Continuing with our critical assessment of the former Vatican nuncio “Abp.” Carlo Maria Viganò’s recent theological reflections, we now turn to his letter of Sep. 3, 2020, published by Catholic Family News the same day:
In that particular missive, Fr. Viganò complains of being charged with schism by his Novus Ordo opponents, but as we showed in Part 1 of our ongoing assessment, that point of criticism is justified.… READ MORE
Viganò’s Theological Vortex: A Critical Commentary
(PART 1)
In recent weeks, the now well-known former Vatican nuncio to the United States, “Abp.” Carlo Maria Viganò, has spoken at great length again about his position on the Second Vatican Council and the “conciliar sect” (his words) that emerged from it. On Sep. 1 and 3, respectively, the recognize-and-resist paper Catholic Family News published two of his latest monographs on its web site. They can be found in the following posts:
Pope or Antipope?
“Fr.” John Hunwicke and the Case of Felix II
The English Novus Ordo presbyter John Hunwicke is once again outdoing himself on his Mutual Enrichment blog. In a post published Aug. 9, 2020, entitled, “Holy Antipopes, pray for us”, the convert from Anglicanism can barely contain his excitement with regard to what he calls “the Mysterious Affair of Pope Felix II”.
In a style reminiscent of a child who’s just found a big box of candies and knows Momma isn’t looking, “Fr.” Hunwicke revels in a discovery he’s made that he apparently thinks is a tremendous blow to sedevacantists, to Francis, or to both.… READ MORE
Busted! How Taylor Marshall distorts what Paul VI really said about Vatican II
Abysmal research meets poor argumentation: Marshall holds up a copy of his book Infiltration in a July 16, 2020 video
Dr. Taylor Marshall has been busy cranking out YouTube videos and promoting his bestselling hack job Infiltration: The Plot to Destroy the Church from Within (2019). How much his research and analysis are worth, can be seen in one of his latest clips.
Did the Council of Florence Teach Error? A Response to Athanasius Schneider’s Attempt to Save Vatican II
No matter how one looks at it, the only way one can ever justify or excuse the abominable Second Vatican Council (1962-65) is by trashing the Catholic Church prior to the council. Mr. Athanasius Schneider, auxiliary “bishop” (why the quotes?) of the diocese of Maria Santissima in Astana, Kazakhstan, has just shown that that goes not only for open Modernists but also for some “traditionalists.”
In a newly-released text, the Kazakh prelate once again repeats his claim that there is historical precedent for the idea that a Pope can correct the errors of a prior ecumenical council.… READ MORE
Do You Believe in the Papacy?
Take this brief Test and Find Out!
Frequent visitors to this web site know that the topic of the Catholic Papacy is continually broached here. The reason for that is that a correct understanding of the Papacy is absolutely crucial, especially in our times, and is ironically rejected — wittingly or not — by a large majority of those who call themselves traditional Catholics, specifically by those who accept Francis and his five inglorious predecessors as true Popes but at the same time attempt to remain faithful to the religion of Pope Pius XII and the Popes before him.… READ MORE
Tradition and the Magisterium:
Refuting the False Claims of Prof. Roberto de Mattei
On April 2, 2020, the semi-traditionalist flagship publication Catholic Family News published an interview with Prof. Roberto de Mattei, an Italian historian who is also the founder of the Lepanto Foundation and editor of the Corrispondenza Romana news site. De Mattei frequently speaks at conservative Novus Ordo and semi-trad conferences and is routinely promoted in the publications of those groups as a guiding light of Tradition in our dark times.
In fact, it was precisely in that putative capacity that Matthew Gaspers, managing editor of Catholic Family News, recently interviewed de Mattei, since the hierarchy of the institution they both claim is the Catholic Church, obviously does not hold the Catholic Faith and therefore cannot be considered a reliable teacher of the same.… READ MORE
Vatican II, as it is typically called for short, marks the definitive beginning of what we call the Novus Ordo religion and provides its doctrinal foundation. It is the be-all and end-all of the Modernist institution that has been occupying the Catholic structures since John XXIII usurped the Holy See at the 1958 conclave.… READ MORE
Comedy Hour with Athanasius Schneider: Kazakh Auxiliary torpedoes Traditional Doctrine on the Papacy to bail out Francis
Days after the British Tablet published a story on the retired Kazakh Novus Ordo bishop Jan Pawel Lenga publicly declaring that he does not recognize Jorge Bergoglio (Francis) as a valid Pope because he is a “heretic” and an “Antichrist” (Lenga’s words) — adding that he opts instead for Joseph Ratzinger (Benedict XVI) –, his famous compatriot and Astana auxiliary “bishop” Athanasius Schneider has injected himself into the debate.
