The latest Vatican drama…

Vatican Warfare: Confusion and Chaos erupt after Benedict XVI distances himself from explosive new Book defending Priestly Celibacy

UPDATES 14-JAN-20 22:52 UTC:

UPDATE 15-JAN-20 19:25 UTC:

The latest Vatican chaos is complete.

As first reported on Sunday, Jan. 12, 2020, a new book defending priestly celibacy and opposing women’s ordination authored by “Pope Emeritus” Benedict XVI (Joseph Ratzinger) and head of the Congregation for Divine Worship “Cardinal” Robert Sarah will be released in French on Jan.… READ MORE

Channeling their inner goddess…

Getting in Touch with “Mother Earth” at Vatican Christmas Concert

A young indigenous woman demonstrates how to feel the spirit of “Mother Earth” at the Vatican, Dec. 14, 2019

If you thought that the whole Mother Earth/Pachamama/Gaia worship at the Vatican was simply an excess of the turbulent Amazon Synod and therefore a thing of an inglorious past, you are sorely mistaken. Far from it being a one-time aberration, it is now becoming a recurring theme that is popping up again and again in Novus Ordo Land.

Not only was the idol worshipped before and during the Amazon Synod in and around the Vatican, even at the closing “Mass” in St.… READ MORE

Bah! Humbug!

A Pachamama Christmas with the Franciscans International

The Novus Ordo organization Franciscans International, headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland, has emailed out a virtual Christmas card to its supporters.

Or rather, they sent out what is supposed to be a Christmas card. You can see it displayed above and find it linked here. Who would have thought that good ol’ Pachamama of Amazon Synod infamy — also known as Gaia — would make an appearance in it?

The card bears the title Visitatio Mariae, which means “Visitation of Mary”. Taken at face value, this would mean that the hideous-looking and nude pregnant Pagan woman squatting in front of the Blessed Mother is St.… READ MORE

Introducing “ecocide”…

Pacha Papa: Francis announces he may update Catechism to include ‘Ecological Sins’

Will the cover of the next edition of the Novus Ordo Catechism look like this?

After leaving the so-called Catechism of the Catholic Church untouched for over a whole year, it looks like it’s time for another major update. At least that’s an idea Francis is entertaining these days, and he’s not afraid to say so out loud.

As more and more real sins are becoming obsolete under the false Francis magisterium, new “sins” have to be made up to fill the void. The last update to the Novus Ordo Catechism made the state’s use of the death penalty into a mortal sin; the next addition could introduce the concept of “ecocide” — the killing of the environment.… READ MORE

Another online tempest in a tea pot…

“Against Recent Sacrileges”: 100 Novus Ordo Clerics & Scholars protest Francis’ Pachamama Idolatry

“An international group of 100 priests and lay scholars published a statement today to protest the pagan worship of Pachamama that took place last month during the Amazon Synod in Rome with Pope Francis’ active participation and apparent support”, Maike Hickson reports for Life Site in a report released today, Nov. 12.

The statement, dated Nov. 9, 2019, is posted at a web site put up specifically for this cause, where other clergy and scholars can request their own names to be appended to the document to express their support.… READ MORE

Walking together – towards hell…

Apostasy Rising: Vatican boldly promotes Evolution of Dogma in wake of Amazon Synod

After a turbulent Pan-Amazon Synod that included open idolatry in addition to the usual errors and heresies, the occupied Vatican clearly feels emboldened to take the next step in its relentless pursuit of apostasy and snuffing out the last remaining vestiges of Catholicism from souls haplessly caught up in its tentacles.

On Oct. 29, two days after the official close of the synod, Vatican Media published an article by Sergio Centofanti, entitled “Development of doctrine is a people that walks together”. As the idiotic title suggests, the content is anything but Catholic; in fact, it is openly Modernist.… READ MORE

Unidentified man takes action…

Amazon Synod Pachamama Idols Thrown into Tiber River in Rome [Updated with Reactions]

[UPDATE 22-OCT-2019 22:59 UTC: Reactions added at end of post]

Breaking news from Rome, everyone: Some courageous soul has decided there’s been enough dialogue and bridge building and it’s now time for some action: The disgusting Pachamama idols that had popped up in the church of Santa Maria in Traspontina and that Francis had blessed in the Vatican Gardens on Oct. 4 in connection with the ongoing Amazon Synod, have been removed by an as-yet unidentified individual and cast into the Tiber river.… READ MORE

For those who couldn’t figure that out…

Vatican Spokesman:
Naked Amazonian Woman Figure is NOT Virgin Mary

(Photo by Giulio Origlia/Getty Images)
Official caption: “ROME, ITALY – OCTOBER 04: Pope Francis and Cardinal Cardinal Cláudio Hummes, Archbishop Emeritus of São Paulo, President of the Pan-Amazonian Ecclesial Network (REPAM), stand in front of a statue representing Pachamama (Mother Earth) as they celebrate the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi at the Vatican Gardens on October 04, 2019 in Rome, Italy….”

