Magister’s Accusations Against “Mgr.” Battista Ricca are True

July 22 Update: Ricca Reportedly Offers to Resign
Original Story:
The Secretary General of the Uruguayan [Novus Ordo] Bishops’ Conference (CEU), “Mgr.” Heriberto Bodeant, has confirmed Vaticanist Sandro Magister’s report about “Mgr.” Battista Ricca’s sordid homosexual past in Montevideo. Magister’s report, entitled “The Prelate of the Gay Lobby” was published on July 18 in the Italian weekly L’Espresso, shortly after which the Vatican’s press secretary, “Fr.” Federico Lombardi, SJ, denied the accusations against Ricca and stated that “Pope” Francis was keeping Ricca in his current position as the new head of the Vatican Bank, properly called IOR (“Istituto per le Opere di Religione“).
As this new is not (yet) being covered by English-speaking sources, we are linking to available reports from media outlets in different languages (use Google Translate for a computerized translation):
- “First Plot Against Francis at the Heart of Vatican Power” – (Spanish)
- “The Vatican Under Investigation: It’s a Scandal” – (Spanish)
- “Ricca’s Homosexual Past in Uruguay Confirmed” – (German)
- “Papal Adviser Exposed in Uruguay Scandal” – (Spanish)
- Accusation: New Vatican Bank Chief is Part of Vatican “Gay Lobby”
- “The Prelate of the Gay Lobby” – Sandro Magister’s original article in English (L’Espresso)
- “Italian Weekly ‘Uncovers Gay Scandal’ at Vatican Bank” – Gazzetta del Sud
- “Vatican Prelate in ‘Gay Romance’ with Swiss Guard” – France24
- “Is It What It Seems?” – Robert Moynihan of Inside the Vatican weighs in
- “A Lavender Mafioso” – Rod Dreher on the Scandal
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License: fair use
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