TRADCAST 016 is here

Catholic podcasting at full throttle…

TRADCAST 016 Now Available

Refuting the errors of Michael Matt, Rev. John Hunwicke, Steve Kellmeyer, and others

TRADCAST — The Traditional Catholic Podcast


In case you missed our initial announcement on December 24: Our popular TRADCAST podcast program is back with a brand-new hard-hitting episode that examines some current events and refutes the errors of various Novus Ordo and recognize-but-resist personalities.

The total run time of TRADCAST 016 is just over two hours. As always, the show is packed with solid Catholic doctrine, razor-sharp analysis, insightful information, and a touch of delightful humor.… READ MORE

016 TRADCAST (24 DEC 2016)


  • Segment 1: “Papal” election advice; Amoris Laetitia, its critics, and the “Communion” double standard; Steve Kellmeyer and the dumbest blog post of the year; dissecting Michael Matt’s comments in The Remnant Underground 11: “Cardinal Sins: Resisting Pope Francis”
  • Segment 2: SSPX distancing itself from Salza/Siscoe book True or False Pope?; thank-you to benefactors; advice for Roberto de Mattei; a glance at Tom Hoopes’ What Pope Francis Really Said; response to “Fr.” John Hunwicke’s “refutation” of sedevacantism; a game for semi-traditionalists; square peg meets round hole: distorting the papacy to fit Francis into it; The Remnant‘s disingenuous combox moderation; TRADCAST announcement for 2017
  • Total run time: 2 hrs 3 mins
  • Please note: In this TRADCAST episode, we mistakenly say Christopher Ferrara called Francis an “Antichrist Pope”.

Jumping through Hoopes…

Pathetic Damage Control Effort:


New Book aims to clarify “What Pope Francis Really Said”

We predicted it early on, and it didn’t require a special gift of prophecy: Before long there was bound to be a big Novus Ordo book or media presentation about “What Francis Really Said/Meant”. It took them roughly 3 years, but now it’s finally coming to pass: On October 21, 2016, Servant Books will release a book entitled What Pope Francis Really Said, authored by National Catholic Register columnist Tom Hoopes.

The book comes with raving reviews by some of the usual Novus Ordo cheerleaders, such as Dwight Longenecker, Raymond Arroyo, and Elizabeth Scalia.… READ MORE