But who are they to judge, eh?…


Vatican Hires Leading Pro-Homosexual Corporations as Advisors

by Randy Engel

[from RenewAmerica.com]


In their efforts to bring “transparency” and “efficiency” and “financial reform” to the Government of the Vatican City State (the “Governatorato”), Vatican officials have managed to completely ignore the lack of moral credentials of the mega firms they have hired to carry out these tasks including the world’s top pro-lesbian, “gay,” bisexual, transgender (LGBT) consulting firm of Ernest & Young, now formally known as EY. Nor, apparently, did Ernst & Young officers volunteer this information before signing their formal contract with the Vatican to seal their lucrative consultation deal.


He is their Advocate indeed…

LGBT Magazine Honors Francis as “Person of the Year”


Jorge Bergoglio Chosen as Perverts’ Advocate of 2013

Now it’s the perverts’ turn. After Time Magazine and mtvU, the Lesbian-Gay-Bisexual-Transgender magazine The Advocate has now also chosen the head of the Vatican II Church, “Pope” Francis, as “their” man of the year. And they picked him despite the fact that Jack Andraka, an open sodomite held in high esteem by the Vatican (see our report here), was also one of the finalists.

You can read the sodomites’ ode to Francis right here:

In case you don’t know what The Advocate is or stands for (and hopefully this applies to most of the readers of this blog), you can read an overview here.… READ MORE

Will leave you speechless…


An Open Letter to “Pope” Francis on Homosexuality & Pederasty: Randy Engel Rakes Francis Over the Coals

In a lengthy but incredibly well-written “Open Letter to Pope Francis”, researcher and author Randy Engel, an expert on homosexuality in the Novus Ordo Church, tells Francis to get his act together and root out homosexuality, pederasty, and other related perversions from his church. Engel shows that it isn’t all that difficult to have a correct understanding of the nature and effects of homosexual vice, that one must absolutely not smooth over it with ridiculous references to “sins of youth” or “who am I to judge?”… READ MORE

Two Thumbs Up from the Abortion-Worshipping Narcissist-in-Chief…

Barack Obama “Hugely Impressed” with Francis

This will make your gut turn. Barack Obama says he has been “hugely impressed with” Francis, the man the world believes to be the Pope of the Catholic Church. In an interview with CNBC, the American resident was asked to comment on Francis’ recent remarks regarding Catholics being supposedly “obsessed” with “gay rights” and abortion. Obama answered that he sees in Francis “somebody who lives out the teachings of Christ” (!!), possessing “incredible humility” with “an incredible sense of empathy to the least of these, the poor.” (Of course, we all know what Obama thinks of the least of all, the unborn — he wants them dead, even after birth, if the mother so “chooses”.)… READ MORE

Two Novus Ordo Priests compared:

One spoke against Sodomites & Islam — The Other gave a “Blessing” to Homosexual Lovers:


Guess Which One Got In Trouble!

It is good to keep often before our minds just how depraved and phony the Vatican II Church really is. Few examples are as powerful as what happened to Fr. Karl Tropper (pictured above, left) of the diocese of Graz-Seckau, Austria.

Fr. Tropper is a validly-ordained priest who is part of the Vatican II Sect because he mistakenly believes it to be the Catholic Church. Nevertheless he courageously speaks the truth about the perversion that is homosexuality and warns of the grave errors of the false religion of Mohammed, known as Islam, that has gradually descended upon and spread throughout Europe for decades.… READ MORE

Isaias 5:20 Alert…

Mexican Novus Ordo Bishop says Catholics are Mentally Ill

“Bishop” José Raúl Vera López, O.P.

Mr. José Raúl Vera López, O.P., is the Novus Ordo bishop of Saltillo, Mexico. He was appointed to this post on December 30, 1999, by “Blessed” John Paul II of unhappy memory. Lopez is a prime product of the Novus Ordo religion and comes with approval from the highest echelons, having been (invalidly) “ordained a priest” by false pope Paul VI himself in 1975 and (invalidly) “consecrated a bishop” by false pope John Paul II in 1988 (source).

On August 19, the Mexican secular news site Terra Mexico reported that in an interview with its TV channel, “Bishop” Lopez stated that one would have to be “mentally ill” to think that a homosexual person is a degenerate or a reprobate (which, incidentally, is a position that all Catholics are required to hold).READ MORE

Put on your Surprise Face…

World Youth Day Flash Mob Choreographer “Fly” Posed Nude for Homosexual Magazines

German journalist and Vatican insider Giuseppe Nardi revealed in an article today that the man that invented the popular (but lewd) Flash Mob dance for World Youth Day (which we had already denounced here and also here) has been caught posing nude for Sodomite publications. Only people thoroughly unfamiliar with the moral aberrations and corrupted teachings of the Vatican II Church and its “programs” (such as WYD) could be genuinely surprised at this revelation. The flash mob dance, which ended up being performed by everyone present, including “bishops” and “priests”, is called “Francis” and was created in “honor” of Mr.… READ MORE

“Judge just judgment” (John 7:24)

Francis on Homosexuals who seek God:
“Who Am I to Judge that Person?”

