“What concord hath Christ with Belial?” (2 Cor 6:15)

Apostasy in Abu Dhabi:
Francis says God wills Diversity of Religions

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“Pope” Francis is currently visiting the United Arab Emirates (UAE), a very brief trip that will conclude tomorrow, Feb. 5. The main objective of the visit has been to attend an interreligious meeting on “human brotherhood” at The Founder’s Memorial in the capital of Abu Dhabi and sign a joint declaration with the Grand Imam there. This Francis did today.

Before he took part in the interfaith conference, however, the Argentinian pseudo-pope paid a visit to the Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi and held a closed-door meeting with the members of the Muslim Council of Elders in the Grand Mosque of Sheik Zayed.… READ MORE

Claims it shows the importance of matrimony!

Vienna’s “Cardinal” Schonborn says he is “Touched” by Sodomites wanting to Get Married

“Cardinal” Schonborn, right, with sodomite activist Gery Keszler, whose union he reportedly blessed

Vienna’s “Cardinal” Christoph Schönborn has opened his impious, blasphemous, and heretical mouth again. The Jan. 31, 2019 edition of the secular German weekly Stern (“Star”) includes a conversation with the Austrian “archbishop”, who is also a member of the Vatican’s Congregation for the Destruction of the Faith and was a major editor of the so-called Catechism of the Catholic Church, which was first published in 1992.

Stern is a publication known for including nudity within its pages, and the very fact that Schonborn would grant an interview to a smutty periodical like that amounts to a scandal in its own right.… READ MORE

News Digest January 31, 2019

Novus Ordo Watch NEWS DIGEST
January 31, 2019

The Novus Ordo Titanic now comes with a BOAT ALTAR!

Vatileaks 3.0: Wikileaks publishes crucial “papal” letter on Order of Malta Affair, and Francis is exposed as the Peronist he is!

The “Pope” who knew too much: Sandro Magister on Francis and sex abuse.

Hermeneutic of continuity hiatus: In a newly-translated text, the “Pope Emeritus” Ratzinger admits that the discontinuity between the papal magisterium of Pius XII and his predecessors with the Novus Ordo magisterium that followed, “is obvious.”

Put on your surprise face: “Saint” John Paul II believed in Reincarnation.… READ MORE

Naturalism vs. Catholicism

Francis vs. Pope Pius XII:

The Fate of Aborted Infants

After the conclusion of World Youth Day in Panama City, Francis’ return flight to Rome came with the usual in-flight entertainment: questions from journalists and answers from Jorge Bergoglio. It’s a combination that in the past five-and-a-half years has led to numerous headlines that were often nothing less than scandalous because you never get more Modernism from this “Pope” than when he is off script and speaks his mind freely. His infamous “Who am I to judge?” came from his apostate lips during the first such press conference, on July 28, 2013.… READ MORE

Why make it beautiful when you can make it ugly?


Horrid Adoration Ceremony at World Youth Day Vigil Service

Covering the horrid theological and liturgical junk the Vatican II Sect puts out on a daily basis, one gets used to a lot, but there are times when you just want to jump out of your chair and yell, “No way! They can’t  be serious!”

Today was such a day.

“Pope” Francis is currently spreading his Masonic-Naturalist poison in Panama on the occasion of World Youth Day (see our extensive coverage here). Whereas yesterday evening saw a Novus Ordo version of the Stations of the Cross (with dancers, of course!),… READ MORE

Insufferable drivel on steroids…

“A Dream Named Jesus”
– Bergoglio blathers at Youth in Panama

Yesterday, Jan. 24, was only the first full day of Jorge Bergoglio’s trip to Panama City for World Youth Day, but the man more commonly known by his stage name “Pope Francis” wasted no time unloading truckloads of verbiage on his hapless audiences, inundating them with thinly-veiled Naturalist, psycho-philosophical bromides and meaningless verbal clutter.

His first address was to government authorities, diplomats, and representatives of society, and its verbal highlights included such stunning concepts as:

  • land of convocation
  • land of dreams
  • hub of hope
  • gaze towards others
  • vital horizons
  • enrichment
  • right to the future
  • dignity
  • audacity
  • richness
  • creative dynamism
  • culture of transparency

…you get the idea.READ MORE

Videos, News, Transcripts, Commentary, Background

The Francis Show at World Youth Day in Panama:
His “Apostolic Journey” of Jan. 23-27, 2019

It’s time for the “Catholic Woodstock” (aka World Youth Day) again, and of course “Pope” Francis has to be part of the action. This time the location is Panama City, Panama, where Francis arrived on Jan. 23 and from where he will depart on Sunday night, Jan. 27.

This page contains all the main links you will need to stay informed about the false pope’s visit to the small Central American country. The local time in Panama is UTC-05:00.

General Information

Recorded Videos


“Saint” Paul VI’s gift that keeps on (not) giving…

They Are Really Not Bishops: A Response to “Fr.” John Hunwicke on Novus Ordo Episcopal Consecrations


(continued from Part 1…)

Response to “Are They Really Bishops? (2)”:
Invalidity + Invalidity = Validity?

