Chaos Frank strikes again…

Francis Rents Out Sistine Chapel for Private Corporate Event

No, this isn’t satire. This isn’t a joke. This isn’t fiction. No one could make this stuff up. Francis, as head honcho of the Novus Ordo Sect and therefore de facto owner of the Sistine Chapel in Vatican City, has decided to rent this sacred and magnificent building to Porsche for a private corporate event at which 40 high-paying guests will be listening to a concert given by a Roman choir as they gaze at the gorgeous paintings of this holy Catholic place.

The event is scheduled for Saturday, Oct.… READ MORE

Vienna’s Homo-Heretic weighs in…

“Cardinal” Schönborn Lauds “Exemplary Behavior” of Homo-Couples who “Faithfully Care” for One Another

It’s the last thing we needed: Vienna’s pervert-endorser-in-chief, Mr. Christoph Schonborn, opened his mouth again in favor of sodomite couples. In the October 14 edition of Corriere della Sera, the “cardinal-archbishop” of Vienna praised the “human values” supposedly found in homosexual unions that are “based on lifelong fidelity and mutual caring.” He claimed that our Lord Jesus Christ opened Heaven even for tax collectors and prostitutes, without, however, mentioning the minor detail that Christ was referring to repentant sinners, rather than those who persist in mortal sin (“Go, and now sin no more” — Jn 8:11).… READ MORE

It was “Mad Monday”…

The Day After:

Surveying the Landscape after the First Synod Document causes Chaos in Novus Ordo Land

Ladies and gentlemen, it’s a bloodbath. When the first synod document was released yesterday, Oct. 13, there was no stopping the avalanche of shock, horror, outrage, confusion, bewilderment, and — from the other Novus Ordo side — glee, excitement, and (dare we say it?) triumphalism!

Chaos Frank has struck again, and this time perhaps more than ever before in his 19-month reign as the leader of the institution that falsely claims to be the Catholic Church. We’d like to take a moment now and survey the landscape, so to speak, of reaction among the Novus Ordo populace, especially those who have been trying most vociferously to defend the more and more obviously ludicrous idea that Jorge Bergoglio is actually the Pope of the Catholic Church.… READ MORE

Perfect Timing…

“He’s Not Francis”:
Explosive New Book Argues Benedict XVI is Still Pope

Not that we want to say, “We told you so”, but… we told you so!

Days before the controversial Synod on the Family is set to begin in Rome, a synod whose decisions may force many people who are currently part of the Vatican II Church to reevaluate their position with respect to whether Jorge Bergoglio’s claim to the papacy is valid and legitimate, the Italian daily Il Foglio reports that journalist and author Antonio Socci (The Fourth Secret of Fatima) will be releasing a 296-page book in which he makes the case that the resignation of “Pope” Benedict XVI in February of 2013 was invalid.


17-Year Old from Buenos Aires…

Lewd Singer Performs at Francis’ Soccer Match, Sings John Lennon’s Anti-Religious “Imagine”

We should have expected this, but it was still shocking to see: On September 1, 2014, Francis’ brilliant idea of a “Soccer Match for Peace” with the world’s soccer all-stars of different religions was realized in Rome’s Olympic Stadium. We reported on this Naturalist silliness in this prior blog post. But not enough. Of course this much-anticipated event had to also feature profane music and dancing, and who was chosen for this occasion? Martina Stoessel (a.k.a. Tini Stoessel or Violetta Castillo, the character she plays in a Disney soap opera), whose shockingly lewd performance in front of children and a worldwide audience brought a new low to the Vatican’s spurning of good morals and Christian modesty.… READ MORE

You can’t make this stuff up…

It’s Time for the “Soccer Game for Peace”!
Meet the Official Mascot, Plim-Plim:

To be clear: Plim-Plim is the one on the right

The Vatican has introduced the official mascot of the upcoming “Interreligious Match for Peace”. Please welcome…. PLIM PLIM!

Yes, Plim Plim plays soccer with the “Pope”, and no doubt this will bring on a gigantic wave of peace that will flood the world with luv, harmony, mutual respect, and brotherhood! You see, Plim Plim is a big fan of the “Co-Exist” ideology, as Vatican Radio was only too happy to point out:

Vatican Radio’s article on this — in Spanish — can be found at this link.… READ MORE

True Catholic, True Pope, True Saint

Giuseppe Sarto Died in Heroic Sanctity 100 Years Ago Today

Off to Receive his Eternal Reward: Pope St. Pius X died Aug. 20, 1914

Today commemorates a most joyous occasion for all true Catholics: Giuseppe Melchiorre Sarto, better known as Pope Pius X, gave up his beautiful soul to God exactly 100 years ago today, on August 20, 1914. Despised by the world and by the Modernists, and many a supposed “Catholic”, St. Giuseppe Sarto was eminently pleasing to His Creator. He cared not for the opinion of this world, but only to do the will of God.… READ MORE

Ciudad Del Este responds to Vatican Investigation


Paraguayan Diocese Under Investigation Fires Back: Priest Accused of Homosexual Conduct ‘Recommended by Cardinal Ratzinger’

You may have heard that the diocese of Ciudad del Este, Paraguay, is currently under investigation by the Vatican. Its vicar general, Fr. Carlos Urrutigoity, has a history of homosexual abuse allegations in the United States (Scranton, Pennsylvania), from where he was eventually transferred to Paraguay. A few days ago, “Cardinal” Santos Abril y Castello announced that priestly ordinations were suspended in the diocese until further notice. (A brief summary of the case can be found here.)

