Welcome to the peripheries…

Francis Receives Sex-Changed Woman & Her “Fiancée”

“He” is actually a she: Diego Neria Lejárraga (right) with “Pope” Francis and her girlfriend

If you want a special private audience with the “Pope” nowadays, what you need to do is undergo sex-change surgery — at least it worked for a Spanish woman who goes by the name of Diego Neria Lejárraga and presents herself as a man because she underwent a surgical operation that converted her biological appearance from female to male. The money for this operation would have been better spent on brain surgery instead, but oh well.… READ MORE

Grab your Barf Bags…

“Cardinal” Schönborn Delighted at Success of Bearded Transvestite Singer

Photo: Albin Olsson / License: CC BY-SA 3.0

Every year, the moral sewer known as the continent of Europe holds a singing competition among its various nations, which is known as the Eurovision Song Contest. It was only a matter of time, of course, before the neo-pagan, politically-correct, and sexually-aberrant Gaystapo movement would find a way to force its ideology on the show, and this took place in an unprecedented way in the 2014 edition of the contest, where Austrian Thomas Neuwirth performed a spectacle not seen in the “mainstream world” since pagan Rome: Under his stage name “Conchita Wurst”, dressed as a woman complete with make-up, earrings, and wearing a long dress, yet retaining a full beard for maximum shock value, he presented the song “Rise Like a Phoenix” — and won.… READ MORE

The problem that just won’t go away…

Francis & Homosexuality:
A Review of Disturbing Facts

The video above was posted on GloriaTV, a conservative Novus Ordo video and news portal. The accompanying video description provides additional information.

Though many in the Novus Ordo would prefer to ignore this unpleasant topic, it is one that must be looked at most closely. This is the man in charge of the Vatican II Church, which practically everyone on the planet believes is the Pope of the Catholic Church. The scandal is beyond measure, and, to make matters worse, chances are that under “Who-am-I-to-judge?”… READ MORE

The Apostasy of the Novus Ordo Church in Full Bloom…

“Cardinal” Bagnasco Gives “Communion” to Communist Transgender Homo Rights Activist during Funeral for Gay-Rights Priest

The above video shows “Cardinal” Angelo Bagnasco, the “Archbishop” of Genoa, Italy, giving what he thinks is Holy Communion to a man who could hardly be more unworthy of it: Vladimir Luxuria, a Communist male politician who cross-dresses as a woman and likes to be identified as female. Luxuria (pictured left) strongly and actively supports causes promoting “rights” for homosexuals. His actual name is Wladimiro Guadagno, but he deliberately changed his last name to Luxuria, which is the Latin word for “lust”, one of the seven deadly sins.… READ MORE

Mark 9:41 Alert…

Flashback 2012:
Homosexual Scandal In Bergoglio’s Basilica

On August 25, 2012, a presbyter from Jorge Bergoglio’s “Archdiocese” of Buenos Aires baptized two children purchased (“adopted”) by a male homosexual-pervert couple. One of the two males had himself surgically altered into a “female” (see photo above). The horrific injustice and wickedness perpetrated on these children defies description.


Could this be the “couple” referred to by Leonardo Boff, who stated that before becoming “Pope Francis,” Bergoglio, in 2012, explicitly allowed a homosexual couple to adopt children? (See Boff interview here.)

Be sure also to watch this video here, which includes footage of the homosexual scandal in Bergoglio’s basilica mentioned above.… READ MORE