In his second post, the Rev. Hunwicke argues — without providing a single shred of evidence — that the episcopal ordination formula promulgated by Paul VI in 1968 “was used for centuries by Oriental communities in communion with Rome”. In other words, “Pope” Paul was merely proposing for the Roman rite what Eastern rites had been using all along at some point or another.… READ MORE

Vatican rocked ahead of abuse summit…

 Report: Francis Knowingly Promoted Lewd “Bishop” from Argentina to Vatican Position

[UPDATE 22-JAN-19: Vatican spokesman Alessandro Gisotti issues Second Statement on Zanchetta case]

With approximately one month to go before the much-touted sex abuse summit to be held in Rome, yesterday a story broke that can only be described as dragging the Vatican from the frying pan into the fire.

Earlier this month, it was revealed that “Bp.” Gustavo Óscar Zanchetta of Orán, Argentina, is accused of the sexual abuse of seminarians. The embattled Novus Ordo bishop had abruptly resigned from his diocese in 2017, then mysteriously vanished for a few months, only to be appointed by “Pope” Francis to a comfortable Vatican position created specifically for him.… READ MORE

“For there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed…” (Lk 12:2)

Explosive New Book: In the Closet of the Vatican to be released on First Day of Abuse Summit

The year 2018 was a tough one for Club Francis, but it may have only been a warm-up compared to what might be coming down the pike this year.

The French sociologist, journalist, and author Frederic Martel is about to release an explosive book that is poised to rock the Vatican much more than “Abp.” Carlo Vigano’s letters last year ever did. The work is entitled In the Closet of the Vatican: Power, Homosexuality, Hypocrisy and is scheduled to be published on Feb.… READ MORE

“Saint” Paul VI’s gift that keeps on (not) giving…

They Are Really Not Bishops: A Response to “Fr.” John Hunwicke on Novus Ordo Episcopal Consecrations


It is a topic that most traditionalists in the Vatican II Church like to ignore or dismiss, yet few things could be of graver consequence: the question of the validity of the 1968 rite of episcopal consecration promulgated by “Pope Saint” Paul VI on June 18, 1968.


In recent weeks, the blogging Anglican-priest-turned-Novus-Ordo-priest Rev. John Hunwicke has made an attempt to defend the validity of Paul VI’s new rite, and he did so in three installments on his blog, Fr.READ MORE

Mocking the Papacy since time immemorial…

That ’60s Show: “Saint” Paul VI wears Wicker Tiara

Now that the current papal impostor in Vatican City has declared “Pope” Paul VI (1963-78) a “Saint” to be venerated and imitated by the entire Vatican II Church, it’s not a bad idea to take a look at some of the shenanigans the man otherwise known as Giovanni Battista Montini has made headlines for.

The December 12, 1969 edition of The Guardian, then the official newspaper of the diocese of Little Rock, Arkansas, featured the photograph shown above. The caption reads:

Pope Paul Gets A Laugh

Hilarity erupted recently as Pope Paul VI put on a wicker mitre, during a visit by seminarians from the Propaganda Fide College.


“…make not the house of my Father a house of traffic” (Jn 2:16)

“Cardinal” Barbarin turns Church into Restaurant for World Day of the Poor

“Thou, O Lord, hast chosen this house for thy name to be called upon therein,
that it might be a house of prayer and supplication for thy people.” (1 Machabees 7:37)

Since there hasn’t been enough sacrilege and desecration in (formerly) Catholic churches throughout France since the 1960s, the Archlayman of Lyon, “Cardinal” Philippe Barbarin, decided to help out a bit.

On Sunday, Nov. 18, 2018, on the occasion of the Vatican-created World Day of the Poor, the Modernist pseudo-shepherd invited 700 needy people to a professionally-catered luncheon inside the beautiful church of St.READ MORE

Omits Trinitarian formula altogether…

Francis opts for Old Testament Blessing at New Year’s Angelus

At the end of the Angelus prayer on Tuesday, Jan. 1, 2019, the “Holy Father” Francis (Jorge Bergoglio) decided to nix the usual Catholic blessing invoking the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, and replaced it with a blessing from the Old Testament found in Numbers 6:22-26:

And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying: Say to Aaron and his sons: Thus shall you bless the children of Israel, and you shall say to them: The Lord bless thee, and keep thee. The Lord shew his face to thee, and have mercy on thee. 



Don’t Ask Father:
Mr. Zuhl$dorf trips over Sedevacantism

There is no doubt that “Pope” Francis is the best advertisement for Sedevacantism the world has ever seen. Although he annoys the daylights out of anyone who has retained a modicum of Catholicism, in a certain sense he is a great grace, because he is forcing people to wake up and draw a conclusion about the new religion that has come forth from the Vatican since the usurpation of the papal throne by the Novus Ordo antipopes, beginning with Angelo Roncalli in 1958. This observation is underscored by the fact that the traditionalist members of the Vatican II Church are coming to their wits’ end in defending what is becoming more and more obviously indefensible.… READ MORE