Talk about losing the Faith…

Michael Matt of The Remnant:
“Our Pope has Lost the Faith”

Great movie set, horrible theology…

It’s a new year, and we’re ready to make a prediction: By the time Dec. 31, 2019 rolls around, “Pope” Francis will still not be a Catholic, and the semi-traditionalist publication The Remnant will, after numerous articles and videos denouncing him, still hold that he’s nevertheless the Pope of the Catholic Church.

We are quite confident in this prediction because, alas, it is not unwarranted but solidly grounded in newly-released evidence.

On Dec. 31, 2018, the editor-in-chief of The Remnant, Mr.… READ MORE

Chaos Frank opened his mouth again…

Francis denies Immaculate Conception, says Virgin Mary Not a Saint from the Beginning

The Novus Ordo circus in Vatican City continues unabated even during one of the most solemn times of the year. Francis is so far removed from Catholicism that he cannot even offer Christmas greetings to his staff without uttering heresy.

On Dec. 21, 2018, Francis received the employees of his Unholy See and Vatican City State at the hideous Paul VI audience hall and, referring to the Nativity scene set up there, said:

Our Lady and Saint Joseph are full of joy: they look at the Child Jesus and they are happy because, after a thousand worries, they have accepted this gift of God, with so much faith and so much love.


An important message from the “Pope”…

Francis: “The Earth must be treated with Tenderness”

If someone were trying to make sure that the Papacy will forever be perceived as the butt of all jokes among men, he could not do a better job than Jorge Bergoglio, the Argentinian apostate who styles himself “Pope Francis.”

The headlines about the “Pope” that emerge from the Vatican II Sect these days are anything from bizarre to ridiculous to downright idiotic. Latest case in point: Today’s report on Zenit“‘The Earth Must Be Treated With Tenderness,’ Says Pope Francis”. One really has to wonder whether the poor journalists who have to cover this poppycock are secretly snickering behind their computer screens or whether they actually take this bunk seriously.… READ MORE

TRADCAST 023 is here

Novus Ordo Watch for your ears…

TRADCAST 023 Now Available

left to right: Georg Gänswein, Jorge Bergoglio, Asia Bibi

TRADCAST — The Traditional Catholic Podcast


In case you missed our initial announcement on November 12: We have published another full-length episode of our popular TRADCAST podcast program. As always, it is loaded with real traditional Catholicism, hard-hitting refutations of various errors, and razor-sharp analysis. Our content is typically challenging but is always delivered with a relieving touch of humor.

TRADCAST 023 consists of two separate segments. In the first, we look at how Sedevacantists are truly the “last Catholics”, those who believe exactly what was believed and taught until Pope Pius XII died and refused to change their religion afterwards.… READ MORE

Bergoglio and Anti-Clericalism

Investigating the charge of “Clericalism”…

Bergoglio and Anti-Clericalism:

Why has Francis appropriated Rhetoric derived from Virulent Enemies of the Catholic Church?

by Francis del Sarto

“I believe the Lord wants a change in the Church. I have said many times that a perversion of the Church today is clericalism”, declared “Pope” Francis in a private meeting with 28 of his fellow Novus Ordo Jesuits during his visit to Lithuania. “I know that the Lord wants the Council to make headway in the Church” (source).

And many, indeed, have been the instances where Francis has invoked the specter of “clericalism”, dating back as far as his 2013 social justice warrior manifesto — er, “apostolic exhortation” — Evangelii Gaudium, where he pushed the Vatican II “people of God” nonsense, complaining that

[l]ay people are, put simply, the vast majority of the people of God.


Novus Ordo priest punished for “heresy and schism”…

Francis Critic “Fr.” Alessandro Minutella declared Excommunicated

The Archlayman of Palermo has announced that one of the Novus Ordo priests in his diocese, the 45-year-old “Fr.” Alessandro Minutella, has excommunicated himself for the crimes of heresy and schism. The statement put out by the Archdiocese of Palermo to that effect was quickly reported on Vatican News and in English reads as follows:

On November 13, 2018, Father Alessandro Maria Minutella was notified of the Decree of August 15, 2018 (Prot. No. 046/18) by which the Archbishop Corrado Lorefice DECLARES the excommunications latae sententiae, which the same priest has incurred for the crime of heresy and for the crime of schism, as required by canon law (cf.


TRADCAST 023 (12 NOV 2018)


  • Segment 1: Introductory comments; giving up on Francis; anything but Sedevacantism; the last Catholics; Vatican-China deal; “Abp.” Georg Ganswein canonizes Lutheran theologian Dietrich Bonhoeffer; Faith, reason, and Modernism; the Vatican and environmentalism; Francis’ silence on the Asia Bibi case
  • Segment 2: Thank you to our donors; the Roman Catholic Mass vs. the Novus Ordo “Mass”; Francis says Christ received his authority from the people; book recommendation: Contra Crawford by Dylan Fellows and Christopher Conlon
  • Total run time: 1 hr 1 min

You can listen to the show by clicking the big play button in the embedded player above.… READ MORE

Enough with all the globe-trotting…

Francis cracks down on “Bp.” Athanasius Schneider, orders him to reduce his traveling abroad

[UPDATE 08-NOV-2018 01:17 UTC: The German paper Die Tagespost reports that “Bp.” Schneider says the Vatican has merely asked him to ensure that his travels outside his diocese do not exceed the 30 days’ limit legislated in canon law. He has not been censured or forbidden from traveling. UPDATE 16:52 UTC: Schneider speaks to Life Site to explain the situation.]

