Because ‘masculinity’, see!

To the Razor’s Edge: ‘Father’ Zuhlsdorf leads Souls into Temptation by promoting lewd Video Ad

Years ago ‘Fr.’ John Zuhlsdorf was a big name in the world of conservative Novus Ordos and so-called “indult” traditionalists, that is, those in the Vatican II Church who still took Catholicism seriously and wanted to assist at the Traditional Latin Mass in “full communion” with Joseph Ratzinger (“Pope Benedict XVI”) and later Jorge Bergoglio (“Pope Francis”).

Starting out as a columnist writing about ecclesiastical Latin for The Wanderer, ‘Father Z’, as he likes to be called, gradually morphed into a blogger whose primary occupation appeared to be, well, blogging.… READ MORE

‘Fr. Z’ wants you to watch ‘Don’t Look Up’…

Rated Z: Rev. John Zuhlsdorf recommends Movie with Nudity and Profanity

On Jan. 14, 2022, the blogging “traditional Catholic” presbyter John Zuhlsdorf — known by his moniker “Father Z” — informed his readership that he had just watched “an interesting movie” that he thinks “could be a metaphor for what is going on in the Church”. The film is called Don’t Look Up (2021) and falls into the genre of satirical science fiction.

What’s the problem? The problem is that the 138-minute motion picture is really not something permissible for a Catholic to watch, as we will discuss shortly.… READ MORE

Chaos Frank triggers his trads!

MELTDOWN: Round-Up of Reactions to Francis’ Suppression of the Traditional Latin Mass

Now that almost two weeks have passed since the release of Traditionis Custodes, “Pope” Francis’ motu proprio “Apostolic Letter” that severely limits (and gradually eliminates) the Traditional Latin Mass (1962 Missal), a lot of reactions have poured in from various quarters of the Vatican II Church; especially, of course, from those who consider themselves traditionalists, since they are the ones negatively affected by the suppression of Benedict XVI’s Summorum Pontificum.

By phasing out the Traditional Latin Mass (aka Tridentine Mass), a decision he allegedly made based on answers procured through a questionnaire process, Francis has ripped the heart out of the traditionalists in his church.… READ MORE

Charles Coulombe, Robert Spaemann, and others

Occultists masquerading as “Traditional Catholics”

On January 12, 2021, a researcher who goes by the pseudonym Alistair McFadden and describes himself as a “traditional Catholic layman unschooled in either philosophy or theology”, published a lengthy article entitled “Observations on the Influence of the Occult in Traditional Catholic Discourse”. It uncovers unsettling facts about an occultist influence on “Traditional Catholicism” or “Catholic Traditionalism” — and here we use the term in a very loose sense.

The essay was published on the social media platform Medium and takes over an hour to read in full. Here is the direct link:

The sedevacantist media apostolate True Restoration has recently provided a summary of McFadden’s lengthy but highly-informative monograph.… READ MORE

So much knowledge, yet no Faith…

Apostasy in Latin: Modernist Fr. Reginald Foster, Vatican’s Top Latin Expert, dies on Christmas Day

Fr. Reginald Foster (1939-2020) gave up wearing his collar long time ago…

Christmas Day saw the unexpected passing of Fr. Reginald Thomas Foster, O.C.D. (1939-2020), apparently from complications associated with COVID-19. The name of the discalced Carmelite friar probably does not ring a bell with most people, but for decades he was a most important individual in Vatican City. “Reggie”, as he liked to be called, was the foremost living authority on the Latin language, certainly in the Vatican II Church and probably in the entire world.… READ MORE

A theological ship of fools…

Ark of Apostasy:
Why Francis’ Interreligious Fraternity Document does Not Admit of an Orthodox Interpretation

The apostate Jesuit Jorge Bergoglio — more commonly known by his stage name “Pope Francis” — caused a ruckus last week when he co-signed a document on “human fraternity” with Sunni Muslim Imam Ahamad Al-Tayyib declaring that God wills there to be a plurality and diversity of religions. We covered this in our post “Apostasy in Abu Dhabi: Francis says God wills Diversity of Religions”.

Just before the signing of the joint declaration, Francis gave a lengthy speech in which he called all participants of the interreligious conference he was attending to “enter together as one family into an ark which can sail the stormy seas of the world: the ark of fraternity.”… READ MORE


Don’t Ask Father:
Mr. Zuhl$dorf trips over Sedevacantism

There is no doubt that “Pope” Francis is the best advertisement for Sedevacantism the world has ever seen. Although he annoys the daylights out of anyone who has retained a modicum of Catholicism, in a certain sense he is a great grace, because he is forcing people to wake up and draw a conclusion about the new religion that has come forth from the Vatican since the usurpation of the papal throne by the Novus Ordo antipopes, beginning with Angelo Roncalli in 1958. This observation is underscored by the fact that the traditionalist members of the Vatican II Church are coming to their wits’ end in defending what is becoming more and more obviously indefensible.… READ MORE

