The Facts About “Pope Benedict XVI” – Joseph Alois Ratzinger
What You Need To Know About the Man
who Claimed to be the Pope from 2005-2013
“Benedict XVI”
On April 19, 2005, the German “cardinal” Fr. Joseph Ratzinger was elected “Pope” Benedict XVI. This page is dedicated to demonstrating that Ratzinger’s beliefs and actions reveal that he was not a Catholic, and therefore he could not possibly have held the highest office in the Catholic Church, the Papacy.
Furthermore, the “episcopal consecration” of Fr. Ratzinger in 1977 was invalid, and hence Joseph Ratzinger was not even a bishop but only a priest (ordained in 1951).
We also encourage you to read “What to Expect of Benedict XVI”, an essay we put together in 2005, outlining what we believed would happen during the Benedict XVI “pontificate” — and we weren’t very far off. Further below you will find information regarding Benedict’s resignation from the “papal office” that was effective Feb. 28, 2013.
Collection of Links on Joseph Ratzinger aka “Pope Benedict XVI”
- The Real Joseph Ratzinger: Proud of His Blasphemy and His Blaspheming Mentor
- Ratzinger was branded “Suspect of Heresy” under Pope Pius XII
- Ratzinger’s 1993 Program for an Ecumenical Church
- Q & A about Fr. Ratzinger
- “One and the Same Rite”?: How Benedict XVI’s Summorum Pontificum destroys the Traditional Mass
- Flashback 1956: Ratzinger’s Second Doctoral Thesis rejected by Prof. Michael Schmaus as “Dangerously Modernist”
- Flashback 1963: Ratzinger: Demolish the Holy Office!
- Flashback 1963: How Ratzinger Destroyed the Holy Office
- Flashback 1967: Ratzinger: The Tridentine Mass is a Dead Liturgy
- Flashback 1968: Ratzinger’s Book Banned in Warsaw Diocese by Cardinal Wyszynski for being too Liberal
- Flashback 1969: Ratzinger: “Criticism of papal pronouncements will be possible and even necessary, to the extent that they lack support in Scripture and the Creed, that is, in the faith of the whole Church”
- Flashback 1982: Ratzinger: “Raze the Catholic Bastions!”
- Flashback 1982: Ratzinger Denies Dogma of Resurrection of Jesus Christ
- Flashback 1990: Ratzinger: Anti-Modernist Condemnations of St. Pius X “became obsolete after having fulfiled their pastoral mission at their proper time”
- Flashback 2000: Ratzinger Denies Dogma of Infant Baptism
- Flashback 2002: Ratzinger Says Jews’ Wait for Messiah Not In Vain
- Flashback 2004: Ratzinger Personally Consecrates Neo-Modernist “Bishop” Bruno Forte
- Flashback 2005: Benedict XVI “canonizes” Lutheran minister, says “this faithful servant” has “attained eternal joy”!
- Benedict XVI in 2012: Repudiates Nothing of his Work at Vatican II
- The Laundry List: Dr. Tom Droleskey Reviews the false “Pontificate” of Benedict XVI
- The Masonic Handshakes of Benedict XVI
- Benedict XVI and the “Prophetic Mission of Fatima”: The Rest of the Story
- Novus Ordo Bishop: “Not even Martin Luther could have imagined a better Pope than Benedict XVI”
- Oops: 1972 Ratzinger Essay argues for Allowing Divorced/Remarried to Receive Sacraments
- Flashback 1964: Ratzinger says because of World Wars, Auschwitz, and Hiroshima, we can no longer speak of the time since Christ’s Birth as a “time of salvation”
- Benedict XVI endorses heretical Neocatechumenal Way
- Ratzinger writes to Hans Küng, notes “Great Agreement of Views” with Francis
- After 8 Years of Benedict XVI: Conservatives vent Disappointment over Benedict’s “Papacy”
- Revealed: Ratzinger told Lutheran Worker in Vatican NOT to become a Catholic
- Benedict XVI’s Miter – Is It Satanic? Look at the Evidence (PDF)
- Oliver Putz: “I Did Not Change; They Did!” Joseph Ratzinger, Karl Rahner and the Second Vatican Council
- No Friend of Fatima: Unspinning Christopher Ferrara’s Defense of Benedict XVI
- Benedict XVI admits: Goal of Dialogue is NOT Conversion (2012)
- Faith Imperiled by Ratzinger: Benedict XVI’s Hermeneutics
- Apostasy in Action: Benedict XVI, Judaism, and the Church
- New Historical Evidence Uncovered: Karl Rahner Testimony reveals Ratzinger called “heretic who denies hell”
- Meet the “Ratzingerian Marxists” (No Joke!)