We all know that “Pope” Francis is a big friend of migration, but even he has his limits when it comes to tolerating persistent moving about.… READ MORE

Listen to him at your own risk…

Chaos Frank explains the Sixth Commandment

It is customary for the false popes of the Novus Ordo Sect to offer a catechism lesson during their weekly General Audience. This is the place where “St.” John Paul II, for example, made known his notorious sexology known as the “Theology of the Body” over a span of several years in the early 1980s. Naturally, Jorge Bergoglio (“Pope Francis”) has retained this custom, as he loves nothing better than spewing his Modernist ideas in front of a large audience.

The series of catechetical instructions Francis is currently offering is on the Ten Commandments.… READ MORE

They think this honors him…

Francis as a Gargoyle:
Cologne Cathedral now features “Papal” Grotesque

(image credit: Joern Sackermann / Alamy Stock Photo)

No, this is not fake news. This is not a Halloween joke. You couldn’t make it up if you got paid to: The Cathedral of St. Peter in Cologne, Germany, has added a new gargoyle to its facade, and it represents none other than the world’s chief apostate, Mr. Jorge Bergoglio, otherwise known by his stage name, “Pope Francis.”

Usually gargoyles are made in the form of notorious sinners, demons, or animals. A standard dictionary definition is: “a grotesquely carved figure of a human or animal”, and “a spout, terminating in a grotesque representation of a human or animal figure with open mouth, projecting from the gutter of a building for throwing rain water clear of a building” (source). READ MORE

Get your “100% Novus Ordo” badge!

Vatican Synod proposes “Certification Systems” for Web Sites to counter “Fake News”

You have to admit: The Modernists in Vatican City have a sense of humor. The final document of their oh-so-important “Youth Synod”, which has happily been released only in Italian so far, includes the following paragraph (translation by Rorate Caeli):

146. The Synod hopes that in the Church appropriate official bodies for digital culture and evangelization are established at appropriate levels, which, with the indispensable contribution of young people, promote ecclesial action and reflection in this environment. Among their functions, in addition to promoting the exchange and dissemination of good practices at a personal and community level, and to develop adequate tools for digital education and evangelization, could also a [sic] manage certification systems of Catholic sites, to counter the spread of fake news regarding the Church, and looking for ways to persuade public authorities to promote increasingly stringent policies and tools for the protection of minors on the web.


News & Commentary on the ongoing Viganò Drama…

Vatican II Church Meltdown – Days 52-65

Developments & Reactions

(Note: This will be the last Meltdown summary post for the time being)

[UPDATED 30-OCT-2018 01:10 UTC]

This post continues our coverage of the ongoing ecclesiastical Chernobyl unleashed by the accusations of the former Vatican nuncio to the United States, “Abp.” Carlo Viganò, which were first published on Aug. 25, 2018 and have the potential not only to bring an end to the Francis “pontificate” but even to throw the entire Vatican II Sect into unprecedented chaos:

Monday, Oct. 15, 2018 Developments


A reality check for Burke, Schneider & Co.

Against the “Loyal Opposition”:

How Recognize-and-Resist Traditionalism
neutralizes the Catholic Faith

by Francis del Sarto

On May 18, 2018, during his Rome Life Forum keynote address at the Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas (the Angelicum) in Rome, “Cardinal” Raymond Burke declared: “We cannot fail to observe that the situation which Pope Pius XI described in 1925 has only grown worse in our time, and attempts ever more to infiltrate the life of the Church herself and to corrupt the Bride of Christ by an apostasy from the Apostolic Faith” (see video recording, 12:51ff.… READ MORE

Shows the spiritual maturity of Vatican II…

Francis endorses Latin American “Youth Cross”

What you see above is the official cross of the Pastoral Juvenil Latinoamericana (Latin American Youth Ministry). Yesterday, Oct. 17, it was presented at the Vatican during the Youth Synod that is taking place there until Oct. 28, and Francis wasted no time putting it around his neck. The following photo was published on the Synod 2018 Facebook page:

(click image for larger version)

This “youth cross” exudes all the spiritual maturity of a toddler — it looks like it was put together by a two-year-old playing with foam play mats.… READ MORE

News & Commentary on the ongoing Viganò Drama…

Vatican II Church Meltdown – Days 39-51

Developments & Reactions

This post continues our coverage of the ongoing ecclesiastical Chernobyl unleashed by the accusations of the former Vatican nuncio to the United States, “Abp.” Carlo Viganò, which were first published on Aug. 25, 2018 and have the potential not only to bring an end to the Francis “pontificate” but even to throw the entire Vatican II Sect into unprecedented chaos:

Tuesday, Oct. 2, 2018 Developments

Wednesday, Oct.READ MORE