Encyclical ‘Mediator Dei’ of 1947…

Pope Pius XII on ‘Traditionis Custodes’:

The Authority of the Roman Pontiff over the Sacred Liturgy

In his landmark encyclical letter on the Sacred Liturgy, Pope Pius XII taught clearly and authoritatively:

The Church has further used her right of control over liturgical observance to protect the purity of divine worship against abuse from dangerous and imprudent innovations introduced by private individuals and particular churches. Thus it came about — during the 16th century, when usages and customs of this sort had become increasingly prevalent and exaggerated, and when private initiative in matters liturgical threatened to compromise the integrity of faith and devotion, to the great advantage of heretics and further spread of their errors — that in the year 1588, Our predecessor Sixtus V of immortal memory established the Sacred Congregation of Rites, charged with the defense of the legitimate rites of the Church and with the prohibition of any spurious innovation.



The Traditional Mask is Off:

Commentary on Francis’ Move against the Latin Mass

July 16, 2021 has been a very eventful day, and at its conclusion we present to you this podcast, almost half an hour in length, analysing and evaluating Francis’ controversial motu proprio Traditionis Custodes as well as its accompanying explanatory letter. We also provide some important initial commentary on this historic development, putting it in context for all who are trying to understand what in the world has happened to the Roman Catholic Church:

Our initial post announcing the suppression of the 1962 Missal by Francis can be found here:

There will be much more to come on this topic as additional developments arise and more and more people weigh in on the future of the Traditional Latin Mass in the Vatican II Church.… READ MORE

Semi-trads in meltdown mode…

The Party Is Over: Francis kills ‘Summorum Pontificum’, severely limits Use of 1962 Missal

[LAST UPDATED: 16-JUL-2021 12:44 UTC]

Breaking news from Vatican City: Benedict XVI’s motu proprio letter Summorum Pontificum, which introduced the wide acceptance of the so-called Traditional Latin Mass, that is, the use of the Roncalli Missal of 1962, is history.

With a stroke of the pen, the phony “Vicar of Christ” Jorge Bergoglio, also known as “Pope” Francis, has abrogated the document the traditionalists in the Vatican II Church have clung to as the bedrock enabling their “Latin Mass culture”. Logical chickens are now coming home to roost.… READ MORE

Questions & Answers on the Sister Lucy Truth project…

Was Sister Lucy of Fatima replaced with an Impostor?
An Interview with Dr. Peter Chojnowski

Ladies and gentlemen:

Yes, it is tiring. It is tiring to constantly have to question whether what one sees is real or fake. We live in a world in which there is a fake “Catholic” church with a fake pope and, it is pretty certain, also a fake Sister Lucia dos Santos of Fatima.

If you’re ever tempted to throw in the towel, pray and look around: This world is going crazier by the day, because it is ever more determinedly departing from its Creator and Lord and thus distancing itself from true Life, true Love, and genuine sanity.… READ MORE

Rev. Michael DeSaye of Trenton, NJ

Novus Ordo Priest becomes Sedevacantist, Diocese Excommunicates

On June 2, 2018, Rev. Michael G. DeSaye was ordained a Catholic priest.

At least that is what he thought at the time.

Less than three years after what he has since come to understand was an invalid ordination ceremony, presided over by a Modernist layman rather than a Roman Catholic bishop, “Father” DeSaye asked his local ordinary, “Bishop” David M. O’Connell, to accept his resignation from the diocese of Trenton, New Jersey. The request was granted.

On May 10 of this year, “Bp.” O’Connell released the following extremely diplomatic announcement:



Allocution of Apr. 17, 1907, now in English…

Pope St. Pius X condemns Bergoglio’s Gospel of Man

Not interested in Bergoglio’s false gospel: His Holiness, Pope St. Pius X

Roughly five months before releasing his monumental encyclical Pascendi Dominici Gregis against Modernism, Pope Saint Pius X gave an address to newly-created cardinals gathered in consistory, in which he sounded the alarm against Modernistic attempts to subvert Catholicism by feigning a return to the “pure” gospel of a dogmaless humanitarianism.

This papal allocution, which has never before been seen in English, is relevant in our day because it condemns more or less directly some of the very errors being promoted by the false pope Jorge Bergoglio, commonly known as “Pope Francis”.… READ MORE

Luis Badilla scolds Vatican PR machine…

Vaticanist: Francis “Will Never Be Same Again” after Surgery for “Severe and Degenerative” Disease

This past Sunday, July 4, 2021, “Pope” Francis was admitted to Rome’s Gemelli hospital for scheduled intestinal surgery.

The Vatican press office has been updating the public about the 84-year-old antipope’s status every day. The latest news is that of July 8:

So far, all the official communiqués from the Vatican have been positive and mollifying, though Phil Lawler believes that the Vatican has made a significant public relations blunder by postponing the announcement of Francis’ surgery to the very last minute.… READ MORE

How original sin impacts the intellect and will…

Causes of intellectual Error: What keeps us from Recognizing or Accepting the Truth

We live in an age of error, and the ultimate reason for that is original sin.