Clarification appears in ‘Acta Apostolicae Sedis’…

Novus Ordos in Shock as Francis declares Permissibility of Communion for Public Adulterers “Authentic Magisterium”

Analysis & Commentary

After more than 19 months of reports, analyses, arguments, interviews, rumors, conjectures, accusations, excuses, warnings, “corrections”, promises, allusions, and plenty of spin, the “doubts” about the correct interpretation of Francis’ “Apostolic” Exhortation Amoris Laetitia have now been officially put to rest: In a tacit move behind the scenes, Francis ordered that his Sep. 2016 endorsement of the interpretation offered by the Argentine “bishops” of the Buenos Aires region for their flock become a part of his (putative) “authentic Magisterium” and be included in the Acta Apostolicae Sedis, which is the official Vatican organ publishing papal texts and decisions. … READ MORE

Fair Warning, Trial Balloon, or Fake News?

Una Voce Blog: Francis may impose Novus Ordo Calendar and Lectionary on Indult Mass in 2018

This past Sunday, Oct. 8, 2017, the blog of the Una Voce Federation in Malta posted a piece of news that has some semi-traditionalists in the New Church panicking. There is a well-founded rumor that “Pope” Francis is preparing to impose the Novus Ordo Lectionary and liturgical calendar on the Traditional Latin Mass offered in communion with — and at the limited permission of — the Vatican II hierarchy (the so-called “Indult Mass”):

Reliable sources close to the Holy See have indicated that sometime in the second half of 2018, the Novus Ordo Lectionary and Calendar are to be imposed upon the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Mass.


Logical chickens coming home to roost…

Is Francis planning to rescind Summorum Pontificum?

Yesterday, July 26, Life Site published a piece by John-Henry Westen that has caused panic and alarm with some in the conservative Novus Ordo and semi-traditionalist world: “Vatican rumblings: Pope Francis aiming to end Latin Mass permission”.

The report contains so many details that it is necessary to quote it in full:

ROME, July 26, 2017 (LifeSiteNews) – Sources inside the Vatican suggest that Pope Francis aims to end Pope Benedict XVI’s universal permission for priests to say the Traditional Latin Mass (TLM), also known as the Extraordinary Form of the Mass.


Jumping through Hoopes…

Pathetic Damage Control Effort:


New Book aims to clarify “What Pope Francis Really Said”

We predicted it early on, and it didn’t require a special gift of prophecy: Before long there was bound to be a big Novus Ordo book or media presentation about “What Francis Really Said/Meant”. It took them roughly 3 years, but now it’s finally coming to pass: On October 21, 2016, Servant Books will release a book entitled What Pope Francis Really Said, authored by National Catholic Register columnist Tom Hoopes.

The book comes with raving reviews by some of the usual Novus Ordo cheerleaders, such as Dwight Longenecker, Raymond Arroyo, and Elizabeth Scalia.… READ MORE

Uh… no, he couldn’t!

“Fr.” Zuhlsdorf:
“Pope could give a Priest Permission to ‘Break’ the Seal of Confession”

UPDATE 19-JUL-2014 18:48 GMT: Just as we were getting ready to publish this, we noticed that the Rev. Zuhlsdorf had already deleted his controversial post. Which is good — it is an admission that he was wrong — though it would have been better to leave the post up and retract it so that the people already affected by it can see the correction. But either way, it’s good the post is gone, and hopefully it won’t return. We all make mistakes. So please read what follows with this in mind, that “Fr.… READ MORE

Sexual innuendo to drive sales…

New Low for “Fr.” Zuhl$dorf: “Use Protection!”

We’ve said it before, and, unfortunately, we have reason to say it again: The Rev. John Zuhlsdorf — “Father Z” — is apparently a full-time professional businessman using the “traditional Catholic priesthood” as a sales gimmick.

In case our previous posts and sample links didn’t convince you of our less-than-stellar view of this man…

…we now have even more confirmation that his morals are as questionable as the validity of his priesthood:

Using sexual innunedo (!)



Seal of Confession under Attack —
“Father Z” Cashes In

UPDATE 7/10/14: Hours after we blasted him for shamelessly cashing in on that seal of confession case, “Fr. Z” doubles down with another sales post. His blog must be a real cash cow! We can start spelling his name “Zuhl$dorf” from now on…

Never let a good Catholic crisis pass without cashing in on it: In the state of Louisiana, the Roman Catholic seal of confession is allegedly under attack, and the intrepid biretta-wearing blogging wonder Rev. John Zuhlsdorf (“Father Z”) has already found a way to make a profit from it.… READ MORE

Telling New Year’s resolutions…

The Sad Case of “Father Z”

There are sundry different ways one can see what a joke the Novus Ordo Religion is, but one particularly striking case in point is that of the Rev. John Zuhlsdorf, frequently referred to as “Father Z”. His popular web site Fr. Z’s Blog, previously named What Does the Prayer Really Say?, is in reality the raison d’être of this individual.

What’s tragic is that thousands of people around the globe are attached to this person and consider him their “guiding light” to all things Catholic in our times. It is tragic because the characteristics displayed by the Rev.