Glad you asked…

No, Catholics Can’t “Recognize and Resist”:
Response to One Peter Five

As seen on its masthead, the web site One Peter Five has as its stated goal: “Rebuilding Catholic Culture. Restoring Catholic Tradition.”

In the name of a defense of Tradition, contributor Eric Sammons published the following post today:

The article stands out for making unsubstantiated claims, a very common problem in “recognize-and-resist” circles. That is not to say that all its claims are false, of course; but it does show, it seems, a certain disrespect for the reader, who is apparently expected to simply accept what the author puts forward.… READ MORE

Response to a popular argument…

The Case of Robert Grosseteste:
Historical Precedent for Recognize-and-Resist?

A large amount of traditionalist recognize-and-resist theology goes back to the research and argumentation of one man: the British writer Michael Treharne Davies (1936-2004). It is propagated chiefly by the Lefebvrist Society of St. Pius X, whose main lay apologist he was for decades, by the Fatima Center, by Catholic Family News, by The Remnant, and by similar organizations or publications.

Unable to use genuine traditional Catholic theology to back up their recognize-and-resist position, these false traditionalists — we like to call them semi-trads or neo-trads — attempt time and again to find some kind of precedent in Church history that they can point to and say, “See, we’re simply doing what was done back then.”… READ MORE