News Digest January 12, 2021

January 12, 2021

As timely as ever: Former Communist Bella Dodd (1904-69) exposes Communism

Novus Ordo university professor John Rao was present in Washington, D.C., on January 6, and tells the real story of what happened. Francis, of course, had some comments as well.

If you needed another reason not to take the COVID-19 vaccine, this may be it: Whereas his sect’s doctrinal office merely said that taking such a shot is “morally acceptable” and vaccination has to be “voluntary”, Antipope Francis kicks it up a notch and claims everyone must receive the vaccine. Of course “Bp.”READ MORE

News Digest November 4, 2020

November 4, 2020

Vatican II has consequences: Irish Novus Ordo priest allows Muslim to lead prayer in church…

As always, Vatican News knows to ask the really crucial questions: “How will the US election impact climate change?”

Breaking silence: “Abp.” Carlo Vigano reveals details – including names – about Vatican gay lobby.

Meanwhile: Francis puts McCarrick roommate “Cardinal” Kevin Farrell in charge of “scrutinizing Vatican financial decisions not governed by ordinary Vatican oversight norms.”

By the way: Financial and operational questions surround Bergoglio’ favorite Scholas Occurrentes foundation….

Lefebvrists celebrate: Fifty Years of the Society of Saint Pius X.… READ MORE

News Digest September 9, 2020

September 9, 2020

The whacky Disco Jesuit gives a whole new meaning to “active participation”!

We have found Francis’ Noble Savage! He lives in Australia and dances half-naked at Novus Ordo deacons’ ordinations to invoke pagan spirits — all in harmony with Mother Earth! (For those who prefer a Sri Lankan Kandyan dance in their Modernist worship service, the Vatican II Sect never fails to deliver.)

Picture of Francis burned at COVID-measures protest in Rome: “…there was a significant presence of Catholic traditionalists and conservatives at the demonstration, including protesters who carried a version of the gold-and-white papal flag with an image of Benedict XVI.… READ MORE

Novus Ordo Watch NEWS DIGEST
August 6, 2020

In case you were wondering why God is punishing the world…

Vatican drops God to reach wider audience. Only focusing on the essentials now, eh? At least they haven’t abandoned Mother Earth yet!

Cancel Church: London “Catholic” school fires teacher for saying Mohammed was a “False Prophet”. What do you expect from a Modernist sect that is itself guided by a false prophet? “For there shall arise false Christs and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders, insomuch as to deceive (if possible) even the elect” (Mt 24:24).

Speaking of false prophets: Francis sends message to Medjugorje adherents.… READ MORE

Novus Ordo Watch NEWS DIGEST
June 29, 2020

And now… Arabic Pentecost Chant in Germany! With some red things…

After Bergoglio: Edward Pentin releases new book, The Next Pope: The Leading Cardinal Candidates. Video of panel discussion with author here.

This may just qualify for dumbest tweet of the year: Francis says that the Sacred Heart “wants to welcome us all into the revolution of tenderness.” On second thought, this “papal” tweet is a serious contender as well

Get ready! The Vatican is inviting you to the “Season of Creation” and a year-long celebration of Laudato Si’!… READ MORE

Novus Ordo Watch NEWS DIGEST
May 18, 2020

This is what they mean when they talk about that joyful church…

The Frankster at full throttle: “Prayer is a surge, it’s an invocation that goes beyond us, something that is born in the intimacy of our person and reaches out because it feels the nostalgia of an encounter.”

Forget Minecraft, Donkey Kong, or Pac Man: “Pope Simulator” will hit the shelves in 2021! (And Bergoglio has already been playing it since 2013!)

Masons cheering Masons: Italian Freemasonry Magazine Endorses Vatican’s Document on ‘Human Fraternity’.

A presbyter after Francis’ heart: German Novus Ordo priest prays from roof of mosque, omits mention of Jesus Christ.… READ MORE

Novus Ordo Watch NEWS DIGEST
April 14, 2020

Is your Novus Ordo parish locked? Not for the local imam!

Happy Socialist Easter from your friendly apostate, Jorge Bergoglio!

On Easter Sunday Italians lash out at Francis for wanting to open borders, not churches!

In full communion with the Vatican II Sect: Introducing… Latin-Mass Socialists!

At least the Vatican knows what really matters these days: “Earth Hour marked digitally due to Coronavirus.” Of course the author is a Jesuit. But Vatican News has since removed the story. That’s the second piece by the same author that Vatican News removed in roughly two weeks.… READ MORE

News Digest February 21, 2020

Novus Ordo Watch NEWS DIGEST
February 21, 2020

Behold the “now of God”, as Francis likes to say

Running out of slogans? After declaring the young to be the present and future of his “Church”, Francis says the same about the elderly.

Finally, there is a new way to cope with your ecological grief: Try Ecowriting!

Utah legislature mulls decriminalizing polygamy in part — time for the Salt Lake City diocese to have “no position” on the matter!

