Response to a popular argument…

The Case of Robert Grosseteste:
Historical Precedent for Recognize-and-Resist?

A large amount of traditionalist recognize-and-resist theology goes back to the research and argumentation of one man: the British writer Michael Treharne Davies (1936-2004). It is propagated chiefly by the Lefebvrist Society of St. Pius X, whose main lay apologist he was for decades, by the Fatima Center, by Catholic Family News, by The Remnant, and by similar organizations or publications.

Unable to use genuine traditional Catholic theology to back up their recognize-and-resist position, these false traditionalists — we like to call them semi-trads or neo-trads — attempt time and again to find some kind of precedent in Church history that they can point to and say, “See, we’re simply doing what was done back then.”… READ MORE

TRADCAST 022 is here

Novus Ordo Watch for your ears…

TRADCAST 022 Now Available

Pictured left to right: Fr. Joseph Pfeiffer, Christopher Ferrara, “Fr.” Linus Clovis

TRADCAST — The Traditional Catholic Podcast


In case you missed our initial announcement on July 5: We have just published another full-length episode of our popular TRADCAST podcast program. As always, it is loaded with real traditional Catholicism, hard-hitting refutations of various errors, and razor-sharp analysis. Our content is typically challenging but is always delivered with a relieving touch of humor.

TRADCAST 022 consists of two separate segments.… READ MORE

TRADCAST 022 (05 JUL 2018)


  • Segment 1: Miscellany of recent news stories; Ascension Day conundrum for the SSPX; “Cardinal” Blase Cupich’s treatment of “Fr.” Frank Phillips; “Fr.” Linus Clovis’ talk about the arrival of the Anti-Church; Fr. Joseph Pfeiffer’s false argument about Pope Adrian VI and the Papacy
  • Segment 2: Unspinning Christopher Ferrara; From the Jorge’s Mouth: a review of recent Bergoglian utterances; Vatican says Muslims have a duty to share their religion; blatant heresy in The Remnant; if it weren’t for Francis!
  • Total run time: 1 hr 18 min

You can listen to the show by clicking the big play button in the embedded player above.… READ MORE

The debate continues…

Novus Ordo vs. Sedevacantist Discussion, Part 2

The Catholic vs. podcast is a Novus Ordo podcast produced and hosted by David Mary Andrew Ross. The host, who is a convert to the Vatican II Church from atheism (2009), interviews guests who have a religious position different from his own. The format is informal and conversational, and the idea is to generate light rather than heat.

On Sep. 30, 2017, in an episode entitled Catholic vs. Catholic, the host interviewed sedevacantist Stephen Heiner, an episode we featured on this blog. The audio is still available and can be listened to here.… READ MORE

June 30, 1988 – 2018

30 Years since the SSPX Episcopal Consecrations of Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre

In 1988, June 30 was a Thursday. Liturgically, it was the Commemoration of St. Paul the Apostle. That day, all eyes were on a tiny settlement in the southwest of Switzerland by the name of Écône. At a press conference on June 15, the French archbishop Marcel Lefebvre (1905-1991) had announced that on the 30th of the month he was going to consecrate four bishops in Econe, even against the express prohibition of the man he acknowledged to be the Vicar of Jesus Christ, the Polish apostate Bp.… READ MORE

Listen free to this informative podcast

Episode 35

Disasters, “Made That Way”, and the Irish Referendum

Listen on demand at any time — free!

It is time again for another episode: Novus Ordo Watch is pleased to sponsor for our readers and listeners — and anyone else who may be interested — the phenomenal podcast program Francis Watch, in which host Stephen Heiner of True Restoration analyses with his sedevacantist guests, Bishop Donald J. Sanborn and Fr. Anthony Cekada, the latest chaos perpetrated by Jorge Bergoglio, otherwise known as “Pope Francis.”

In this episode no. 35, His Excellency and Father discuss:


The usual jazz…

Francis at the World Council of Churches:
Analysis & Commentary

Photo: Magnus Aronson/WCC

One really has to hand it to them. Although they always say essentially the same things, somehow the Modernists always manage to come up with some new buzzwords for the headlines.

Such was the case again today, June 21, when Jorge Bergoglio (“Pope Francis”) traveled to Geneva, Switzerland, to participate in the 70th anniversary celebrations for the ecumenical World Council of Churches (WCC). If Francis had one catchphrase today, it was “new ecumenical spring.” More about that further on.

The three main events of Francis’ trip consisted of an ecumenical prayer service, an ecumenical meeting, and the Novus Ordo worship service (“Holy Mass”) at the end of the day.… READ MORE

The case of Galatians 2:11-14…

The “St. Paul resisted St. Peter to his Face” Objection

Time and again we hear from those we call Semi-Traditionalists the argument that a Pope can lead the faithful astray into errors against the Faith through the exercise of his non-infallible Magisterium; and when that happens, it is then the right and the duty of the victim faithful to resist him, clinging to “Tradition”.