- May 3, 2013: Ratzinger the Reformer Returns to his Roots
- Video Lecture: Who is Benedict XVI?
- Teilhard de Chardin’s “Great Vision” of a “Cosmic Liturgy” — endorsed by Benedict XVI
- An Inconvenient Truth: The Religious Orientation of Joseph Ratzinger
- The Heart of Betrayal
- The Ratzinger Agenda
- The Fideism of “Cardinal” Ratzinger
- “Cardinal” Ratzinger publicly denies Dogma of Papal Primacy
- Some grave Errors in Ratzinger’s Introduction to Christianity
- Ratzinger denies Catholic Teaching on Original Sin
- Why the New (1968) Rite of Episcopal Consecration is invalid — Benedict XVI is not a valid Bishop:
- Unholy Orders: Invalid Ordinations in the New Church
- Absolutely Null and Utterly Void (2006) by Fr. Anthony Cekada [PDF]
- Why the New Bishops are Not True Bishops (2006) by Cekada [PDF]
- Still Null and Still Void (2007) by Cekada [PDF]
- New Bishops, Empty Tabernacle (2007) by Cekada [PDF]
- Saved by Context? Answer to an Objection (2012) by Cekada (blog post)
- At Vatican II, Fr. Ratzinger complained Gaudium et Spes relied too much on Teilhard de Chardin, not enough on Martin Luther!
- “Cardinal” Ratzinger rejects Scholastic Theology
Reality Check: The idea that “the method and principles by which the old scholastic doctors cultivated theology are no longer suitable to the demands of our times and to the progress of the sciences” was formally condemned by Pope Pius IX, Syllabus of Errors, 1864 - “Cardinal” Ratzinger gave Communion to Known Protestant Roger Schutz
- “God is entirely Relationship” — St. Thomas not Ratzinger’s Master
- In 1968 Book, Ratzinger defends “Anonymous Christianity” of Karl Rahner
- Fr. Ratzinger on the Papacy (1965)
- Ratzinger Denies Fundamental Dogma of the Church
- The True Colors of Benedict XVI
- Ratzinger in Favor of Decentralizing the Papacy
- More Collegiality with Benedict XVI?
- Ratzinger’s Dream for the Future Church
- Ratzinger on Feminism
- Interview with Fr. Fessio reveals more of Benedict XVI’s Theological Background
- “Cardinal” Ratzinger gave Holy Communion to Known Protestants!
Reality Check: It is forbidden that the Sacraments of the Church be ministered to heretics and schismatics, even if they ask for them and are in good faith, unless beforehand, rejecting their errors, they are reconciled with the Church.” (1917 Code of Canon Law, Canon 731.2)
What you may not know: the Novus Ordo Church does already permit Protestants to receive Communion sometimes: “While it is never legitimate to concelebrate [the Holy Mass] in the absence of full communion, the same is not true with respect to the administration of the Eucharist under special circumstances, to individual persons belonging to Churches or Ecclesial Communities not in full communion with the Catholic Church” (John Paul II, Ecclesia de Eucharistia, n. 45, 2003) — The same is legislated in the Novus Ordo Code of Canon Law of 1983 - Protestant Theologian Admits Ratzinger was known as “Radical Progressivist”
- In 2001, Ratzinger’s Congregation Declared Pope Leo XIII’s Condemnation of 40 Rosmini Errors as Time-Conditioned and Falsely Interpreting Rosmini’s Thought
Reality Check: The Church can authoritatively define the objective meaning of a book: “If the Church could not define the orthodox or unorthodox sense of books, . . . she could not fulfil her task as practical teacher of humanity, not protect her children from actual concrete dangers to their faith and morals.” —Catholic Encyclopedia, s.v. “Dogmatic Fact”
Related: Catholic Encyclopedia on Rosmini
Related: Rosmini’s Rehabilitation and the Ratzinger Agenda - The Progressivist Orientation of Joseph Ratzinger
- In 1982 book, “Cardinal” Ratzinger writes that Catholics don’t want dissolution of Protestantism but hope Protestants will be strengthened in their Confessions (Citation Info: Joseph Ratzinger, Principles of Catholic Theology, Ignatius Press, 1987, p. 202; German original: Theologische Prinzipienlehre, 1982)
- “Cardinal” Ratzinger: A Prefect for the Destruction of the Faith
- Ratzinger accused of obstructing Justice in Sex Abuse Scandals
- NYT Reports Ratzinger a Long-Time Admirer of Martin Luther
- Ratzinger Approved “Mass” without Consecration! “…the Congregation for the Doctrine of Faith on January 17th, 2001 concluded that this Anaphora can be considered valid.”
