Year-end giving 2024
Please Help Keep Novus Ordo Watch Afloat!
Dear Readers, Friends, and Supporters of Novus Ordo Watch:
We’re about to begin the last quarter of the year, and we’ll cut right to the chase: Novus Ordo Watch is not in dire straits but could use a modest financial boost to be able to end the current year in the black and begin 2025 with some peace of mind.
It’s been an incredibly busy time since March of 2013, when Jorge Bergoglio began squatting in the Vatican guest house as ‘Pope Francis’. To say that things have been wild would be an understatement. In fact, next year might see the craziest things yet as the apostate Jesuit will surely try to cement his legacy further; and who knows, perhaps there will even be a conclave to elect his successor.
Being able to focus all one’s energies on the important work that needs to be done, rather than having to devote time and effort to fundraising, is a beautiful thing, and we thank all contributors — past, present, and future — for helping to make that possible. We very much appreciate also, of course, the spiritual assistance people kindly provide by praying and sacrificing so that this small apostolate can reach many souls. May God reward all of you, keeping in mind that “thy Father who seeth in secret, will repay thee” (Mt 6:18).
And so we would like to ask you to please consider making a small financial gift to Novus Ordo Watch if you are in a position to do so. Novus Ordo Watch depends entirely on the voluntary donations of its readers (with the exception of receiving commissions from purchases made through Amazon affiliate links, but the amount is minimal — usually not more than $40 a month). Furthermore, you can rest assured that Novus Ordo Watch does not and will not ever rent out ‘advertising space’ on this web site.
You can either make a one-time gift or sign up for a recurring monthly contribution. It does not have to be much. If everyone who finds this web site helpful donates only a few dollars per month, we’ll have no problem continuing at full throttle.
To make a donation electronically, you can use either of the following two options:
- Aplos/Stripe — To make a secure online donation using a credit card, debit card, or an ACH bank transfer through Aplos, please click the blue DONATE button below (you will have the option of making a one-time donation or making it automatically recur every month):

- PayPal — To make a secure online donation using your PayPal balance or using a credit card, debit card, or an ACH bank transfer through the PayPal processing service, please click the PayPal DONATE button below:
If you prefer to mail a check or money order instead, please make it out to “Novus Ordo Watch” or “Interregnum Foundation” and mail it to the following postal address in the United States:
Interregnum Foundation, Inc.
11711 Princeton Pike
Suite 341-238
Cincinnati, OH 45246-2534
Novus Ordo Watch is a DBA of Interregnum Foundation, Inc., and is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization in the state of Ohio. This means that all U.S. contributions are tax-deductible to the full extent of the law.
In order to be counted for tax year 2024, we must receive all online donations by Dec. 31, 2024, 11:59 pm Eastern time. Checks or money orders must be mailed with a postmark date of Dec. 31, 2024 or earlier that year.
In 2023, the total expenses for Novus Ordo Watch were only around $63,000 for the whole year.
In addition to the salary expense of employing one person full time, typical costs for the organization include old and new books, various research tools (such as access to digital newspaper and magazine archives), software and online services (incl. professional translation tools and accounting software), automatic-notification-by-email services, access to useful blogs and news sites that are behind a paywall, copyright license fees for images used on the web site, etc.
The cost for web hosting, podcast hosting, web site tools, and related security software/services should also not be underestimated. Many of these things are not one-time costs but operate on a recurring subscription model and so must be renewed periodically. For example, the ability to display our Twitter/X feed embedded in the right margin (or below this post, if using a mobile device), and to keep it updating frequently, costs $100 per month.
A number of these costs are for items that are not strictly necessary, of course, but that are incredibly helpful to allow one to work with efficiency and ease, thereby greatly increasing productivity.
Again we would like to express our gratitude to all who are current or past donors to Novus Ordo Watch, who have helped keep things afloat. We realize that economic times have been very difficult, and our request for support is never directed at people who are struggling financially. We only ask those who are of sufficient means and who find this apostolate valuable to please consider support it.
Thank you, and God bless you!
Image source: Shutterstock (rawf8)
License: paid
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