Novus Ordo Watch NEWS DIGEST
November 11, 2016
Idiotic Dance Performance inside St. Moritz Church: “The 7 Deadly Sins”
CAUTION! Immodesty
- Abortion? Unimportant side issue for Francis: “Pontifical” Academy for Life members no longer required to sign Pro-Life Declaration — This is an unmistakable action that speaks much louder than his occasional words about abortion being evil…
- For those who can’t get enough of Francis’ daily sermons: Bergoglio’s Argentina Sermons published in Italian
- Hey, Francis believes it’s the “same god”, right? Islamic Altar Server at “Papal Mass” in St. Peter’s Basilica
- Do you have a mistress on the side? Have you traded in your spouse for a new one? Then come talk to “Bishop” Dominique Lebrun and see if “Holy Communion” is right for you!
- Christ came in a refugee boat, right? Vatican Nativity Scene to highlight care for Migrants, Sick, and the Environment — Making the Nativity Scene about the Birth of the Lord Jesus Christ is so pre-Francis…
- Memo to Atila S. Guimaraes: “When the Pope becomes Lutheran” he’s not the head of the Catholic Church anymore! Welcome to Reason 101 — sorry if you don’t like the conclusion!
- Put on your Surprise Face: “There’s No Place for Homophobia”, future “Pope” Francis told homo-perverted student
- Recycling the same meaningless bilge since 1960: “Unity is a journey, not a destination, says the Pope to the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity” — A journey without a destination is nothing but aimless roaming around…
- Chris Ferrara asks himself What Religion Francis is. We can tell you this much, Mr. Ferrara: If Francis is your Pope, then Francis’ religion is your religion (ditto for Roberto de Mattei). Welcome to Catholicism.
- Dutch “Cardinal” wants Francis to write Encyclical on Transgenderism — Be careful what you wish for, Mr. Eijk!
- Rome’s Muslims threaten to invade the Vatican to pray inside St. Peter’s Basilica — Why do they “threaten”? Hasn’t Francis practically invited them already?
- Chinese Underground Novus Ordos in predicament: The “Despair” of the Underground Church before China-Vatican Dialogue
- Peace, Justice, Education: Vatican “Bishop” lays out ‘Roadmap’ for Dialogue with Islam — Wonder how long it took him to come up with those three original points!
- Doing what they do best: Novus Ordo Nuns join protest against Dakota Oil Pipeline
- SSPX Superior Bp. Fellay: Deal with Vatican to obtain Personal Prelature under Francis is “Almost Ready”, only “Fine-Tuning” remains — We told you so!
- Germany’s Evangelical Church awards Luther’s Medal to “Cardinal” Lehmann — His name is pronounced LAY-man, by the way…
- Nothing but Naturalism: Francis redefines “Mercy” and “Authentic Religion” in insufferable, tripe-filled Address to Representative of False Religions
- Novus Ordo priest blames Italy Earthquakes on country’s acceptance of homo-pervert unions, refuses to back down after Vatican scolding — And Roberto de Mattei has a quick Catechism Lesson for Vatican Scolders and Scoffers
- On All Souls’ Day, Francis reminds his sheeple that nothing can separate us from Christ’s Love — Yeah well, not quite: It is true that St. Paul asks rhetorically, “Shall tribulation? or distress? or famine? or nakedness? or danger? or persecution? or the sword?” (Rom 8:35). But notice what St. Paul does not say, namely, “Shall adultery? Shall fornication? Shall calumny? Shall blasphemy? Shall murder? Shall drunkenness? Shall theft?” — Because those things do indeed separate us from the love of Christ, as they destroy sanctifying grace: “Know you not that the unjust shall not possess the kingdom of God? Do not err: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor the effeminate, nor liers with mankind, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor railers, nor extortioners, shall possess the kingdom of God” (1 Cor 6:9-10)
- WikiLeaks Bombshell: The Soros/Clinton/Vatican Partnership — What did our Blessed Lord say? “For there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed: nor hidden, that shall not be known” (Lk 12:2).
- The Vatican’s annual “Hindus, be better Hindus!” message is out: Congratulating them on Feast of Diwali, Vatican encourages Hindus to find Hope without Christ — Newsflash: There is no true hope apart from Jesus Christ, for unless we die in the grace of Christ, we will all go to hell for eternity. Minor detail.
- Too bad she didn’t know about Amoris Laetitia! “Cardinal” Schonborn says he would have “understood” if his Mother had committed Adultery
- Francis the Naturalist: “Touch is the most religious of the senses” — Actually, sight is, because it most closely resembles the function of the intellect and reminds us that the goal of our existence is the Beatific Vision, not caressing the elderly.
- What St. Thomas Aquinas didn’t know: “Good theologians also, as good Pastors, smell of the people and of the street and, with their reflection, pour oil and wine on men’s wounds”
- Back to the 1970s: Francis replaces members of “Divine Worship” Congregation mostly with Liberals
- Just what we needed: Another Book on Francis & Benedict XVI – by “Cardinal” Muller!
- Yay, let’s all be united! “Catholic” Parish provides Prayer Room for Muslims
- In November “Pope Video”, Francis tries his darndest again to hide his pectoral cross…
- Straw man yet again: Someone tell “Fr.” Hunwicke that Sedevacantism has nothing to do with Papal Inerrancy — it has to do with the putative Pope needing to profess the Catholic Faith, a requirement that any other Catholic, too, has to fulfill to be a member of the Church…
- And now…. Carpool Karaoke with “Bishop” Malloy!
- Actions speak louder than words: Francis “blesses” Venezuelan Dictator Nicolas Maduro
- From the people who would never politicize giving “Communion”, right? Dioceses on U.S./Mexico Border to hold “Mass” for “Migrants”
- More useless paperwork: Common Declaration of Francis and the Anglican Archlayman of Canterbury
- Rorate Caeli is excited! The “Cardinal” who once permitted Methodists to use his Cathedral for “Ordination” of a Woman has now “blessed” a traditional parish building! — This shows how pathetic the indult movement in the Vatican II Sect is, and why it is doomed to fail in principle: It recognizes public heretics as Catholic authorities and seeks to operate within their confines and with their worthless blessing
- Wholly exemplary and Laudable: President of Peru consecrates his Country, Family, and Himself to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary — We’re just waiting now for Francis’ condemnation of such a rigid, narrow-minded, and exclusionary consecration that does not respect the rights and consciences of followers of other religions!
- Droleskey: Conciliarism is the Most Dangerous, Destructive and Corrupt Force on Earth
Here’s a “Pope” Francis parody. It’s from a novus ordo blog, but it’s funny:
“My children, you know that I never make judgements on people, I’m just not that sort of person. So, although Donald Trump is a dangerous man who will destroy the world, I would never dream of saying so. The man wants to build walls, and there is nothing worse than walls…
“… except Latin Masses of course. What is it about people who still hark for the pre-conciliar liturgy? They are RIGID, RIGID, RIGID. Don’t they know that the Catholic Church was founded in the 1960s, and not back in ancient times? These people make me sick. They probably even have walls in their houses.
“Bastards, the lot of them. They don’t know how to show love. Why can’t they follow my example, instead of acting like a lot of insecure hate-filled wall-worshipping neo-Pelagians?”