Rigidly clinging to his certainties…

Francis to Catechists: Vatican II is the Magisterium of the Church and non-negotiable

The traditionalist wing of the Vatican II Church is concerned. On Saturday, Jan. 30, 2021, their extremely valid “Pope” opened his mouth about the Second Vatican Council (1962-65) and a Catholic’s supposed obligation to adhere to it.

In a flowery discourse to Italian catechists filled with blather about kerygma, encounter, journey, listening, the “dialect of closeness” and what not, the Argentinian apostate playing Pope said:

This is magisterium: the Council is the magisterium of the Church. Either you are with the Church and therefore you follow the Council, and if you do not follow the Council or you interpret it in your own way, as you wish, you are not with the Church.


“For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh” (Lk 6:45)…

He did it again! Francis once more alludes to Depraved Sexual Practice to describe Sensationalist Journalism

Shameless: The Argentinian apostate Jorge Bergoglio, S.J.
(image: AP Photo/Andrew Medichini)

Ladies and gentlemen, we take no pleasure in having to report this utter garbage, but the “Vicar of Christ” has once more opened his filthy mouth, and the matter is so serious that report it we must. Caution! This post will make you physically nauseous.

As he had done before in public — back in 2016 as “Pope” and in 2012 as “Archbishop” of Buenos Aires — Jorge Bergoglio, typically known by his stage name “Pope Francis”, has once again gratuitously and nonchalantly enriched his conversation with a figure of speech that describes a practice that is so depraved that it is only found in the underworld of sodomites and other sexual perverts.… READ MORE

Alas, not the “Fire & Brimstone Award”…

Mexican Novus Ordo Bishop receives Award for Homo Rights Activism

Mr. José Raúl Vera López, O.P., is the former Novus Ordo bishop of Saltillo, Mexico. He retired only this past November, having originally been appointed to this post on Dec. 30, 1999, by “Saint” John Paul II of unhappy memory. Lopez is a prime product of the Novus Ordo religion and comes with approval from the highest echelons, having been (invalidly) ordained a priest by false pope Paul VI himself in 1975 and (likewise invalidly) consecrated a bishop by false pope John Paul II in 1988.… READ MORE

Deflating a popular Resistance myth…

Can we reject Magisterial Teaching if it wasn’t believed Always, Everywhere, and by All?

The True Meaning of the Canon of St. Vincent of Lérins

“Cafeteria Catholicism” is a fitting label often used to describe the position taken by overt Modernists and other pseudo-Catholic liberals (especially politicians) who like to pick and choose which Church teachings to accept and which ones to reject. Usually what is accepted is those things perceived as politically correct, expedient, or simply non-offensive (for example, the existence of God, the importance and power of prayer, belief in an afterlife, or the importance of loving our neighbor); whereas what is rejected is usually those teachings that are politically incorrect, offensive to modern man, or somehow inconvenient or burdensome (for example, the necessity of the Catholic Church for salvation, the prohibition against worship with non-Catholics, the reality of an eternal hell for unrepentant sinners, or most sins against the Sixth and Ninth Commandments).… READ MORE

Video interview with Sr. Mary Bernadette, CMRI

Eyewitness to the Modernist Revolution in the Catholic Church: A Nun tells her Story

Ladies and gentlemen, today we are happy to present to you an exclusive video interview with an eye witness to the Modernist revolution against the Catholic Church that took place during the 1960s.

In an hour-long conversation, Sister Mary Bernadette Urban, CMRI, recalls the turbulent years just after the Second Vatican Council (1962-65), when Catholics found themselves bewildered at the Modernist revolution that had begun with the accession of the false popes John XXIII (1958-63) and Paul VI (1963-78).… READ MORE

Bergoglio has his back…

Joe Biden in 2019:
“The Holy Father gives me Communion”

Biden smirks during an interview with PBS in 2019

Joseph R. Biden, Jr., is the current occupant of the White House in Washington, D.C. He is a member of the Novus Ordo Church in good standing, something he likes to point out when occasion suggests it.

On Sunday, Oct. 27, 2019, Biden attended the Novus Ordo worship service in Florence, South Carolina. When he walked up to receive (the Novus Ordo version of) Holy Communion, the presbyter refused to administer it to him:

Father Robert E. Morey of Saint Anthony Catholic Church confirmed Monday afternoon that he had denied the presidential candidate Holy Communion because of his stance on abortion.


Guess who was stoking the flames!

Paul VI and the “Smoke of Satan”

On June 29, 1972, for the Feast of Ss. Peter and Paul, the fake pope Paul VI (Abp. Giovanni Battista Montini) uttered what are perhaps the most well-known and most frequently quoted words of his false pontificate. He said that “through some crack the smoke of Satan has entered the temple of God” (da qualche fessura entrato il fumo di Satana nel tempio di Dio).

Some time ago Vatican News made the audio clip available in which Montini can be heard uttering these words. It can be found on this page (it’s the seventh clip from the top).… READ MORE

Condemned prior to Vatican II…

Christian Unity without Catholicism: Francis spews Ecumenical Bilge at General Audience

At his Wednesday audience of Jan. 20, 2021, the false pope in Rome, Jorge Bergoglio (“Pope Francis”), interrupted his current series of lectures on the subject of prayer and spoke about Christian unity.