Bad news for Francis’ useful idiots: All their outlandish attempts to make the vile wood carving that was worshipped on Oct. 4 in the Vatican Gardens into an Amazonian representation of the Blessed Virgin Mary have been ruined.… READ MORE

It’s worse than expected…

Monkey Business at the Amazon Synod: A First Review

The long-awaited and much-touted Pan-Amazon Synod in the Vatican is in full swing, and the first week has seen fireworks. Whether it be an idolatrous ceremony held in the Vatican Gardens, prelates bewailing “ecological sins”, churches being profaned with paganism and indecency, Francis preparing his sheeple for a deluge of “newness”, a nun at the Vatican press conference saying she “hears confessions” in the Amazon region, or the general relator attacking priestly celibacy in his opening address — you name it, the first synod week had it on sale!… READ MORE

Three weeks of rainforest theology…

Welcome to the Jungle:
Chronicling the AMAZON SYNOD

Your One-Stop Resource for All Things Pan-Amazon Synod
(October 6-27, 2019)

Official Vatican Sites

Official Documents and Videos


Francis present at Pachamama adoration…

Golden Calf 2.0: Idolatrous Earth Goddess Worship Ceremony in Vatican Gardens

Ladies and gentlemen, the Vatican has now moved from apostasy to the next step, idolatry.

After declaring that God desires the diversity of religions, that all religions “always look toward heaven and God”, and that religious differences “are necessary”, the apostate Jesuit from Buenos Aires, Jorge Bergoglio (aka “Pope Francis”), has now hosted a syncretistic religious ceremony in the Vatican Gardens that included, beside Christian prayers, the pagan worship of Pachamama, the earth fertility goddess (also known as “Mother Earth” or “Gaia”) adored by the Incas.… READ MORE

“We are true friends of Pope Francis”…

Creative Fidelity: Burke & Schneider try to justify their “Loyal Opposition”

They prefer pre-Bergoglian Modernism: Mr. Raymond Burke and Mr. Athanasius Schneider

On the second anniversary of that much-hyped but predictably ineffective “Filial Correction”, two of the most outspoken critics of “Pope” Francis in the Novus Ordo hierarchy, “Cardinal” Raymond Burke and “Bishop” Athanasius Schneider, have once again published a document addressing the magisterial errors of their “Pope” and explaining their stance.

On Sep. 24, 2019, Messrs. Burke and Schneider issued a 3-page text entitled “A Clarification about the Meaning of Fidelity to the Supreme Pontiff.”… READ MORE

TRADCAST 025 is here

Novus Ordo Watch for your ears…

TRADCAST 025 Now Available

TRADCAST — The Traditional Catholic Podcast


In case you missed our initial announcement on August 21: We have published another full-length episode of our popular TRADCAST podcast program. As always, it is loaded with real traditional Catholicism, hard-hitting refutations of various errors, and razor-sharp analysis. Our content is typically challenging but is always delivered with a relieving touch of humor.

TRADCAST 025 consists of two separate segments. First we evaluate Dan Marcum’s effort to paint Francis as an “anti-liberal”, and in the process we examine the the Modernist strategy of using ambiguity and contradiction in order to spread heresy more effectively and with impunity.… READ MORE

TRADCAST 025 (21 AUG 2019)


  • Segment 1: Francis the Anti-Liberal? – ambiguity and contradiction as part of the Modernist strategy; bursting the diocesan traditional Latin Mass bubble; the revolution of Vatican II vs. the traditional Catholic teaching on the Church; is it a “dogmatic fact” that Francis is Pope? – response to Robert Siscoe
  • Segment 2: Brief announcement regarding Taylor Marshall’s book Infiltration: The Plot to Destroy the Church from Within; how you can support this podcast; Peter Chojnowski’s “Sister Lucy Truth” project: was Sr. Lucy of Fatima replaced with an imposter around 1960?; the trouble with diabolical disorientation; a preview of the Vatican’s upcoming Amazon Synod; the contradictory theology of One Peter Five; Sedevacantism – a dead end?

Fun & informative podcast…

Episode 40

Amazon Synod, Tweaking the Our Father, and the Declaration of Truths

Listen on demand at any time — free!

Great news, everyone: It is time again for the quarterly Francis Watch!

Novus Ordo Watch is pleased to sponsor the phenomenal podcast program Francis Watch, in which host Stephen Heiner of True Restoration analyses with his sedevacantist guests, Bishop Donald Sanborn and Fr. Anthony Cekada, the latest chaos perpetrated by Jorge Bergoglio, the man who claims to be the head of the Catholic Church under the title “Pope Francis”. Listen here:

In this episode no.… READ MORE