Trump, contraception, homos, and more…

Francis Unplugged: Hoopla ensues after Confusing Comments on Return Flight from Mexico

Links to developments & commentary below

We all knew this was coming, and it is always the best part of his trips: The expected but impromptu in-flight news conference aboard the “papal” plane, featuring Jorge Bergoglio answering questions from journalists off-the-cuff. This is Francis unplugged. Unscripted. Unfiltered. Warts and all. This usually means lots of rambling, disjointed thoughts, flowery phrases, vague platitudes, ambiguous language — lots to clean up afterwards for the various Novus Ordo spokesmen, commentators, and apologists.

It was no different this time.… READ MORE

Francis drops bombshell in interview with Eugenio Scalfari

Francis: “All the Divorced who ask will be admitted [to Communion]” — Vatican (as expected) disputes

photo credit: Catholic Church (England and Wales) “Pope Francis” via photopin (license)

Please see the end of this post for an important update.

The following report comes from the semi-traditionalist but reliable Rorate Caeli blog:


Yes, he said it over the phone to his favorite journalist, Italian editor Eugenio Scalfari of La Repubblica (the Pope’s daily and favorite newspaper), in a conversation on October 28, revealed by the latter in an editorial published this Sunday.


The ball is now in Francis’ court…

The Synod’s Grand Finale:

Thanks to Ambiguity, All Doors Are Open — Both Sides claim Victory while Francis slams Conservatives in Closing Speech

“Saint John Paul II offered a complex criterion that remains the basis for the evaluation of these situations: ‘…there’s a difference between those who sincerely tried to save their first marriage and were abandoned entirely unjustly, and those who through a grave fault destroyed [sic] a canonically valid marriage. Further, there are those who contracted a second union in view of the education of their children, and at times are subjectively certain in conscience that the preceding marriage, irreparably destroyed, was never valid’ (Familiaris Consortio, 1981, n.


October Surprise! Muller caves…

“Cardinal” Müller: Communion for Unrepentent Adulterers Conceivable in Exceptional Cases

As Francis’ Synod on the Family enters its last and decisive week, the German edition of Vatican Radio drops a bombshell: “Cardinal” Gerhard Ludwig Muller, the head of the Vatican’s so-called Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, argued in an interview with the German news magazine Focus that unrepentant adulterers could be admitted to Holy Communion in exceptional cases.

Here is a translation of the snippet published on Radio Vatikan (the full interview has not yet been released by Focus):

Curial cardinal Gerhard Ludwig Müller does not rule out admitting remarried divorcees to Communion “in extreme individual cases”, according to media reports.


‘Help the homos!’…

Ousted Vatican Sodomite Prelate appeals to Francis

What do you know — the self-confessed proud-and-practicing Sodomite “Monsignor” Krzystof Charamsa, having been ousted by the Vatican from his positions in the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith [sic] and at “Pontifical” Universities, has now publicly appealed to “Pope” Francis to help the cause of homosexuals and other aberrant “-sexuals”.

The following was reported by the Austrian Novus Ordo press agency kathpress:

Vatican prelate Krzystof Charamsa, suspended for his [public] confession of being a [practicing] homosexual, has appealed to the Pope for help. He wrote a letter to Francis in which he asked him to “open the hearts of the bishops” at the world synod on the family, Charamsa said on Thursday [Oct.


Pre-Synod Fireworks…

Vatican Prelate at CDF comes out as being in a Homosexual Relationship as News breaks Francis had met with Sodomite Couple in United States

Embed from Getty Images

“Fr.” Charamsa and his depraved lover on October 3, 2015

News is pouring in faster than we’re able to produce quality blog posts!

Just as we were preparing to publish a post on the Vatican’s downplaying of Francis’ meeting with Kim Davis, which had just been overshadowed by the revelation that Francis had received in audience a homosexual couple while in the United States (details further down below), this morning news broke that a high-ranking prelate in the Vatican’s so-called Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF) — the Novus Ordo version of the Holy Office — has publicly admitted to being in a sodomite relationship and being “proud” of it!… READ MORE

008 TRADCAST (16 SEP 2015)


  • Segment 1: Francis’ Drive-Thru Marriage Annulments — Francis’ “Mercy” towards the Society of St. Pius X: Faculties to give Absolution for Jubilee Year
  • Segment 2: Kim Davis, Religious Liberty, and “Gay Marriage”

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Vatican Releases Full List of Synod Participants

Francis Stacks the Deck for the Synod

IN: Cupich, Marx, Dolan, Schonborn, Forte, Bode, Bonny, Kasper, Koch, Nichols, Martin, Baldisseri, Pontier, Caffarra, Wuerl, Lovey, Brunin, Danneels, Maradiaga, Tagle, Fernandez, Muller

OUT: Burke, Lenga, Schneider, Brandmuller, De Paolis

Today the Unholy See released the official list of all participants of the “Synod on [=against] the Family” to be held October 4-25, 2015 in the Vatican. Not surprisingly, the list contains virtually all of the big names associated with promoting the idea of giving the sacraments to adulterers, many of which already met in a secret “shadow synod” earlier this year, whereas many of the “conservative” players have not been invited.… READ MORE

One mouth, two sides…

Masterful: Two Days after Opening Annulment Floodgates, Francis “Laments” Attack on Families

