Now THAT’S rich!

Francis: The Different Religions are an ‘Enrichment’ for Humanity

This pagan shrine to the Four Seated Buddhas enriches humanity in Bago, Myanmar
(image: Shutterstock/maodoltee)

Ever since Francis’ trip to Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, in February of 2019, the false pope has left absolutely no doubt that he believes that the existence of many different religions is a positive thing, an asset for humanity, indeed willed by God Himself no less than He wills the existence of various races, languages, and the two sexes.

This issue came up again at the recent Congress of Leaders of World and Traditional Religions held in Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan, in which His Phoniness took active part.… READ MORE

False pope suddenly opposes paganism!

Francis warns: Traditionalism is ‘Paganism of Thought’!

Chief Talking Bull is determined to protect you from paganism!

What do you know!

During his Native American apology tour through Canada last month, “Pope” Francis (Jorge Bergoglio) veritably “bathed” in paganism. In fact, he even took part in a demonic smudging ritual, at which a sorcerer “ask[ed] the western grandmother to give us access to the sacred circle of spirits so they can be with us….” Nevertheless, when he met with his Jesuit confreres less than two days later and the question turned to Roman Catholic traditionalism, the Argentinian pseudo-pope suddenly discovered a disdain for paganism.… READ MORE

Blowing smoke in all directions…

For ‘Access to the Sacred Circle of Spirits’: Francis participates in Native American Smudge Ceremony

His hand on his heart: Antipope Francis follows the instructions of the Native American “sage” Raymond Gros-Louis

Under his pseudonym “Pope Francis”, the Jesuit apostate Jorge Bergoglio is currently on an extended “apology tour” for Native Americans in Canada.

On his first full day in the land first evangelized by Jesuit missionaries in the 17th century, this past Monday, July 25, Bergoglio attended an indigenous “healing dance” performed for “Mother Earth”, the nature goddess which the false pope himself also adores or venerates. … READ MORE

At least no one will mistake it for a Catholic event now…

Official Logo for Francis’ Trip to Canada released

Today the Vatican officially confirmed that Jorge Bergoglio (“Pope Francis”) will go on another blather tour “Apostolic Journey” to Canada from July 24-30, 2022. There he will visit Edmonton, Maskwacis, Lac Ste. Anne, Québec, and Iqaluit. The full program has been published here.

Chief purpose of the trip is to offer some more apologies to natives, who had visited the false pope in the Vatican earlier this year, after having discovered alleged mass graves near Catholic educational institutions, which the indigenous assume are testimony to ghastly deeds committed by Catholics against their prior generations many decades ago.… READ MORE

The synthesis of all heresies in one person…

Francis receives notorious New Age Apostate
‘Fr.’ Richard Rohr in Private Audience

[UPDATE 01-JUL-2022: Statement from Richard Rohr, OFM, after meeting Francis]

On June 20, 2022, the Vatican’s daily press bulletin stated that Jorge Bergoglio (“Pope Francis”) had received in private audience the Rev. Richard Rohr, OFM (b. 1943), founder of the neo-pagan Center for Action and Contemplation in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

Rohr, an American, has long been a big name in the United States, but not in a good way. One might say that he is a New Age version of hellboy James Martin, S.J.READ MORE

Pachamama is hanging in there…

Mother Earth in Church:
‘Gaia’ Exhibition defiles Catholic Cathedral in Ireland

A gigantic spinning globe hangs from the ceiling of St. Colman’s Cathedral in Cobh, June 15-26, 2022

How much the world has invaded the church since the 1960s is currently on striking display at St. Colman’s Cathedral in Cobh, County Cork, Ireland.

A spinning giant replica of planet earth presently hangs from the ceiling of the magnificent Catholic cathedral that was constructed between 1868 and 1919. Called “Gaia”, after a pagan earth deity, this installation was created by artist Luke Jerram and is part of the Cork Midsummer Festival (June 15-26, 2022).… READ MORE

Creepy creature comes to Rome…

The Wicker Man Reloaded:
Vatican to Welcome “Little Amal” Refugee Puppet

(image: ZUMA Press, Inc. / Alamy Stock Photo)

“Little Amal” is the name given to an enormous puppet that is currently traveling through Europe. Its journey began on July 27 in Gaziantep, southern Turkey (near Syria), and its final stop will be Manchester, England, for a total of 8,000 km (4,971 miles).

Amal — the name is Arabic for “hope” — is supposed to represent a nine-year-old refugee girl in search of her mother. The puppet is meant to stand for the alleged masses of displaced minors fleeing from wars and persecution.… READ MORE

There’s more to report…

An Update on Pachamama Monstrance in Mexico

PLUS: Novus Ordo Priest burns Pachamama Effigy (Video)

Predictably, countless people have been outraged over the Pachamama monstrance displayed in the Novus Ordo parish of San Juan Macías in Zapopan near Guadalajara, Mexico, in recent days. We reported on this here:

In that July 1 post, we wrote: “The pastor responsible for this great affront to God is ‘Fr.’ Juan Pedro Oriol. The archlayman overseeing the diocese is ‘Cardinal’ José Robles Ortega.” Now there has been an important update on this.

