Fun & informative podcast…

Episode 39

Adhering to Doctrine; Flagrant Adultery; and a Dream called Jesus

Listen on demand at any time — free!

Great news, everyone: It is time again for the quarterly Francis Watch!

Novus Ordo Watch is pleased to sponsor the phenomenal podcast program Francis Watch, in which host Stephen Heiner of True Restoration analyses with his sedevacantist guests, Bishop Donald Sanborn and Fr. Anthony Cekada, the latest chaos perpetrated by Jorge Bergoglio, the man who claims to be the head of the Catholic Church under the title “Pope Francis”. In this latest episode, Bp.… READ MORE

All episodes now free!

The Missing Episodes

Listen on demand at any time — free!

Great news, everyone: Every single episode of the popular Francis Watch program produced by the traditional Catholic media apostolate True Restoration is now free for you to listen to online or download to your computer or mobile device.

Frequent readers of this blog may recall that in the past Novus Ordo Watch had sponsored only some select seasons of Francis Watch, the remainder requiring a subscription to True Restoration. Well, we are happy to announce that the past is now past, as we have now sponsored the remaining “missing” episodes — all 13 from the 2016 and 2017 seasons — as well.… READ MORE

“Saint” Paul VI’s gift that keeps on (not) giving…

They Are Really Not Bishops: A Response to “Fr.” John Hunwicke on Novus Ordo Episcopal Consecrations


(continued from Part 1…)

Response to “Are They Really Bishops? (2)”:
Invalidity + Invalidity = Validity?

In his second post, the Rev. Hunwicke argues — without providing a single shred of evidence — that the episcopal ordination formula promulgated by Paul VI in 1968 “was used for centuries by Oriental communities in communion with Rome”. In other words, “Pope” Paul was merely proposing for the Roman rite what Eastern rites had been using all along at some point or another.… READ MORE

Fun & informative podcast…

Episode 38

“Saint” Paul VI, Never-Revoked Covenant?, and “Me Too”

Listen on demand at any time — free!

It is time again for another episode: Novus Ordo Watch is pleased to sponsor for our readers and listeners — and anyone else who may be interested — the phenomenal podcast program Francis Watch, in which host Stephen Heiner of True Restoration analyses with his sedevacantist guests, Bishop Donald J. Sanborn and Fr. Anthony Cekada, the latest chaos perpetrated by Jorge Bergoglio, otherwise known as “Pope Francis”. Theological shenanigans by “Pope Emeritus” Benedict XVI and “Bp.”… READ MORE

A Catholic injection lethal to Modernism…

Episode 36 – 
Special Edition

“Pope” Francis and the Death Penalty

Listen on demand at any time — free!

With all the kerfuffle about Francis’ decree of Aug. 2, 2018, amending the text of the Catechism of the Vatican II religion with regard to capital punishment, host Stephen Heiner has invited Bp. Donald Sanborn and Fr. Anthony Cekada to meet for an “emergency session” to discuss the issue and its implications, such as:

  • What did Francis actually decree, and what motivated this change?
  • Is this theologically sound or defensible?
  • How does this square with the traditional Catholic teaching on the death penalty?

Listen free to this informative podcast

Episode 35

Disasters, “Made That Way”, and the Irish Referendum

Listen on demand at any time — free!

It is time again for another episode: Novus Ordo Watch is pleased to sponsor for our readers and listeners — and anyone else who may be interested — the phenomenal podcast program Francis Watch, in which host Stephen Heiner of True Restoration analyses with his sedevacantist guests, Bishop Donald J. Sanborn and Fr. Anthony Cekada, the latest chaos perpetrated by Jorge Bergoglio, otherwise known as “Pope Francis.”

In this episode no. 35, His Excellency and Father discuss:


No valid priests or bishops in 50 years…

Unholy Orders:
50 Years of Invalid Ordinations in the Novus Ordo Church

It was exactly 50 years ago today, on June 18, 1968, that the head of the Vatican II Sect — “Pope” Paul VI, Bp. Giovanni Battista Montini — signed an “apostolic constitution” to change the Roman Catholic rite of ordination. The changes he introduced touched not only some of the more peripheral ceremonies but the very substance of the sacrament itself. The very words which Pope Pius XII, in 1947, had definitively decreed were necessary for the validity of the sacrament of holy orders, were changed by Paul VI in such a way as to render the ordination of priests doubtful and the consecration of bishops definitely invalid (although even a doubtful rite, in any case, must be considered invalid in practice, per Catholic teaching).… READ MORE

A much-misused quotation explained…

St. Robert Bellarmine’s Teaching on Resisting a Pope

For decades the proponents of the recognize-and-resist position have been using a quotation from St. Robert Bellarmine, the celebrated Doctor of the Church canonized by Pope Pius XI, in defense of their position and in apparent contradiction to Sedevacantism. The quote in question is the following (the precise wording varies a bit depending on which translation is used):

Just as it is licit to resist a Pontiff who attacks the body, so also is it licit to resist him who attacks souls or destroys the civil order or above all, tries to destroy the Church.


