Vatican ‘Gay Lobby’ Update
Former Vatican Swiss Guard:
“Cardinals Solicited Me for Sex”

A Swiss Guard with a Novus Ordo Cardinal (generic internet photo)
On Sunday, January 5, 2013, the Swiss weekly paper Schweiz am Sonntag broke the story of a former Vatican Swiss Guard, who claims to have received offers for homosexual acts — from “Cardinals”!
[from Schweiz am Sonntag: “Schweizergardist packt aus: ‘Habe von Kardinälen Sex-Angebote erhalten'”]
Swiss Guard Breaks Silence: “Cardinals Solicited Me for Sex”
by Henry Habegger and Beat Kraushaar
posted Saturday, Jan. 4, 2013, 11:32 pm CETNow the Swiss Guard joins the sordid circle of the Vatican’s Gay Lobby. A former guardsman tells for the first time that the Pope’s Swiss protectors are one of its [the Gay Lobby’s] preferred objects.
The young Swiss native claims to have been the desired object of a number of clerics. This includes a high dignitary who was inside the Vatican’s center of power. The ex-guardsman tells in detail how this person called him on his cell phone to invite him to his room after midnight. This person, who was lodging in the papal palace near the Holy Father, is considered by insiders as directly linked to the Homosexual Network.
The Swiss Guard explains that this was not an isolated case. While he served [in the Vatican], he allegedly received unambiguous offers from up to 20 clerics. This includes bishops, cardinals, and priests.
The unambiguous [the German original translates as “ambiguous” but this seems to be a typo, given the context –N.O. Watch] offers included also a dinner with a priest who confided to the guardsman that he was going to be the “dessert.” A member of the Holy See’s Department of State, too, is alleged to have made close advances — the man was later transferred to another post. Reports according to which obscene sexual behavior was practically occurring under the eyes of the Pope, so to speak, are raising troubling questions. And these would have to be coming at a rather inopportune time for Rome: for on April 27, John Paul II will be canonized a saint.
Is the guardsman just a blowhard and a troublemaker? Vatican insiders consider his story to be credible, not only overall but also specifically with regard to the high dignitary close to the Pope. According to his own testimony, he did not receive any support from the Swiss Guard itself when he reported the incidents to his superiors. He was accused of having misunderstood something.
The press office of the Swiss Guard in the Vatican has responded to the accusations of the former guardsman: “The rumored ‘Homosexual Network’ does not pose a problem for the papal Swiss Guard,” spokesman Urs Breitenmoser says. According to him, “The young Swiss natives who sign up for a two-year term in the Guard, sternly follow military and religious values. For them, there are completely different issues at the center of their camaraderie and recreational activity,” Breitenmoser says.
[from Schweiz am Sonntag]
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