Hate vs. “Hate”…

The “Hate” Canard: Is Opposing Sexual Immorality and its Purveyors a Matter of “Hatred”?

Our society is saturated with political correctness. The leftist thought police has long tried to commandeer what vocabulary the populace is “permitted” to use. The idea behind it is that the way we speak necessarily influences how we think, and so self-censorship in words quickly leads to self-censorship in thoughts.

Contemporary man has long replaced reason with emotion. This is why we see such absurd phenomena as transgenderism in our day. It is also the reason why those who defend the natural law and the completely rational idea that there cannot be more than one true religion, are accused of “hate/hatred”, “anger”, “fear/phobia”, “insanity”, or “extremism.”… READ MORE

Includes “Brook Sexual Behaviours Traffic Light Tool”

Outrageous “Child Protection” Policy in English SSPX School explicitly accepts Sexual Perversion

[UPDATE 17-SEP-2017 00:10 UTC – Statement from St. Michael’s Headmaster and our reaction added — scroll to end of post]

[UPDATE 12-SEP-2017 16:09 UTC – please see second paragraph below]

The Society of St. Pius X’s District of Great Britain operates a school dedicated to St. Michael the Archangel in the small village of Burghclere, England. According to its official web page, St. Michael’s School is an “independent school founded in 1991 to give a traditional Catholic education to children from 5-18 years.”… READ MORE

“Abp.” Victor Manuel Fernandez

“Heal Me with your Mouth”: Amoris Laetitia Ghostwriter’s Book on the “Art of Kissing” now in English

You may recall that approximately two years ago we reported on a curiosity about “Abp.” Victor Manuel “Tucho” Fernandez of Argentina. In 1995, while a “priest” for the diocese of Villa de la Concepción del Río Cuarto, he wrote and published a book entitled Sáname con tu Boca: El Arte de Besar (“Heal Me with your Mouth: The Art of Kissing”).

No, this isn’t satire. You couldn’t make this up if you tried!

“Pope” Francis (Jorge Bergoglio) is very familiar with his compatriot Fernandez, who has been one of his closest advisers since his time in Buenos Aires.… READ MORE

More gems from Francis’ new book…

Francis Uncensored:

“The Communists are the Christians”, Refusing Communion to Adulterers is “Pharisaical”, “No War is Just”, and more!

When it rains, it pours.

Ladies and gentlemen, “Pope” Francis has struck again, and when he makes a mess, it’s a big one: As we reported in a separate post already, a whopping interview book of 423 pages is about to hit the shelves in France, entitled Pape François: Politique et Société (“Pope Francis: Politics and Society”). The work is an “unedited dialogue” between the French agnostic Dominique Wolton and the most talkative Jesuit on the planet, Jorge Bergoglio.… READ MORE

Amoris Laetitia in Action…

Brazilian Homo Couple flaunts Vatican Letter for Baptism of “Their” Children

David Harrad and Toni Reis

[UPDATE 09-AUG-2017 20:20 UTC: Toni Reis posts original letter sent to Francis]

[UPDATE o9-AUG-2017 14:20 UTC: Vatican sources say gay couple received standard form letter, not endorsement]

On April 23, 2017, two homo perverts had “their” adoptive children baptized in Our Lady of Light Cathedral of the “Archdiocese” of Curitiba, Brazil. At the time, this made front-page news in the secular press because, all silly arguments about footnotes and “what the Pope really meant” aside, this shows that the Novus Ordo Sect is now approving of sodomite relationships de facto.… READ MORE

“Rotten” is right…

German Diocese endorses Gay Pride Parade, prays for “Diversity” and “Openness”

Last October, the German Novus Ordo diocese of Rottenburg-Stuttgart posted on its web site a video commentary in which it praised the fact that two nuns had quit the cloister in order to get married — to each other, of course. Diocesan authorities used this opportunity not only to endorse the unnatural sin that cries to Heaven for vengeance, they went much further: They called for the creation of a liturgical homo-“marriage” rite. We exposed this wickedness in a dedicated post:

Now the same Rottenburg diocese — the emphasis is on “rotten”, by the way — is once again in the news, and for the same reason: the open promotion of depraved sexual lifestyles, this time in connection with a national event called “Christopher Street Day” (CSD).… READ MORE

Crying to Heaven for Vengeance…

Dutch Novus Ordo Bishop will “Bless” Sodomites for “Pink Saturday”

Gerard Johannes Nicolaus de Korte is the current Novus Ordo bishop occupying the diocese of ‘s Hertogenbosch (“Den Bosch” for short) in the Netherlands. The Netherlands are not exactly known as a bastion of orthodoxy, so the following story will not come as much of a surprise.

The Dutch public television station Omroep Brabant published the following news release, accompanied by a TV broadcast which can be watched in the video the follows below.

Bishop De Korte blesses Homos, Unrest among Faithful and Priests

Den Bosch – Next week, Bishop De Korte will publish a letter to all priests and faithful about his participation in an [upcoming] ecumenical prayer service on Pink Saturday [June 24].