On Feb. 28, 2020, Schneider released a statement via his usual channels, which means… READ MORE
From the Supernatural to the Natural: How Francis neutralizes the Gospel while appearing to preach it
As always: He’s got plenty to say…
On Jan. 30, 2020, the Argentinian apostate Jorge Bergoglio (aka “Pope Francis”) addressed the plenary assembly of the Vatican’s Congregation for the Destruction of the Faith, currently led by his fellow-Jesuit “Cardinal” Luis Ladaria Ferrer. A translation of the speech has been made available by Zenit:
The discourse provides a good concrete example of how the false pope continually naturalizes the Catholic Faith — that is, he continually refocuses the essence of Catholicism.… READ MORE
These days it is very fashionable — among those who acknowledge Jorge Bergoglio as a valid Pope, yet try to adhere to the immemorial Catholic Faith — to minimize what Catholics are required and permitted to believe by restricting it to those things that were taught by the Church prior to the death of Pope Pius XII in 1958, plus a few select doctrines and ideas that they have privately judged to be “in conformity with Tradition”, as their jargon usually goes. As for the rest, that is declared to be either impermissible or at least “utterly non-binding”, to stay with the typical recognize-and-resist lingo, in defiance of the official teaching of the people they claim are the present-day Catholic authorities.… READ MORE
Excerpt from Essentials and Non-Essentials of the Catholic Religion by Rev. Henry George Hughes
What are Catholics Bound to Believe?
The general answer to this question may be put thus: Catholics are bound to believe whatever God has revealed and the Church proposes to them as to be believed. That a man is strictly obliged to assent to anything which he is convinced has been revealed by Almighty God need not be said; it needs no proof for those who believe that there is a God and that He has made a revelation to men.… READ MORE
In light of Catholic teaching on the Papacy, that is…
A Challenge to Recognize-and-Resist Apologists: Is it a Mortal Sin to adhere to Francis’ Teachings?
The altar of the Chair of St. Peter in the Vatican
Day in and day out we hear from the recognizing-and-resisting semi-traditionalists that this or that error of Vatican II or the post-conciliar magisterium is “not binding.” In a recent live interview on YouTube, semi-trad darling John Salza repeated it once again.
For the sake of argument, we will accept that claim precisely as stated: Certain papal teaching is not binding. That means, of course, that it is optional to embrace — take it or leave it.… READ MORE
Pacha Papa: Francis announces he may update Catechism to include ‘Ecological Sins’
Will the cover of the next edition of the Novus Ordo Catechism look like this?
After leaving the so-called Catechism of the Catholic Church untouched for over a whole year, it looks like it’s time for another major update. At least that’s an idea Francis is entertaining these days, and he’s not afraid to say so out loud.
As more and more real sins are becoming obsolete under the false Francis magisterium, new “sins” have to be made up to fill the void. The last update to the Novus Ordo Catechism made the state’s use of the death penalty into a mortal sin; the next addition could introduce the concept of “ecocide” — the killing of the environment.… READ MORE
Denying the Papacy to affirm Francis is Pope:
John Salza’s Conundrum
Affirming that Jorge Bergoglio (Francis) is a legitimate and valid Roman Pontiff comes at a hefty price: One has to deny the Catholic doctrine on the Papacy in return. Our Francis Papacy Test illustrates this very well, but in this post we wish to focus specifically on something John Salza said in a live interview on YouTube that aired on November 7.
There is a lot that ought to be said about Salza’s claims in the interview, but since he merely made assertions and did not prove anything in the video, we will take the liberty of addressing only one particular issue: the Catholic’s obligation to submit to all papal teaching, not merely that which is infallible or has “always been taught.”… READ MORE
Argentinian political leader and #Vatican dicastery member Juan Grabois, 41, tried to enter 'Pope' Francis' hospital room in Rome but was stopped by security. #pope #PopeFrancis
Analysis: Generational change in the Roman Curia and body of cardinals is coming in 2025 - #vatican #catholicchurch
So-called '#Catholic transgender hermit' Nicole Matson ('Brother Christian') prays, fasts, does penance because U.S. president declared there are only two sexes, male and female, and all federal government documents must reflect that - #catholictwitter
Wrecked Vatican II altar is restored after Latin Mass community in Ohio dismantled it - "A historic Vatican II altar that had been dismantled at the former St. Elizabeth of Hungary Church in Cleveland, is now restored and back in use for community…