But now, the diocese has fired back: In a lengthy defense of its local ordinary, “Bishop” Rogelio Ricardo Livieres Plano, the diocese states flat-out that the accused predator priest, Fr.… READ MORE

“I can’t believe it’s not Catholic!”

Vatican Radio:
“Homosexuality Need Not Be ‘Cured’”

“Pope” Francis may say he doesn’t know who’s part of the notorious Vatican Gay Lobby, but we suspect he can find some of them at the German branch of Vatican Radio, which posted a photo of two young men kissing while waving a rainbow flag, as part of a news story on the heretical “Bishop” Stephan Ackermann on July 17, 2014.

The post can be seen here, but, just in case it gets removed, we provide a screenshot here (UPDATE 18-JUL-14 12:22 GMT: Vatican Radio has just replaced the offensive photo with a photo of “Bp.”… READ MORE

A perplexed Novus Ordo struggles to understand…

The Vatican and the Muslims

This is a very informative video, produced by a decorated veteran and former intelligence analyst for the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff who is also an expert in Islamic law. He looks at “Pope” Francis’ recent “Interfaith Prayer for Peace” event that took place in the Vatican Gardens on Pentecost Sunday, June 8, 2014, at which a Muslim imam prayed in Arabic for “victory over the infidels.”

Evidently a Novus Ordo of good will, retired Maj. Stephen C. Coughlin, Esq., is someone who, unlike many of the Novus Ordo apologists and bloggers out there, is not refusing to use his God-given intellect to analyze what is coming out of the Modernist Vatican.… READ MORE

New interview published June 29…

Francis Denies/Mocks Sacred Scripture: “Woman was taken from a Rib… I’m kidding, that’s a Joke”

In less than 2 weeks, “Pope” Francis, too exhausted to attend to all of his scheduled obligations, has cranked out yet another interview, making it the ninth in total since his election on March 13, 2013, according to our reckoning.

Click here to read the interview in full in English:


(Italian Original here)

The professional blogger/ translator/ traveler/ cook/ businessman/ lecturer/ anything-but-a-real-priest “Father” John Zuhlsdorf has shared his translation of a few lines of text from this interview in which Francis confounds ultra-liberals waiting for “women priests”, and of course, this is something Zuhlsdorf loves to zero in on as it allows him to perpetuate the idea that Francis is somehow a Catholic or a conservative — as though all it took to be a Catholic was to affirm one Catholic thing every once in a while.… READ MORE

WDTPRS – What does the Prayer Really Say?…


Muslim Imam at Vatican’s Prayer for Peace Event prayed for “Victory over the Infidels”!

UPDATE 15-JUN-2014 19:26 GMT: The official recording of the Interfaith “Prayer for Peace” event has now been published, and the part where the Muslim imam prays for “victory over the unbelievers” has been cut out. The Gates of Vienna blog has the details:

UPDATE 13-JUN-2014 02:34 GMT: The Gates of Vienna blog has weighed in on the matter with several interesting posts (make sure you read the comments!):


The “Operation of Error” in Full Swing…

The Interreligious “Prayer for Peace” from the Vatican Gardens: Jewish, Muslim, “Catholic”

Embed from Getty Images

Francis’ Naturalist idea of obtaining peace involves planting an olive tree

“Chaos Frank” has done it again. On Pentecost Sunday 2014, he hosted an interreligious “Invocation for Peace” event at the Vatican Gardens. The main attendees were Patriarch Bartholomew I (Eastern Schismatic), Israeli President Shimon Peres (Jewish), and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas (Muslim).

Two videos of the event, the first a summary, the other the entire spectacle at full length, are available here:

The Vatican web site has made available the full text of the prayers offered to what is claimed to be the same true God, which of course is a lie.… READ MORE

Full Text of Prayers linked below…

Apostasy in the Vatican:
Shekinah & Allah to be worshipped alongside Most Holy Trinity in Interreligious “Prayer for Peace” Meeting

Embed from Getty Images

One big happy family: All the same god, eh?

The professional defenders of the Novus Ordo Sect are going to have a tough time “explaining” this one: On Pentecost Sunday, “Pope” Francis will be conducting a prayer service for peace together with Israeli President Shimon Peres (Jewish) and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas (Muslim). The Eastern Orthodox (Heterodox, really) Patriarch Bartholomew I will also be in attendance.… READ MORE