Help Novus Ordo Watch this Lent – and get rewarded!

Reminder: Our Incentive Gift Offer expires on March 31
— Help Novus Ordo Watch this Lent

Friends and Supporters of Novus Ordo Watch:

This is just a quick reminder about the special Lenten fundraiser we currently have going, which will expire in just over two weeks, on Holy Saturday, March 31.

What distinguishes our fundraiser from most other fundraisers of Catholic and “Catholic” web sites is that we offer some really cool and really Catholic incentive gifts for all who make a qualifying donation (some additional restrictions apply).

Here are the details:

During this year’s Lent only (Feb.… READ MORE

The wheels are coming off…

Chaos, Crises, and Corruption: The Francis Show at Five

© Mazur/ (license: CC BY-NC-SA 2.0)

Congratulations, everyone. You have endured 1,826 days of mercy, joy, encounter, tenderness, favelas, and field hospitals; of touching the wounded, caressing the elderly, affirming the marginalized, welcoming migrants, warming hearts, tearing down walls, building bridges, and moving forward. In short: You have lived through 5 years of Jorge Bergoglio as “Pope Francis.”

Those who suspect that Francis must have a double or a twin brother because it is impossible for just one single person to speak as much as he does, we must disappoint: There’s only one, and on Novus Ordo Watch, he’s got his own page:

It was Mar.… READ MORE

A response to doubters…

Yes, John Paul II really did kiss the Koran: The Evidence

April 2005, Vatican City: “Saint” John Paul II lying in state, corrupting visibly

On May 14, 1999, “Pope” and now “Saint” John Paul II received a delegation at the Vatican that consisted of the Shiite imam of the Khadum mosque, the Sunni president of the council of administration of the Iraqi Islamic Bank, and a representative of the Iraqi ministry of religion. The delegation was led by Raphaël I Bidawid, who was the Novus Ordo Archbishop of Baghdad at the time and also the Patriarch of Babylon.… READ MORE

Kneelability came back just in time…

Francis goes to Confession, miraculously manages to kneel again

[UPDATE 09-MAR-2018 18:19 UTC: Video added below]

When in May of 2016 we pointed out that Francis has stiff knees only on demand, we weren’t kidding: The man who is virtually never able to kneel in front of what he supposedly believes is the Real Presence of Jesus Christ in the Holy Eucharist, has no problem kneeling when it comes to his annual “watch me go to confession” show.

This has happened year after year, and today was no exception. See the photo above, which is a screenshot taken just a few minutes ago from the live feed provided by Vatican Media of the special Penitential Celebration conducted in St.… READ MORE

Novus Ordo Watch NEWS DIGEST
March 7, 2018

Vibrant and joyful: A Novus Ordo Hootenanny!

Bet you didn’t know! “In the bread and in the wine, there is Jesus”, Francis teaches his hapless audience in his latest catechesis on the Mass Novus Ordo worship service. Louie Verrecchio dismantles the entire thing.

The “New Evangelization” in all its glory: At synagogue, “Cardinal” Blase Cupich apologizes to Jews if they have been evangelized. (What’s Mr. Cupich doing at a Jewish synagogue? Find out!)

Beware of Novus Ordo bloggers with “mystical experiences”: Taylor Marshall says he had a vision which made clear to him that the Vatican II Sect’s dogma, doctrine, and morality were still pure, still — no pun intended — “unadulterated”.… READ MORE

Major protagonist in post-Vatican II drama…

Diocese: “Cardinal” Karl Lehmann Near Death

[UPDATE 11-MAR-2018: “Cardinal” Lehmann has died at 81]

Few people have done more to harm souls and destroy Catholicism in Germany than “Cardinal” Karl Lehmann. Now he is close to death, according to the Modernist diocese of Mainz, of which Lehmann was the head from 1983-2016. The following message was posted on the official diocesan web site today:

The bishop of Mainz, Peter Kohlgraf, has asked the faithful of the diocese of Mainz to pray for Cardinal Karl Lehmann.

In a letter sent to parishes and coworkers on Monday, March 5, Bp.


“No Rupture with the Past” Update:

The Catholic Church and the World Council of Churches

Image 1: by Dnalor 01 (Own work) [CC BY-SA 3.0], via Wikimedia Commons
Image 2: World Council of Churches Logo [Fair Use], via Wikimedia Commons

The Vatican has announced that “Pope” Francis will visit the Swiss city of Geneva on June 21, 2018, to participate in the festivities for the 70th anniversary of the founding of the so-called World Council of Churches, an ecumenical body of sundry heretical and schismatic sects that are striving for some kind of “visible unity”. According to its official web site, the World Council of Churches identifies itself as “a community of churches on the way to visible unity in one faith and one eucharistic fellowship, expressed in worship and in common life in Christ” (source).… READ MORE

Tip: Don’t let a Novus Ordo priest write your foreword…

A Foreword Gone Awry:
SSPX issues Disclaimer concerning Fr. Robinson’s New Book

The theological absurdistan known as the “position of the Society of St. Pius X” is once again on full display. This time it has to do with the fact that the SSPX, so hell-bent on joining up with the apostate post-Catholic Vatican, decided to have a new book by one of its own priests published by a Novus Ordo publishing company, the UK-based Gracewing.

