Masonic indifferentism for all…

Bergoglio Doubles Down: All Religions Look at the One God in Different Ways!

It is often difficult to keep up with ‘Pope’ Francis (Jorge Bergoglio), but here at Novus Ordo Watch, we do try. Even though he is 87 years old, when it comes to advancing the Great Apostasy, there is simply no slowing down for him.

On May 18, 2024, the false pope made a trip to the city of Verona in northern Italy. One of his stops there was Montorio Prison, where he addressed the inmates.

Vatican News has released the video footage of the event:

When Bergoglio visits prisons, he often points out that God forgives always, although he never mentions the conditions necessary to receive that forgiveness; and it was no different this time around.… READ MORE

Approved by ‘Pope’ Francis…

Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith

Norms for Proceeding in the Discernment
of Alleged Supernatural Phenomena

May 17, 2024

The Vatican’s text factory has just released another official document: Jorge Bergoglio (a.k.a. ‘Pope Francis’) has approved the publication of an instruction issued by the so-called Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith (DDF) establishing ‘Norms for Proceeding in the Discernment of Alleged Supernatural Phenomena’. The document does not appear to have an official title besides this descriptive one. The new guidelines are replacing those issued in 1978 under ‘Pope’ Paul VI.

So far, the Vatican has made the text of the Norms available in the following languages:

The key changes made by the new Norms appear to be that the local bishop no longer has authority to declare an alleged apparition to be of supernatural origin, and the Vatican will ordinarily not rule regarding its supernatural authenticity either.… READ MORE

Bad theology against a false pope – not going to work!

Over a Dozen ‘Prominent Catholics’ Warn Francis:
Resign or Be Deposed!

On May 2, 2024, the feast of Saint Athanasius, the semi-traditionalist blog Rorate Caeli published a ‘major statement’ against Jorge Bergoglio (aka ‘Pope Francis’). It is entitled “Call for the Resignation of Pope Francis” and bears the signatures of 16 people Life Site describes as “prominent Catholics”.

Just how prominent the signatories are, is another question, but it doesn’t really matter. Their names, along with their respective credentials, are listed by Rorate Caeli as follows:

Rev. Linus F.


Naturalism for kids…

A ‘Garden of Encounter’: Vatican Releases Idiotic Children’s Declaration on Fraternity

Children wearing laurels alternate reading a declaration on human fraternity…

The second annual so-called World Meeting on Human Fraternity ended today in Vatican City.

The two-day event, sponsored by the Fratelli Tutti Foundation, was a follow-up to last year’s single-day event by that name, which was a complete bust as practically no one showed up and pictures of St. Peter’s Square showed lots of empty chairs (ha!):

Whereas last year’s meeting bore the title ‘Not Alone’, this year’s edition was labeled ‘Be Human’.… READ MORE

Abandon the false pope, not Catholicism!

Bergoglio, The Remnant, and the Gates of Hell

On May 7, 2024, The Remnant published a brief article by Robert Lazu Kmita in which the author candidly struggles with answering a challenge by an Eastern Orthodox acquaintance of his regarding the indefectibility of the Catholic Church under the supposition that Jorge Bergoglio (‘Pope Francis’) is in fact the Roman Pontiff:

Kmita puts the following challenge on the lips of his Eastern Orthodox interlocutor:

“Well? What about the statement of the Savior Jesus ‘That thou art Peter; and upon this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it’?


You can’t make this stuff up…

Comedy Hour with Salza and Siscoe:
The Great Apostasy is Catholic Traditionalism!

On May 1, 2024, Messrs. John Salza and Robert Siscoe, both of them authors of the 2015 anti-sedevacantist tome True or False Pope?, appeared on the ‘Michael Lofton Show’ on the Reason and Theology channel on YouTube. Their topic was Recognize-and-Resist Traditionalism, Sedevacantism, and the Great Apostasy:

Since a complete critical review of the entire broadcast would take quite a bit of time to put together, we have at least produced a podcast refuting their main contention (make sure you’re seated!): … READ MORE

Blasphemy, sacrilege, and unnatural lust all in one!

Chicago Novus Ordo Pastor Officiates Lesbian Pseudo-Wedding: Exchange of Vows plus Blessing!

[UPDATE 13-MAY-2024: Vincentians release letter with ‘apology’ of sorts by Rev. Williams]

Video footage has emerged showing a Novus Ordo priest officiating a same-sex ceremony mocking the Holy Sacrament of Matrimony. He is shown presiding over an exchange of vows of two women and then conferring a blessing on them.

This is not a matter of rumor or speculation. The identity of all parties is known, and the presbyter has admitted that the ceremony took place.

Before we continue, here is the video clip shared on Instagram on Apr.… READ MORE

“Called by God a high priest according to the order of Melchisedech” (Heb 5:10)…

Heresy from ‘Cardinal’ Ravasi: ‘Christ Was a Layman’

The Vatican’s recently-retired president of the so-called Pontifical Council for Culture (since 2022 the Dicastery for Culture and Education), ‘Cardinal’ Gianfranco Ravasi (b. 1942), has made news again, and not in a good way.