However, the natural condition of fallen man being what it is, does not mean we can sit back and feel sorry for ourselves, for God Himself has come and has saved us (cf. Is 35:4). Aside from the supernatural means of grace, there are also some quite natural ways to prevent and remedy ignorance, self-deception, and fallacious reasoning, and those are open even to people who do not have the Catholic Faith.… READ MORE

There’s more to report…

An Update on Pachamama Monstrance in Mexico

PLUS: Novus Ordo Priest burns Pachamama Effigy (Video)

Predictably, countless people have been outraged over the Pachamama monstrance displayed in the Novus Ordo parish of San Juan Macías in Zapopan near Guadalajara, Mexico, in recent days. We reported on this here:

In that July 1 post, we wrote: “The pastor responsible for this great affront to God is ‘Fr.’ Juan Pedro Oriol. The archlayman overseeing the diocese is ‘Cardinal’ José Robles Ortega.” Now there has been an important update on this.

In a July 3 report on the incident, the Catholic News Agency writes via the National Catholic Register:



Staying up to date and connected…

Novus Ordo Watch by Email:
Blog Updates and New Podcast Episodes

Dear Friends of Novus Ordo Watch:

In case you’re not aware already, you can receive free and convenient notifications by email when Novus Ordo Watch releases new content, either on the Novus Ordo Wire blog (that’s this blog you’re reading) or from our podcast feed.

Signing up for that is quick and painless — just use these links and follow the instructions:

The blog and the podcast run on two different notification systems.… READ MORE

Utterly revolting!

Nothing Sacred: Pachamama Monstrance in Mexico!

[UPDATE: Pastor Juan Pedro Oriol says this was put up during his absence, without his knowledge or permission; condemns as “really disgusting”]

Words fail at this. The image says it all.

The notorious Pachamama idol of the Amazon Synod has now been coopted to serve the function of a Eucharistic monstrance at San Juan de Macías parish in Guadalajara, Mexico.

Vaticanist Marco Tosatti broke this story on his blog Stilum Curiae, where you can find more photos of the incident and additional information:

The pastor responsible for this great affront to God is “Fr.”… READ MORE

Heretical blather, continued…

Ecumenical Journey to Nowhere:
Francis and the Lutherans

A false bishop gives the false pope a chalice made in Taizé, France

On Friday, June 25, 2021, Jorge Bergoglio (“Pope Francis”) received a delegation representing the Lutheran World Federation (LWF), including its current president, “Archbishop” Panti Filibus Musa, pictured above, and its secretary, Rev. Martin Junge.

The LWF is a “global communion of national and regional Lutheran denominations” that has its main offices in Geneva, Switzerland. It was originally founded in Lund, Sweden, a city which Francis excitedly visited on Oct. 31, 2016, in order to celebrate (!)… READ MORE

Hellboy gets “papal” endorsement…

Francis sends Letter to James Martin, commending him for his LGBTQ “Pastoral Work”

Two Jesuit rainbow cheerleaders: Mr. James Martin and Mr. Jorge Bergoglio

The notorious American Jesuit “Fr.” James Martin, whom we have disaffectionately nicknamed “Hellboy”, has received a hand-written letter from the apostate Jorge Bergoglio (“Pope Francis”), dated June 21, 2021, commending him for his “ministry” to sexual perverts.

Martin published the original letter, a transcript of it, and an inofficial English translation, on his busy Twitter account today:


False teacher denounces false teachers…

Francis “interprets” Galatians:
St. Paul warned of Rigid Clingers to the Past!

Every Wednesday, Jorge Bergoglio (“Pope Francis”) conducts one of his religious re-education sessions known as the General Audience.

It was no different yesterday, June 23, when the anti-Catholic wolf in shepherd’s clothing began a new catechetical series, this time on St. Paul’s Letter to the Galatians. We’ll go through the main portions of Francis’ presentation and fisk them as needed.

Francis begins by noting that St. Paul’s Epistle to the Galatians is “very topical”, that is, extremely relevant to our times, and in this he couldn’t be more right.… READ MORE

Just an “imprudent application of the communion of saints”, eh?

No Idolatry at Vatican Gardens?
Tim Staples defends Pachamama Ritual

A perfectly Catholic ceremony — according to Tim Staples

Tim Staples is the Director of Apologetics and Evangelization at the improperly-named Novus Ordo non-profit organization Catholic Answers in California. On his personal blog, he recently posted a defense of the outrageous indigenous ceremony that took place in the Vatican Gardens on Oct. 4, 2019, the eve of the notorious three-week Amazon Synod.

What had been advertised as a celebration of St. Francis of Assisi, whose feast day it was, included a bizarre ritual of dancing, singing, praying, and prostrations to the ground around a set of wooden Pachamama statues amidst other indigenous paraphernalia.… READ MORE