan lío! (“Make a mess!”). It was there that Novus Ordo bishops danced a “flash mob for the Pope”. It was there that ‘Holy Communion’ was distributed from disposable plastic cups.… READ MORE

Vatican II ecclesiology in action…

UPDATED: Vatican permits Anglican ‘Mass’ at St. John Lateran Cathedral in Rome

Mr. Jonathan Baker leads an Anglican ‘Mass’ in St. John’s Cathedral, Rome


20-APR-2023 18:29 UTC:


Diocese apologizes, says had no prior knowledge…

Shocking Scenes at Polish ‘Youth Retreat’: Stage Play shows half-naked Woman on Leash, Mistreated, Put in Cage — in Church!

On Mar. 27, 2023, as part of a three-day “Catholic youth retreat” at St. Maximilian Kolbe Church in Toruń, Poland, a group of people put on a staged performance that was so disturbing and scandalous that it has received national media attention. It is sure to receive coverage also in the English-speaking world once the details become more widely known.

One struggles for words trying to describe what one sees in the videos which members of the audience have shared with the press and/or posted on social media.… READ MORE

The worship of man, not God…

‘Disco Mass’ defiles Catholic Church in Germany

“It is written: My house is the house of prayer…” (Lk 19:46)

‘Pope’ Francis will be relieved to hear this: The Church of the Holy Cross in the tiny settlement of Borkenwirthe in Germany did not offer the Traditional Latin Mass this past January 28. Instead, it had advertised a “Disco Mass” for young people — and it followed through with the threat.

A two-and-a-half minute video report of the spectacle summarizes what took place — audiovisually and verbally:

The pews were packed, perhaps also because there was absolutely no risk of being confronted with Catholicism.… READ MORE

Meant to depict horrors of sexual abuse…

German Synodal Way Ends with Grotesque Performance in Frankfurt Cathedral

The fifth and (hopefully) final assembly of the notorious “Synodal Way” (Synodaler Weg) of the German branch of the Vatican II Church is currently underway in Frankfurt. It began yesterday and will finish tomorrow, Mar. 11, 2023.

The news coming out of today’s meeting is not surprising: “Participants in the synodal way’s final assembly overwhelmingly endorsed a document Friday urging German bishops to permit same-sex blessings officially in their dioceses”, The Pillar reports. Just imagine!

The German Synodal Way is the most radical representation of the Bergoglian ideology, as they lobby for progressivist “reforms” of the most egregious and disgusting nature.… READ MORE

One of Francis’ closest advisors…

Salacious and Sacrilegious: ‘Cardinal’ Reinhard Marx Opens Archdiocesan Museum Exhibit ‘Damned Lust’

Some people just cannot wait to go to hell.

One of them appears to be ‘Cardinal’ Reinhard Marx (b. 1953), the notorious perversion-promoting apostate who is currently in charge of the Archdiocese of Munich and Freising, Germany. His theological scorecard speaks a clear language, and it’s not Catholicism.

For example, “His Eminence” holds that there is nothing wrong with sodomy, and that Jesus Christ never meant to proclaim a divine doctrine. He admires his namesake Karl, the founder of Communism, and likes to consecrate and use absurd “altars” (and also churches, including this one).… READ MORE

Aging Modernist ‘corrects’ Son of God…

Jesuit Tom Reese: ‘Actually, Jesus is Wrong’

Smarty-pants ‘Fr.’ Tom Reese, S.J., thinks he knows better than the Word Incarnate

Just the other day the American Jesuit ‘Fr.’ Thomas Reese (b. 1945), who was once editor-in-chief of the Jesuit publication America, candidly declared his rejection of defined Catholic dogma when he said: “I do not believe in Transubstantiation…”.

By manifesting this heresy, he made clear that he does not hold the Catholic Faith, for one cannot accept the Faith in parts or in degrees: “Such is the nature of Catholicism that it does not admit of more or less, but must be held as a whole or as a whole rejected: ‘This is the Catholic faith, which unless a man believe faithfully and firmly; he cannot be saved’ (Athanas.… READ MORE

So inviting and edifying!

Welcome to Vienna:
‘Donau City Church’ is waiting for you!

Donau City is a part of Vienna, the capital of Austria. It means “Danube City” and was established in 1996. Home to a lot of skyscrapers with offices and apartments, it has an impressive-looking skyline.

In such hip surroundings, of course a cool, contemporary Novus Ordo church cannot be missing. This is where “Donau City Church” comes in. Actually, its proper name is Christ, Hope of the World Church, but you wouldn’t know it from looking at it, as the image above demonstrates.

Donau City Church is part of a larger parish family and belongs to the Modernist-occupied Archdiocese of Vienna, which is still being led by the quasi-Satanist ‘Cardinal’ Christoph Schönborn (b.READ MORE

Conquering new spiritual heights, eh?

Getting into the Swing of Lent… literally

Lent is always a really exciting time in the Vatican II religion, at least in the churches of Germany and Austria. You just never know what you’re going to get when you step inside one of those buildings that still use the misleading label “Catholic church”.

Often the surprises and discoveries encountered in such churches are hard to put into words — they’re things one must simply see or hear to believe.

Perhaps the most bizarre spectacle ever to grace a German church was what took place on Mar.… READ MORE