Listen free to this informative podcast

Episode 34

Sedevacantist Clergy dissect the Latest from “Pope” Francis

Listen on demand at any time — free!

For the first time since late 2014, Novus Ordo Watch is pleased once again to sponsor for our readers and listeners — and anyone else who may be interested — the phenomenal podcast program Francis Watch, in which host Stephen Heiner of True Restoration analyses with his sedevacantist guests, Bishop Donald J. Sanborn and Fr. Anthony Cekada, the latest chaos perpetrated by Jorge Bergoglio, otherwise known as “Pope Francis.”

In this episode no. 34, His Excellency and Father discuss:


Tip: Don’t let a Novus Ordo priest write your foreword…

A Foreword Gone Awry:
SSPX issues Disclaimer concerning Fr. Robinson’s New Book

The theological absurdistan known as the “position of the Society of St. Pius X” is once again on full display. This time it has to do with the fact that the SSPX, so hell-bent on joining up with the apostate post-Catholic Vatican, decided to have a new book by one of its own priests published by a Novus Ordo publishing company, the UK-based Gracewing.

The book in question is The Realist Guide to Religion and Science by Fr.… READ MORE

More free traditional Catholic radio!

More Catholic Content from True Restoration

Frequent visitors to Novus Ordo Watch will be familiar with the sedevacantist media apostolate True Restoration, which we link to and promote from time to time on this blog. True Restoration uses the media of print, video, radio, and in-person conferences to bring about a genuine restoration of all things in Christ. In the past we have occasionally sponsored sundry individual episodes as well as entire shows of their Restoration Radio program, allowing people to access this audio content entirely free of charge, without a paid subscription.

But it is now time to step our efforts up a bit.… READ MORE

A brief response to “Contra Cekadam”…

Resistance vs. Sedevacantism: Fr. Cekada answers Fr. Chazal

Fr. Francois Chazal and Fr. Anthony Cekada

Fr. Francois Chazal is a priest who holds the recognize-and-resist position of Abp. Marcel Lefebvre: Recognize as valid the “Popes” since Vatican II while resisting anything they teach or legislate that appears to conflict with Church teaching or practice before Vatican II. At this point, Fr. Chazal is a part of the so-called “Marian Corps” or “Strict Observance” faction of the Lefebvrist Society of St. Pius X, which broke away from the “official” SSPX in response to Bp. Fellay’s conciliatory course with regard to the Vatican Modernists.… READ MORE

Time to see the elephant in the living room…

Anything but Sedevacantism!
Analysis of a curious Phenomenon

We have said a number of times on this blog that in the world of the semi-traditionalists, the blind are leading the blind. This is not just rhetoric, it simply describes reality. Whether it be people arguing that there is no point to having the correct diagnosis of a problem if one does not have the cure — as though a correct diagnosis were not at least the indispensable starting point for any remedial action; whether it be Christopher Ferrara promoting the idea of an “Anti-Catholic Pope”; whether it be one blogger’s argument that the Pope need not be submitted to “if he’s an idiot”; or whether it be “Bp.”… READ MORE

TRADCAST 017 is here

It’s like drinking from a firehose of information…

TRADCAST 017 Now Available

In this episode we respond to Jimmy Akin, Christopher Ferrara, Michael Matt, and others

TRADCAST — The Traditional Catholic Podcast


In case you missed our initial announcement on March 29: Our popular TRADCAST podcast program is back with a new, full-length episode! As always, it is loaded with real traditional Catholicism, hard-hitting refutations of various errors, razor-sharp analysis, and a touch of humor.

In this latest epsiode, TRADCAST 017, we take a look at the self-contradictions in Christopher Ferrara’s response to the sacrilegious Anglican liturgy that took place on March 13 at the Vatican; we respond to an anti-sedevacantist post on the so-called Catholic Truth Blog; we draw attention to the fact that Francis has directly contradicted Jimmy Akin on the issue of proselytism; we briefly talk about our fundraiser for 2017; and we once again refute the absurd theology of the recognize-and-resist camp in a response to Michael Matt’s soliloquy against Sedevacantism in his Remnant Underground video “Papalotry RIP”.… READ MORE

017 TRADCAST (29 MAR 2017)


  • Segment 1: Four years of Francis; Anglican liturgy at St. Peter’s Basilica; Chris Ferrara’s use of Dominus Iesus to blast Anglicanism; response to Catholic Truth Blog‘s lamentation about conversions to Sedevacantism
  • Segment 2: Francis defeats Jimmy Akin on “proselytism”; a dilemma for semi-trads; response to Michael Matt’s Remnant TV program “Papolatry RIP: Pope Ignites Counterrevolution”; controversy and good will.
  • Total run time: 1 hr 23 mins

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