- Ratzinger – “99% Protestant”
- Memories of a Destructive Mind — Ratzinger’s Milestones (Part 1)
- More Destructive Milestones (Part 2)
- Critique: Biblical Commission’s Book on Jews, Scripture, Messiah
Raw Data: The entire Document, with Ratzinger’s Preface - Ratzinger Called Vatican II Document Gaudium Et Spes “Counter-Syllabus” to Pope Pius IX’s Syllabus of Errors, Said Vatican II Presents Attempt at Reconciliation with French Revolution
Raw Data: Pope Pius IX’s Syllabus of Liberal Errors
Also: Pope St. Pius X’s condemnation of principles of French Revolution - Ratzinger vs. Fatima
- Ratzinger vs. the Immaculate Heart of the Bl. Virgin Mary
- Ratzinger Reportedly Said Jews’ Rejection of Jesus Christ not a Rejection of God but a Reminder that Peace & Salvation Not Yet Come
- Ratzinger’s “Dominus Iesus” Document – a Critical Analysis
- Ratzinger Credited with Saving Lutheran Agreement
- Ecumenism according to Ratzinger: Pluriform Unity
- Ratzinger, Hegel, and Summorum Pontificum
- Benedict XVI: Church is “On Verge of Capsizing”
- Benedict XVI and the Jews: Ratzinger Essay on Judaism causes Controversy
- Ratzinger’s Roman Apostasy Symbolism
- Benedict XVI: No Mission to the Jews, just Dialogue
- Benedict XVI’s Letter on Sex Abuse Crisis: Highlights & Reaction Roundup
- New Biography of Benedict XVI confirms: Ratzinger recognized as ‘Dangerous Modernist’ early on
- Benedict XVI leaves Vatican to visit sick Brother in Germany
- Benedict XVI Never to Return to the Vatican? Ratzinger Drama in Germany
- “In Bread and Wine He Gives Himself Entirely”: Old Ratzinger Sermon denies Transubstantiation
- New biography describes great influence of Joseph Ratzinger in the revolutionary upheaval of Vatican II
- Benedict XVI near Death, Francis asks for Prayers
- Podcast Interview: Who was Joseph Ratzinger / Benedict XVI?
- Rumor Control: Was Ratzinger against the Interreligious Prayer Meetings in Assisi?
Ratzinger against Traditionalists:
“We must be on guard against minimizing these movements [that oppose Vatican II]. Without a doubt, they represent a sectarian zealotry that is the antithesis of Catholicity. We cannot resist them too firmly.“
(Citation Info: Joseph Ratzinger, Principles of Catholic Theology, Ignatius Press, 1987, pp. 389-90; underlining added. German original: Katholische Prinzipienlehre, 1982)
On the Resignation of “Pope” Benedict XVI in 2013 & the Aftermath
- Full Text of Benedict XVI’s Official Declaration of Resignation (Feb. 11, 2013)
- BBC: Benedict in Shock Resignation
- Benedict Resigns: The U.S. Response
- Press Release of Society of St. Pius X thanks Benedict XVI for Efforts at Unity
- CNS: Period of Transition will Follow Ratzinger’s Resignation
- Catholic Family News: “In a Media Age, What Does an Ex-Pope Do?”
- The Remnant: “Did the Wolves Win?” [Good Grief! — “Peter” is the Wolf!]
- Benedict against the “Wolves” in the Vatican? Not so — Flashback 2012: “I Feel Safe With You”, Ratzinger says to “Cardinals” at Luncheon
- Video: Novus Ordo Cardinals’ Reactions to Benedict’s Resignation Announcement
- Video: What Will Benedict do when he is no longer Benedict?
- Benedict to Retire to Monastery after February 28
- Listen free: Restoration Radio‘s 2-Hour Special Program on Ratzinger Resignation, with Bp. Donald Sanborn
- Oh, Brother! The Remnant fails to surprise: Chris Ferrara has found yet another way to spin the simple, dry facts into a “masterstroke” of his beloved Benedict… click here [see also here: No Friend of Fatima: Unspinning Ferrara’s Defense of Benedict XVI]
- Video: The Future Home of Benedict XVI Emeritus
- Vatican Releases Schedule for [Anti-]Pope’s Final Days
- Mark Giszczak: “Papal Resignation Math – Why February 28, 2013?” [Or maybe it’s just because that’s the end of the month…]
- Video: Benedict XVI says he will remain “hidden from the world” in retirement
- Is Benedict’s Successor Already Running the Vatican?
