Overhyped and underresearched…

Assessing Taylor Marshall’s Infiltration:
Bold Exposé or Controlled Opposition?

Resisting Francis to his face? On May 15, 2019, Dr. Taylor Marshall met “Pope” Francis in Rome at a general audience, at which time he gave him the first (signed) copy of Infiltration, days before its official release. Later, when discussing the meeting in a video, Marshall said, “People on social media have attacked me on both sides as being too nice to the Pope, or too mean to the Pope…” This is precisely the confusion one expects from the recognize-and-resist position he espouses — opposition to the “Holy Father”, but a cordial and ultimately insipid opposition.READ MORE

A victim of his own panache…

Pope or Antipope?
“Fr.” John Hunwicke and the Case of Felix II

The English Novus Ordo presbyter John Hunwicke is once again outdoing himself on his Mutual Enrichment blog. In a post published Aug. 9, 2020, entitled, “Holy Antipopes, pray for us”, the convert from Anglicanism can barely contain his excitement with regard to what he calls “the Mysterious Affair of Pope Felix II”.

In a style reminiscent of a child who’s just found a big box of candies and knows Momma isn’t looking, “Fr.” Hunwicke revels in a discovery he’s made that he apparently thinks is a tremendous blow to sedevacantists, to Francis, or to both.… READ MORE

Return of an old straw man…

On Disobeying the Pope:
Comments on a recent One Peter Five Article

“Can a Catholic Ever Disobey a Pope?” That is the question currently being asked at One Peter Five. An article by that title was posted on July 17, 2020, written by Paul Casey.

The author begins by claiming:

“No one is ever allowed to disobey the pope. Period.”

The statement is made repeatedly on social media, usually in an attempt to end a debate. It’s taken as a given. No sources cited, no documentation provided. It’s merely assumed. It is, after all, obvious.


Fun & informative podcast…

Episode 44

Comfort of Migrants, Vigano, and Getting Angry with God

Listen on demand at any time — free!

Great news, everyone: It is time again for a new episode of Francis Watch!

Novus Ordo Watch is pleased to sponsor this phenomenal quarterly podcast program, in which host Stephen Heiner of True Restoration analyses with his sedevacantist guests, Bp. Donald Sanborn and Fr. Anthony Cekada, the latest chaos perpetrated by Jorge Bergoglio, the man who claims to be the head of the Catholic Church under the stage name “Pope Francis”.

The latest episode is no.… READ MORE

Melodramatic resistance manifesto…

A Brief Commentary on The Remnant‘s “Open Letter to Pope Francis”

(screenshot from Remnant video “CHURCH IN CRISIS: World’s Catholics Resist Pope to His Face”)

Just as the infamous Amazon Synod was concluding in Rome last year, the editor-in-chief of the American recognize-and-resist flagship publication The Remnant, Michael J. Matt, sat down and penned an “Open Letter to Pope Francis”. Although dated Oct. 26, 2019, it was not published until Nov. 20, 2019, together with a video version of the letter, in which a melodramatic Matt reads the text out loud:

Our most recent podcast, TRADCAST EXPRESS 113, provides an audio commentary on the Open Letter, interspersed in between soundbites of Matt’s reading of the missive.… READ MORE

You might be surprised!

Do You Believe in the Papacy?
Take this brief Test and Find Out!

Frequent visitors to this web site know that the topic of the Catholic Papacy is continually broached here. The reason for that is that a correct understanding of the Papacy is absolutely crucial, especially in our times, and is ironically rejected — wittingly or not — by a large majority of those who call themselves traditional Catholics, specifically by those who accept Francis and his five inglorious predecessors as true Popes but at the same time attempt to remain faithful to the religion of Pope Pius XII and the Popes before him.… READ MORE

Reality check for Ratzinger fans…

Invalid Resignation or Invalid Election?
Benedict XVI’s Denial of the Dogma of Papal Primacy

It is fashionable these days to come up with all sorts of ideas and theories that render the resignation of “Pope” Benedict XVI on Feb. 28, 2013, invalid. This thesis, which we have nicknamed “Resignationism”, is very comforting to those semi-traditionalists and conservatives in the Vatican II Church who can see clearly that Francis is not a Catholic but a manifest apostate and yet will not, for whatever reason, countenance Sedevacantism as the correct alternative position that alone can explain the madness we have been witnessing since the death of Pope Pius XII in 1958.… READ MORE

If you can’t follow it, it’s not God’s GPS…

The Papacy as God’s GPS:
A Simple Analogy to illustrate our Predicament

The acronym GPS stands for “global positioning system”. Many people have one, either in their car, their smartphone, or both. It is essentially a satellite-based navigation system that allows the user to know exactly where in the world he is and what roads he needs to take in order to arrive safely at his desired destination.