A veritable firestorm broke out on July 29, 2013, when the press reported “Pope” Francis’ words in response to a question by a journalist on the “Mgr.” Battista Ricca case during a unique press conference “His Holiness” had granted to journalists on his flight back from Rio de Janeiro after World Youth Day (see our report on the interview here). In particular, the media frenzy centered around the following part of Francis’ response: “If a person is gay and seeks the Lord and has good will, who am I to judge that person?”… READ MORE

Francis in the clouds…

The Interview:

Francis Drops Bombshells Aboard Flight from Rio to Rome in Off-the-Cuff Interview with Journalists

“Women in the Church are More Important than Bishops and Priests”

Few things reveal the mind of a man more clearly than when he gives candid, non-scripted, off-the-cuff responses to questions he hasn’t seen before. And few things are a better advertisement for the sedevacantist Catholic position than Jorge Bergolgio — “Pope Francis” — speaking his mind freely and openly.

Aboard his return flight from Rio de Janeiro back to Rome after World Youth Day ended on July 28, 2013, Francis gave a press conference for 1 hour and 22 minutes, allowing journalists to ask him anything they pleased.… READ MORE

Magister’s Accusations Against “Mgr.” Battista Ricca are True

Rev. Battista Ricca

July 22 Update: Ricca Reportedly Offers to Resign

Original Story:

The Secretary General of the Uruguayan [Novus Ordo] Bishops’ Conference (CEU), “Mgr.” Heriberto Bodeant, has confirmed Vaticanist Sandro Magister’s report about “Mgr.” Battista Ricca’s sordid homosexual past in Montevideo. Magister’s report, entitled “The Prelate of the Gay Lobby” was published on July 18 in the Italian weekly L’Espresso, shortly after which the Vatican’s press secretary, “Fr.” Federico Lombardi, SJ, denied the accusations against Ricca and stated that “Pope” Francis was keeping Ricca in his current position as the new head of the Vatican Bank, properly called IOR (“Istituto per le Opere di Religione“).


The Novus Ordo Homo Plague Exposed…

Gay Hookup Site for Novus Ordo Priests & Seminarians in Rome [!] – Exposed


You couldn’t make this up if you tried… In mid-June 2013, it was discovered that there exists a ‘dating’ and ‘hook-up’ site for homosexual Novus Ordo priests and seminarians specifically in Rome, i.e. the city inside of which the Vatican is located. To make matters worse, it was then reported that this site was being run out of the Vatican itself!

This pervert-cleric hookup site, irreverently titled Venerabilis (“Venerable”), is no mystery and does not seek to hide, other than in anonymity.


Francis & the “Gay Lobby” in the Roman Curia

On June 11, a veritable firestorm erupted in the blogosphere when it was made public that Mr. Jorge Bergoglio, the current head of the Vatican II Counter-Church, candidly acknowledged in an audience with religious from Latin America and the Caribbean (“CLAR”) that there is indeed a “stream of corruption” and a “gay lobby” in the Curia. The Roman Curia is the administrative organization of the Vatican and the governing body of the entire church.

Of course, the term “gay lobby” is politically correct and much too soft compared to the stark reality it’s supposed to denote: We are talking here about a number of deviant influential perverts who are hardcore sodomites, seeking to commandeer thoughts, words, and actions in the institution most people in the world today (falsely) believe to be the Roman Catholic Church.


Fr. Flapdoodle Speaks…

Novus Ordo Parish Hosts ‘Gay Pride’ Interfaith Prayer Service

A Novus Ordo parish in Syracuse, New York, has hosted a “gay pride” interfaith prayer service:

In the above video, the parish’s “Fr.” Fred Daley, a self-confessed homosexual, speaks about how the mission of the church is to be “welcoming” to all. (He did not cite a Church document or a biblical passage to back up this claim, by the way.) Daley is the pastor of All Saints Novus Ordo parish (perish would be more fitting) in Syracuse, New York.… READ MORE

Alrighty then…

“He Resides Now with the Lord of the Dance”: Modernist Pervert Fr. Andrew Greeley Dead at 85


Apostate Fr. Andrew Greeley (1928-2013)

News Stories and Related Links:


The Apostasy of the Novus Ordo Church in Full Bloom…

“Cardinal” Bagnasco Gives “Communion” to Communist Transgender Homo Rights Activist during Funeral for Gay-Rights Priest

The above video shows “Cardinal” Angelo Bagnasco, the “Archbishop” of Genoa, Italy, giving what he thinks is Holy Communion to a man who could hardly be more unworthy of it: Vladimir Luxuria, a Communist male politician who cross-dresses as a woman and likes to be identified as female. Luxuria (pictured left) strongly and actively supports causes promoting “rights” for homosexuals. His actual name is Wladimiro Guadagno, but he deliberately changed his last name to Luxuria, which is the Latin word for “lust”, one of the seven deadly sins.… READ MORE