- Ratzinger will have Security, Immunity by Staying in Vatican
- As he leaves office, Ratzinger pushes old “Return to the Real Council” canard
- Guess What: Jewish Leaders Praise Benedict XVI
- Is Ratzinger Blind in one Eye? Details of Ailments Emerge
- Benedict XVI TV: Speeches, Events, and Clips of the False Pontiff
- The Final Week: Vatican Confirms Details of Benedict XVI’s Last Week
- “Cardinal” Coccopalmerio reveals: After resignation, Fr. Joseph Ratzinger will still be addressed as “His Holiness, Benedict XVI”, Carry Title of “Bishop Emeritus of Rome”
- From Ecstasy to Agony: Conservative Novus Ordos Vent Disappointment over Benedict’s “Papacy”
- Religion News Service: News & Analysis on the “Papal” Transition
- Vatican: Details on Benedict’s Last Public Appearance as “Pope”, Feb. 27
- Investigative Dossier by “Cardinals” Herranz, Tomko, and De Giorgi Reportedly Includes Confidential Letter from Vatican Official describing “Presumed Plot to Kill Benedict”
- Released Feb. 25, 2013: Benedict XVI’s “Apostolic Letter” Motu Proprio Regarding the Election of the “Roman Pontiff” — allows “Cardinals” to move up date of conclave
- Vatican: After February 28, Fr. Ratzinger’s title to be “His Holiness Benedict XVI, Pope Emeritus”
- Benedict XVI’s English Remarks during Final General Audience (Feb. 27, 2013)
- Video: Benedict XVI Leaves the Vatican (Feb. 28, 2013)
- Video: Benedict XVI’s Last Public Words, at Castel Gandolfo (Feb. 28, 2013)
- Video: The Hour of Resignation at Castelgandolfo (Feb. 28, 2013)
- Photo Gallery: Benedict XVI Departs the Vatican
- Photo Gallery: Benedict’s “Papacy” Ends at Castelgandolfo
- Droleskey: It’s Two O’Clock: Do You Know Where Your “Pope” Is?
- Listen Anytime: Restoration Radio: “The Legacy of Benedict XVI, Part 2” – Two-Hour Discussion with Bp. Donald Sanborn, full of Informative Details about the “Papacy” and Theology of Joseph Ratzinger
- Right they are: Novus Ordo Canonists take issue with Benedict XVI now calling himself still “Pope”, albeit Emeritus
- Benedict’s New Role as “Retired Pope” – Too much to take even for Ratzinger’s “Defense Lawyer”
- Benedict XVI out of sight as Conclave begins to elect his Successor
- Oh, Brother: Benedict XVI’s Resignation seen as “Martyrdom” by close Collaborator
- Plot to assassinate Benedict XVI?
- Antonio Socci: Benedict XVI’s Resignation may have been invalid
- Benedict XVI: “My Resignation was valid”
- Vatican “Abp.” Gänswein: Since Benedict XVI’s Abdication, there is now a Two-Member “Expanded Papacy”
- Benedict XVI on why he resigned: ‘I couldn’t take the Jet Lag I would get from traveling to World Youth Day!’
- Benedict XVI: “No One Tried to Blackmail Me”
- “Archbishop” Ganswein: Benedict XVI resigned because of the Soccer World Cup!
- Vatican Journalist: “Francis and Benedict no longer on Speaking Terms”
- Benedict XVI: “With the Papa Emeritus I have tried to [be] completely clear that there is only one Pope”
- Benedict XVI’s Mysterious Resignation: A Reply to Ann Barnhardt
- Benedict XVI: “There is one single Pope, Francis”
- TRADCAST EXPRESS 101: Is Benedict XVI the real Pope?
- Benedict XVI says he retains “Spiritual Dimension” of Papacy
- Invalid Resignation or Invalid Election? Ratzinger’s Denial of Papal Primacy
- Benedict XVI is Dead: ‘Pope Emeritus’ Dies in Vatican City
- The Funeral of ‘Pope Emeritus’ Benedict XVI: Joseph Ratzinger buried in Vatican City
- Italian general: US official bragged Benedict would be ‘forced’ to resign weeks after 2005 election
- The ‘Omega Testament’: Colombian Nun claims to have received explosive Revelations from Benedict XVI in Mystical Vision