If hypocrisy could prolong your life, Francis would be immortal. The Argentinian impostor pope is a master at the pernicious art of Modernism, the “synthesis of all heresies”, as the heroic Pope Saint Pius X called it in his 1907 landmark encyclical Pascendi Dominici Gregis (n. 39). When one studies the tactics of the Modernists, as exposed, for example, in the Vatican-endorsed 1886 book Liberalism is a Sin, or in Pope Pius VI’s 1794 bull Auctorem Fidei, one finds that one is eerily reminded of people like “Pope” Francis.… READ MORE

 Explosive Dossier leaked…

Revolt Against Francis:

Curial Prelates have had enough: Anti-Francis Dossier circulating in Vatican accusing him of introducing “Catholic Divorce” — “Feelings of Physical Aggression” against Bergoglio

Once again, there is explosive news coming from Rome: High-ranking prelates in the Vatican have been exasperated with Francis for a while, but apparently we have now reached a point at which they are not willing to take any more. Francis’ recent “annulment” reform — which effectively permit drive-thru annulments and practically sanction “Catholic divorce” — is the proverbial straw that broke the camel’s back, although it is more of a dumbbell than a straw, truth be told.


“Cardinal” Burke & Co. warn of synod…

Prelude to Schism?
An Anti-Synod Video Appears

Click to play video – Polish and English, with subtitles

Apparently some hierarchs in the Vatican II Sect have realized that it looks like Jorge Beroglio (“Pope” Francis) is about to open the floodgates with his new-found “mercy” from the “god of surprises” at the upcoming “Synod on the Family” in Rome in October. Last year’s Synod — the first of two parts — was a disaster, and we can expect that this year’s follow-up is going to be a repeat on steroids. From the beginning we have referred to Bergoglio as “Chaos Frank” because it was pretty obvious from the start that this man would unleash precisely this — chaos — upon his religion (for a laundry list of his many accomplishments since then, click here).… READ MORE

Faster, simpler, and free!

Motu Inapproprio:
Francis overhauls Marriage “Annulments”, Abortion now Grounds for Nullity!

Clearly, they don’t have enough marriage “annulments”, abortions, or broken families in the Novus Ordo Church yet, so… Francis to the rescue!

Today, September 8, 2015, the Birthday of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Vatican’s Argentinian lay impostor “Pope”, Francis, released two “Apostolic Letters” Motu Proprio to reform the process for declarations of matrimonial nullity. Here are the relevant links to the documents, in various languages:

The first English reports and summaries on the new annulment changes have appeared — we are linking them here:

In a nutshell, Francis’ overhaul of declarations of nullity establishes the following major changes (we are basing this information on the news reports linked above):

  • Process will be free of charge (diocese must carry the costs, can be helped by local bishops’ conference)
  • One single sentence suffices – no more automatic appeal of the first sentence, though a manual appeal is still possible
  • If one party fails to show up after being summoned twice, taken as consent that annulment process should move forward
  • A first appeal is to remain local, that is, on the metropolitan level
  • A second appeal can be made to the Vatican
  • There need only be one single judge, under the local bishop
  • The bishop alone can be the judge, bypassing the normal process of the tribunal, under certain conditions
  • Abortion is now grounds for annulment (now this is just plain evil, as it may cause women seeking an “annulment” to have an abortion as a sure way to get their “declaration of nullity” — don’t think some could be this wicked?

006 TRADCAST (1 JUL 2015)


  • Segment 1: Recent Vatican News (June 2015) — From the Jorge’s Mouth — Blogosphere & Twitterverse: A look at a recent post by Louie Verrecchio and an argument against Sedevacantism from Twitter
  • Segment 2: The Supreme Court decision Obergefell v. Hodges that legalized “gay marriage” in the United States — “Pope” Francis’ eco-encyclical Laudato Si and the Neo-Traditionalist reaction critiqued

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Modernist drivel at its finest…

What a Modernist Sounds Like:
The “Cardinal” Kasper Interview

(click to play video)

As the saying goes: If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, it’s a duck. It is no different with heretics, especially Modernists. Pope St. Pius X wrote in his 1907 landmark encyclical Pascendi Dominici Gregis that Modernists can be identified as such by looking at what they do, what they believe, and how they express themselves. Let’s have a look at the opening paragraphs of this great papal document and see if this doesn’t sound eerily familiar:

One of the primary obligations assigned by Christ to the office divinely committed to Us of feeding the Lord’s flock is that of guarding with the greatest vigilance the deposit of the faith delivered to the saints, rejecting the profane novelties of words and the gainsaying of knowledge falsely so called.


New Interview…

“Bishop” Schneider: “After Francis’ Pontificate there could be Judgments about his Behavior,” denounces “Cardinal” Kasper for “Lying to Souls”

For months now we’ve been predicting that if things continue as they have been going, there will eventually be a schism within the Novus Ordo Sect — essentially a division of the conservative Ratzinger Modernists versus the progressive Bergoglio Modernists. In an exclusive interview with French journalist and blogger Jeanne Smits, Athanasius Schneider, a “conservative” Novus Ordo auxiliary “bishop” in Kazakhstan, sounds off on Francis, Kasper, and the controversial Synod in Rome.

Below we present an unauthorized translation of several highlights of this interview, which was released on June 5, 2015.… READ MORE