Those who defend this position often point to an incident that occurred between St. Paul and St. Peter recorded in Galatians 2:11-14, as supposed historical precedent for an error-teaching Pope being corrected and resisted by his inferiors.… READ MORE

“Judge not according to the appearance…” (Jn 7:24)

Why Eastern Orthodoxy is Not the True Religion:
A Brief Overview

Beautiful externals belie the essence of this false religion:
The “Orthodox” are not orthodox — good intentions notwithstanding

The main objective of Novus Ordo Watch is to allow, first and foremost, those people who unhappily find themselves in the Novus Ordo Sect (Vatican II Church) to come to understand that the religion they are adhering to is not, contrary to what is generally supposed, the Roman Catholic Church founded by Jesus Christ in 33 AD but in fact a Modernist-Masonic counterfeit that God has permitted to eclipse the true Catholic Church for a time before Christ returns: “Therefore God shall send them the operation of error, to believe lying: that all may be judged who have not believed the truth, but have consented to iniquity” (2 Thess 2:10-11).… READ MORE

Some additional considerations…

The Catholic Church after Pope Pius XII: A Postscript to Fr. Ringrose’s Repudiation of Recognize-and-Resist

As expected, our post of May 3 regarding Fr. Ronald Ringrose’s repudiation of the recognize-and-resist position has engendered lots of debate about resistance theology, Sedevacantism, and the Guerardian material-formal thesis (aka the Cassiciacum Thesis or Sedeprivationism).

We offer the following lines as some additional material for reflection and to help those who have been wedded, as it were, to the recognize-and-resist (R&R) position for a long time to realize how seriously it is contrary to the Roman Catholic Faith, which all who call themselves Catholics have an obligation to defend and uphold.… READ MORE

Change of position in favor of Sedeprivationism…

Theological Earthquake at Virginia Trad Chapel: Fr. Ronald Ringrose abandons Recognize-and-Resist Position

St. Athanasius Church in Vienna, Virginia, established in 1968

Let’s cut right to the chase: Fr. Ronald Ringrose, the pastor of St. Athanasius Church in Vienna, Virginia, has publicly repudiated his long-time theological position of recognizing the papal claimants since Vatican II as valid but resisting them in their magisterium and their government of the church (commonly known as the “recognize-and-resist” position).

Realizing that the position is plainly contrary to the traditional teaching of the Catholic Church, Fr. Ringrose began to disavow it publicly in three of his parish bulletins in January 2018.… READ MORE

A much-misused quotation explained…

St. Robert Bellarmine’s Teaching on Resisting a Pope

For decades the proponents of the recognize-and-resist position have been using a quotation from St. Robert Bellarmine, the celebrated Doctor of the Church canonized by Pope Pius XI, in defense of their position and in apparent contradiction to Sedevacantism. The quote in question is the following (the precise wording varies a bit depending on which translation is used):

Just as it is licit to resist a Pontiff who attacks the body, so also is it licit to resist him who attacks souls or destroys the civil order or above all, tries to destroy the Church.


Done with Francis…

Schism Ahead: Retired Novus Ordo Bishop René Gracida calls for New Conclave

On his blog Abyssus Abyssum Incovat (“Deep calls on deep”; cf. Ps 41:8), the 94-year-old retired “bishop” of Corpus Christi, Texas, Fr. René Henry Gracida, has published a post calling for all remaining “legitimate cardinals” to get together and elect a Pope. This news story is huge.

Although he bases his reasoning mostly on the (invalid) legislation regarding papal elections promulgated by “Pope” John Paul II in 1996 (the constitution Universi Dominici Gregis) and arrives at the invalidity of the papal election of Jorge Bergoglio on such grounds, the really significant point is that for the first time ever, a high-ranking member of the Novus Ordo hierarchy has announced his conviction that the current occupant of the papal throne is not in fact the true Roman Pontiff, and that a conclave must be called to elect one:

So, what happens if a group of Cardinals who undoubtedly did not participate in any acts of disobedience against Universi Dominici Gregis were to meet, confer and declare that, pursuant to Universi Dominici Gregis, Monsignor Bergoglio is most certainly not a valid Roman Pontiff.


Interview with “Corriere della Sera”

“Cardinal” Muller on Schism, Spies, and Francis’ “Magic Circle”

Embed from Getty Images

“Cardinal” Gerhard Ludwig Muller has lots of time on his hands these days, now that he is no longer the Prefect of the Congregation for the Destruction of the Faith. In fact, he seems to have no clear assignment in the Vatican at all at this time. Recently he said he has more requests for interviews than he is able to grant, and this explains why we are currently seeing one Muller interview after another being cranked out.… READ MORE

Feeling the heat?

Vatican promotes Book defending Francis against Claims he is not a true Pope

It looks like the pseudo-Catholic establishment in the Vatican is feeling the heat against “Pope” Francis.

After more and more people are beginning to voice doubt about the legitimacy of Jorge Bergoglio’s claim to being the Pope of the Catholic Church, the Vatican will host the presentation of a book against what they call “Sedevacantism”, on Tuesday evening, Nov. 21.

The book in question is called Sedevacantisti (“Sedevacantists”) and was written by Francesco Antonio Grana. It was released on Oct. 11, 2017 and is being published by Tau Editrice.… READ MORE