Roman “How to survive Francis without saying he isn’t the Pope” Gathering…

Conservative Church Crisis Conference in Rome issues Lackluster Declaration

Saturday, April 7, 2018, saw yet another high-profile “Catholic” conference in Rome. It was, in essence, a crisis self-help conference by various conservative Novus Ordo personalities who are wondering what they can or should do in the current situation without having to deny that Francis is a true Pope. Similar events had taken place before, such as the conference in Rome on Christian marriage sponsored by the Lepanto Foundation in Dec. 2016.

Officially, the conference had the intriguing and yet smooth-sounding title, “Catholic Church, where are you going?” … READ MORE

It’s so bad, even atheists notice…

Atheist Philosopher slams Francis: “Bergoglio is Not Concerned with the Salvation of Souls”

Ladies and gentlemen, we are living in the Twilight Zone: At this point, the apostasy of Francis is so obvious that even atheists are taking notice.

We are talking about Marcello Pera, an Italian atheist philosopher and politician who served in his nation’s Senate in the 1990s and 2000s. Twelve years ago, Pera co-authored a book with his friend Joseph Ratzinger, entitled Senza Radici: Relativismo, Cristianesimo, Islam (Mondadori). It was published in English as Without Roots: The West, Relativism, Christianity, Islam in the United States in 2007.READ MORE