Four German Novus Ordo dioceses join “climate fast” for Lent. Hey, why fast for spiritual reasons when you can fast for the planet?… READ MORE

News Digest January 16, 2020

Novus Ordo Watch NEWS DIGEST
January 16, 2020

The “Abrahamic Family House” will unite a church, a synagogue, and a mosque on the same foundation
— with the full support of “Pope” Francis, of course, but “Abp.” Vigano rips.

The Vatican soap opera continues: More fallout after Ratzinger/Sarah book kerfuffle: “Abp.” Georg Ganswein under fire after “Abp.” Carlo Viganò accuses him of “abusive and systematic control” of Benedict XVI. Marco Tosatti also weighs in. Yet no one will mention the much bigger problem with Ganswein: He is a public heretic.

From the guy who spreads fear about climate change: “Cardinal” Marx says that spreading the fear of hell undermines the Gospel.… READ MORE

News Digest November 18, 2019

Novus Ordo Watch NEWS DIGEST
November 18, 2019

Why you’re not Novus Ordo anymore, example no. 713: Anastasis church in France

More altar boys coming forward: Vatican youth seminary scandal grows with new abuse claims.

The Frankster tolerateth no dissent: Vatican envoy tells U.S. Novus Ordo bishops to get in line with Francis in ‘bomb-drop’ address.

Nothing to see here: Francis meets with Anglican Lesbian activist who seeks to criminalize psychological help for people who struggle with disordered sexual attractions.

Under water: Record floods in Venice, famous St. Mark’s Basilica damaged, crypt completely flooded. This is the cathedral used by Pope St.… READ MORE

News Digest October 1, 2019

Novus Ordo Watch NEWS DIGEST
October 1, 2019

Was Sister Lucy of Fatima replaced with an impostor around 1960?

It’s Extraordinary Missionary Month! Let Amazon Synod participant Sister Solar Panel explain what that means: “It’s not evangelization as it was understood before, that I come to give something, but that I come to encounter someone who has many things, and who already has a relationship with God that is different from mine, but just as valid as mine.”

Just wait till Francis calls them off: Vatican police raid Secretariat of State looking for evidence of financial corruption. While they’re at it, they may want to check the Casa Santa Marta for evidence of a papal impostor…

Francis the Prophet of Doom: “Now is the time to repent, to be converted” — “towards forms of clean energy and a sustainable and circular economy”!… READ MORE

News Digest August 16, 2019

Novus Ordo Watch NEWS DIGEST
August 16, 2019

Hop(p)ing to be hip: French Novus Ordos create “Catholic” parody of secular hip-hop song

Catholic Zero: Francis tweets that “Education with horizons open to transcendence helps young people to dream and to build a more beautiful world.” Your local Masonic lodge couldn’t have said it better!

Replace Christ with migrants, and suddenly Novus Ordos in Baltimore want to have a Way of the Cross procession through the streets

Francis: ‘Be not afraid of Migrants’ because encounter. Germany: 8-year-old boy dies after being pushed in front of moving train by African migrant.… READ MORE

Novus Ordo Watch NEWS DIGEST
July 19, 2019

Francis blathers at youth for 4 minutes and says nothing the Dalai Lama wouldn’t also say

Culture of Encounter: Several of Francis’ “mobile tabernacles” have enriched the life of a Greek Orthodox priest in Venice. In Pescara, churchgoers had an unpleasant encounter with another walking holy-of-holies. Maybe that’s why not every Italian was thrilled when Francis tweeted his support for migrants again the other day.

India institutes Death Penalty for child sex offenders — guess who’s opposed to that. Brilliant argumentation: “The death penalty cannot be seen as an effective deterrent to any crime” but then “There should be stringent punishments for those playing with the life of innocent children in all forms of sexual offenses so as to generate fear among those committing such offenses”!… READ MORE

Novus Ordo Watch NEWS DIGEST
June 18, 2019

Vatican II theology in action: Moslem call to prayer in ‘Catholic’ cathedral in Paris, France

Vatican denies rumors that Ratzinger Emeritus Benedict XVI has suffered a stroke. You know what they say: Believe nothing about the Vatican until it’s been officially denied.

The Vatican’s biggest carbon emitter, “Pope” Francis, warns: “Time is running out! …We do not have the luxury of waiting for others to step forward” to save the planet! Here we must quote the words of “Saint” John XXIII at the Vatican II opening address: “We feel we must disagree with those prophets of gloom, who are always forecasting disaster, as though the end of the world were at hand”!READ MORE

Novus Ordo Watch NEWS DIGEST
May 13, 2019

Opening of the Religious Education Congress in Los Angeles… Can you guess the religion?

Finally, some action: Francis faces Opposition during Angelus Address… They should carry Sede Vacante banners!

Sacred Betrayal: Widow of former Vatican ambassador publishes explosive book outlining corruption, deception, and abuse of power of “Cardinal” Oscar Rodriguez-Maradiaga, Francis’ frontman for reform of church governance. The National Catholic Register has published an interview with the author here.

“Bp.” Athanasius Schneider says Francis “must” correct his Abu Dhabi declaration. And if he doesn’t?! – Well then… he doesn’t.… READ MORE