Address of Pope Saint Pius X

Con Vera Soddisfazione (1909)

From Pope Pius X in Audience on May 10, 1909, to Youths attached to Catholic Universities, assembled after the second Convention in Rome

It is with genuine joy that I welcome the sentiments and expressions of devotion and reverence toward this Apostolic See which you have declared to me in your name and that of your companions. And these [sentiments] are all the more dear to me because they are expressed by young people who, dedicated to studying in order to attain the goal of true knowledge, declare themselves to be followers of Catholic doctrine and recognize the necessity of uniting in a holy union these two daughters of the same Father, reason and faith, by which we all live: these two suns, which shine in the sky of our souls; these two forces, which constitute the beginning and the end of our grandeur; these two wings which rise up to the knowledge of all truth: in a single word, reason, which is the eye of man who sees, aided by the eye of God, which is faith.… READ MORE

Encyclical ‘Mediator Dei’ of 1947…

Pope Pius XII on ‘Traditionis Custodes’:

The Authority of the Roman Pontiff over the Sacred Liturgy

In his landmark encyclical letter on the Sacred Liturgy, Pope Pius XII taught clearly and authoritatively:

The Church has further used her right of control over liturgical observance to protect the purity of divine worship against abuse from dangerous and imprudent innovations introduced by private individuals and particular churches. Thus it came about — during the 16th century, when usages and customs of this sort had become increasingly prevalent and exaggerated, and when private initiative in matters liturgical threatened to compromise the integrity of faith and devotion, to the great advantage of heretics and further spread of their errors — that in the year 1588, Our predecessor Sixtus V of immortal memory established the Sacred Congregation of Rites, charged with the defense of the legitimate rites of the Church and with the prohibition of any spurious innovation.


More confusion on a fundamental Catholic concept…

Still Lost in Blunderland: Refuting Peter Kwasniewski’s Latest Specious Attack on Ultramontanism


by Francis del Sarto

Ultramontane (Lat., ultra, beyond; montes, mountains; beyond the Alps, viz., Italy, and particularly Rome as the home of the pope), name given to Catholics who agreed with the pope on matters of doctrine, discipline, and policy. It came into vogue after the Vatican Council. Cisalpine (this side of the Alps) was the name adopted by those who differed.–C.E., V, 125.” (The New Catholic Dictionary [1929], p. 979)

What is going on over at the Catholic Family News (CFN) editorial department?… READ MORE

Novus Ordo Watch for your ears…

False Church, False Doctrine, but True Pope?

TRADCAST 030 now available

TRADCAST — The Traditional Catholic Podcast


In case you missed our initial announcement on May 1: We have published another full-length episode of our popular TRADCAST podcast program. As always, it is loaded with real traditional Catholicism, insightful commentary, hard-hitting refutations of various errors, and razor-sharp analysis. Our content is typically challenging but is always delivered with a relieving touch of humor, so necessary in our chaotic and bizarre times.

TRADCAST 030 addresses a number of topics.… READ MORE

TRADCAST 030 (1 MAY 2021)


  • Segment 1: Francis’ latest heresy: Is Jesus Christ a “Divine-Human Person”? / Why the new book Defending the Faith Against Present Heresies, directed at Francis, is guaranteed to fail / Answering objections to the sedevacantist position: (a) If the Catholic Church was so strong before Vatican II, how could the council do so much damage? – excursion on Ecumenism; (b) If Sedevacantism is true, why are there Eucharistic miracles in the Novus Ordo Church?
  • Segment 2: A false church with a true Pope? / Vatican I’s teaching about St. Peter’s perpetual successors and the indefectibility of the Church / Interlude: world’s first anti-Vatican II song / “Abp.”

Not exactly a Vatican II document…

Pope Pius IX condemns Anti-Christian Civilization: Exclusive English Translation of Allocution Iamdudum Cernimus (1861)

The Supreme Pontiff Pius IX (reigned 1846-1878)

Virtually everyone who considers himself a traditional Roman Catholic has heard of Pope Pius IX’s famous Syllabus of Errors. It is a list of some of the chief philosophical, theological, and socio-political errors of the 19th century. A total of 80 condemned theses, the list was appended to the encyclical Quanta Cura and released together with it on Dec. 8, 1864.

With regard to how the Syllabus came to be, the Catholic Encyclopedia explains:

The commission [for the creation of the Syllabus] took the wording of the errors to be condemned from the official declarations of Pius IX and appended to each of the eighty theses a reference indicating its content, so as to determine the true meaning and the theological value of the subjects treated.


After Steve Skojec recognizes you can’t resist…

The Battle for the Catholic Ethos:
Peter Kwasniewski tries to save Recognize-and-Resist

On Mar. 26, 2021, the well-known semi-traditionalist lecturer and retired theology professor Dr. Peter Kwasniewski posted a message on Facebook that attempts to salvage the theologically-embattled recognize-and-resist position. The entire post reads as follows:

Is “Recognize and Resist” antithetical to the Catholic ethos? Can quotations from Leo XIII of [sic] other popes of the last 150 years rule it out?

Obviously one should not ever want to be in a position of resisting a wayward pope, who is ventilating his private and dubious theological opinions from his chair, or who, while strenuously avoiding the requisites of infallibility, sows confusion and error.


Catholicism vs. the Novus Ordo religion

In a Nutshell:
The Roman Catholic Church vs. the Vatican II Church

It just doesn’t fit: the Vatican II religion isn’t Catholicism

This past Sunday was Low Sunday, on which Holy Mother Church in the Roman rite reads the Gospel of the doubting St. Thomas, to whom our Blessed Lord replied: “Because thou hast seen me, Thomas, thou hast believed: blessed are they that have not seen, and have believed” (Jn 20:29).

