Vatileaks 3.0…

Exhortation Amoris Laetitia:
Summary Leaked

They do not say how they obtained it, or who put it together, but the indult/semi-trad blog Rorate Caeli has just published a summary of the “post-synodal Apostolic exhortation” Amoris Laetitia, which will be officially released tomorrow (April 8) at a press conference scheduled to begin at 11:30 am Rome time (5:30 am ET). Novus Ordo Watch will provide full coverage.

Click here to read the alleged summary:


The summary is divided into the following sections, with the paragraphs of the exhortation referenced in parentheses:

  • Introduction (1-7)
  • Chapter One: “In the light of the Word” (8-30)
  • Chapter two: “The experiences and challenges of families” (31-57)
  • Chapter three: “Looking to Jesus: The vocation of the family” (58-88)
  • Chapter four: “Love in marriage” (89-164)
  • Chapter five: “Love made fruitful” (165-198)
  • Chapter six: “Some pastoral perspectives” (199-258)
  • Chapter seven: “Towards a better education of children” (259-290)
  • Chapter eight: “Guiding, discerning and integrating weakness” (291-312)
  • Chapter nine: “The spirituality of marriage and the family” (313-325)

At 325 paragraphs, the document fails to surprise as far as its length goes.… READ MORE

Impeccable Timing!

Vatican: SSPX Need Not Adhere to All of Vatican II for Canonical Recognition

“Abp.” Guido Pozzo

In American politics, this would be called an “October surprise”. In the Vatican II religion, it is just another whim of Francis’ god of surprises: As the ink on the dreaded post-synodal exhortation Amoris Laetitia has not even dried yet, the Vatican announces a curious concession to the Lefebvrist Society of St. Pius X: Adherence to all of Vatican II is not a requirement for canonical recognition by the “Holy See”. Thus says “Archbishop” Guido Pozzo, Secretary of the Vatican’s Ecclesia Dei Commission in charge of dealing with the SSPX.… READ MORE

Vatican confirms April 2 meeting

“Pope” Francis meets with SSPX Superior General, Bishop Fellay

The Press Office of the “Holy See” has confirmed a newspaper report of an unannounced meeting that took place between “Pope Francis” and the Superior General of the Society of Saint Pius X, Bishop Bernard Fellay, on Saturday, April 2, at Vatican City. The Italian paper Il Foglio broke the story, quoting sources who said the meeting “was positive” and “understanding is good” between Fellay and Francis, whom Fellay had called “a genuine Modernist” in 2013.

According to Il Foglio, the discussions between the “Pope” and the Lefebvrian SSPX are moving towards a personal prelature model similar to that under which Opus Dei operates.


“Pontifical” Council for the Family gives advance warning…

Vatican Heads-Up: Bishops to “Prepare All the Faithful for Reception of the Post-Synodal Exhortation”

This much is clear: Publication of the long-awaited so-called “Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation” of “Pope” Francis on the Synod on the Family, which will address the question of whether publicly unrepentant adulterers, fornicators, and sodomites can be admitted to the Novus Ordo sacraments, is imminent. If recent rumors are true, then the document is in excess of 200 pages, was drafted mainly by “Archbishop” Manuel “Smoochie” Fernandez, and was already signed by Francis on March 19, the feast of St.… READ MORE

Move over, Last Supper…

Here comes Francis’ Foot-Washing Circus:
3 Heretics, 3 Muslims, 1 Hindu

Time again for Francis to turn all the focus on himself!

It’s that time of the year again: During the most sacred time of the year, when Catholics around the globe are supposed to be focusing on the Last Supper of our Lord Jesus Christ, that is, the First Holy Mass, at which time Christ instituted the Most Holy Eucharist and the Sacred Priesthood, the Novus Ordo Sect is redirecting everyone’s thoughts to — who else? — Francis. The all-important question on everyone’s mind is: Whose feet will Francis wash this time?READ MORE

“Earth Hour” in the Vatican…

Church of Darkness

Embed from Getty Images

A very fitting symbol:
St. Peter’s Basilica shrouded in darkness during “Earth Hour”

After a filthy display of reptiles, birds, and other animals on its facade on the Feast of the Immaculate Conception last year (cf. Apoc 18:2), it was a given that St. Peter’s Basilica, currently still under occupation by enemies of the Catholic Church, would once again turn off its lights to participate in the environmentalist “Earth Hour” on March 19, 2016, the Feast of St. Joseph.

The truth is, of course, that the lights went out in the Vatican a long time ago, that is, in reference to the light of Faith (cf.… READ MORE

The Bread of Life is overrated…

Sharing the Loaves:
Modernist Drivel at “Papal” Retreat

If you’re wondering why Francis has been so silent all week, it’s because he is currently on retreat with members of the Curia in Ariccia near Rome. Unfortunately, however, Jorge Bergoglio’s silence comes at a price: We now have to hear about the Modernist tripe preached by the “papal” retreat master instead, and tripe it is.

