Vatican agitprop…

The ‘Pontifical Academy for Black Lives Matter’

The useless so-called Pontifical Academy for Life, no stranger to controversy, sent out a tweet today showing a photoshopped image of Michelangelo’s famous Pietà sculpture — Our Lady on Mount Calvary holding the Body of her Divine Son after It was taken down from the Cross — with the skin color of the Body of Our Lord changed to black:

The caption provided by the Vatican academy is: “An image that is worth a speech.” The actual tweet can be accessed here.

Let’s be clear: Of course our Blessed Lord Jesus Christ redeemed the entire human race, people of any and all colors.… READ MORE

Chaos Frank at full throttle…

Francis praises Nun for Building Homes for Transgenders, says: “God … did not go to the Seminary or study Theology”

It is no secret that in the world of Jorge Bergoglio, the peripheries are at the center; and in Argentina, that is precisely where Mónica Astorga Cremona is.

Called the “nun of the trans”, she is a Discalced Carmelite religious who works with so-called “transsexual” or “transgender” people, specifically “trans women.” The latter are biological males who consider themselves women and dress accordingly. Not only do they wear women’s clothes, they also change their hair, face, and bodily features as much as possible to appear like women.… READ MORE

Of course, he’s against it… isn’t he?

Bergoglio and the Pro$perity Gospel:
An Assessment

Rich man, poor man — Self-proclaimed billionaire televangelist Kenneth Copeland leads “Pope” Francis the Humble in prayer at the Vatican on June 24, 2014. The ecumenical encounter took place during a three-hour meeting with a delegation of Protestants, including a luncheon at Santa Marta Inn. (image: use)

by Francis Del Sarto

Prosperity theology (sometimes referred to as the prosperity gospel, the health-and-wealth gospel, the gospel of success, or seed faith) is a religious belief among some Protestant Christians that financial blessing and physical well-being are always the will of God for them, and that faith, positive speech, and donations to religious causes will increase one’s material wealth.


Bergoglian ideology intrudes into Litany of Loreto…

“Comfort of Migrants” – Francis adds new Invocation to Litany of Blessed Virgin Mary

The Frankster is at it again.

Today, June 20, 2020, he had his underling in the so-called Congregation for Divine Worship add three new titles for Our Lady to the Litany of the Blessed Virgin Mary, also called the Litany of Loreto. The first two are orthodox and not objectionable — the third one is born of Bergoglio’s liberation theology:

  • Mother of Mercy (Mater Misericordiae)
  • Mother of Hope (Mater Spei)
  • Comfort of Migrants (Solacium Migrantium)

“The first invocation shall be placed after ‘Mater Ecclesiæ’ [Mother of the Church], the second after ‘Mater divinæ gratiæ’ [Mother of Divine Grace], while the third shall be placed after ‘Refugium peccatorum’ [Refuge of Sinners]”, “Cardinal” Robert Sarah notes in the official letter announcing the addition of the new titles.… READ MORE

Pachamama needs a Band-Aid…

Francis: “The Wounds inflicted on our Mother Earth are Wounds that also Bleed in Us”

Before Francis, there was Michael Jackson: Heal the World (1992)

Each day seems to be some other World Day of this or that secular cause observed by the United Nations, and June 5 happens to be that of the Environment.

It won’t take you long to guess who had something to say about it: Jorge Bergoglio (“Pope Francis”), of course. When it comes to matters of Sacred Theology, the man pretending to be the Pope of the Catholic Church is quick to confess his limited competence — with regard to everything else, he considers himself an expert.… READ MORE

The plain text didn’t fit his ideology…

Christ and the Poor: Francis brazenly distorts Gospel Reading for Monday in Holy Week

His pace of apostasy is exhausting: The Antipope on April 6, 2020

Life for “Pope” Francis is not easy: Every time he preaches, he has to find a way to read his ideological talking points into the Scripture readings of the day. This becomes especially challenging when the Gospel text directly contradicts the Bergoglian agenda.

Such a day was today, April 6, 2020. It is Monday in Holy Week, and the Gospel passage for the day was the beautiful story of St.… READ MORE

Making the Amazon a better place…

Antipope Francis
“Apostolic Exhortation” Querida Amazonia
“Beloved Amazon”
February 2, 2020

NOTE: For reactions to the document, analyses, and commentary, please access our special coverage page at the following link:

The Vatican has released the text of the new exhortation in sundry languages, of which we make the following two available via direct links:

If one had to pick one single word to summarize the lengthy document, perhaps the most fitting word would be “inculturation.”… READ MORE

Gospel of Man vs. Gospel of God…

From the Supernatural to the Natural: How Francis neutralizes the Gospel while appearing to preach it