Fr. Nicolás Despósito of the sedevacantist Most Holy Trinity Seminary used the occasion to give an eloquent and highly informative sermon explaining what “I believe in the Holy Catholic Church” actually means.… READ MORE

Not to worry, “we can reclaim it”!

Deadly Defection: New Book by Eric Sammons claims Catholic Church has “lost her Mission”

In a few weeks’ time, Sophia Institute Press will release another book under its Crisis Publications imprint.

The new book that is about to be published was written by Eric Sammons and bears the title Deadly Indifference: How the Church lost her Mission and how we can reclaim it. The book, which naturally includes the obligatory foreword by “Bishop” Athanasius Schneider, is an exposé about how the Vatican II Church has abandoned the Divine Commission to convert the entire world to Christ, His Gospel, and His Church (see Mt 28:19-20; Mk 16:15-16).… READ MORE

No, he’s not a Sedevacantist…

Vaticanist Aldo Maria Valli: “Rome is without a Pope”

(image credit for Francis silhouette shot: REUTERS/Alamy Stock Photo)

Aldo Maria Valli is a conservative Novus Ordo Italian journalist specializing in the affairs of the Vatican. He has authored a great many books, including Il Caso ViganòLe Due Chiese, and 266: Jorge Mario Bergoglio Franciscus P.P.

Valli publishes the blog Duc in Altum, mostly in Italian. Although he has been critical of Jorge Bergoglio (“Pope Francis”) for a few years now, it was not until Feb. 21, 2021, that he released the following monograph in English (the Italian original came a day earlier):


No “recognize-and-resist” for Pius IX…

Ultramontanism vs. Gallicanism:
Pope Pius IX against the Semi-Trads

The longest-reigning Pope in history: Pius IX (1846-1878)

As the First Vatican Council (1869-70) was getting underway, the celebrated abbot of the Benedictine Monastery of St. Solesmes in France, Dom Prosper Guéranger, published his book The Papal Monarchy. He wrote it in direct reply to the Gallican errors of Bishop Henri Maret, who had written a book using the pseudonym “Bishop de Sura”.

Gueranger’s vindication of what was then called “Ultramontanism” (the orthodox Catholic position on papal authority) and his refutation of Gallicanism (the alternative view definitively condemned at the council) were so brilliant that the Pope himself — Pius IX at the time — wrote him a letter of approbation and appreciation.… READ MORE

Talk about being confused…

Confused Viganò: Bizarre Theology in former Vatican Nuncio’s Open Letter to Confused Priests

“And if the blind lead the blind, both will fall into the pit.” (Mt 15:14b)

On Jan. 31, 2021, the well-known former Vatican nuncio to the United States, “Archbishop” Carlo Maria Viganò, penned an “Open Letter to Confused Priests”, which was eagerly published in full by the American recognize-and-resist flagship The Remnant. It can be read here:

Not surprisingly, Vigano’s lengthy missive is filled with grave distortions of Catholic theology regarding the Papacy, distortions to which he needs to resort in order to avoid the undesired conclusion of Sedevacantism.… READ MORE

Rigidly clinging to his certainties…

Francis to Catechists: Vatican II is the Magisterium of the Church and non-negotiable

The traditionalist wing of the Vatican II Church is concerned. On Saturday, Jan. 30, 2021, their extremely valid “Pope” opened his mouth about the Second Vatican Council (1962-65) and a Catholic’s supposed obligation to adhere to it.

In a flowery discourse to Italian catechists filled with blather about kerygma, encounter, journey, listening, the “dialect of closeness” and what not, the Argentinian apostate playing Pope said:

This is magisterium: the Council is the magisterium of the Church. Either you are with the Church and therefore you follow the Council, and if you do not follow the Council or you interpret it in your own way, as you wish, you are not with the Church.


Deflating a popular Resistance myth…

Can we reject Magisterial Teaching if it wasn’t believed Always, Everywhere, and by All?

The True Meaning of the Canon of St. Vincent of Lérins

“Cafeteria Catholicism” is a fitting label often used to describe the position taken by overt Modernists and other pseudo-Catholic liberals (especially politicians) who like to pick and choose which Church teachings to accept and which ones to reject. Usually what is accepted is those things perceived as politically correct, expedient, or simply non-offensive (for example, the existence of God, the importance and power of prayer, belief in an afterlife, or the importance of loving our neighbor); whereas what is rejected is usually those teachings that are politically incorrect, offensive to modern man, or somehow inconvenient or burdensome (for example, the necessity of the Catholic Church for salvation, the prohibition against worship with non-Catholics, the reality of an eternal hell for unrepentant sinners, or most sins against the Sixth and Ninth Commandments).… READ MORE

Video interview with Sr. Mary Bernadette, CMRI

Eyewitness to the Modernist Revolution in the Catholic Church: A Nun tells her Story

Ladies and gentlemen, today we are happy to present to you an exclusive video interview with an eye witness to the Modernist revolution against the Catholic Church that took place during the 1960s.

In an hour-long conversation, Sister Mary Bernadette Urban, CMRI, recalls the turbulent years just after the Second Vatican Council (1962-65), when Catholics found themselves bewildered at the Modernist revolution that had begun with the accession of the false popes John XXIII (1958-63) and Paul VI (1963-78).… READ MORE