On March 9, 2016, Aleteia’s Rome correspondent, Diane Montagna, reported on one of the “meditations” offered that day by the Modernist preacher, a certain “Fr.” Ermes Ronchi, OSM, who reflected on the question, “How many loaves do you have?”… READ MORE

Not everyone is as gung-ho as Bp. Fellay…

SSPX Bishop Alfonso de Galarreta Warns of Agreement with Rome


On Sunday, January 17, 2016, Bp. Alfonso de Galarreta of the Society of St. Pius X gave a conference at the St. Vincent de Paul priory in Bailly, France. A short summary of the talk has been posted at the French news portal Médias-Presse-Info. We are happy to provide an exclusive English translation:

For Bishop de Galarreta, it is not to be desired that an agreement between Rome and the SSPX should happen

By Christian Lassale

Summary of the Conference of Bishop de Galarreta in Bailly (78) on January 17, 2016

I—The Atmosphere in Rome

We are witnessing an upsurge of modernism in Rome with Pope Francis.


“Theology of the Body” on Steroids…

Gynecologist Conference on Improving Women’s Sex Lives via Genital Surgery to be held at Vatican Institute outside Saint Peter’s Square

Folks, we don’t even know how to cover this modestly, that is, without slipping into X-rated stuff. Yet, it must be exposed because it is so outrageous, so nauseating, so incredible that it cannot be passed over in silence. We are Novus Ordo Watch, after all, not Novus Ordo Ignore — otherwise we’d be Michael Voris. (Hat tip to Vox Cantoris, from whose blog we were first informed about this.)

So, how to start… OK, here are the facts:

The European Society of Aesthetic Gynecology (E.S.A.G.)READ MORE

“No Rupture with the Past” Update…

The Kosher Church:
Vatican releases Anti-Catholic Document on Judaism

On December 10, the Modernist Sect once again released another endless document attacking Catholic doctrine, this time — in view of the fiftieth anniversary of the closing of Vatican II — restating its heretical position on the Jews. The so-called “Commission for Religious Relations with the Jews”, which is actually part of the — get this — “Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian [!] Unity”, released the document The Gifts and Calling of God are Irrevocable (Rom 11:29). The title is a favorite Scriptural quote the Vatican II Church deliberately distorts in service of its heretical claim that the Talmudic Jews of our day have a valid covenant with God and can thus attain salvation without conversion to the Catholic Faith.… READ MORE

“An Enemy hath done this” (Mt 13:28)…

Facade of St. Peter’s defiled with “Climate Change” Light Show

It was anything but heavenly. At 7:00 pm local time today, the Vatican presented a most undignified spectacle: A light-show entitled Fiat Lux — “Let there be light” (cf. Gen 1:3) — was projected onto the facade of Saint Peter’s Basilica, the largest Catholic church in the entire world and a sacred building whose very architecture points the mind heavenwards.

“Mind the things that are above, not the things that are upon the earth”, St. Paul exhorts us (Col 3:2). But in the Vatican today, everybody’s thoughts were drawn towards the natural, as the most bizarre images flashed across the beautiful outside of the basilica under which the bones of St.… READ MORE

Chaos Frank gets taken to the woodshed…

Former High-Ranking Member of Vatican Curia Rebukes Francis in Open Letter


“Don’t worry, I’m in charge!”

Critical voices in and around the Vatican are growing louder and louder as Chaos Frank’s revolution continues unabated. After an anti-Francis dossier inside the Vatican was leaked a few months ago and just recently a Novus Ordo priest warned Francis that God would strike him dead if he continued on his path, we have now been made aware of an open letter written by a former high-ranking official in the Vatican’s curia that was just released in full in the print edition of the German magazine FOCUS.


October Surprise! Muller caves…

“Cardinal” Müller: Communion for Unrepentent Adulterers Conceivable in Exceptional Cases

As Francis’ Synod on the Family enters its last and decisive week, the German edition of Vatican Radio drops a bombshell: “Cardinal” Gerhard Ludwig Muller, the head of the Vatican’s so-called Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, argued in an interview with the German news magazine Focus that unrepentant adulterers could be admitted to Holy Communion in exceptional cases.

Here is a translation of the snippet published on Radio Vatikan (the full interview has not yet been released by Focus):

Curial cardinal Gerhard Ludwig Müller does not rule out admitting remarried divorcees to Communion “in extreme individual cases”, according to media reports.


‘Help the homos!’…

Ousted Vatican Sodomite Prelate appeals to Francis

What do you know — the self-confessed proud-and-practicing Sodomite “Monsignor” Krzystof Charamsa, having been ousted by the Vatican from his positions in the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith [sic] and at “Pontifical” Universities, has now publicly appealed to “Pope” Francis to help the cause of homosexuals and other aberrant “-sexuals”.

The following was reported by the Austrian Novus Ordo press agency kathpress:

Vatican prelate Krzystof Charamsa, suspended for his [public] confession of being a [practicing] homosexual, has appealed to the Pope for help. He wrote a letter to Francis in which he asked him to “open the hearts of the bishops” at the world synod on the family, Charamsa said on Thursday [Oct.


Pre-Synod Fireworks…

Vatican Prelate at CDF comes out as being in a Homosexual Relationship as News breaks Francis had met with Sodomite Couple in United States

Embed from Getty Images

“Fr.” Charamsa and his depraved lover on October 3, 2015

News is pouring in faster than we’re able to produce quality blog posts!

Just as we were preparing to publish a post on the Vatican’s downplaying of Francis’ meeting with Kim Davis, which had just been overshadowed by the revelation that Francis had received in audience a homosexual couple while in the United States (details further down below), this morning news broke that a high-ranking prelate in the Vatican’s so-called Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF) — the Novus Ordo version of the Holy Office — has publicly admitted to being in a sodomite relationship and being “proud” of it!… READ MORE