The book in question is The Realist Guide to Religion and Science by Fr.… READ MORE

Explicit blasphemy in “Catholic” newspaper…

Italian Novus Ordo Paper publishes Blasphemous Comic showing St. Mary Magdalen slapping Jesus Christ

The infernal Modernist Sect currently occupying Vatican City is becoming bolder and bolder in its apostasy, blasphemy, immorality, and impiety. The Italian Novus Ordo daily Avvenire, which is owned by the country’s so-called “Catholic bishops”, has been running a comic strip called “Hello, Jesus!”, in which the Second Person of the Most Holy Trinity, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, is irreverently displayed as a cartoon character and thus put on a level with Dilbert, Garfield, and Bullwinkle. The author-artist of the cartoon series is Sergio Staino, who “is a member of the Union of Rationalist Atheists and Agnostics” (source).… READ MORE

Dominican Theologian who became Sedevacantist

In Memoriam:

Most Rev. Michel-Louis Guérard des Lauriers, O.P.

Thirty years ago today, the world lost one of the last great Catholic theologians: On Feb. 27, 1988, the French Dominican Michel-Louis Guérard des Lauriers passed into eternity at 89 years of age. He had entered the novitiate of the Order of Preachers (Dominicans) in 1927, was ordained a priest in 1931, and received episcopal consecration in 1981.

As a priest, Guerard des Lauriers taught at the Pontifical Lateran University in Rome during the pontificate of Pope Pius XII. He is also said to have been theological advisor to the Pope for the definition of the dogma of the Assumption, as well as the Pope’s confessor for a short time in the early 1950s.… READ MORE

Don’t you hate it when that happens?

“Nighty-Night, Baby. I Love You”:
Errant Tweet from “Cardinal” Tobin Raises Eyebrows

Don’t you hate it when that happens? You think you’re sending a private message to a single individual, and the next thing you know is that you made a mistake or were careless and the sensitive message was sent to the general public. This is particularly unfortunate when you are a Novus Ordo cardinal and the message you sent contains the words: “Nighty-night, baby. I love you.”

This faux pas was committed by “Cardinal” Joseph W. Tobin, currently the “Catholic Archbishop” of Newark, New Jersey.… READ MORE

“Lost Shepherd” being released today…

Playing Favorites:
Francis’ Accountability Double Standard

Exclusive Excerpt from the new Book Lost Shepherd by Phil Lawler

Today is the day a new book against Francis is hitting the shelves in the United States: Lost Shepherd: How Pope Francis is Misleading His Flock. It was written by Philip F. Lawler, who is a conservative Novus Ordo journalist, author, and commentator who will no longer remain silent about the damage the “Pope” has been inflicting on souls under the guise of Catholicism.

Lawler currently publishes a popular column at Catholic Culture, where he has been venting some of his frustration about the man he, despite all, still believes to be a valid Pope of the Catholic Church.… READ MORE

Non-Catholic pseudo-clergy all around…

Brazil: Protestant Women Priests concelebrate Novus Ordo Bishops’ Mass

If there’s one thing “Pope” Francis likes, it’s moving forward. It looks like the Novus Ordo Bishops of Brazil have done just that, and moved even a little further forward than their boss.

The web site Fratres in Unum reports that on Tuesday, Feb. 13, 2018, in the diocese of Osório, Brazil, a “Catholic Mass” was offered that featured two Protestant women “priests” as concelebrants! What makes this all the more explosive is the fact that this farce of a Catholic liturgy was presided over by the local “bishop” and concelebrated by a number of other “bishops” from Brazil!… READ MORE

Yet it’s been Novus Ordo Law since 1983…

German “Bishops” cause Outrage by allowing “Holy Communion” for Protestants on Case-by-Case Basis

“Cardinal” Jorge Bergoglio at work distributing the invalid Novus Ordo cookie (video)

There is just never a dull day in Novus Ordo Land. Yesterday, the big story was that, led by the infamous “Cardinal” Reinhard Marx, the German “bishops” had decided to permit the Protestant spouses of “Catholics” to receive the Novus Ordo version of Holy Communion. This permission is to apply only, of course, in “individual cases” and only under “certain circumstances” — just like Bergoglio’s permission to commit adultery — and without “chang[ing] any doctrine”.… READ MORE


Francis: ‘I Don’t Read Websites that Accuse Me of Being a Heretic’

Last month “Pope” Francis traveled to Chile and Peru (see our coverage here). On such trips Jorge Bergoglio likes to privately visit with his fellow-Jesuits for off-the-cuff questions and answers, and this he did on Jan. 16 in Santiago, Chile and on Jan. 19 in Lima, Peru. Transcripts of the conversations are always made, but to translate and release them is a privilege that belongs to “Fr.” Antonio Spadaro, editor-in-chief of La Civiltà Cattolica, which was once a prestigious Jesuit review but now is simply another Modernist rag cheering on the destruction of Catholicism.… READ MORE