TRADCAST 017 is here

It’s like drinking from a firehose of information…

TRADCAST 017 Now Available

In this episode we respond to Jimmy Akin, Christopher Ferrara, Michael Matt, and others

TRADCAST — The Traditional Catholic Podcast


In case you missed our initial announcement on March 29: Our popular TRADCAST podcast program is back with a new, full-length episode! As always, it is loaded with real traditional Catholicism, hard-hitting refutations of various errors, razor-sharp analysis, and a touch of humor.

In this latest epsiode, TRADCAST 017, we take a look at the self-contradictions in Christopher Ferrara’s response to the sacrilegious Anglican liturgy that took place on March 13 at the Vatican; we respond to an anti-sedevacantist post on the so-called Catholic Truth Blog; we draw attention to the fact that Francis has directly contradicted Jimmy Akin on the issue of proselytism; we briefly talk about our fundraiser for 2017; and we once again refute the absurd theology of the recognize-and-resist camp in a response to Michael Matt’s soliloquy against Sedevacantism in his Remnant Underground video “Papalotry RIP”.… READ MORE

“And he opened his mouth unto blasphemies against God” (Apoc 13:6)…

Four Years with Francis —
New Articles by Miles Christi

March 13, 2017, marked the four-year anniversary of the election of Jorge Mario Bergoglio as the head of the Vatican II Church (“Pope Francis”). Catholic writer Miles Christi (“Soldier of Christ”) has released some new material reviewing and exposing the impostor’s false pontificate.

The new contributions by Miles Christi are the following:

  • Article: “Four Years with Francis, Supreme Blasphemer of the Vatican”
  • Photo Essay / Slideshow: “Bergoglian Caleidoscope”

Both of these resources are available in sundry languages. Here are the links:

“Four Years with Francis, Supreme Blasphemer of the Vatican” (Article)

“Bergoglian Caleidoscope” (Photo Essay / Slideshow)

Note of caution: Please be aware that the photo essay / slideshow may contain images with immodesty in them.… READ MORE

017 TRADCAST (29 MAR 2017)


  • Segment 1: Four years of Francis; Anglican liturgy at St. Peter’s Basilica; Chris Ferrara’s use of Dominus Iesus to blast Anglicanism; response to Catholic Truth Blog‘s lamentation about conversions to Sedevacantism
  • Segment 2: Francis defeats Jimmy Akin on “proselytism”; a dilemma for semi-trads; response to Michael Matt’s Remnant TV program “Papolatry RIP: Pope Ignites Counterrevolution”; controversy and good will.
  • Total run time: 1 hr 23 mins

You can listen to the show by clicking the big play button in the embedded player above. Alternatively, you can choose right below from more listening/viewing options:

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Links to Items mentioned in the Show & Related Information


Bergoglio’s true colors…


Francis cracks Joke about Most Holy Trinity

Jorge Bergoglio’s utter disdain for Catholicism — the religion he pretends to head — is well-known, although he usually hides it behind a veneer of holiness, such as when he humiliated the Papacy this past Saturday by publicly using a portable toilet during his trip to Milan.

But every so often, his contempt for religion is aimed directly at God Himself. For instance, in a 2010 book, Francis cracked a joke about the Crucifixion of our Blessed Lord. You can read about it here:

Other public acts of blasphemy against God or the Saints include his happy reception of a Marxist hammer-and-sickle “crucifix”, his dedication of the same to the Blessed Virgin Mary, his suggestion that Jesus Christ sinned and probably had to “apologize” to his parents for staying behind in Jerusalem, his outrageous contention that the Blessed Mother may have entertained blasphemous thoughts about God deceiving her, his scandalous claim that we need not fear the Last Judgment because it will be a cakewalk, and his insinuation that the Immaculate Virgin had flaws.… READ MORE

Another humiliation of the Papacy…


“Pope” Francis flaunts use of Portable Toilet during Milan Visit

[UPDATE: Vatican insider and contributor to Osservatore Romano, Ulrich Nersinger, reports that the whole bathroom incident was planned in advance]

Yes, we all have to take care of business at some point, but there’s a discreet way of doing it and then there’s the Francis way: During his trip to Milan, Italy, today, “Pope” Francis decided to use a portable toilet in front of rolling cameras, presumably to once again demonstrate to the world his great “humility.”

There is video of it here:

Francis is no dummy.… READ MORE

Reportedly “at complete odds with each other”…

Vatican Journalist:
“Francis and Benedict no longer on Speaking Terms”


Andreas Englisch is one of German media’s favorite Vatican insiders and “papal” biographers. In a lecture given on March 16, 2017 in Limburg (the diocesan headquarters where Benedict appointee “Bishop” Franz-Peter Tebartz-van Elst was removed by Francis in 2014), Englisch made some explosive claims about the relationship between the “Pope” and the “Pope Emeritus”: The two men are at complete odds with each other and are no longer on speaking terms; Benedict XVI only makes a public appearance when Francis orders him to, according to Englisch.… READ MORE

Chaos Frank strikes again…

Francis: No Catholic Mass available? Just go to the Anglicans!

