This explains a lot…

Analyze This:
In new Interview Book, Francis reveals he spent 6 Months in Therapy with Jewish Psychoanalyst

[UPDATE 01-SEP-2017 19:45 UTC: Psychoanalysis was condemned by the Catholic Church until “Pope” Paul VI]

The French-speaking world is going to be enriched tremendously this coming Wednesday, Sep. 6, for it is then that a new book will hit the shelves entitled, Pape François: Politique et Société (“Pope Francis: Politics and Society”). The work is an “unedited dialogue” between French sociologist Dominique Wolton and the head of the Vatican II Sect, “Pope” Francis.

In other words, it’s another interview book, and it’s long — very long.… READ MORE

This is getting old…

Two more Logos! For Francis’ Trips to Bangladesh and Myanmar

These days it’s hard to keep up just reporting on all the logos, slogans, and official songs released for the never-ending, excessively carbon-emitting “Apostolic Journeys” of “His Holiness” around the globe.

After the recent unveiling of the logos for Francis’ upcoming Chile and Peru visits scheduled for early next year, the Vatican has now released the official emblems for his trip to Bangladesh and Myanmar (Burma), which is to take place from Nov. 27 – Dec. 2, 2017.

The logos are displayed above (click image for a larger version). … READ MORE

“Fr.” Arturo Sosa in Cambodia

Jesuit Superior visits Buddhist Temple

He fits right in: Mr. Sosa (left) with his fellow-non-Catholics

“Fr.” Arturo Sosa, S.J., is the current Superior General of the apostate Jesuits. He recently made headlines for denying the existence of Satan and for questioning the reliability of the Gospel accounts of the words of our Lord.

From July 14-17, 2017, Mr. Sosa visited the Kingdom of Cambodia, an Asian nation where the majority of the population is Buddhist. The purpose of his trip was to visit the “missions” there, although you can probably imagine that when Jesuits talk about “missionary activity”, they have in mind anything but seeking people’s conversion to Catholicism.… READ MORE

It’s so bad, even atheists notice…

Atheist Philosopher slams Francis: “Bergoglio is Not Concerned with the Salvation of Souls”

Ladies and gentlemen, we are living in the Twilight Zone: At this point, the apostasy of Francis is so obvious that even atheists are taking notice.

We are talking about Marcello Pera, an Italian atheist philosopher and politician who served in his nation’s Senate in the 1990s and 2000s. Twelve years ago, Pera co-authored a book with his friend Joseph Ratzinger, entitled Senza Radici: Relativismo, Cristianesimo, Islam (Mondadori). It was published in English as Without Roots: The West, Relativism, Christianity, Islam in the United States in 2007.READ MORE

Hubris and Ineptitude meet Loquaciousness

Evangelii Gaudium Reloaded:
Francis’ Message to G20 Summit

One need not possess the charism of infallibility to be able to predict that no matter what happens in the world, Francis will have something to say about it. In fact, one can say that never before Francis did a single man who had so little to say, talk so much.

Thus it stood to reason that the “Pope” wasn’t going to let the world’s major economic powers meet for their annual G20 summit without butting in and gracing them with a few crumbs of his infinite wisdom: A few days ahead of the July 7-8 event in Hamburg, Germany, Francis had sent a message to the host nation’s chancellor, the Lutheran adulteress Angela Merkel.… READ MORE

“Make friends with members of all religions!”

Guru, Rabbi, Mufti, “Pope”:
Francis joins Campaign for Pan-Religious Friendship

The so-called Elijah Interfaith Institute has launched a campaign to bring people of different religions together in order to overcome “negativity and divisions in society”. The effort has received the official endorsement and encouragement of prominent leaders of numerous religions, and of course this includes the head of the apostate Vatican II Sect, “Pope” Francis.

“The World’s Most Prominent Religious Leaders Call On Everyone To Make Friends Across Religions” is the headline currently displayed on the Institute‘s web site, followed by a summary of its interreligious friendship campaign:

On June 14, 2017 many of the world’s most prominent religious leaders made a joint statement encouraging people everywhere to make friends across religions.


“For such false apostles are deceitful workmen, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ” (2 Cor 11:13)…

The False Bergoglian Magisterium —
New Articles by Miles Christi

With Jorge Bergoglio still going strong in his role of “Pope Francis”, one never runs out of errors, heresies, blasphemies, impieties, or other scandals to refute and criticize. An utter travesty of Roman Catholicism, the Vatican II religion is the proverbial “gift that keeps on giving”, especially with Francis at the helm.

Catholic writer Miles Christi (“Soldier of Christ”), whom we have featured on this web site on numerous occasions, has released some new articles reviewing and exposing the false magisterium of the world’s most notorious apostate.… READ MORE

Who’s the most occultist of them all?

Mirror, Mirror on the Wall:
The New “Pope Video” (May 2017)

It’s the first week of the month, which means it’s time again for a new “Pope Video”.