This he did because every year from Jan. 18 through Jan. 25, the Novus Ordo Sect observes what it calls the “Week of Prayer for Christian Unity”. It is an ecumenicized version of the traditional Catholic “Chair of Unity Octave”, which was approved by Pope St. Pius X in 1909 and extended to the Universal Church by Pope Benedict XV in 1916.… READ MORE

Modernism is as Modernism does…

Blasphemous “Artwork” in Seminary Chapel
in Tübingen, Germany

Almost three years ago, we published an exposé on the horrific blasphemy that hangs right in the sanctuary worship space of the diocesan seminary chapel in Graz, Austria. What at first glance looks like it’s an act of vandalism against a crucifix painting, is actually the finished “artwork”. Remember?

It would be a mistake, however, to suppose that this atrocity is a unique case. After all, the Vatican II Sect is filled with blasphemy, sacrilege, heresy, and impiety, and so we should expect to see outrages like that also in other places.… READ MORE

Advent sermon before Francis and Roman Curia

“Cardinal” Cantalamessa: “The Sacrament of Poverty is the Presence of Christ under the Species of the Suffering”

The apostate Fr. Cantalamessa on Dec. 18, 2020, teaching Francis and his henchmen

The 86-year-old Modernist apostate Fr. Raniero Cantalamessa, O.F.M. Cap., who was made a fake cardinal by Francis on Nov. 28, 2020, has been the preacher of the “Papal” Household since 1980. As such, he is the only person in the Vatican II Church who is permitted to preach to the “Pope.” This he typically does twice a year, during Advent and Lent. He also has his own web site.… READ MORE

Bp. Sanborn mops the floor with Chaos Frank…

Episode 46

Gates, Gaia, and Gays

Listen on demand at any time — free!

Great news, everyone: It is time again for a new episode of Francis Watch!

Novus Ordo Watch is pleased to sponsor this phenomenal podcast program, in which host Stephen Heiner of True Restoration analyses with his distinguished guest, Bp. Donald Sanborn, the latest chaos perpetrated by Jorge Bergoglio, the man who claims to be the head of the Catholic Church under the stage name “Pope Francis”.

The latest episode is no. 46. The full podcast can be listened to in the player below.… READ MORE

‘Amoris Laetitia’ in action…

Francis facilitates Sodomite Pseudo-Family’s Acceptance in Novus Ordo Parish

Bergoglian “accompaniment” is the gift that keeps on giving, and it will do so for decades to come if God does not intervene.

Today the so-called National Catholic Reporter happily informs us that thanks to Jorge Bergoglio (“Pope Francis”), a “married” sodomite couple is now raising “its” three children at a Novus Ordo parish in Rome.

Participating at a “Mass” with Francis at the Casa Santa Marta in the Vatican, Andrea Rubera (“Andrea” is a man’s name in Italian) had a letter given to Francis asking him for advice on whether he and his “husband”, Dario, should enroll “their” children in a Novus Ordo catechism program at a parish in Rome, or whether they would be rejected because of “prejudice.” … READ MORE

News Digest January 12, 2021

January 12, 2021

As timely as ever: Former Communist Bella Dodd (1904-69) exposes Communism

Novus Ordo university professor John Rao was present in Washington, D.C., on January 6, and tells the real story of what happened. Francis, of course, had some comments as well.

If you needed another reason not to take the COVID-19 vaccine, this may be it: Whereas his sect’s doctrinal office merely said that taking such a shot is “morally acceptable” and vaccination has to be “voluntary”, Antipope Francis kicks it up a notch and claims everyone must receive the vaccine. Of course “Bp.”READ MORE

An indelible character of a different kind?

Bergoglio’s Field Hospital has arrived: COVID Shots administered in Irish Hospital Chapel closed for Sacraments

Francis has long dreamed of his Modernist sect being a “field hospital” that treats the “wounds” of its people — he talks about it every so often (for example, in 2013 | 2015 | 2019). In the town of Waterford, Ireland, that has now come true in a more literal sense that he probably anticipated.

The University Hospital Waterford comes with a “Roman Catholic” chapel on its grounds, under the care of the Novus Ordo diocese of Waterford and Lismore.… READ MORE

Indifferentism on steroids…

Welcome to the Religion of Fraternity: Francis releases dangerous new “Pope Video”

Jorge Bergoglio’s soup kitchen religion is on full display in the latest so-called “Pope Video”, a professionally-produced short promotional clip in which the Argentinian apostate who plays “Pope Francis” announces to the world his prayer intentions for the month of January 2021.

Similar to the outrageous and blasphemous inaugural “Pope Video” of January 2016, in which Judaism, Islam, and Buddhism were placed on a par with Catholicism as “different ways” of “seeking or meeting” the same God (and, interestingly enough, the “offensive” Crucifix [cf. 1 Cor 1:23] was replaced by a politically-correct figure of the Christ Child), so now, five years later, Francis promotes his apostate Masonic notion of human fraternity as that which unites all men regardless of their religion:

The moving images of the video speak for themselves.… READ MORE