Every day we are being drowned in news about “Pope” Francis and the Vatican machinery. The incessant flood of information is becoming increasingly difficult for everyone to process, which means it is easy for stories to get missed.

Such was apparently the case with a real bombshell Francis dropped on February 26, 2017 while visiting an Anglican parish church in Rome. Virtually everyone seems to have missed it. What happened? During a Q&A session in which Francis was answering people’s questions off the cuff, he related an anecdote about ecumenical practice with Anglicans in his homeland of Argentina.… READ MORE

Vatican rumblings

Fra. Cristoforo: ‘Cardinal Müller told Dubia Cardinals Formal Correction would risk Schism’

Once again breaking news in Novus Ordo Land: The Roman Novus Ordo cleric who goes by the pen name of Fra. Cristoforo (“Bro. Christopher”) has just published some additional information about the four “dubia cardinals” (Caffara, Brandmuller, Meisner, and Burke) and why the previously announced “formal correction of the Pope” has been scrapped.

Last week, after Fra. Cristoforo had revealed that the formal correction was not going to happen, Vatican journalist Edward Pentin sent out some tweets (see here and here) contradicting the claim, saying that the information was not correct and the formal correction was “still on.”… READ MORE

Novus Ordo Watch NEWS DIGEST
March 19, 2017

Please help yourself: “Cafeteria Catholicism” in the Philippines


Soap opera episode no. 889…

SSPX-Rome Reconciliation: Vatican’s “Abp.” Guido Pozzo says “The Holy Father is Pressing Forward”

These days, barely a day goes by when someone in the Vatican isn’t giving some sort of an interview. Today it was “Archbishop” Guido Pozzo’s turn once more.

Pozzo is the secretary for the Pontifical Commission Ecclesia Dei, the Vatican’s dicastery that exclusively deals with matters pertaining to the Lefebvrist Society of St. Pius X (SSPX). The name Ecclesia Dei is derived from the document that established the commission, John Paul II‘s eponymous motu proprio of July 2, 1988, in which the definitive rift with the SSPX was formalized after Abp.… READ MORE

It’s that time of the year again…

It’s Confession Time!
Today’s Edition of the Francis Show at St. Peter’s

Today it was time again for Francis’ annual “watch me go to confession” show in St. Peter’s. The video of the Vatican’s entire penitential liturgy can be viewed here; but Rome Reports has published just the relevant clip:

Presumably, no one was playing Sudoku in the confessionals of St. Peter’s today. We remember the complaint that was lodged by a young Novus Ordo priest who had experienced on several occasions that the “priests” in the basilica’s confessionals were more interested in playing games or reading the paper than actually hearing confessions.… READ MORE

Strike the shepherd, and the sheep shall be scattered…” (Zac 13:7)

When the Shepherd is struck:

The Papacy and Sedevacantist “Disunity”

The following article appeared in the sedevacantist quarterly The Reign of Mary, vol. XLV, no. 155, in the summer of 2014. It addresses a phenomenon that a lot of people seeking to be genuine traditional Catholics struggle with: the apparent “disunity” among sedevacantists. If Sedevacantism is the correct position to take in the face of the apostasy of the Novus Ordo Church, why then are there different groups of sedevacantists that are at odds with each other over various issues?… READ MORE

Aww, shucks!

Formal Correction of “Pope” Francis
— Not going to happen?

The perpetual Vatican soap opera about the blasphemous-heretical “Apostolic Exhortation” Amoris Laetitia released last April by “Pope” Francis appears to be going into the next round.

On November 15, 2016, “Cardinal” Raymond Burke said in an interview with the National Catholic Register that there would be a “formal act of correction” of Francis if he should refuse to answer the dubia (doubts, questions) that had been submitted to him regarding certain points of doctrine contained in the exhortation:

There is, in the Tradition of the Church, the practice of correction of the Roman Pontiff.


Another abomination of desolation…

Profanation in Rome:
Anglican Liturgy celebrated in St. Peter’s Basilica

Today is the fourth anniversary of Jorge Bergoglio’s election as head of the apostate Vatican II Sect. What’s a fitting way to mark that special day? How about an Anglican liturgy inside St. Peter’s Basilica at the altar of the Chair of St. Peter?

That’s exactly what happened today.

Curiously, the event was not advertised very much; but on Feb. 7, readers of this blog were informed of the upcoming sacrilege:

It remains to be seen if there will be a decent amount of news coverage or if the Vatican and other Novus Ordo news outlets will try to keep reporting on this to a bare minimum. … READ MORE

Bovine manure alert…

Bp. Fellay says “Cardinal” Müller wants SSPX to fight the Modernists! — An Inconvenient Reality Check

On March 3, 2017, during a visit to Poland, the Superior General of the Society of St. Pius X, Bp. Bernard Fellay, gave one of his famous “Rome update” conferences, in which he brings his followers up to speed on what’s happening in the neverending story of the doctrinal-canonical negotiations between the Vatican and the Lefebvrist SSPX. In essence, these sermons typically contain the same content every time, more or less. For details on this phenomenon, see our post on Bp. Fellay’s last major update in August 2016: