Nothing to see here — just, uh, THIS…

Caution! German Novus Ordo Bishops Concelebrate Eucharist on Bizarre Altar

Image: Deutsche Bischofskonferenz/Marko Orlovic (cropped)

One of the most useless organizations in the world is the Conference of German Novus Ordo Bishops. Officially it bears the name ‘German Episcopal Conference’ (Deutsche Bischofskonferenz). It is essentially a body of well-funded Modernists and über-Modernists whose chief task seems to lie in wrecking what little resemblance to Catholicism may still be left in the souls under their care, “lest believing they should be saved” (Lk 8:12).

The current head of the ‘Catholic bishops’ of Germany is Mr.READ MORE

“…see what things the enemy hath done wickedly in the sanctuary” (Ps 73:3)

Blasphemy in Austria: ‘Catholic’ Parish Displays Jesus Christ Sawn to Pieces

One of the things the Vatican II Church is really good at is blaspheming Our Blessed Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and profaning all that is holy.

We are currently in the penitential season of Lent, and for some Novus Ordo prelates in Austria, that means installing some kind of crazy, lewd, or downright blasphemous ‘artwork’ in church. After all, one wouldn’t want to be considered square, reactionary, or old-fashioned, and so showing oneself wedded to the secular world and the cultural spirit of the age is a top priority in Novus Ordo Land, especially in German-speaking countries.… READ MORE

Novus Ordo-approved, Catholicism-free!

Youth-Centered ‘Zimzum Festival’ in Augsburg Misleads Souls

Since the Vatican II religion offers nothing genuinely satisfying to hungry souls, especially not in its liturgy, every so often the powers that be in Novus Ordo Land feel the need to engage the youth in some kind of exciting ‘faith adventure’ to rouse their interest in religion and administer another dose of pseudo-spirituality to them to keep them going for a while longer.

What could be more conducive to that end than a charismatic festival that is not just for ‘Catholics’ but also for people from all kinds of other churches/denominations?… READ MORE

St. Mary’s in Red Deer, Alberta

The Stuff of Nightmares: Novus Ordo Church in Canada Among World’s Most Hideous

(image source:; cropped/fair use)

It’s fairly easy to find ugly Novus Ordo churches because they’re practically everywhere. But every so often, one comes across a humdinger of a post-Vatican II ‘Catholic church’ that is so extraordinarily hideous that it deserves a special dishonorable mention.

Of such a kind is the building known as ‘St. Mary’s Catholic Church’ in Red Deer, Alberta, Canada. What at first glance looks more like a sewage plant or an indoor water park turns out to be a ‘Roman Catholic church’ of the Archdiocese of Edmonton.… READ MORE

It’s his favorite, no less!

Francis Attends Exhibit of Blasphemous Painting ‘White Crucifixion’ by Jewish Artist Marc Chagall

‘Pope’ Francis has had a busy weekend.

After creating 21 new ‘cardinals’ in public consistory on Saturday (with a noticeable facial bruise), he presided over the Novus Ordo worship service in St. Peter’s Basilica on Sunday, followed by the Angelus. In the afternoon, he went to the Piazza di Spagna in Rome for a public act of veneration of the statue of the Immaculate Conception.

After paying lip service to the Immaculate Mother of God, the false pope, whose real name is Jorge Bergoglio, went to dishonor her Divine Son by attending an exhibit of his favorite painting, the blasphemous work White Crucifixion by Marc Chagall (1887-1985).… READ MORE

The post-Christian ‘new man’ worships himself…

Blasphemous Art in Linz Cathedral:
Adoration of ‘The New Family’

Austrian ‘artist’ Bernadette Huber kneels before a digital image of herself
(image: Facebook/censored and cropped by Novus Ordo Watch)

For at least the third time this year, Immaculate Conception Cathedral in the diocese of Linz, Austria, has been the site of revolting blasphemy, legitimized and promoted under cover of its status as ‘art’.

Frequent visitors of this blog will recall the disgusting ‘Virgin Mary Giving Birth’ statue that was displayed in a side chapel of the cathedral in late June, followed by an absurd installation of pink hoses hanging from the ceiling that were draped over a balcony and the staircase leading up to the pulpit, under the title ‘They Call Me Mama’.… READ MORE

Also wants ‘excluded’ voices of history to be heard…

Francis Wants ‘Renewed’ Study of Church History that Accepts Church’s ‘Spots and Wrinkles’

You know there’s trouble on the horizon when Modernists are calling for ‘renewal’. This is true even more so if they feel the need to throw the word ‘courageous’ into the mix.

On Nov. 21, 2024, the apostate Jesuit Jorge Bergoglio (‘Pope Francis’) published a Letter on the Renewal of the Study of Church History, in which he calls for a “sincere and courageous study of history”, especially on the part of seminarians. While this may at first seem like a pretty good and harmless idea, what Francis has in mind bears within itself the seeds of revolution.… READ MORE

Heretic denounces orthodoxy as heresy!

‘Archbishop’ of Sydney: To Say the Jews Are No Longer God’s Chosen People is HERESY!

The ‘Catholic archbishop’ of Sydney, Australia: Anthony Fisher, O.P.

In June of this year, the Great Synagogue of Sydney, Australia, hosted a memorial lecture in honor of its erstwhile chief rabbi, Dr. Raymond Apple (1935-2024), who had passed away on Jan. 19.