As he does every month, so too in May the papal pretender in the Vatican has now released a video advancing his prayer intention for the next 30 days: “That Christians in Africa, in imitation of the Merciful Jesus, may give prophetic witness to reconciliation, justice, and peace” (source).

The 1-minute video clip can be watched here (caution! some immodesty):

For those who are unable to play the video, a brief description: The clip shows, in sequence, different African people looking at themselves in a mirror, in various settings.… READ MORE

The Francis Show in Egypt

Same old bunk, different location…

The Francis Show in Egypt

From Apr. 28-29, 2017, the man who likes to see himself called the “Pope of Peace” visited Egypt in order to preach the Gospel the Masonic doctrines of natural brotherhood, dialogue, and encounter to the people there. If you missed it, you didn’t — miss anything, that is. It was a rerun of the same old show, simply adapted to a different setting. Francis gave his usual speeches regurgitating insufferable, lowest-common-denominator Naturalist and ecumenical platitudes before an interreligious audience. Not surprisingly, Francis brought up his heretical concept of an “ecumenism of blood” once again.… READ MORE

Facepalm Alert…

A “Revolution of Tenderness”:
Francis delivers Video Message to TED Conference

Embed from Getty Images

No matter what happens in the world, you can bet your bottom dollar that “Pope Francis” (Jorge Bergoglio) has something to say about it. (Unless it’s the 100th anniversary of the death of Pope Saint Pius X, then Francis mysteriously falls silent.)

Thus, the “Pope” sent a video message to the 2017 TED conference in Vancouver, Canada. The meeting was held from Apr. 24-28 under the vacuous motto, “The Future You”, so it was clear that the world’s most talkative Jesuit would be tempted to contribute his own Naturalist tripe to the conference.… READ MORE

He kneels before man but not before God…

The Francis Show, Holy Thursday Edition

He kisses tenderly because he can…

[UPDATE 15-APR-17 17:07 UTC: It has come to our attention that in the foot-washing rite in use before Pope Pius XII’s restoration in 1955, the rubrics mandated the kissing of the feet that were washed. We apologize for not being aware of this and have revised this post accordingly. It changes nothing, however, in our essential critique of Francis’ actions, since he is obviously not trying to restore traditional practice and the Novus Ordo rubrics do not mandate kissing.]

Just in time for Lent!

Francis in New Interview:
“Walk in Other People’s Shoes”!

It’s almost Lent, and in case you were going to be thinking about Jesus Christ, your own soul, or a path of penance for the next 40 days, “Pope” Francis has taken steps to ensure that the focus will remain on him instead: He has graced the world with yet another one of his legendary interviews. (No one is counting anymore, but we must be somewhere around 5o now in total since 2013.)

On Shrove Tuesday, Feb. 28, the Italian homeless-run magazine Scarp de’ Tenis published its latest issue with a big picture of Francis on the cover behind the title, “Mettiamoci Nelle Scarpe Degli Altri” — “Let’s Walk in the Shoes of Others”.… READ MORE

“I can’t believe it’s not Catholic!”

Francis stands up for the Rights of Tradition!
Pagan Tradition, of course!

Original caption: “Pope Francis met with a group representing indigenous peoples on February 15, 2017 at the Vatican, speaking to them about the need to ‘reconcile the right to development, both social and cultural, with the protection of the particular characteristics of indigenous peoples and their territories’. The representatives are participating in the Indigenous Peoples’ Forum hosted in Rome by the UN’s International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD). The biennial meeting aims to promote greater economic empowerment of indigenous peoples.” Photo by Sipa USA (Sipa via AP Images)

No matter what happens in or around the city of Rome, you can bet your bottom dollar that Francis has something to say about it — unless it happens to be the 100th anniversary of the death of Pope Saint Pius X, or a set of dubia exposing his heretical claptrap is given him — then he mysteriously discovers the beauty of silence.… READ MORE

Naturalism for Football Fans

Francis has a Message for Super Bowl Sunday

Today is February 5, 2017, and in the United States this happens to be Super Bowl Sunday this year, the day on which the American football season closes with its annual championship game.

The ever-talkative “Pope” Francis (Mr. Jorge Bergoglio) used this opportunity to bring more of his Naturalist twaddle to a wider audience. In a spiritual equivalent of the smutty Super Bowl half-time show, Francis once again promoted sports as a great way to practice his “culture of encounter” that, so he thinks, will lead to world peace.… READ MORE

He’s baack!

January 2017 “Pope Video”:
Ecumenism for a Better World

In the era of “Pope” Francis, each new month brings with it a new “Pope Video” announcing Mr. Bergoglio’s prayer intention of the month for the world. Francis started this custom with a bombshell a year ago, when his first “Pope Video” brazenly promoted Indifferentism, effectively blending Buddhism, Talmudic Judaism, Islam, and “Christianity” into an essentially single religion. In case you need a refresher, here is our post ripping it to shreds:

This month, Francis has released a video promoting Ecumenism to aid humanity in need:

Once more, Francis puts the focus on alleviating pain and suffering in this life.… READ MORE