In this post, we will use a GPS as an analogy to illustrate the essential difference between the positions of sedevacantists, Novus Ordo adherents, and the people in the recognize-and-resist camp, whom we typically call “semi-traditionalists” because their adherence to Tradition is only partial.… READ MORE

Recognize-and-resist icon vs. Catholic doctrine…

Tradition and the Magisterium:
Refuting the False Claims of Prof. Roberto de Mattei

On April 2, 2020, the semi-traditionalist flagship publication Catholic Family News published an interview with Prof. Roberto de Mattei, an Italian historian who is also the founder of the Lepanto Foundation and editor of the Corrispondenza Romana news site. De Mattei frequently speaks at conservative Novus Ordo and semi-trad conferences and is routinely promoted in the publications of those groups as a guiding light of Tradition in our dark times.

In fact, it was precisely in that putative capacity that Matthew Gaspers, managing editor of Catholic Family News, recently interviewed de Mattei, since the hierarchy of the institution they both claim is the Catholic Church, obviously does not hold the Catholic Faith and therefore cannot be considered a reliable teacher of the same.… READ MORE

The “Pope Emeritus” drama continues…

Benedict XVI says he retains “Spiritual Dimension” of Papacy

Still identifies as Pope, but only “spiritually”: Fr. Joseph Ratzinger

For someone who promised to withdraw in prayer so as to be hidden from the world for good, the 93-year-old “Pope Emeritus” Benedict XVI certainly continues to have a lot to say.

Vatican journalist Peter Seewald has just published a comprehensive biography of Joseph Ratzinger in his native Germany. The book will be released in English in November under the title Benedict XVI: The Biography, apparently in more than one volume. It includes a type of appendix in which Benedict, once again, answers numerous questions posed to him by Seewald.READ MORE

Retired academic again misleads his readers…

Clueless Kwasniewski cranks out another Load of Howlers on the Papacy

On Jan. 9, 2020, the conservative Novus Ordo web site Life Site published yet another blog post by Dr. Peter Kwasniewski, currently the semi-trads’ favorite academic because he continually reassures them that despite all his heresies and other errors, Jorge Bergoglio (Francis) really is the Pope of the Catholic Church — you just can’t follow the man without gravely endangering your Faith (which in turn would render the Papacy not only useless but extremely dangerous, but they never think that far).

Brilliant though he may be on many other issues, when it comes to the topic of the Papacy, Kwasniewski is simply abysmal.… READ MORE

“On the Question of the True Pope” refuted…

Comedy Hour with Athanasius Schneider: Kazakh Auxiliary torpedoes Traditional Doctrine on the Papacy to bail out Francis

Days after the British Tablet published a story on the retired Kazakh Novus Ordo bishop Jan Pawel Lenga publicly declaring that he does not recognize Jorge Bergoglio (Francis) as a valid Pope because he is a “heretic” and an “Antichrist” (Lenga’s words) — adding that he opts instead for Joseph Ratzinger (Benedict XVI) –, his famous compatriot and Astana auxiliary “bishop” Athanasius Schneider has injected himself into the debate.

On Feb. 28, 2020, Schneider released a statement via his usual channels, which means LifeSiteNews.comREAD MORE

Salza & Siscoe taken to the woodshed by one of their own…

“To Deceive the Elect”:

Rev. Paul Kramer destroys John Salza and Robert Siscoe

Every so often someone from the recognize-and-resist camp will complain that no sedevacantist has written a full book-length rebuttal of John Salza and Robert Siscoe’s 700-page whopper True or False Pope? Refuting Sedevacantism and Other Modern Errors (Winona, MN: STAS Editions, 2015). Frankly, there has been no need: Years ago already, after seeing the atrocious theology put forward in that book, one of their very own “priests” — the NovusOrdo-ordained Rev. Paul Kramer — announced that he was preparing a lengthy rebuttal.… READ MORE

A rebuttal based on real Catholic teaching…

No Saint Athanasius: “Bishop” Schneider continues to spread Errors about the Papacy

The German branch of the Vatican II Sect has recently opened its so-called “Synodal Way” or “Synodal Path” (Synodaler Weg), which is essentially an elaborate and structured series of chat sessions in which the laity get to tell their pastors what changes they want to see in the “Catholic Church” going forward. And since we’re not talking about just any country but about the Land of Luther, long one of the hotbeds of Modernism, this will produce a veritable catalog of ultra-liberal desiderata: married clergy, women priests, homo “marriage” ceremonies in church, and the like.… READ MORE

Nothing to see here – move along?

Just “Child’s Play”? Refutation of a Historian who says Vatican II Church will “Bounce Back” from Bergoglian Chaos

Every so often, perhaps because they are exhausted by all the cognitive dissonance adhering to the Novus Ordo Sect while trying to be Catholic brings, certain conservative and semi-traditionalist writers and pundits will push the idea that despite the current morass, things really aren’t quite so bad after all. Compared to other periods of Church history, they contend, the present situation is not nearly so troublesome, or at least it is certainly not without equal precedent.… READ MORE