In a July 3 report on the incident, the Catholic News Agency writes via the National Catholic Register:



Utterly revolting!

Nothing Sacred: Pachamama Monstrance in Mexico!

[UPDATE: Pastor Juan Pedro Oriol says this was put up during his absence, without his knowledge or permission; condemns as “really disgusting”]

Words fail at this. The image says it all.

The notorious Pachamama idol of the Amazon Synod has now been coopted to serve the function of a Eucharistic monstrance at San Juan de Macías parish in Guadalajara, Mexico.

Vaticanist Marco Tosatti broke this story on his blog Stilum Curiae, where you can find more photos of the incident and additional information:

The pastor responsible for this great affront to God is “Fr.”… READ MORE

Creepy masquerade mayhem…

Nightmare on Third Avenue: Palm Sunday Puppet Madness at St. Joan of Arc Church in Minneapolis

If you’re ever in Minneapolis, Minnesota, and want to check out a parish that is in “full communion” with the Vatican II Sect, we recommend you try “Saint Joan of Arc Catholic Community” at 4537 Third Avenue South. It’s one of those dynamic and vibrant social justice parishes where all are welcome, and it combines everything that is wrong with the Novus Ordo religion in one place. The Jesus Christ that is preached there is a sorry caricature of the Incarnate Son of God.… READ MORE

Charles Coulombe, Robert Spaemann, and others

Occultists masquerading as “Traditional Catholics”

On January 12, 2021, a researcher who goes by the pseudonym Alistair McFadden and describes himself as a “traditional Catholic layman unschooled in either philosophy or theology”, published a lengthy article entitled “Observations on the Influence of the Occult in Traditional Catholic Discourse”. It uncovers unsettling facts about an occultist influence on “Traditional Catholicism” or “Catholic Traditionalism” — and here we use the term in a very loose sense.

The essay was published on the social media platform Medium and takes over an hour to read in full. Here is the direct link:

The sedevacantist media apostolate True Restoration has recently provided a summary of McFadden’s lengthy but highly-informative monograph.… READ MORE

Novus Ordo Watch for your ears…

Real Catholicism vs. Francis and his Church of Chaos:

TRADCAST 029 now available

TRADCAST — The Traditional Catholic Podcast


In case you missed our initial announcement on December 11: We have published another full-length episode of our popular TRADCAST podcast program. As always, it is loaded with real traditional Catholicism, hard-hitting refutations of various errors, and razor-sharp analysis. Our content is typically challenging but is always delivered with a relieving touch of humor, so necessary especially in this chaotic year.

TRADCAST 029 is a potpourri of numerous topics.… READ MORE

Sound familiar?

Priest in 1955: Apocalypse indicates False Prophet will be Fake Pope while Papal Chair is Vacant and Church Appears Destroyed

For this find, we are indebted to Resignationist blogger Ann Barnhardt, who published an abridged excerpt of the same passage yesterday.

In 1955, Fr. Herman Kramer (1884-1976), a diocesan priest in Sioux City, Iowa, published a work called The Book of Destiny, which is an explanation of the Apocalypse, the last book of the Holy Bible (otherwise known as Revelation).

The Book of Destiny bears a nihil obstat and imprimatur given on Jan. 26, 1956. This official diocesan approval does not guarantee that the book is free from error, only that anything proposed in it does not contradict the Catholic Faith — the book is therefore safe for a Catholic to read.… READ MORE

TRADCAST 029 (11 DEC 2020)


  • Segment 1: Why be a Sedevacantist? / How semi-trads contradict themselves on the question of recognizing manifest heretics / Francis and the “epidemic of indifference” / Francis talks garbage at delegation of journalists / Francis’ dream of a Masonic future, without Christ the King / Francis’ dangerous claim that no judgment is just if it produces more inequality / The Modernism of Brendan MacCarthaigh / Francis’ plea for “media ecology”
  • Segment 2: The Remnant admits Francis’ church is not a religious organization and he may be an atheist / “Cardinal” Gerhard Ludwig Müller’s bizarre claim that the First Commandment is the respect for human life / Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre – a future Doctor of the Church?

Quick! Hide the kids…

Mayday! Mayday! Vatican Nativity Scene Unveiled

[UPDATED 14-DEC-2020 02:22 UTC — scroll down for new developments appended at the end]

In case you thought 2020 couldn’t get any worse, it just did: The Vatican has unveiled its Nativity Scene in St. Peter’s Square.

Although this year we’re not confronted with a homo-erotic Frankie Horror Picture Show or an unconventional Nativity display made of sand, what Bergoglio’s sect came up with this time around is a fitting end to an annus horribilis, a truly horrific year.

Pictures tell the story quite well. Words are not really necessary.… READ MORE