A real Pope speaks…

Pope Pius XII destroys Amoris Laetitia and Francis’ False-Mercy Gospel

What a breath of fresh air it is to hear a true Pope speak, a genuine Vicar of Christ, through whom is heard the voice of St. Peter. Clarity reigns, confusion and doubt are put aside, and orthodoxy is affirmed. And it is no wonder, for every true Pope is a true shepherd of the flock of Christ: “…the sheep follow him, because they know his voice. But a stranger they follow not, but fly from him, because they know not the voice of strangers” (Jn 10:4-5).… READ MORE

The rest of the story?

All the Men behind the Opus Dei Curtain: Randy Engel weighs in on the Drama surrounding Church Militant

[UPDATE 16-JUL-2017: Randy Engel’s reponse to E. Michael Jones added]

In July of 2016, Novus Ordo editor and author E. Michael Jones published a sordid tell-all book against Church Militant and its frontman, Michael Voris, entitled The Man behind the Curtain: Michael Voris and the Homosexual Vortex. The official description of the publication reads as follows:

The Man Behind the Curtain: Michael Voris and the Homosexual Vortex by E. Michael Jones. In April 2016 Michael Voris’s homosexual past finally caught up with him.


Birds of a feather…

Francis appoints notorious Jesuit James Martin as Consultant for Vatican Secretariat for Communications

Anyone who was still under the impression that “Pope” Francis was a tough opponent of the homosexualist agenda, will definitively be disabused of this illusion now: On April 12, 2017, the Vatican announced that “Pope” Francis had appointed the notorious Jesuit LGBT-sensitive “Fr.” James Martin a consultant for the Vatican Secretariat for Communications, along with 12 other people. The secretariat was created by the “Pope” in 2015 and includes the Holy See Press Office, Vatican Radio, the Vatican Television Center, the Vatican Publishing House, and the Vatican Internet Service, among others.… READ MORE

He kneels before man but not before God…

The Francis Show, Holy Thursday Edition

He kisses tenderly because he can…

[UPDATE 15-APR-17 17:07 UTC: It has come to our attention that in the foot-washing rite in use before Pope Pius XII’s restoration in 1955, the rubrics mandated the kissing of the feet that were washed. We apologize for not being aware of this and have revised this post accordingly. It changes nothing, however, in our essential critique of Francis’ actions, since he is obviously not trying to restore traditional practice and the Novus Ordo rubrics do not mandate kissing.]

Just pretend you’re shocked…

Report: “Archbishop” of Santiago ordains public Homo Couple to Novus Ordo Priesthood

What do you know… Only a few days after we learned that the Vatican’s new instructions on seminary formation do not ban seminarians who are gay only “temporarily”, we now have a report that the “Archbishop” of Santiago de Compostela, Spain, Julián Barrio Barrio, has just “ordained” two men who are publicly known as sodomite lovers, according to Gabriel Ariza of the Spanish web site InfoVaticana. We have translated Ariza’s article into English for our readers:

The Archbishop of Santiago ordained two homosexuals to the priesthood whom he knew to be a couple

Julián Barrio has committed a grave offense by conferring the priesthood on two men, knowing their status as active homosexuals who live together as a couple.


Interview with Belgian Periodical

Filthy Francis Unloads More Bilge, Shocks Millions using Perverted Imagery


As you read this blog post about Francis’ latest drivel, we ask you to keep before you these holy words of our Blessed Lord: “A good man out of the good treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is good: and an evil man out of the evil treasure bringeth forth that which is evil. For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh” (Lk 6:45).

Today, Dec. 7, 2016, the Belgian Novus Ordo periodical Tertio published yet another interview with the anti-Catholic Modernist Jorge Bergoglio, more commonly known by his stage name, “Pope Francis”.… READ MORE

“Amoris Laetitia” in action…

“Forbidden Love”: Diocese of Rottenburg-Stuttgart calls for Marriage Rite for Homosexuals



This is where the Novus Ordo Sect is at in Germany: The diocese of Rottenburg-Stuttgart — the emphasis is clearly on rotten — has posted a video commentary by one of its diocesan “theologians”, one Eckhard Raabe, which provides a brief commentary on the recent story of two Novus Ordo nuns who quit the cloister and “got married” — to each other.

Instead of denouncing the perversion of these two women, who were obviously entirely unfit for the religious life, the diocesan master theologian echoed the two perverts’ call for acceptance of homosexual “love” by the Catholic Church, going so far as even to ask for a liturgical marriage rite for gays and lesbians and a nuptial blessing for them!… READ MORE

In-Flight Entertainment…

Transgenders? Case by Case!
“Welcome, accompany, study, discern, integrate”!

Embed from Getty Images

One day after blasphemously declaring that seeking the conversion of non-Catholics is a “great sin against ecumenism”, “Pope” Francis has now weighed in on how to provide pastoral care to people who are not sure whether they are male or female or something else entirely (so-called “transgender” people).

In the much-anticipated in-flight “papal” interview aboard the plane taking him back to Rome from Azerbaijan, where the number of Francis adherents can fit in an elevator, the Argentinian Jesuit was asked by a journalist what he would “say to those who are suffering and feel that their sexual identity does not correspond to their biological one”.… READ MORE