It is not clear whether this speech was given on June 25 or June 27, as there is conflicting information about it online. However, it is really of no great concern; the real problem is that this Rabbi Apple Memorial Lecture was delivered by a man who thinks himself to be, and whom the world recognizes as, the Roman Catholic archbishop of Sydney.… READ MORE

Latest theological claptrap from the ‘Pope’…

Francis: Church Wasn’t Sure Holy Spirit Is God Until ‘Experience’ Confirmed It!

It’s Wednesday, and therefore time for another General Audience in Vatican City.

In his role as ‘Pope Francis’, the Argentinian apostate Jorge Mario Bergoglio did not fail to dump more theological piffle on his adoring fans as part of his audience ‘catechesis’. The topic of today’s reflection was the Holy Ghost in the life of the Church, and the false pope used the opportunity to teach a blasphemous idea to his listeners:

In the first three centuries, the Church did not feel the need to give an explicit formulation of her faith in the Holy Spirit.


Consistory scheduled for Dec. 8

Francis Selects LGBTQ Supporter ‘Fr.’ Timothy Radcliffe to Become a ‘Cardinal’ (among others)

On Sunday, Oct. 6, 2024, ‘Pope’ Francis revealed he will hold a consistory on Dec. 8 to create 21 new ‘cardinals’, 20 of whom will be eligible to vote in conclave to elect his successor.

“A number of the men tapped for the red hat have vocally supported Pope Francis’ controversial 2023 document Fiducia Supplicans – in which the blessing of homosexual and ‘irregular unions’ is sanctioned – as well as holding liberal positions on transgenderism”, Life Site reported on Oct. 9.… READ MORE

‘Fr.’ Timothy Radcliffe prepping for the Synod…

Synod Spiritual Adviser in Vatican Newspaper: Same-Sex Desire was Created by God!

L’Osservatore Romano (‘The Roman Observer’) is the Vatican’s own in-house newspaper, currently under the editorship of Andrea Monda, who was appointed by ‘Pope’ Francis in 2018. The paper is published daily in Italian and less frequently in other languages. A weekly English edition has been issued since 1968.

The Italian edition of Sep. 19, 2024, contains a brief article by the Rev. Timothy Radcliffe, O.P. (pictured above). It is entitled “Portatori del Vangelo gli uni per gli altri” (‘Bearers of the Gospel for one another’) and printed on page 6 under the Zona Franca rubric.… READ MORE

The state of the Vatican II religion in 2024 A.D.

Crazy Sermon and Orange Butterfly Vestment at Novus Ordo Funeral ‘Mass’ in Minnesota

A gigantic monarch butterfly adorns the front of the chasuble worn by Rev. Mike Sullivan

On May 24, 2024, a funeral service — we can’t call it ‘Mass’ — was held at the so-called Catholic Community of Saint Joseph the Worker in Maple Grove, Minnesota. The parish is part of the Archdiocese of Saint Paul & Minneapolis under ‘Abp.’ Bernard Hebda, so consider yourself forewarned.

The name of the departed is irrelevant and will not be mentioned here, and we certainly mean no disrespect to him or his memory in the lines that follow.… READ MORE

Worshipping the Golden Calf of diversity…

Diocese Offers Blessing Ceremony for Gender Transitions and other ‘Queer-Sensitive’ Pastoral Care

Not an ounce of Catholicism in him: ‘Bishop’ Heiner Wilmer of Hildesheim

When it comes to the apostate German Novus Ordo bishops, some names and faces are quite familiar: Walter Kasper, Reinhard Marx, Georg Bätzing, Stephan Ackermann, Peter Kohlgraf, Franz-Josef Bode. There is, however, another ‘Catholic bishop’ in the land of Luther who is no less apostate and no less dangerous, but whose name and face have not gotten too much exposure just yet.

He is Heiner Wilmer, SCJ (b. 1961), pictured in title image above.… READ MORE

False pope visits mosque in Indonesia…

Bergoglio’s Generic God: Betraying Jesus Christ for the Sake of Interreligious Harmony

At 87 years of age, ‘Pope’ Francis (Jorge Mario Bergoglio) just began the longest trip of his ‘pontificate’. From Sep. 2-13, 2024, the Argentinian apostate is visiting Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, East Timor, and Singapore.

The reason for his travel is not, of course, to urge all the inhabitants there to convert to Jesus Christ and His Holy Catholic Church — that’s something he dismisses as ugly ‘proselytism’, which according to him can even be a “great sin against ecumenism” — but to spread some Naturalist message about unity, harmony, and climate change.… READ MORE

Shut down after three days…

Demonic Art Exhibit at Catholic Church Causes Outrage, Diocese Blindsided

On June 30, 2024, the French traditionalist web site Riposte Catholique reported on a scandalous exhibition taking place inside Notre-Dame d’Epinay Church in Saint-Aubin-Épinay, France. The church is part of the parish family of Sainte Marie Madeleine de Darnétal Val d’Aubette and part of the archdiocese of Rouen.

Some research into the matter discloses that the exhibit was organized not by the parish or the diocese but by the city. The parish administrator was apparently not aware of what was going to be on display until after the thing had already opened.… READ MORE