As always: He’s got plenty to say…

On Jan. 30, 2020, the Argentinian apostate Jorge Bergoglio (aka “Pope Francis”) addressed the plenary assembly of the Vatican’s Congregation for the Destruction of the Faith, currently led by his fellow-Jesuit “Cardinal” Luis Ladaria Ferrer. A translation of the speech has been made available by Zenit:

The discourse provides a good concrete example of how the false pope continually naturalizes the Catholic Faith — that is, he continually refocuses the essence of Catholicism.… READ MORE

The Eco-Religion advances…

Francis publishes Book on “Our Mother Earth”

While there is a perpetual debate raging on the precise identity of the bizarre carved image that was worshipped in the Vatican Gardens under Francis’ nose on Oct. 4 and keeps appearing at outrageous events (caution!) connected with the Amazon Synod in Rome, the Vatican has announced the release of a new book by their Dear Leader, the Jesuit apostate Jorge Bergoglio, also known by his stage name, “Pope Francis.”

The title of the book is: Our Mother Earth: A Christian Approach to the Environmental Challenge (original: Nostra Madre Terra: Una Lettura Cristiana della Sfide dell’Ambiente).… READ MORE

It’s worse than expected…

Monkey Business at the Amazon Synod: A First Review

The long-awaited and much-touted Pan-Amazon Synod in the Vatican is in full swing, and the first week has seen fireworks. Whether it be an idolatrous ceremony held in the Vatican Gardens, prelates bewailing “ecological sins”, churches being profaned with paganism and indecency, Francis preparing his sheeple for a deluge of “newness”, a nun at the Vatican press conference saying she “hears confessions” in the Amazon region, or the general relator attacking priestly celibacy in his opening address — you name it, the first synod week had it on sale!… READ MORE

Three weeks of rainforest theology…

Welcome to the Jungle:
Chronicling the AMAZON SYNOD

Your One-Stop Resource for All Things Pan-Amazon Synod
(October 6-27, 2019)

Official Vatican Sites

Official Documents and Videos


Francis present at Pachamama adoration…

Golden Calf 2.0: Idolatrous Earth Goddess Worship Ceremony in Vatican Gardens

Ladies and gentlemen, the Vatican has now moved from apostasy to the next step, idolatry.

After declaring that God desires the diversity of religions, that all religions “always look toward heaven and God”, and that religious differences “are necessary”, the apostate Jesuit from Buenos Aires, Jorge Bergoglio (aka “Pope Francis”), has now hosted a syncretistic religious ceremony in the Vatican Gardens that included, beside Christian prayers, the pagan worship of Pachamama, the earth fertility goddess (also known as “Mother Earth” or “Gaia”) adored by the Incas.… READ MORE

Introducing: green apostasy!

Nature Worship, Spiritism, Indigenous Liturgy:
Get ready for the Amazon Synod!

He’s ready — are you?!

If the preparatory document just released for the upcoming Amazon Synod is any indication, then the last few synods that caused chaos in the Vatican II Church were small potatoes. Communion for adulterers? Situation ethics? Sin as an imperfect participation in virtue? The youth as a privileged place of God’s revelation? You will wish to return to those topics if what’s on the Amazon Synod agenda will actually be implemented.

Officially called the Special Assembly of the Synod of Bishops for the Pan-Amazon Region, the Vatican has put up a special web site dedicated to the event:

This past Monday, June 17, the Roman Modernists released the full text of the synod’s Instrumentum Laboris, as the working document is formally called, accompanied by a press conference to introduce it.… READ MORE

“Living tabernacles” and all…

Building the City of God AND Man?
Francis and the Idolatry of Migrants

If you want to know what cause is really near and dear to “Pope” Francis’ heart, you just need to see what it is that he never shuts up about. As our Blessed Lord said: “…out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh” (Lk 6:45), and this is true for the fake pope Jorge Bergoglio as much as it is for anyone else.

We thus turn to Exhibit A in this regard: Francis’ perpetual solicitude for, and quasi-idolatry of, migrants.

On May 27, the Vatican released Francis’ Message for the 105th World Day of Migrants and Refugees 2019, which will be observed on September 29.… READ MORE

That Bergoglian jaw keeps moving…

More of the Same:
Big New Francis Interview Published

The Spanish newspaper El País has just released a new interview with “Pope” Francis, and it’s a long one to boot: In their English translation, the answers given by Francis exceed no fewer than 6,000 words. This is not surprising for the “Pope” who has practically talked non-stop since 2013, and who has given so many interviews that we have long stopped counting (we are probably in the 30-40ish range at this point).

The Q&A with Francis was conducted in Spanish and has been made available by El País in the following languages:

Here are what are perhaps the most salient quotes of the lengthy text:

  • “To change is unnatural.”