The 81-year-old Ravasi was ordained a priest in 1966 in the traditional rite of priestly ordination. In 2007, ‘Pope’ Benedict XVI personally conferred the invalid Novus Ordo rite of episcopal ordination on him, and three years later he made him a ‘cardinal’. Ravasi has been working in the Roman curia since at least 2007, when Benedict appointed him president of the Pontifical Council for Culture.… READ MORE

Novus Ordo priest blasts Ultramontanism as ‘heresy’…

That Dreaded Specter of ‘Ultramontanism’:
Response to Fr. Jeffrey Kirby, STD

When the ghost of Ultramontanism looms, who ya gonna call?

The Rev. Jeffrey F. Kirby (b. 1975) is a Novus Ordo priest in the diocese of Charleston, South Carolina.

The biographical blurb on his personal web site describes him as

a Catholic priest, moral theologian, and Papal Missionary of Mercy. He serves as the Pastor of Our Lady of Grace Parish in Indian Land, South Carolina and is an Adjunct Professor of Theology at Belmont Abbey College. He has author [sic] several books and digital programs on the moral and spiritual traditions of the Catholic Church.


When blasphemy and heresy meet sodomy…

Queer in Trier: ‘Bishop’ Ackermann Presides Over Ecumenical Rainbow Service for Aberrosexuals

In the Vatican II Sect, the Modernist layman Stephan Ackermann has been playing ‘Catholic bishop’ of Trier, Germany, since 2009. It was then that ‘Pope’ Benedict XVI appointed him to succeed ‘Bishop’ (now ‘Cardinal’) Reinhard Marx, who had been promoted to become ‘Archbishop’ of Munich and Freising.

Every year the Tier diocese celebrates the so-called Heilig-Rock-Tage. It is a 10-day church festival centered on the relic of the Holy Tunic (Heiliger Rock) of Jesus Christ. This year, the festival took place from Apr.… READ MORE

Meant to “humanize the invisible lives affected by war and terror”…

‘Number 207’: Hundreds of Sculptured Pieces of Underwear Displayed in Historic Catholic Church in Venice

(image credit: Luca Asta)

The 60th edition of the international art exhibition known as the Venice Biennale is currently underway in the eponymous city in northeastern Italy. It was kicked off this past Saturday, Apr. 20, and will last until Nov. 24 of this year.

According to Wikipedia,

The festival has become a constellation of shows: a central exhibition curated by that year’s artistic director, national pavilions hosted by individual nations, and independent exhibitions throughout Venice.


Calls heresies “different historical expressions of the Christian faith”…

Francis Sends Message to Ecumenical Forum, Praises ‘Beautiful Mosaic of Contemporary Christianity’

Today the Vatican released a message from ‘His Holiness’ (Jorge Bergoglio, aka ‘Pope Francis’) for the Fourth Global Christian Forum, which is currently underway in Accra, Ghana.

It is an ecumenical conference aimed at providing “a ‘space’ where participants all meet on an equal basis, to foster mutual respect, and to explore and address together common concerns” (source). Its sponsor is the so-called Global Christian Forum, an organization that “aims to create a place, independent of existing structures, for the growing unity of the global church [sic]” (source).… READ MORE

Infinite disagreement on Dignitas Infinita

Infinite Human Dignity? A Look at the Mixed Reactions to the Latest DDF Declaration

With its release of the declaration Dignitas Infinita on Apr. 8, 2024, the Vatican’s Dicastery for the Destruction of the Faith has added more fuel to the fire of disagreement and confusion that has been raging in the Vatican II Church.

From all sides, reactions have been pouring in, and they vary widely, even within the various ideological groups. From the new document being hailed as a “dramatic” statement that is nothing short of a “masterpiece” to it being “quite possibly the most wicked statement possible” on the subject, any and all opinions are represented in the spectrum.… READ MORE

The scientific evidence speaks volumes…

The Fatima Center Agrees: After Vatican II, the Public ‘Sister Lucy’ Was Not the Real Fatima Seer

Big news out of Canada: The Fatima Center, the organization founded by ‘Fr.’ Nicholas Gruner for promoting devotion to Our Lady of Fatima and spreading her message, is now officially acknowledging that the oldest of the three seers, Sister Lucia dos Santos, was replaced by an impostor from 1967 onwards, at least in the few public appearances she made.

This announcement was published in a pinned comment by the Fatima Center‘s YouTube channel underneath/beside a video clip that is an extract from a presentation on this very topic by David Rodríguez, the Center‘s content director:

In case the image won’t display, here is the text of the announcement:

The Fatima Center’s position is that it has been established with reasonable certainty that the woman presenting herself as Sister Lucia in all known public photos from 1967 onward was not the true Lucia.


Enough of the semi-trad sophistry!

The Limits of Papal Power: Contrasting Traditional Catholic Teaching with the Recognize-and-Resist Distortion

Detail taken from “Homage by Catholics to Pope Pius IX” by Wilhelmus Petrus van Geldorp (1871)

The semi-traditionalist pundits of our day love to pontificate (pardon the pun) on the limits of the Papacy. The Pope can’t just do whatever he pleases, they (rightly) point out and thereby (wrongly) feel vindicated in their theologically disastrous position of recognizing Jorge Bergoglio as Pope (Francis), while nevertheless resisting his magisterium, his acts of governance, his canonizations, and his liturgical prescriptions where they believe these deviate from what he ought to be teaching and legislating.… READ MORE